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55380014 No.55380014 [Reply] [Original]

What's the career of a self-love coach like? How do I train as one?

>> No.55380027

Do women really?

>> No.55380041

Overcompensating womanlet detected

>> No.55380056

Wait till you realize pisces & 'spiritual' is pleonasm in this context.

>> No.55380069

I learned a new word today, thanks friend.

>> No.55380087

>Love exploring the world & the mindset, having fun, chasing the sun & making memories
No shit, everyone loves that you fucking stupid broad.

>> No.55380133

I unironically hate being in the sun
I prefer snow

>> No.55380168


She probably used up all money and is debt maxxed at this point, so needs a millionaire, 6,5' chad to provide for her lifestyle.

>> No.55380186
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>I was letting foreign and random dudes cum inside me for the last 10 years but now I'm ready to pretend to settle down (I can't really settle down because I've ruined my pair bonding ability due to sleeping around)

why do women do this?

>> No.55380190

>31 years old

>> No.55380195

>pair bonding ability
You’re just as bad as she is with her spirituality kek

>> No.55380209

The chances of a woman leaving you rises based on how many partners she had. This is irrefutable.

>> No.55380231

The virgins on this Vietnamese basket weaving forum make me chuckle. You keep doing you brother.

>> No.55380256

self love coach is just codeword for hedonism.
the pair bonding thing is literally scientific fact tho. You're not a science denier, are you, anon?

>> No.55380262
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>> No.55380312

Both true and not mutually exclusive.

>> No.55380390

From the point of view of a coping virgin they are mutually exclusive, that's the joke

>> No.55380402

>the pair bonding thing is literally scientific fact tho.
just like the vaxx is safe, right anon?

>> No.55380454

>sluts it up for 20 years
>I'm not a slut
>enters the matrix, gets programming
>I know self love

>> No.55380482

They have to be told what to do. Society (Jews) told her to do this and she didn't have her father tell her not to do this.

>> No.55380503


>> No.55380524

Know a girl who is a """life coach"""
She literally just makes tiktok videos showing her tits and saying that you should be happy. Any of these coaching women just don't have jobs and get men to pay for their shit. This bitch probably married a old rich guy and got dumped when she turned 30

>> No.55380539

>pisces & 'spiritual' is pleonasm in this context
Not really. I know Aeriens who are quite spiritual, and even a Tauras, often thought to be less so.

>> No.55380563


>> No.55380589

>imagine using the noun and not the adjective
Cringe. It’s pleonastic.

>> No.55380603
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>31 years old

>> No.55380605


>> No.55380614


>>>/lit/, wordfags.

>> No.55380620

You’re in the company of greatness, act accordingly.

>> No.55380638

Drinks, smokes, does no sports and is a womanlet, the whole profile is one red flag

>> No.55380680

/biz/ educational

>> No.55380697

Be an insufferable, conceited, self-centred woman who talks utter shit 24/7

You are now qualified

>> No.55380716

s tier word

>> No.55380722


where do jannies live

>> No.55380757
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>he doesn't know
>thinks courting a 1000+ bodycount woman is the same as a virgin in terms of stable marriage probability
It's ok, Anon. I was once this new too.

>> No.55380789

>we shouldn't be literary outside of /lit/ guys
it's ok Anon just head back on over here where you belong: >>>/b/

>> No.55380803

I say this all the time as an old man, but really this is fundamental difference between the older generations and the younger worthless generations. See, when I was young we were taught absolute self hatred from a young age. Being told we were worthless and lazy. That everything we thought, felt, or wanted was completely invalid and stupid and that we were worthless. Hence we internalized absolute self hatred and went on to become hard working and productive members of society who drank ourselves to sleep every night. Now these young generations come along and want to “accept” themselves and everyone else. Well look what kind of a society that gets you!!!!

>> No.55380854



>> No.55380931
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Much love from Kazakhstan

>> No.55380967

>I'm not like the other girls

>> No.55381078

>Now these young generations come along and want to “accept” themselves and everyone else

Not really, only women and minorities are taught this.

>> No.55381083

Looks 50.

>> No.55381126

all of these women have higher incomes and more prospects than 95% of /biz/

Why is that?

>> No.55381511

>standards for fuck buddy and wife are different, how could this be?

>> No.55381742

Because biz is full of indians

>> No.55381835

>want someday
It never stops being funny

>> No.55381913

>looks 40 even with all the makeup and filters
>looks 50 more likely without any of those on on a good day
>want kids someday

Imagine the suicide wave when most of these self-achieved women start ODing in 10 years

>> No.55381936

Still would

>> No.55382010

>high quality men won't wife me because of my body count, therefore they are virgins and incels
have fun being our cumdumpster and nothing more, roastie

>> No.55382276

Just marry a virgin, dummy. I did.

>> No.55382318

what? she's 31. women can safely have kids well into their late 30s

>> No.55382339

You've been training self love all your life, OP. Maybe try switching to the other hand.

>> No.55382352

Same, I am going to learn this word

>> No.55382435

Problem is you need to date, move in together and get married before having kids and each of these milestones should take a couple years to complete, meaning at the earliest she's having kids at 35 which is classified as a geriatric pregnancy.

>> No.55382483

>each of these milestones should take a couple years to complete

no? everyone is different

>> No.55382488


>> No.55383000

You mean tautological, no?

>> No.55383243

I'd love to smell her poopa

>> No.55383262

Yeah and guess what. Your generation has been the one in charge of the government and institutions, only caring about yourselves and being clueless and oblivious to the outright stealing of wealth and taking away rights, increase in migration and mental illness and drug abuse.

>> No.55383309
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>> No.55383364

You date, get married and then move in together.
Whole thing takes about two years.
>t. been married 20 years

>> No.55384206

be as pedantic as you want, but most people arent going to want to start a family with someone theyve been with for not even a year, and i wouldnt be surprised if couples that do that divorce at a higher rate than the rest.

>> No.55384221
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>> No.55384263

5"2 cute desu

>> No.55385260

Is self love masturbation because that’s how it’s often defined?

>> No.55385338

No, you didn't.

>> No.55385529

From Reddit (new to the whole 4chan thing) but can I just say that spouting off that stupid imagine is literally misogynistic. My partner (soon to be wife) had like 50 partners before we got together. Bro she chose me, loves me and cherishes me. LOL to think she’s ganna get up and leave because this image says so. Bro this site is wack. Taking a few screenshots so I can share later with community.

Cringe bruh. Do better.

>> No.55385606

Bet, bet. Right on, famalam.

>> No.55385623

Nobody cares about your shitty nuword either explain that it means or GTFO

>> No.55385650

If they do it’s because globohomo megacorps caters to women by giving them make work jobs so they can boost their ESG scores

>> No.55385683

"mutually exclusive" is a pleonasm, just say exclusive

>> No.55385717

> I love having fun
> I do not love not having fun
> I like making memories
> I enjoy processing food with my stomach
> When I am alive I fancy breathing oxygen
> My brain likes to send signals to my heart to pump blood
> I sometimes need to expel waste from my body
Now that you really got to know me personally anon, tell me more about you!

>> No.55385721

>self-love coach
JOI film star

>> No.55385742

>they're all in their 20s and all but two under 25

>> No.55385761

anmol and holly

>> No.55385887

He's saying horoscopes are her type of spirituality brainlet.

>> No.55385898

professional talker

>> No.55385941

>all of these women have higher incomes and more prospects than 95% of /biz/
>Why is that?
i dont know, you tell me, poorfag.

>> No.55386023

Almost had me