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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5538085 No.5538085 [Reply] [Original]

Conservatively, I have 4.5 million USD in BTC.

I refuse spending the 23 dollarydoos to get them from my hard drives. They're mounted on a pedestal like a trophy. I like my peasant lifestyle.

When should I take my BTC out for maximus dropping of BTC?

getting a lot of pressure from my father-in-law at the moment.

>> No.5538186

You should take it all 75% pocked 25% reinvest the remaining 50% in various other coins to ensure security.


>> No.5538224
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got bitcoin cash too?
it's not a bad idea to cash out a bit of BTC considering it will be crippled in 2018

>> No.5538230

wife says - no buyee till paydayee

>> No.5538244
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I can has?

>> No.5538318

You should buy a house and two cars in cash at a bare fucking minimum OP.

>> No.5538390

BZC's platform is finished, it's like one of the only 20 crypto's that has a finished platform.
Go buy your "We promise it'll be done by 2025" coin.

>> No.5538451

already has. got 8k left of a car but...eh.

feeling real apathetic atm senpai.

wat do new btc millionarez do?

>> No.5538605

Hodl, till the whales cash out some first and be a bag holder, honestly think its a good growth model?

>> No.5538650

I mean - if it stabilized I hold a percentage of the BTC in existence. that'd be trillions, senpai.

>> No.5538692

Just cash out around 80% and put it in high dividend stocks. Then you have the rest of your life to think about what to do with a basic income of around 150-200k per year.

>> No.5538780

won't those same stocks drop dramtically in the next few months years IF btc becomes standard? I honestly don't know how the rest of you guys make this decision. I'm just a poor honky.

leaning toward precious metals....

>> No.5538809

Yes, dump it Anon. And don't forget to dump your bcash, bgold, and bshit too.

>> No.5538902


If you give a shit what your father in law has to say about your own finances then you're not going to make it OP. Also you should have rewardeed yourself at the 500k mark so yeah you are overdue. And now you're kinda fucked because the of the recent tax changes.

>> No.5538913

Buy XDN, it will even survive the BTC crash (within a week)...

>> No.5538920

Precious metals are a good idea too. If you feel uncomfortable with stocks, you could also invest in real estate in order to get some dividends. Stocks are the easiest though.

Oh, and don't cash out everything into a single bank. Get yourself multiple bank accounts in different banks.

0.5M BTC / Crypto
3M Stocks / Real estate, something that gives dividends (= 120k per year at 4%, which is doable with high dividend stocks)
1M in previous metals

>> No.5538977
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I would take 3.5 and leave 1 in if it was me.

>> No.5539023

You're a fucking faggot. I would literally kill for $50k right now and you want to be a gloating bitch. Hope you lose it all in a fire.

>> No.5539049

this sounds alright - can the 3M be in personal RE? i.e. land/ag?

>> No.5539086

no - atm I'm a poorfag. I'm not gloating. windfalls at that magnitude are fucking retarded. I'm frozen at the button needing guidance - waiting on wife's payday. It's been like this for a month at LEAST

>> No.5539099

Put 10% into pm, 10% into cash. You'll owe taxes on that 20%, so use the cash to pay your taxes. Buy an investment property(rental house with long term tenants is always good) with the rest of the cash.

Or dump all the btc segwit, after separating your bitcoin cash.

Whatever you do, make sure you get those coins properly split before sending any to anyone else!!!

>> No.5539106

you can physically secure yourself and have some 'normie investments' and live the normal life while still having a significant amount of crypto in your holdings.

you'll want to backup you phrases in multiple safe places on fireproof materials.

you're essentially worried about being a person with 50 million dollars or 500 million dollars at this point.

>> No.5539110

This is fucking dumb. You can easily get 8% gains a year from a basic conservative stock portfolio. Forget about your retarded shiny rocks OP, and just setup an etrade account

>> No.5539165

municipal bonds yield ~2% tax free muh nigga

find yourself a good bond broker and live on 100k/yr for a while. work a job if you want to pay for your living expenses and not get bored


>> No.5539212

yeah - and having no fucking clue what to do with either amount

>> No.5539242

ok - but how to give back to my 4chan familam -

>not transactions

>> No.5539274


cash out, win the game, and come visit us from time to time. that is all the senpai wants from you

>> No.5539376

>doesn't want to be a millionaire
>wants to be a trillionaire
You can't have one without the other, you are going to be a millionaire like it or not.

