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55390989 No.55390989 [Reply] [Original]

What can be done to stop shoplifters? I own a small pharmacy and shoplifters have become increasingly aggressive over the past few years. Are there any strategies that actually work?

If you aren't aware, putting things in a locked case no longer works. At my store they literally brought in a big rock and smashed the plastic case to steal eye cream. I've never had this happen at my store, but apparently shoplifters are also using blowtorches to open cases:

>> No.55390996

>I own a
no you don't jeet you're some weird spammer who posts his youtubes to random threads
why larp just come out and say "heres my youtube"
you would be better off but instead like a jeet you steal content.

>> No.55391011 [DELETED] 

You don't see this happening in red states.

>> No.55391012 [DELETED] 

are you a big cooperation like Walmart?

if not, then nothing and thank your female politician. you can't do anything.

>> No.55391021 [DELETED] 

stupid trump supporter, crime is everywhere in America you mutt.

>> No.55391037

Cameras and insurance.

>> No.55391059

>Are there any strategies that actually work?
are you familiar with the works of mr. Gaston Glock?

>> No.55391066

Only accept payments in DOGE

>> No.55391075

As long as weath is centralized into the hands of a minority of multi national corporations there will always be those who steal out of desperation or for what ever means

>> No.55391080

if you have 2 entrances block one. post doormen at entrance and im talking about door MEN not some neckbeard or somalian fat lady. someone who looks physically intimidating and mentally sound. hire another plain clothes loss control to monitor cameras and follow around shoplifters in the store, this person will give heads up to doorman about perps. train your staff/crew to use certain codes phrases over the intercom such as “scan the floor or price check on expiration in (aisle no. etc) example “expiration check on liquor aisle” ideally you want the door man to be dressed in commercial security attire and to work in unison with plain clothes loss prevention guy.

>> No.55391087

>multi national corporations
Who also operate in communist nations and source their products from communist nations with a communist workforce.

>> No.55391150

Sound advice. We do the same at the male prostitute club I own with my husbands. We made sure to hire MEN who are strong power bottoms and if anyone shoots a load then they'll grab the biggest dildo they can and ram it

>> No.55391153


>> No.55391191 [DELETED] 

You may have tried this already I'm not sure but you should shit in your hand and rub the feces all over the merchandise. Drop a deuce and make sure it's all shitted up real good and then the thieves will likely be deterred. Have regular customers point to the items they want and simply wash the feces off for them upon payment

>> No.55391211

biz always has the best advice

>> No.55391225

Communism and communist nations are two different things.

>> No.55391354
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1) Hard money forces positive sum activity as everything has to balance.
2) Hard money fell out of favor for transactional not economic reasons at the start of the industrial revolution.
3) Politics always favors soft money because it enables easy and opaque theft.
4) Ergo, money that can be manipulated will be.

BTC solves money, it is technical fix for a political problem, it is transactionally easy hard money, and unlike physical hard money, abstraction layers can ALSO be trustless and uncorruptible, preventing the problems seen in "backed" soft money where the manipulation happens in the abstraction layers.

What to stop shoplifters? Sell your pharmacy, buy BTC and wait. Productives do not need parasites, parasites need productives.

>> No.55391386
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Monetary not economic problem.

Remember that MOST of the public debt is from social spending, and that social spending acts as a supply-side labor supply, suppressing the market rate of labor (labor in the broadest sense, "wages and salaries") by reducing the cost of substance (driving down wages and salaries well up the chain). Look at the 10,000 years of lockstep wage/productivity growth before fake money. "Gee gosh wilikers it's a mystery why wages have diverged from productivity!" He says while while pumping trillions of counterfeit dollars into supply side labor subsidizes. Fuck you.

>> No.55391396

Thanks I feel bette rbaout being a neet for 10 years

>> No.55391433

You cannot live in a blue state in the US and run a small business. It's intentionally designed to only allow corporations and crime to benefit. The red states are cucked too, but at least you don't have to deal with the uppity subhumans
There is no such thing as communism, same for capitalism. It's a scapegoat

>> No.55391464

Suicide. Now.

>> No.55391508

>they literally brought in a big rock
Oooh, they literally brought in a rock? Literally? Wow, thanks for the clarification, otherwise I might have thought that they broke your faggy case with a figurative rock. Thank God's cock you specified that they LITERALLY brought in a big rock.

>> No.55391513

This man knows what happened in 1971

>> No.55391514

Yeah, some vibrant people of color are always desperate for 7-8 new pairs of Jordans. The global market forces are what forces them to do this. Oh the hue-manatee.

>> No.55391528

problem status: not mine

>> No.55391570

unfathomably based, are you hiring power bottoms?

>> No.55391649

Scapegoating is trying to avoid reality by ignoring real definitions of words based on material reality. Like capitalism. Of course you probably assume a revisionist definition of capitalism that cherry picks the best most favorable parts of it.

>> No.55391694

Never forget that '71 was merely when the rampant counterfeiting had because so obvious that even our allies called bullshit on the Fed and the US closed the gold window

>> No.55391725
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Politics is memeshit. Hobbes's Leviathan is a Meme Complex as per Dawkins, Law is ex post facto codification of these prevailing meme complexes, Law has no power, State has no power, meme complexes hold all the power attributed to these institutions. There are no "economic systems" only Economy. Economy is an emergent property of people. Economy is naturally positive sum. Economy always wins because Economy is naturally self-organizing, self-correcting, and positive sum. Fiat allows the manipulation of Economy to favor zero and even negative sum economic transactions! Blasphemy! Economy will not abide. BTC is the sword Economy wields to slay the Adversary, BTC's Becoming is guaranteed by the systemic economic value gained by fiat's demise. History is not driven by politics, history is driven by Economy & Technology.

