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55391693 No.55391693 [Reply] [Original]

and no amount of your seething, coping, and dilating will change that.

ICP will be a top 3 crypto within the next 3 years, it is an internet computer computational certainty.

>> No.55391704

I do not have faith in their ability to deliver

>> No.55391741

ICP can be top 3 and most holders would still be down on their investment lol

your coin has niggers has ambassadors, I won't buy it icy pee nigger

>> No.55391778

aint no way no tech dat wack gon be top 3 crypto, you sound mo like hopium certainty biatch, u tweakin hard my guy, but do ya thang player, a fool and his money n all dat

internet computa be ova hype n overpromise, it ain't gon live up to da illusion faam

>> No.55391809

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.55391845
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typical examples of seething and desperate attempts to cope. Yet, there is but one constant in all of these losers replies, and that goes for all icp threads.... NOBODY can refute that the internet computer is the best tech in crypto.

This is fact. The most glaringly obvious fact in all of crypto. ICP is the elephant in the room, ladies in gentleman. The smoking gun. The irrefutable glaringly obvious truth that NONE can deny.

The internet computer IS without a doubt, and incomparably, the best tech in crypto. By far. Like it isn't even fucking close.

Ergo, Vis-à-vis , concordantly, the next most obvious truth is this: The best tech will win in the end. It is only a matter of time, faggots.

>> No.55391910

you spittin straight cheez laced lyrics hype man. icp aint sht in da crypto game n wuteva u sayin bout they "tech" sound like cap. you livin in dream land if ya think icp gon take over. best tech my ass cheekz! dey havent proved shit an till dey blow up ya betta quit dick ridin an hype promo das goin nowhere. fool ya sounding dumb azz hell, gimme sum real coinz make moves not lame ass icp fairy tailz, ion care how much u preach on they behalf, dey still aint sht n they ain never gon b sht. get off they dicc n move on witcho life cuz, n quit tryna push they fake narrative bs

>> No.55391918

Why is it the best tech in crypto?
Is it because they use a bunch of words you don't understand and it makes you think you have smart people who will pump your bags?

>> No.55391983
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free to play 3d first person shooter games running at webspeed hosted 100% on chain. 1 example. Name any other crypto that could do this. there are none. many such examples.

You could go as far as saying ICP is the ONLY decentralized blockchain because all other cryptos run on aws servers.

these are just 2 very minute qualities of the internet computer in the glacier of technological prowess it posses. but 2 things no other blockchain can even dream of.

nothing else even comes close to what the internet computer is capable of. It is the third great invention in the crypto space, the next step in the evolution of crypto, and the foundation upon which web 3 shall be built.
Everything else is literal dinosaur tech.

>> No.55392461

I can't wait for badlands

>> No.55392722

What does icp do that bitcoin will eventually not do

>> No.55392940

ICP does for the internet what btc did for store of value and eth did for contracts
That's why the counter argument that no one cares about icp is irrelevant. Crypto is headed where ICP already is. If ICP fails its because crypto fails.

>> No.55392950

Imagine if the internet was a computer

>> No.55393192

ICP has the most rekt chart I've ever seen.

>> No.55393287

ICP is aryan. Fuhrer Dominic Williams found the final solution to the bitcoin problem, using 1488 canisters to create a computer on the internet. It's based, R1based, and going to $2000.88

>> No.55393689
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when are you fags going to come back yo the real ICP discussion board?

>> No.55393925

>when are you fags going to come back yo the real ICP discussion board?

seachan dot org?

>> No.55394066