>> No.5539378


live normally
just because you have money doesn't mean top priority is to spend it
retire your parents or something
build a place where the whole family can live comfortably

>> No.5539403

thank you for your honesty.

I'll try to be succinct.

-you ever play a game and don't want it to end?

yeah - I feel like if I do this - it's game over. BTC is equivalent to a joke - an unearned ending to beating a game you have invested in. using gamegenie or something.

it's "cheating"

>> No.5539452

no it isn't
you risked what electricity or funds you had back in the day and it pays now

people invested in sugary water in the 1930's, coca cola

it's just fucking sugar water and now those hodlers have millions

stop being a bitch about making a decision that you prospered from

get involved in the movement

>> No.5539472


Just don't be a retard with the money. You'll grow into the wealth eventually, no human is ever satisfied for long.

>> No.5539475

Leave $1m in and keep playing, I know a guy worth ~$45m and he still works his ass off because he doesn't want to stop.
He told me when he first retired and did "rich people things" he would eat 3 breakfasts just to pass the time.

>> No.5539525

Buy a bunker/silo, deck it out and post pics to inspire us. That's not too much to ask, is it?

>> No.5539529

The alternative is waiting around, and watching it crash and burn wishing you pulled the trigger... then you get to be grandpappi retard telling the chilluns bout how you culda been a millionaire.... if anything think about your family's future... cash out 2 million right now you fucking moron!

also screenshot and prove it

>> No.5539547


>mfw looking at wife living in nice comfy life watching let's play uncharted 4(no commentary)

how is /biz/ gunna convince me to change this?

I'm having an existential crisis, senpai.

100% honesty here.

>> No.5539563


then keep a million on the table for the lulz. it sounds like you love your wife; so let her have the option of not working anymore, if she wants that.

your kids and grandkids can inherit enough money to not be destitute, have a house and go to school.

in the meantime, you are the hero of the family and can keep your 9 - 5, stay humble, go on a vacation every now and then and live a good life.

i think it is an easy choice. dont ride btc all the way down with your whole stack. you have hit the lottery and the hardest part is to make it last for generations... that should be your new game and there is no cheat code for that my man

>> No.5539581

it's the crash bandicoot part. pretty meta atm.

>> No.5539652


Dude at least sell some, get yourself some cash who knows what could happen to BTC.

>> No.5539677

what the fuck are you talking about ... you can change it if you want to? What if you or your wife gets sick... don't you need money to take care of her.... who is forcing you to change your lifestyle just because you have a couple million... you have the luxury of choosing!

>> No.5539719

you don't have to change anything
what you have is an astronomically skewed portfolio towards one cryptocurrency which is in my opinion going to get fucked in 2018

BTC is showing cracks and the ambulance (lightning) has been on its way for 2+ years.

you're thinking wealth is like how niggers are in the mtv videos
wealth is exactly as you are living now, but there are no financial worries.

redistribute your holdings with a reputable financial advisor and remove this worry from your life.

if you hold onto some crypto and it fulfills its vision, then you'll be supplemented with additional wealth.

>> No.5539730


ever try reading the bible? there is some old wisdom in there. try ecclesiasties, proverbs and the sermon on the mount

inb4 /biz/ goes apeshit on this post

>> No.5539734

You could start pumping and dumping shitcoins for your friends here at /biz/

>> No.5539764


Lol you keep it on a hard drive and not a cold wallet like a trezor? Like if something happened to that hard drive you'd just be out 4 milly?

>> No.5539772

do you know what BCH is?

>> No.5539802
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>inb4 we convince OP to cash out and the HDD is fucked

>> No.5539826

You can only cash out small amounts each month so you might want to get started.

>> No.5539938

Why? /biz/ is a Christian board.

>> No.5539975

i'm in the absurd scenario of having a hard drive that holds millions and the desire of not wanting a fundamental change in my life.

I have no debts.

I own my house and cars.

My family and siblings have no major debts.

Pops has mil+ 401k

This windfall just solidifies family position(redundant) - while opening avenues of instability(greed, avarice, ambition, etc)

>> No.5540026

didnt till recently - i got these from free faucet payouts (1-20btc per 5 minutes) and paypal when silkroad first opened

>> No.5540049

share the wealth my dude

>> No.5540065

1 - cash out for gold, tell no one
2 - bury gold in back yard
3 - ???
4 - don't profit!