>> No.55391748

You're a slave to your own ideological bullshit.
Capitalism is not self organizing and only a mid wit who knows nothing about history could follow such inane logic.That is not to say emergent properties in humanity do not exist. But if what you were saying is true law would not exist and we would simply freely rape whatever whore we wish to rape when ever we whliah to rape them and yet there you are picking your pimples behind your father's gaming PC.

>> No.55391767

>stealing hair dye

>> No.55391771

Op himself said eye cream not hair dye but it doesn't even have to be necessary for this fact to remain true.

>> No.55391800

Also no one said politics create history. Funny enough I agree with you.

As Karl Marx said: Men create their own history but they do not create it as they please.

They create it under a set of pre selected circumstances.

>> No.55391813
File: 130 KB, 500x519, Millions Must BUY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fucking hair dye, it's a rectangle box that is locked up. Creams come in circle twist containers
If you don't work 40 hours in retail lower your tone when talking to me you milk fed gimp

>> No.55391836

I work in a papermill cuck. Come at me pussy.
You're still to stupid to understand economics.

>> No.55391847

Your mother mills my cock with her paper if you know what I mean

>> No.55391882

Dullard. Schizoid pearls cast before swine! I bring new philosophical truth and you hand wave it away with 1800s pulp philosophy and dare say I am blinded by MY ideology?!

Law are tide tables, meme complexes the tide, falsifying tide tables doesn't grant control over the ocean. Descriptive not proscriptive. True (description) law runs memeticly on itself, false (proscriptive) "law" must either run on weak memes like "reverence for law" (weak because it's SHIT. True Law doesn't need a crutch) or actively enforced by the State (EXPENSIVE).

>> No.55391936

Go out and rape some one right now.
Live by your ideology retard. Put your money where your mouth is. Since laws aren't real and what not.

The reality is that people don't like generally being hurt and so we established a system of law and ethics we can, mostly, agree on to keep this from happening, for the most part. The fact however is that we make our own history and right now the historical tide has driven capitalism as an economic system into question. Regardless of whatever delusions of grandeur you may hold the facts are the facts people steal shit because capitalism creates a class of people with out and a class of people with the vast majority of the populations wealth. Wealth that population created in the first place.

Cope seethe dial8.

>> No.55391939

You've never eve had sex.

>> No.55391960

Dawg I promiss you that when I shoplift im not thinking about multi national corporations lmao, fucking nerd
Get security to follow customers around the store

>> No.55392007

.45-70 Government

>> No.55392014
File: 1007 KB, 2457x2445, Ashbie and Chud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55392050

'Rape is illegal' is true (descriptive) law running on the strong meme of 'rape is wrong'.

The State is a memetic parasite, feebly grasping for relevancy after technology obsolesced it's function (propagation & memetic convergence) within the meme complex.

>> No.55392072

Maybe one piece of solid advice on this thread to this guy. Buncha mentally ill fucking losers rambling on about nothing tangible

>> No.55392109

Hire more security, also look into a utility coin called Blackswan. It's a trading bot that uses AI to execute instant trades based on news releases. It helps you to enter positions before the market reacts, whether it's bullish or bearish news. You can specify the events you want to trade on. their twitter/website has more info on it

>> No.55392127

>out of desperation

Lol. These aren't people stealing a loaf of bread to feed their families, it's niggers stealing fake eyelashes and other beauty products. Shop owners should be allowed to put a bullet in their brains and remove them from society.

>> No.55392155

Rape is wrong. Morality may be subjective but so is your opinion of it. It's a social contract. When you get older you'll realize I'm right.

>> No.55392165

>What can be done to stop shoplifters? I own a small pharmacy and shoplifters have become increasingly aggressive over the past few years. Are there any strategies that actually work?
Technically, having everyone getting a UBI-budget and filling out a wishlist in advance, and then getting the goods delivered, would work.

>> No.55392178

You will always be a slave while you wear their chain of fiat around your neck. You will never fix problems caused by monetary manipulation without fixing money.

>> No.55392181

But isn't then your opinion that rape is wrong subjective too?

>> No.55392187

Charge an entry fee to get in and have a doorman.

>> No.55392227

>Rape is wrong.
Are you illiterate or just dumb? As I said: >'Rape is illegal' is true (descriptive) law running on the strong meme of 'rape is wrong'.
If you change the law to say 'Rape is legal' this not only has to run on a weak meme like 'reverence for law' but it's ALSO going up against a strong meme 'rape is wrong', the law would have no power because the law never has any power, it's all memes. You can see this is action with cannabis laws, they were false (prescriptive) law running on weak memes so the population just ignored the law until it changed.

>> No.55392270

bullet to the head

>> No.55393998

I really hope that isn't an actual photo of you. Rule #4 is very liberally applied and is one of the few that gets rigorously enforced.

>> No.55394027

>BTC solves money
Takes 10 to 180 minutes to receive a transaction
Pay 2 - $5 in fees
>2 more people decide to use the network
Pay 20 - $50 in fees
Dumps 20% in one day
Pumps randomly during a transaction thereby frontrunning your trade
>Abstraction layers can also be trustless!
Meanwhile in reality they're all centralized and trust based.
>soft money where the manipulation happens in the abstraction layers.
Laughs in FTX, laughs in w.BTC, laughs in Lightning network penalty transactions.
>parasites need productives
God damnit I fell for bait again. You are right about one thing though, you fucking parasite.