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55388435 No.55388435 [Reply] [Original]

Is this true?

>> No.55388457

Braindead 4chan parasites trying to use class analysis.

If you are wage laborer = working class

If you are owner = bourgeosie

Money/income/net worth has nothing to do with class. It is the property ownership relation that distinguishes classes

>> No.55388465

Where i live 10mm is the cost of a middle class house. So - no. Maybe 15-30mm is middle class.

>> No.55388470

>Braindead twitter parasites trying to use class analysis.
Braindead red.

>> No.55388480

You don't own stuff yourself ?
Tell me more about your computer isn't a mean of production please I want to hear your retarded commie narrative again

>> No.55388520

>PersOnaL ProPerty Is PriVate ProPerty ActualLy

Yes when communists talk about private property we are definitely talking aboutt your toothbrush you braindead parasite and not for the buissnesses, factories, land, water sources, air, apartment complexes, whole cities, fleets of ships, trucks, trains, railroads, busses etc.

I think your brain has rotted from 200 years of uninterrupted neoliberal CIA red scared propaganda directly beamed into you brain. Keep pulling on those bootstraps harder and remember to be a good obedient submissive compliant and productive worker for your precious masters. After all you dont actually deserve anything, not shelter, food, clean and biodiverse ecosystems nothing since living beings dont actually have any inherent value and the only value they have is the amount of capital they can produce for their masters

I wonder what it will take for even braindead parasites like you to realize you are modern day slaves and stop licking the boots of your masters. I think the tipping point will be when even air becomes privatized and you literally DIRECTLY have to PAY for every breath you take. Right now this process is performed indirectly but when air is provatized it will become obviois

>> No.55388528

nothing is "produced" digitally
the digital space is ran by rent-seekers renting out licenses to said digital space. computers are inherently bourgeois.

>> No.55388531

posit a solution or stop your impotent tantrum

>> No.55388533

Money has nothing to do with to.
The wealth of the spirit is all that matters.
Also dollar bills are satanic iou slips
Albeit I strive for them as you do so I don't want to sound like a hypocrite
What I say I mean
I will cast them out when I no longer have need

>> No.55388535

And i will get paid dividends.
Communism is just capitalism which excludes the working man and prevents social mobility. You cannot prove me wrong.
You braindead commietard and actual 4chan parasite.
I know people who lived under communism and they got 1 toilet roll per house. None extra for fatsos like you. And if you want paid, you must accept the value you are owed in coconuts because some oligarchs son invested heavily and needs you to gobble his bags.

>> No.55388537

bluepilled commies talking about exploitation while ignoring the fact that every commie gov has exploited the fuck out of men especially young ones for its agenda. Every society exploits men, might as well live in a society where you have the freedom to be antisocial

>> No.55388538

>buissnesses, factories, land, water sources, air, apartment complexes, whole cities, fleets of ships, trucks, trains, railroads, busses etc.
And... the gov is the least effective, efficient enitiy to have ever existed. Retard commie triggered he's the bug dumb. Go fall for another psyop kid.

>> No.55388539

Through this reasoning wouldn't the dividing line between classes in fact end up being net worth?

$1 million in invested liquid assets is sufficient to provide a working class wage without lifting a finger
combined with ownership of the roof over your head would at least put you in petite bourgeoisie

>> No.55388542

actually class is how you pronounce the word "bath"

>> No.55388575

It is communism or extinction. It always was like this. Feel free to screech and seethe now and be faithfull to your CIA programming from 200 years of uninterrupted CIA neoliberal red scared propaganda directly beamed into your brain

>> No.55388582

The CIA isnt even a 100 years old you fucking low iq bunkertroon

>> No.55388587

Ownership in financial assets is technically ownership of private property. Same way a landlord or a CEO owns buissnesses, a financier owns finance which are just ownership rights.

Generally speaking if you have ways for "passive" income you are either petit bourgie or bourgeosie

>> No.55388607

>thinks communism isn't the CIA's goal
Communism is a glowies fucking wet dream you sperg.

>> No.55388611



By this retards logic, Robert Kiyosaki is poor because he owes more in debt than he owns in assets, but he's still a multi-millionaire. In fact, most real estate moguls live this way.

>> No.55388720

I own my house. Total NW rn is like 1.3m, nearly half of that being my primary residence. I know i know.. between a rental and liquid assets that generate passive income, i made 30k last year.
I figure I'm about a third of the way there but it seems I am swimming towards a coastline against a riptide. So maybe a fifth of the way.

>> No.55389155

go back to anti work with your century outdated Marxist understanding of the world