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55376340 No.55376340 [Reply] [Original]

Who remembers FOMO-3D? Rumour has it the original creators are launching a new game soon called PONZU3. With these games it's simple the earlier you are the more X you make

>> No.55376351
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Any socials?

>> No.55376354

ponzi games by sheiks? Its annoying. really annoying. Don't you get it, eth is cancer and needs to die

>> No.55376361

This is their twitter @ponzu3_eth

>> No.55376364

Yes please and hurry up before Jannies nuke a true biz original
I made a lot off of these coins
Both the og powh on ETH and the second one on BSC
The BSC one I held to the bottom but tge divis gave me 8 BNB from something ridiculous like 0.5 BNB buy

>> No.55376367

Thank you sir
You’re doing gods work

>> No.55376378

dude If you buy 0.1 ETH worth of their token and someone after you buys 1 ETH you will literally 2x your money instantly. Now imagine if this shit goes viral. Unless you're somehow the last person to buy you will always make money.

>> No.55376381

Yeah i remember these days. With the bullrun coming up i think this is going to be so fucking great. I turned 1 ETH into almost 20 last time

>> No.55376383

I bet you did. It doesn't change that the idea behind crypto got perverted and that there is nothing in it anymore. No innovation, it just failed beyond hopelessness and all that is left, is disgusting. Have fun scamming

>> No.55376393

I’m an adult and don’t need fags telling me how to spend my money
Stop forcing your ideals on others

>> No.55376394

you don't get it, you really don't get it. Thanks for making a good idea a perversion of the original ideals

>> No.55376395
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Thanks king

>> No.55376403

hey you do what you do. Enjoy the scum it draw and have fun with the dirt of society trying to scam fools with a platform exclusively existing to scam

>> No.55376408

Dude it's just a game, don't take it so seriously. It's like going to the casino, don't sell the farm just have fun.

>> No.55376415

A casino, yeah a casino for the bottom feeders of society, non with style. Disgusting. If you enjoy that you do yours

>> No.55376417

That’s why I come to biz in the first place
Have fun yelling at the wind and telling everyone to stop playing crypto casino games

>> No.55376429

as said, if you enjoy offering every bottom feeder a way to run scams, keep supporting it, keep lunching scams and enjoy the company of crooks and scum

>> No.55376434
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This shit was glorious getting bull run vibes

>> No.55376444

Lmao you cuck

>> No.55376455

You know what makes a casino fun, not the gambling; its all that around. Eth is like the run down shack in the outskirts with the heroine junkies

>> No.55376469
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>You know what makes a casino fun, not the gambling; its all that around. Eth is like the run down shack in the outskirts with the heroine junkies

>> No.55376488

If you enjoy scamming dollars from manipulated slot machines with the heroine addicted pajeet in front begging for pennies while the one or other drunken chines tourists comes by from time to time, go on. Its your money

>> No.55376490

>enjoy the company of crooks and scum
are you lost bro?
It’s just silly pyramid games
it’s literal crack for the people on this site
The other games like this took over the fucking board

>> No.55376498

yep, you are right, eth made this place a crack shack

>> No.55376513

and tbf, the cancer spread so far that it infected crypto as a whole. Just a town with run down crack shacks and junkies

>> No.55376517

Even if I lose money, shilling these games with other schizos is what makes me happy
I’d probably neck myself already if it wasn’t for shut like this but keep shitting on the only joy I have in life

>> No.55376525

then enjoy the company. There are no shizos, just scum, and pajeetery. Making crypto more accessible didn't help it, it just made it more disgusting. Have fun

>> No.55376535


He said before going all in

>> No.55376547

No. I was happy for Gensler going after crypto, because it would have made it more exclusive again if he would succeed. It would maybe have made it more fun again. But as it stands, there is nothing left

>> No.55376557

you clearly haven't been paying attention
1uck is faded by this whole board and yet it's the first actually interesting token in years
I'm not saying buy it, just look at what it is and does
then we'll talk

