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55390650 No.55390650 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on IC3

>> No.55390662

Sex. Immediately. This is not subject to negotiation.

>> No.55390665

i c boobs

>> No.55390816
File: 332 KB, 965x902, EDAEBD40-A47D-4706-B89C-FC706A9DC8A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

created by the NSF, which also funded the creation of the internet, google, SaaS, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Chainlink and Avalanche.
All that tech and research is coming from the gigabrains (Juels, Sirer, Vitalik, Sergey etc.) cultivated in this place.

>> No.55390837


>> No.55390847

>literally who shitcoin company vs the US Department of Defense and all their Glowies and their research arms
lol lmao even

>> No.55390885

So buy IC3 coins to make it?

>> No.55390906

so it seems.
I'm holding mostly AVAX and LINK myself.
also look who else is invested in IC3, JPM and Fidelity.
just a coincidence?

>> No.55390918

You saw that supposed insider anons thread? That’s the only reason I ask about IC3

>> No.55390938
File: 491 KB, 3594x1316, rare emin darpa nsf post1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you saw that other thread recently?

>> No.55390944

Yeah that was gold

>> No.55390970
File: 371 KB, 3625x868, rare emin darpa nsf post3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ever since I feel comfy with my shitcoins kek

>> No.55391348

So fucking comfy my Cypherium bags be looking very sexy

>> No.55391417

How do I buy? Google isn’t giving me an answer

>> No.55391442
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Get comfy

>> No.55391466
File: 417 KB, 3632x1081, rare emin darpa nsf post2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you buy LINK and AVAX

>> No.55391485

mafia of jewish cultist technocrats backed by globohomo megacorporations and the banking cabal so they can retain shadow control on the decentralized infrastructure of tomorrow, by pioneering the r&d of the oracle layer and worshopping pythagoras, also deep ties to the alphabet glowies

>> No.55391544

I have a fair amount of Chainlink already, but I am not much a fan of Avax because of the annoying shills here and am a ICP holder and don’t like how they shit on icp so much

>> No.55391599

Why do they worship pythagaros

>> No.55391730


>> No.55391753

similar thing going on here -- I think ICP is differentiated enough where holding LINK+ICP covers your bases pretty well.
I still like AVAX though-- just feels like there's not a lot of meaningful activity happening there right now, I think the empty shill threads don't help

>> No.55392029

>and am a ICP holder
why? are you retarded buying into a scam or what?

>> No.55392734

Its a good coin

>> No.55394372

Based. I personally am an Avax maxi. Nothing else makes as much sense. The consensus protocol shows exactly why Emin is such a gigachad megabrain sought after by the most elite organisations in the world.

>> No.55394394

The good guys insofar as they're going after MEV. Stuff like PROF is awesome.

>> No.55394467

has none of these connections tho so dont see why bother.
>Its a good coin
for who?
why not Chainlink too?
one can not work (at scale) without the other.
I heard that too, chainlink with their fair ordering stuff and Avalanche has no real MEV while Ethereum MEV has gotten worse.
wonder whats up with that certainly feeds into the schizo conspiracy theory that JPM will crash and burn it.

>> No.55394692
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I'm one of the anons in those threads. If you want to dive deep about IC3 here's a shit load of threads from financial insider anon:

>threads financial insider anon created

>threads where financial insider anon was active in

>> No.55394698

Oops, fixed the links properly now:

>threads financial insider anon created

>threads where financial insider anon was active in

>> No.55394738

Drop the ICP - go all in on Avax and Link. The Avax/ICP hate thing all stems from Dom Williams and his insecurity about Avax - he thinks ICP is the best and he got rekt by launching it at the wrong trime and because market makers (((FTX))) etc fucked his coins value. Fine. Sorry for you Dom, thems the breaks, its a tough world - but the guy turned all his attention onto Emin and Avax and comes out with these libellous stories through cryptoleaks about them. No one gives a shit because if you know you know - and it makes Dom seethe even harder, and most of fthe ICP baggies have now become so pissed off too with Avax that they started a bit of a flame war on here, infiltrating each Avax thread, spamming stuff etc. Just get over the rivalry - buy Avax and Link its how you make it if you're into a long-term but safe investment. If you want a short-term gain go with Doge or something honestly - Shiba inu will pump like mad again I bet.

