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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55374593 No.55374593 [Reply] [Original]

Perma, for the spammers with tgs and discords in their cookies

>> No.55374674
File: 169 KB, 1675x532, lebanonmay18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the guy spamming the catalog btw, I kept blowing his begging threads up on /pol/ and /biz/ and he started ddosing /biz/ and hasn't stopped since, over 1k threads he's made in 24 hours.

>> No.55374685

No it isn't Lebfag; its the band of discord retards

>> No.55374696
File: 191 KB, 1359x510, Beggar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is my last day
>different days different boards
So this faggot ddosed /biz/ for awhile running everyone out of here in hopes he could scam full time.
It bounced back on him and now nobody likes him and he can't scam.
So he just hatefully spams the catalog nonstop with his proxies.
You can see the evidence of this through his threads and his samefagging in those threads both on /pol/ and /biz/ this is the exact same tactic he uses to slide the catalog and peoples threads.

>> No.55374709

Na it's him, the "discord" shit is a fallacy, I'm an IT professor I know what's being done here, I can confirm this by using activity stats when he would post his begging threads.
There's less than 5 active posters here most times.

>> No.55374721

>I will fix /biz/ by schizo spamming harder than the people I am accusing of doing the spamming

bold plan

>> No.55374733

I haven't made a single thread here in three years.
You've made over 1000 threads in 24 hours, you're pathetic and you'll never "win"

>> No.55374735

>I'm an IT professor

No you're not, you're a retarded basment dwelling schizo with a fixation on one of your paranoid delusions and now you are making it our problem.

Many such cases.

>> No.55374754

Why don't you go make more "kek" threads or "titan" threads You've made about 80 of those titan threads alone, 15 kek threads within an hour.

You can try to divert and distract but you're ddosing this sub and you're gonna get fucked in the ass nigger.

>> No.55374756

so discorders fucked off? interesting, he must have lost dozens off proxies by now

>> No.55374771

In terms of active yes, there's a few stragglers like Roosh etc but they post maybe once every few months.
This faggots some unhinged europe shitskin who failed at scamming here so his "revenge" is to try to ruin the sub by ddosing it.

>> No.55374776
File: 181 KB, 628x462, leaveitalone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're doing this for free?
maybe you should sign up to be a janitor :^)

>> No.55374781

>try to ruin the sub
>the sub

oh it makes sense now, you're a displaced and likely permabanned reddit schizo who has no idea how 4chan actually functions

>> No.55374782

Unironically likely will just so I can prune every piece of shit thread you make until you blow your nigger brains out, that will be my payment.

>> No.55374789

Like clockwork, your Thorazine ser.

>> No.55374794

what an idiot, should focus on reddit and other more normal faggot platforms. But he does the board a favor in all honesty. The deader it becomes the better

>> No.55374800

>believes somebody is capable of automating the process to create thousands of threads a day and near effortlessly keep the spam up at that volume
>thinks that possibly seeing a handful of those threads deleted before they naturally drop off the board due to inactivity will somehow upset a spammer

even when trying to pretend your fantasy is logically consistent, it falls apart under the smallest amount of scrutiny

>> No.55374805

I like it, I can just poke at him nonstop till he ddosing the website while I'm trading, he's quite entertaining in spraying the nigger in the cage kinda way.

>> No.55374815

>doesn't deny being a redditfag
>knows about specific schizo medication

>I like it
>that's why I spam and cry and rage about it all day

you already acknowledged you are incapable of stopping the spam, so why pretend like you have your fantasy spammer cornered? Being the hero is part of a schizo delusion, but in your case it doesn't even seem plausible

>> No.55374825

>>>55374789 (You)
This is the most effort you've made all day, thank god maybe we can get that fat heart pumping I know you need it after all those bagels you fat faggot kek.
Keep responding I'm really enjoying this much more than you'll ever know.

>> No.55374826

the only really active places on this board is /smg/ and the /pmg/. but your assessment of only 5 seems a bit low

>> No.55374843

I wonder how much he lost on Link, he seems to be the deranged link spammer as well

>> No.55374847

>This is the most effort you've made all day

I believe you

>> No.55374850

Almost all of /pmg/ and /smg/ is bot posts brother, why they use tripfaggots to keep a chain of responses going.
Also if you'll notice all the spam threads stopped being made when this faggot had to stop to respond.

>> No.55374854

>Almost all of /pmg/ and /smg/ is bot posts brother

imagine being THIS schizophrenic

>> No.55374870

I can't help your mental illness, I can show you the door that's about it.
I've tried many times but you don't get it.
>3 posts per minute /pmg/ hits 200 responses
It doesn't register bot posts you dumbass fucks.

>> No.55374875

actually I'm a little jealous, being this type of crazy is probably way more satisfying than living in boring reality
for this dude, he's actually the hero of the story he made up and has convinced himself is playing out around him
he probably feels really alive right now, and like he is accomplishing something incredibly important

just imagine being that fulfilled

sadly when the flip switches and he goes back to the truly debilitating paranoid episodes the suffering returns, but that's what his meds are for

he's clearly off of them right now and just lucking out on developing this narrative about some guy from lebanon ddosing 4chan, and only he stands in the way

>> No.55374880

>Also if you'll notice all the spam threads stopped being made when this faggot had to stop to respond.
That is actually an interesting observation

>> No.55374887

You need legitimate psychiatric help, we've had this discussion probably 20-40x over the last few years.
You won't get it, eventually you're going to harm someone.

>> No.55374890

tardschizo talking to himself on his phone while he posts at his computer

>> No.55374898

And yeah the generals are mostly bots, I'll pop into the /xmr/ just to prove the point to people.
They use all tripcodes to completely automate the generals and keep a sense of activity going, also makes it easier to spot the faggot schizophrenics like this nigger ITT when nobody posts here.

>> No.55374899

Are you really a paranoid shizo, I thought you are rather histrionic with all the attention whoring

>> No.55374914

By the way /pw/ has more activity than /biz/ does
That's professional wrestling, I didn't even know that was a board.
Put's some things into perspective.

>> No.55374915

The language model training was obvious, but that they took it that far to scam advertisers with pure bot spamming to fake activity, bad mojo

>> No.55374920


actually dipshit, the first time we ever chatted was yesterday when you had your public schizo melty in a thread about networking

we don't know each other, and you should stop projecting

you talk about suicide and violence and AWFUL lot, but that isn't surprising for a legit nutcase

I know how your story actually ends, and it isn't pretty. The very sad thing is that no professional can actually help you, and no drugs can cure you. Your condition can only be managed, but only if you actually take your pills and practice some mindfulness when you go off the rails.

There is no conspiracy, there is no spam, just a bored shitposter who likely got banned by the mods and recycled his router to post some helicopters for a little while as a protest, and it's already ceased since he found something better to do.

You have no idea what actual board-crippling spam looks like.

Lets have some fun though, post your filter list so we can see just what you think is all connected. Also...please stop talking to yourself using another device. It's insanely cringe.

>> No.55374928

You mistake that anon for me, fucking up the language model training on purpose

>> No.55374930

maybe this board doesn't align with your interests

>> No.55374937

Unfortunately but I also get it to a certain extent, it became glaringly obvious to me when the board was dead in 2021 then again in 2022.
It's fine because I just don't find myself engaging with parts of this board, then you get this faggot who's been spamming for at least 1.7 years now and never cease, he got unnranged about a week back after ddosing /biz/ multiple times, unfortunately they never completely nuked him and now he's just incessantly going insane, because he didn't get his way.