>> No.55376567

No, I am through with it. You have fun, as said enjoy the company; I am done with this shit, the cancer it has attracted by going "mainstream" has just progressed so far its terminal

>> No.55376573


>> No.55376581

like I said, don't buy, just look
you might just find what you were missing

>> No.55376617

this is all you need to know

>> No.55376643

>the original creators
Yeah I remember the dev smokey nagata, he rugged

>> No.55376681

Pretty sure these are other guys

>> No.55376688

at least it is on bnb

>> No.55376701

This board is so much more degen and into gambling tokens now
This shit will moon

>> No.55376704

He left and only a few from the og are running it now

>> No.55376709

The money is on ETH tho. BNB is a jeet chain only small fish on there the whales are on ETH

>> No.55376717

The whales are the cancer, especially the meth whales

>> No.55376721

I think this new one is on ETH but it should be on BSC because games and dividend shit gets too expensive on ETH but fuck it old fags will moon this no matter what

>> No.55376727

he's still around
check the TXs from the deployer and the house wallet
he might have left the token in the care of anons, but he's doing...something
my guess is this is far from over

>> No.55376735

and here comes the issue, its not about fun or innovation, experimenting, its just people that try to extract dollars to maintain their lifestyle, disgusting

>> No.55376749

tx fees are like $3 pretty sure it won't matter if you make a few Xes

>> No.55376752

Take your meds

>> No.55376758

again, read this thing >>55376617
things are changing, new stuff is being made for fun, with new concepts
the implications of 1uck will become apparent in time. this is the beginning of something new
mark my words

>> No.55376765

Its the truth, vc faggotery is not in for the fun or innovation, they are in to make profits for their shareholders. They are not interested in crypto, they are just interested in using a space that is grey market to extract as much liquidity as possible. Lucky they all bought the 2021 tops, and as long as they are not stranded and dead, there is no reason to put a single cent in crypto. And if the boomers are going to take over crypto, outside of xmr for buying weird goods, it ended

>> No.55376769

Smart contract interactions are much more then $3 but whatever
What’s the underlying dynamics? Is it a relaunch of the og or is there something new?

>> No.55376792

It's something new but inspired by fomo. Few info yet. Launch date TBA as well

>> No.55376794

I like cheeseburgers

>> No.55376805

I read through the contract - seems like a cool idea, but the chance that just writing this lines, is going to attract a bunch of hungry fags, that try too do a pump and dump to rape the liquidity pools is just too damn high

>> No.55376816

like I said, don't buy, just keep an eye on it for now and see what happens
I got myself a bag because it's dirt cheap and I won't miss the money, but even if you don't, I think it's worth watching

>> No.55376821

I am ready for wife changing money im tired looking at my 300lbs wife every night

>> No.55376843

Hopefully china and the rest of the world keeps slipping into recession and maybe when people forgot about crypto it can be fun again

>> No.55376906
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>> No.55376940

its already happening anon

>> No.55376943

its the ugly truth, crypto going from a sandbox for innovators and experimenters to a way for common enterprises and scammers to make a bug was the worst that could happen. I just hope that barriers of entry and regulations become so high, that average joe and your random llc wont touch it with a ten yard stick and the only ones left are people that get crypto the old fashion way, from behind an Arbys or selling .pdfs on darknetmarkets

>> No.55376962

With db br and co trying to hype up fillings of papers, the entire crypto journalist circus still in town, the third party advertising scammers running bots on social media and youtubers taking money for shilling rugs, seems that it is still a long way to go. On recession, maybe

>> No.55376963

Please don’t explain or shill to new fags before I buy
Let them buy our bags

>> No.55377057

Just embrace the degeneracy and memes and get rich with us
I used to feel the same as you, then I saw SHIB holders get rich while mkr I bought at ico became a stable coin and I don’t mean dai

>> No.55377084

Shib was an insider scam by the vc dirt that killed the space. So no, I wont "embrace" the (((meme))) I want your kind dead and out