>> No.55394747

he might have been talking about Cypherium
>the tech has been presented to corporations handling millions of dollars
It’s also IC3 as well Emin was advisor in the early stages

>> No.55394768
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>> No.55394789
File: 500 KB, 828x1792, F218FB9C-B45B-4B93-86D7-E58344E0DE6C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paper for DLT options (Cypherium) which the insider said was the paradigm shift

>> No.55394872

Ava Labs was partnered with Roche Freedman who happened to take legal action for them against competing chains, including Dfinity. People do give a shit about it because Roche and various of his lawsuits got rekt by the hidden camera footage. https://cryptoleaks.info/
Here's even a funny article from the NYT where they try to paint Roche in a better light: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/18/business/kyle-roche-crypto-leaks-satoshi.html

>> No.55394969
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Cypherium uses Libra and was launched in the timeframe this insider mentioned

>> No.55394975
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>> No.55394982
File: 1.37 MB, 828x1792, A5F96EA3-080F-49D5-B647-34CF96965068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DLT and Chainlink connection IC3

>> No.55394985

that was a weird ass thread
first that anon drops quite a lot of alpha that hasnt been shared on biz for a good while
then he goes full crazy into reiterating the plot of the movie 2012
is this some sort of midwit filter or is this what happens when the paranoid schizo hits hard

either way i find it telling that several threads made since that allude this this originals ideas were pruned quickly
arent you feeling sleepy you should go to bed /sarc

>> No.55394990

Thats what I mean. No one gives a shit about cryptoleaks or the Roche stuff. ICP shills try to claim its important or something, but everyone just looked at it and said "oh wow, good strategy, using discovery to uncover your competitors trade secrets and using that to your advantage". Simple ICP shills claiming its important can't make it so. This is what I was telling the other guy - ignore the ICP baboons screaming.

>> No.55395027

You don’t entertain the idea that it could be real? The carrington event was very real and many cultures have the flood myth for a reason it’s highly likely our race has been “reset” many times

>> No.55395071

>but everyone just looked at it and said "oh wow, good strategy, using discovery to uncover your competitors trade secrets and using that to your advantage"
The judges didn't. kek

>> No.55395091

cme carrington event yes very likely only a matter of time, earth magnetic field shift also has a good probability to happen
flood myth was related to an asteroid hitting the ice caps of the last ice age that literally raised the sealevels aroudn the world
that anon was very specifically talking about tsunamis from shifting earthcrust theory
that isnt plausible, do you have any idea how conservation of energy and momentum works
the force required to do what he says is too huge to have a probable cause that would not crack the planet and has no reaonable source, if basic laws of thermodynamics and newtonian physics you can throw that theory in the garbage bin

>> No.55395373

I have a bag of cypherium but its one of the weirdest projects in the space. No idea if its scam or not. Either way it will probably pump good soon

>> No.55395386

Very weird man. Advised by Emin. IC3 connected. And have clearly have some connection with the BIS. 6 years old too, wonder what they have been up to

>> No.55395434

Those are the fundamentals why I invested but how Sky acts in Twitter and telegram gives off really scammy vibes. What if the banks chose another projects instead of cypherium in those 6 years and now Sky tries to get some narrative for the token to pump?

>> No.55395445

A scam to lobby scams to idiots

>> No.55395464

I mean he’s clearly been at the BIS recently from pictures he has posted >>55394768
The way I see it is Sky has a MASSIVE ego and doesn’t know when to shut up. As for the scammy vibes there needs to be liquidity to actually pull off scamming which as of now there is none. The team wallets are untouched as well

>> No.55395500

>The way I see it is Sky has a MASSIVE ego and doesn’t know when to shut up
one plausible explanation

>> No.55395516

I’d like to think that massive ego is had for a reason. If Cypherium is indeed poised to be a big player and he knows this then the ego and autistic rantings would make sense considering he is sure of himself with the progress he’s made

>> No.55395554

Usually the most inflated egos are in scam projects, but you are right that as of right now it would be a bad scam since there is not much money being made

>> No.55396706

The cypherium shill doesn’t ring true. They’re just associating good coins with a shitty coin hoping /biz/ will pump it