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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55378804 No.55378804 [Reply] [Original]

>Everytime bitcoin is about to crash, 1 billion unlimited supply stable coins get printed out of thin air to prop up the price

How is this even legal? People really think BTC is worth $30k when there is absolutely ZERO proof these stable coins are backed 1:1

>> No.55378817
File: 747 KB, 1242x1512, 57498671-D461-433C-9E86-FDCD0AF7D2C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay mad, nignog

>> No.55378818

>How is this even legal?
ask the fed printer guys!

>> No.55378825

Except they are the government

>> No.55378831

>How is printing money legal?
idk, ask the fed

>> No.55378835

And, bitch?
>the gomerment can fuck my ass because it's the gomerment and the gomerment is my fren

>> No.55378838


>> No.55378840

Except they are not the government

>> No.55378847

>well yeah but those are my kike overlords bro
kys bootlicker

>> No.55378850

And they are the boss. Deal with it.

>muh private company can manipulate the price of this world currency that gives us so much freedom and is a big middle finger to the old world order and the banks!!!


if you arent bothered by stable coins artificially pumping the price of bitcoin you are a fucking retard and miss the whole point of bitcoin

>> No.55378851

>my scam market isn't a scam because the money is counterfeited by the government

>> No.55378856


this is a lost cause trying to explain

admins can lock this topic

>> No.55378859

>And I like jew cock. Deal with it.

>> No.55378861

the whole point of Bitcoin is to stopping giving a fuck about government jews and what they say and do

>> No.55378869

>lock the thread, jannie
Nigger, this isn't reddit. Go back to your cesspool of beta males

>> No.55378872


>> No.55378878

and now you give away freedom to coorparate jews instead lmao

>> No.55378880

cry more soi nigger

>> No.55378884

Holy sh*t so much racism and anti-semitism here

You guys gotta act hella normal fast or i'm 360-ing out of here

>> No.55378886

everyone should have the freedom to print their own fake money, if the government can do it than tether and other private entities can do it as well

>> No.55378888

Except that's not how the world works.

The government are the ones protecting us.

>> No.55378892

>Except that's not how the world works.
And I don't give a fuck

>> No.55378894
File: 932 KB, 1242x1589, F9B3D355-F909-42E3-9123-705F4C2B2FDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Horrible bait

>> No.55378896

Wow so edgy!

>> No.55378898

says the jew cock sucking nigger

>> No.55378899
File: 390 KB, 1476x1476, 673DD54B-2348-4878-A3A7-00C6B85F855D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this is looking like damage control aka "I was only pretending to be be in love with jew cock"

>> No.55378901


>I disagree with something so I call it bait haha!

Yes I know the government can print unlimited money.

And I know the original idea of bitcoin was to end this. Or at least thats what bitcoin maxi's like to believe. However this whole idea is ruined now if there is private companies that can literally fuck with the price by printing money out of thin air.

If you somehow pretend this is a good thing because "the government also does this" you are a straight retard nigger jew fuck kike tranny reddit 9gag shill nigger nigger nigger mayonaise in the fridge retard

>> No.55378905
File: 39 KB, 656x679, 314DB114-FF0A-471C-987A-4D3B24BD950E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't read. You're wrong. Simple as.

>> No.55378907

Im not pretending. I like jews and i'm also circumsized.

>> No.55378910

>Muh bitcoins muh be our own banks
>oh this company is printing billions of fake dollars thus moving the price about 10x what the fair value should be haha now this is totally fine because the government also prints money!


>> No.55378911

No, the whole point of Bitcoin was to stop giving a fuck about jews and jew cock suckers like you

>> No.55378914

>If I take this shtick to the extreme, people will think I was playing a character!

>> No.55378918

Yes and that whole point is ruined, thus the purpose of this thread

>> No.55378920

>saying you dont hate jews now is being extreme to this guys standards

I think being on /pol/ has gotten a bit too far to your brain my friend.

>> No.55378922

you and your jewish overlords are the ones seething though

>> No.55378924

My advice:
Short btc for a year. Lose all your money. Then go to your nearest gas chamber

>> No.55378929

I actually liked bitcoin at first

Now it's just as big as a scam as regular fiat

You retarded maxi's dont see and think private companies printing billions of fake stable coins pushing the price is a good thing for bitcoin

it only makes the house of cards more unstable

my advice: dont be retarded short sighted maxi who still holds the same views on bitcoin as people did back in 2011

>> No.55378934

My advice is better and would be a net gain to the world

>> No.55378944


>> No.55378958
File: 753 KB, 1242x1221, 0503D5D3-9118-4C69-B984-42FE0E301F88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...did this long nosed curly haired satanist kike just "this" their own post?
Sad attempt at samefagging

>> No.55378961

Yeah i noticed the idea was the same, must have been a glitch or something i've seen that happen before

>> No.55378964
File: 859 KB, 1242x1207, 10A0F4AA-6FCC-4EC5-8EF8-30AB1EE424FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it was a glitch! I'm actually another anon!

>> No.55378974

Yes like I said i've seen that happen before. One time in another thread where alot of anons were disagreeing with something I said but then one guy agreed with me and he actually had the same id too. Kinda crazy come to think of it

>> No.55378975


>> No.55378982

You were caught being a subhuman kike, fuck off nigger

>> No.55378984


>> No.55378988

Can also confirm

>> No.55378989

No uh

>> No.55378991

This and this guy had a huge dick

>> No.55378992

>it was a glitch

>> No.55378993

Appeal to authority. It's the same scam.

>> No.55378995

Post nose and chin

>> No.55378997

It was though and you can now see alot of other anons who aren't me are also agreeing with it so it must mean I was speaking the truth all along

>> No.55379003
File: 937 KB, 1242x1199, 3420E993-CF97-4AAB-858A-6F8D5553E30B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55379005


>> No.55379009

Well seems to me alot of other anons are agreeing so I win

Now I gotta go I got some important stuff to do

bye all

>> No.55379017

and this.

>> No.55379018
File: 19 KB, 474x331, 3DCBA442-28C6-4E7D-B550-9596FA41AE63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am just an over the top character!
>I am not actually this retarded!
>haha! Did you like my 4D chess??

>> No.55379019

BTC was printed out of thin air too. And now it is the best performing asset of all time. A coin doesn't need to be "backed" to reach a high market cap...

>> No.55379021

>The government are the ones protecting us.
From what? All they have done for the past century is make things more dangerous. Arguably for the whole of history.
So if it is their job to protect 'us' why do i feel the need to protect myself from 'them'?

>> No.55379026

please sir how do I get your respect back?

>> No.55379347

the government does nothing but take advantage of anything to get an extra buck, I had to become a banker so they wouldn't bust my ass, and I still need things like OBAYC to be able to save just a little bit

>> No.55379444


>> No.55379459

OK Rabbi chill
The muh tether print is extreme bullshit
Nothing is unbacked, tether is way over 100% backed
Even if it was just printed it would be backed by the bitcoin people sell for tether

>> No.55379473

Proof jews use antisemitism when shilling

>> No.55379500


>> No.55379597
File: 8 KB, 239x211, rdx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sound good anon, lazy fags get horny over some shitty quotes, when real anon are getting rich using BTC and Xmoney for payment I even get cashback using it