>> No.55377137

Yeah but “good tech” like ADA and ICP are even worse VC scams
At least others get rich on SHIB. Plus you see how much gambling goes on here and how greedy everyone is in this space. Shit like this is just guaranteed money at the point. Especially because old timers with money will remember this and pump it

>> No.55377179

No. For me it's clear knowing crypto in and out, no single cent for vc baggie genx fags and as long as they aren't out, I am macroing in boomer markets and treat every crypto project they have their scammy hands in as a red flag

>> No.55377331

you gotta hate money or maybe penetrated by mossad agent sbf

>> No.55377368

Look it's pretty fucking obvious what is happening. After Leo got in with his boomer cme in 2017 every genx vc fag under the sun got signaled that's time to scam. They all chose their common enterprise of software companies and wanted in on the game of scamming for dollars, shelled a bunch of cheap loans out to those software companies, loaded up on bags and expected to dump on faggots and fools, now they hold and try the only way they know to scam, with paid advertising, spamming and scamming, and it's disgusting. And for me it was a clear red flag from the get go. Btw, microdick strat isn't better in anyway and I enjoy watching them struggle for air while powell does a higher for longer. May they all die. And about sam, he is going to end in a coffin, because daddy might keep him out of jail but not save because he can't deliver on the promises he made

>> No.55377448

pretty sure sam will be a free man these fucking low t crypto faggots lost millions and seen him walking freely and were scared to do ANYTHING, just make sure youre early make your money and dip

>> No.55377465

Free yes, alive, no. Daddy made promises to people sam fucked, those promises can't be kept, and the Friedman family soon rests in peace

>> No.55377548

these faggots do nothing other than jerking off all day and talking on CT. they caught him lacking at the airport ASLEEP and still did nothing (i lost $400k and wouldve done nothing either)

>> No.55377560

CT, lol. Those are just stalkers, they don't matter, there are other players that have a longer breath, wait to see if by any chance the bankmans can deliver, which they can't, and act when they definitely failed to deliver

>> No.55377913

dont wanna bump this thread but basically this guy comes back and scams biz every so often. even if you do buy in early i can almost guarantee you will NOT be at the top of the pyramid because the owner will give out the majority of the keys to his crooked friends first, then all of you. this has been going on since 2018 and been less and less successful each time, the previous one on arb didnt even get off the ground
>Rumour has it
rumour has it that YOU are the creator and shilling this scam, lol get fucked

>> No.55378220

>this is back
Old fags get in first
You remember how fun these games are and who wins the biggest

>> No.55378292

I miss the ponzi days so much bros. Devs know there are a lot of us and have only abused this nostalgia with rugs and scams. This time will be different and the project will be good, right?

>> No.55378333

I made money off the previous versions of these pyramid games
I’ll wait to see the underlying rules but biz loves aping this shit. Look at 1uck and clones which don’t have near the UI and fun
Weak hands and fomo look professional compared to the shut mooning here lately

>> No.55378355

Checked pyramid digits. I'll be monitoring the launch, let's hope for the best.

>> No.55378558

buy my bags later faggot

>> No.55378573

made lots of money with ponzis im sidelined until launch and ready to deploy my savings again

>> No.55378589

I missed the first versions of this but I was around for the 2021 BSC version and this place was shilling it hard. there’s a good chance this one moons if it’s not a rug

>> No.55378637

I remember the last rug, 'it will be even simpler' kek

>> No.55378719

every crypto ends eventually, these gambling tokens just end faster then others

>> No.55378774

before barking like dog do some research first. they got WL for ppl who invite 3 members to their discord

>> No.55379037

These gamified tokens are like micro versions of crypto and investing in general. Even stocks are giant Ponzi schemes for the earliest investors. Stuff like this just amplifies the gambling qualities. They work well for making fast money

>> No.55379574

This one doesn't have keys. It a new concept.

>> No.55380242
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bamp eet

>> No.55380827

This launching soon hopefully and mcafee “suicided” anniversary is today. It’s like a biz flashback

>> No.55380945

Its a reminder that there is only one solution. Killing college boys