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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55383853 No.55383853 [Reply] [Original]

What percentage of the population is actually productive? It seems like a fraction of people actually do anything and they're supporting everyone else.

>> No.55383867

a lot more than you think

>> No.55383878

like maybe 20%
>it occurred to me when going outside

>> No.55383884

Your perception is flawed because you browse too much biz, which essentially is a cesspit of unproductive yet narcissistic losers.
To answer your question, basically everyone outside of biz

>> No.55383912

have you considered that perhaps it is your perception that is flawed?

>> No.55383947

No because he only browses /biz/ ironically and to spread his enlightenment.

>> No.55384000

What is with all you cucks being obsessed with productivity as if you have any skin in the game anyway. Human labor has never been so devalued in history as it has been right now thanks to globalization, forced immigration, automation, ai etc etc. That's why you have to apply to 1k plus jobs after college. You're a slave mad a people for not being as good a slave as yourself. Focus on your masters for once dweeb.

>> No.55384018

Most, but some components get more output, but their output is supported by the lower output people

>> No.55384035

Ask yourself, why some people have simply checked out - maybe its ***your*** doing, the political choices of a generation that completely fucked up, and blames everyone else, while the world is heading toward a wall

>> No.55384066

>i click button
>i have more money than 99% of the population
is this "productive"?

>> No.55384084

It depends. Putting capital to real commodities, bonds and equities can be seen as a way to take risk from somebody else, distributing that risk, and either lose on that risk or get paid for having taken that risk. If nobody would be willing to take the risk, the world would even look more fucked up. That being said, crypto is just a failed ponzi in its current stage

>> No.55384108

90% of jobs are bullshit that just exists to keep money flowing upwards. Actively opting out of this is more productive and beneficial to humanity. Look at military contractors as a big example, create war just to sell their massively overpriced jets and missiles. Directly harmful to humanity.

>> No.55384266

idk i do what i'm told and get my silly wage thing
sometimes they don't tell me to do much so i'm kinda idle

>> No.55384393

>To answer your question, basically everyone outside of biz
busy doesn't mean they provide a net positive

>> No.55384434
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Just do some simple deductive reasoning.

#1. How many people are unemployed, including retired, in college, or too young to work? Count everybody not in the labor force.

#2. How many people work in the public sector? This includes politicians, bureaucrats, police and all other government workers. Their income is solely based on the stealing and redistribution of wealth that is taken from the private sector. Essentially, they can't create anything.

#3. How many people collect more in welfare and other tax credits than they pay in taxes?

Add those 3 points up and you'll find out how many people are actually productive. (It's not a lot)

>> No.55385201
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Blinded by political theater. Hard money is highly desirable systemically as it forces positive sum activity, hard money however WAS impractical to use, being replaced by soft money hundreds of years ago. History has proven that 'backed' soft money will always be abused, the difficultly inherent in past hard money makes verification etc unwieldy, leading backed soft money to become unbacked over time. But the systemic economic value of hard money remains, BTC is hard money that's easy to use, that is it's value. It is not in competition with the financial system, it is in competition with fiat. BTC will continue to grow as long as statists debase, which they will never stop doing as debasement is the lever which they use to manipulate the economy. You see powerful parasites and say "they are too powerful, we can't fight them" Economy sees powerful parasites and says "so much free value!". BTC is the sword Economy wields to slay the parasites, BTC's Becoming is guaranteed by the systemic economic value gained by fiat's demise. Fix money, fix the world.

>> No.55385303

Farmers, fisherman and that sorts primarily, but they want to kill off those industries because it changes the weather or something so we should be grateful to eat bugs instead because these political scientists are here to help us.

>> No.55387109

most of them are "depressed" and don't do shit, others like me try to squeeze what they can out of the OBAYC nfts, and the rest are the ones who really work, I think it just takes discipline

>> No.55387139

Leave armchair psycho midwit.