Seriously though, start slowly cashing out.

>> No.5540079
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if you are worried about people changing because of it just throw it in a term deposit and take the interest.
That way no one can ask for a million dollars and no one has to worry about loosing it all.

>> No.5540086

ill post more with this trip if i get anywhere

>> No.5540090

I'll buy your hard drives for cash, I'll even pay for shipping. You might not feel like you have the need for all the crypto you have, but I'm sure you'll find use for a few hundred USD.

>> No.5540115

yeah so you're aware you have a 1:1 amount of BCH as you do BTC? you're aware you have additional money in the 6 figures of BCH?

>> No.5540126

get rid of it, buy LINK

>> No.5540150

no, thx for info

>++mfw additional worried laughter

>> No.5540170
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just cash out and start a hobby or something

>> No.5540185

your private key for bitcoin cash is the same as for bitcoin, but the safest way for you to access bitcoin cash is to first move your bitcoin, so that the bitcoin cash software can not maliciously take your BTC

>> No.5540242

for more worried laughs, you'll have an additional 1:1 amount later this week when the segwit2x fork happens

also please respond >>5540090

>> No.5540311

so if my wallet pass was...

unicorn1985 or something - you use this for both? - this is not my pass.
this is a bad deal

>> No.5540313

According to the crypto gods btc stays ~10-15k until mid febuary then moons again to $40k. Its supposed to hit 64k before correcting again, then $100k in 2019.

>> No.5540405

MUN MN coin. Check em.


>> No.5540419

also - where in the US would you spend $1mil on land?

>> No.5540433

no, the private key (a long string of secret letters and numbers) or passphrase (12 words)

>> No.5540444
File: 291 KB, 750x366, best.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever known anyone that was sick / died of an illness? DONATE IT SOMEWHERE.

>> No.5540466

passphrase is 12 words? in 2005? I don't remember that.

>> No.5540524

You know what to do, Anon.


>> No.5540575

okay im out

>> No.5540645

2005, 2009, what's the difference? I've drank alot in the last decade.

it's the date on my hard drives.

>> No.5540656

I'm confused, so the problem is you don't want to cash out or you want to know when its best to cash out? BTC is still worth a lot for the time being, and those harddrives are in a presumably good shape. Now is the best time to cash out, don't even think about it. Money doesn't mean lifestyle change, its additional security for you and your family. Get a lawyer and accountant stat. Its hard to find a bank that'll even accept 10k from crypto gains nowadays. Either way quit pussyfooting and do this ASAP.
If you're not interested then I'll up my initial offer to a couple thousand.

>> No.5540690

become a slumlord op

wear a crown and shit

>> No.5540891

there's a couple problems.

principally - i'ma poorfag and don't have the IDE cable or w/e. the HDD's I have - they have different fittings.

with the volatility of the market - when to know when to press the button is fucking terrifying to a poor fag like me..

I can do the accounting on my own - quickbooks works fine. I'm wondering if it'd be best to just take out 10k and go to switzelrand - open an account, etc.

i'm not gunna send out HDD's for a few grand when there's...as i've learned in this thread 9+mil in there.

add the "lottery curse" and this thread is wrapped up in a bow.

>> No.5541193

you don't have 9 mil..

you have 4.5 + the amount of bitcoins multiplied by the price of bitcoin cash

all the other forks are shitcoins at this point in time but still probably worth your trouble to cash out of those as long as you don't compromise your BTC private key

>> No.5541274

Have you tried cashing out any crypto? Bank's won't want to touch your money. Unless you're heavily experienced in taxes especially in the crypto space then you absolutely need a lawyer and accountant. Now is not the time to be cheap, either pay for the correct fittings and check out the hard drives for yourself, or pay someone to do it under your supervision.
Don't make the mistake of "waiting for the best time" to do this. Anything could happen to the market, or your hard drives. Get the up and running and cash out.

>> No.5541281

honestly if you legit have this much BTC you should enter into the market as a nucoiner would

spend $50 on some btc at an exchange and play around with it on a different machine. make sure you know what the fuck you're doing again and then assess what your HDD contains.

you shouldn't be touching this shit until you're up to speed with what's happened since you first got your BTC.

>> No.5541616

also the bitcoin software on your harddrive will be outdated, so you need to be extremely careful interfacing with it. scrape every piece of information you can from the software and also your wallet.dat file. make backups immediately incase your rusty harddrive dies suddenly.