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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55390950 No.55390950 [Reply] [Original]

Currently unemployed neet, struggling to pay bills and I got to thinking what are some alternative ways to park cash for harder times ahead?

For example years ago I sold out my entire MTG collection for a hefty profit, pricy singles under the table for cash. I suppose things like crypto/stocks might better as it can be sold instantly and might even appreciate better over time but it can be a bit swingy and then there's taxes.

Then there's the fact that in desperate times I'd rather NOT sell at a loss and sell off other assets I wouldn't mind without.

What are anons thoughts on this? Is cardboard crack, collectibles, gold, etc a better store of value? What are your experiences with prepping for a financial rainy day?

>> No.55390969

The latter two are stable, BTC won't go below 25k after halvening but LTC needs to be bought lower if you want to keep value.
Gold is too unwieldly and premiums are extortion.
I keep a physical cash stash and some in a credit union for rainy days.

>> No.55391002

Years ago I bought a 1997 International Collectors Edition Black Lotus for ~200 bucks with FAFSA money. After about a decade+ it is roughly worth 3k lightly played. I don't think I'll ever part with it but its there incase of an absolute emergency where things have to get liquidated to pay for an emergency.

Would I get similar returns with sealed product, crypto or even rare metals? With cardboard crack its a bit easier to store/hide and cashing it out isn't too big a hassle but I'm thinking ahead, once I get back in the wage cage to build up to a plan B so I'm not scrambling to pay bills once shit hits the fan again.

Alternatively are land lots worth buying? There's a ton of cheap land lots going for 1-5k, big enough for a small trailer house/personal storage. Would buying an empty lot, cleaning it up and holding be a good store of value or would property taxes/state jannies make it not worthwhile?

>> No.55391014

Where do you find lots that cheap?

>> No.55391027

look for gov contract auctions

>> No.55391054

Just hop on zillow and search around there. There's more than likely a better source but I often see cheap small lots for around that price. That being said a lot of these lots are in the middle nowhere, redneck areas. Worse still is alot have local restrictions like what you can/can't build and no easy access to utilities.

Still, I see these small lots pop up every once in a while. Someone must be buying these right? My thought process is more along the lines of buying it, cleaning it up and putting up a small personal storage or just holding the lot until it appreciates in value. These are SMALL lots however, not acreages. An actual acre of land to build a home would be idea but that's an entirely different topic.

>> No.55391081

Can you elaborate more on gold? I know when it comes to MTG I will never get the full value its worth when selling but from past experiences I can usually cash out by driving to my local LGS or in-person buyer for cash. At worst, its usually just a big bulky box of cardboard but its pretty inconspicuous when hiding it at home. Gold however would make me a bit more paranoid of securely stashing.

>> No.55391103
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madness comics in plano tx?

>> No.55391133

I suppose it depends on how much you're stacking.
It's difficult to predict where the price will be for gold. Fundamentals have been ignored for a long time now. On top of that you have the fees for buying/selling. So even if it stays the same price, you lose. Probably not as much as cash stash though with inflation.
And you just pointed out yourself one of the reasons i don't stack it. You need to take it somewhere to change it into cash which you will need.
Much easier to have actual cash for physical purposes and crypto for digital.
Besides. BTC gongo up always. Same as gold, eventually.

>> No.55391660
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>LINK as a store of value

>> No.55391711

shouldn't dressing like this be against the rules

>> No.55391823

Jeff is that you?

>> No.55391909

That's a man

>> No.55392081

Not sure how you can enforce it. Have had this happened to me during my ultra-weeb phase of doing FNMs and this grill would always wear the tightest tops with the most cleavage.

Unfortunately for her the grind don't stop. Dab on these hoes.

I think as far as physically stacking gold or any hard asset it'd be enough to cover anything between a months rent to 6 months, etc. I'm a rentlet so space will be an issue anyways thanks for the insights, a few things I'll dig into later.

I mean besides BTC/ETH what would be some serious long term holds then? My personal investment strategy is to have a years worth of rent saved up in long term holds or just generic savings account. Even though I'm an unemployed neet rn this has been working out so far so once I get back in the cage I'd like to have a better backup plan to work towards.

I guess what I'm trying to figure out from all this rambling is what's the best strategy to save for a rainy day. Stocks/cardboard crack/rocks/land/crypto/etc

>> No.55392082

Mike? Hows it goin sorry i missed last nights game

>> No.55392195

Hey guys, Jack here! Don'y worry Mike, there's always next time. It was pretty quiet last night so you didn't miss much.

>> No.55392200

In tits?

>> No.55392674

nah it gives girls free wins at friday night magic, ive seen neckbeards intentionally misplay or outright concede when they play against a girl

>> No.55392725

wait so you guys are regulars at the comic and games shop. and OP took a sneak pic of some big tiddies playing a game there. what game is that and it appears miss motorboat is taken, OP
dubba dub checked and obviously

>> No.55392741
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In all my medical expertise, I think he's retarded fellas.

>> No.55392881

her boobs aren't that big but that little bit of belly poking out above her pants makes my dick diamonds

>> No.55392911

there's a vidya game shop in the same shopping center than regularly hosts smash bros tournaments too

>> No.55392944
File: 99 KB, 724x798, IMG_0142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dam last time was popping! I'm still pissed at steven for being a total doosh. Did you test out the deck I sent you from magic builder??

>> No.55393119

can you wear a diaper and those things for advantage of no breaks?

>> No.55393138

imagine the smell

>> No.55393197

Honestly, the offices of the /biz/ jobs I've had over the years have consistently smelled worse than most conventions and card shops I've been to. The worst I've had to deal with at places like these is people being sweaty because it's fat people being fat, meanwhile something about white collar environments causes people to forget how to wipe after they've had one too many promotions to the point where you'd just have some coworkers smell like literal feces and everyone acts like it's normal.

>> No.55393901

Recently I bought 105,000 cards for $350
I didn't realize how many cards that was.
I now have too many cards. I sell decent chunks of them at a time, have made a profit so far. I don't play, I just buy/sell stuff and saw a guy on craigslist selling a huge lot for cheap so I jumped on it.
How much are lands worth?

>> No.55393913

99.9% of my net worth is chainlink, silver, and mtg cards

>> No.55394097

covert white supremacist command center

>> No.55394420 [DELETED] 

did you win them in a auction or something? shipping must have killed you