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55373164 No.55373164 [Reply] [Original]

>pic related

>> No.55373183
File: 1.79 MB, 303x540, 1603908302420.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just 2 more months
this summer
later this year

>> No.55373189

is @ChainLinkGod.eth a reputable source of information?

>> No.55373202

obviously something has to happen before SmartCon, even if it's a yet another beta early access v0.000001 version

>> No.55373204
File: 161 KB, 1116x716, 1610120771843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shown good results

>> No.55373207

I got banned from the chainlink discord for asking why there was a channel dedicated to anime and not one to price discussion

>> No.55373217

its going to happen at smartcon.
also to remember that the fat man said ccip was going to launch in 22 and it ended up being last week of the year

>> No.55373224

In this specific case, maybe.
Otherwise, i wouldn’t trust someone who lies about being hacked in order to solicit donations from followers. then, after receiving a number of donations, some mysterious benefactor happens to donate the exact amount they claimed to lose, which was hundreds of thousands

>> No.55373227

Pretty waffle worded. Is this a mainnet release or some beta shit? Is this summer as in July or a 'Sergey special' Indian Summer release october 2023?

>> No.55373248

>gradual release
It's gonna release in 2030. Just 7 more years, marines!

>> No.55373260

As someone that started a cult once that’s actually a good sign for this coin

>> No.55373280

You lot said this about mainnet, staking and everything else. You all have a track record of being right until you're 100% wrong, and it has happened at
of Chainlink's development.
I don't know why you bother anymore. You should just give up. None of us sold, and we're all buying more at these prices.

>> No.55373296

I really hope you're getting paid for this. Otherwise it's just sad.

>> No.55373317

When CCIP is released this year, will you agree to post sharpie in poophole? I really want to see your poophole. With a sharpie in it.

>> No.55373342

So the SEC can have a case against Link for why Link should be listed as a security and Gary G can sue the company?

You don't discuss price, you discuss profits and revenue generation of the network.

>> No.55373365

>waiting 6 years for a full round-trip in sats of an unregistered security to put out a beta of part of the product
Jesus Christ...

>> No.55373391
File: 101 KB, 1080x422, 1687455688773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's literally part of the official team so yes, even if the community ambassador role is pretty gay ngl
>pic related

>> No.55373415

Zach needs to get wrenched
Effeminate little faggot

>> No.55373431

They hired a twitter frog avatar guy to be an official representative? Ooof.

>> No.55373475

Yeah they also made a TikTok account when you all were whining about muh we need more shilling. You get what you fucking deserve I guess

>> No.55373503

He said that he relays information from the team who historically have proven to routinely lie about development probably to sell smartcon tickets to keep up appearances. chainlinkgod admitted recently on twitter that he hates commitments and believes the team csn do as they please. the team owe token slaves nothing

>> No.55373507
File: 64 KB, 1440x478, 20230622_203051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone fill my order please?

>> No.55373661

I'm not a shiller nor a fudder, so yeah you're right. I just screencapped the thing and posted for the plebs and that's it

>> No.55373697

Early October is not summer

>> No.55374324

if you ask me this tweet seems bearish for $links price. Seems like they bait ppl into buying and then dump lower

>> No.55374345

>You don't discuss price, you discuss profits and revenue generation of the network.
If my company didnt have any profit or revenue i wouldnt want to discuss it either kek
Chainlink is effectively a zombie company

>> No.55374351
File: 172 KB, 462x818, Link-BTC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's exactly what they do. Plus CLG is paid by ChainlinkLabs to dandle the carrot in front of the bagholders.

Everything about Chainlink reeks of Vechain tier scam

>> No.55374959

He has proven he is not omnipotent on numerous occasions. Not sure why you still worship him desu

>> No.55374975


>> No.55374985

Anytime he gets uppity and starts shilling Link, that's a sell signal.

>> No.55375104

Well in the New Testament Zach calls for a return to worship of the LORD but this word LORD all caps means Yahweh https://www.blueletterbible.org/lexicon/h3068/kjv/wlc/0-1/


>> No.55375849

Jesus christ why even post anything at all. This is ridiculous

>> No.55375855

no, he's a low iq paid shill

>> No.55375867

>linkniggers are high estrogen faggots

>> No.55375872

the snx proposal went to vote just as the public audit was ending so obviously close now
also yeah clg is paid by the team but this info is from the cpo in the q2 update

>> No.55375997

Didn't they give him like 10k link just to be their gay little twitter cheerleader?
I gotta say, I would want at least 100k link to be a full time shill for those fucking weasels.
I'm almost all in link, but the thought of having to pretend like everything is fine and peachy while the most frustrating price action this side of shib wreaks havoc on all the holders.

>> No.55376010

think it was 1k back when chainshit was around $20
lets be honest, chainfaggod would cheerlead just for sirgay to shit down his throat every night

>> No.55376033

checked ngl you're right but reading Vitalik's latest blogpost I kekd linkies were talking about CCIP Read (The Standard) back in 2020 and earlier. Vitalik and most ETH people are three years late playing catch up

>> No.55376105

Thanks for the update twitter guy with no contributions or meaningful relation to the project I am invested in!

>> No.55376122

No twitter fag is a reputable source of information. Only you are. You need to read, understand, and parse all information through your own filter. Stop fucking relying on other faggots to figure shit out for you, you god damn lazy faggot. Lazy pieces of shit is why these grifting faggots are so success.

>> No.55377892

He means summer in the southern hemisphere, so we’ll get the initial version of CCIP at 11:59:59.999PM on 31st December 2023 and they would have perfectly hit their estimate.

>> No.55377904
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Oh no it's delayed AGAIN? Trolls are going to have a field day with this.

>> No.55377964

he literally said northern hempisphere

>> No.55378191

>11:59:59.999PM on 31st December 2023
That seems a little premature

>> No.55378194

Why did you reply then?
All I care about is that he's tied to the team so they pass the official information to him and tell him when to disclose it, I'm not an emotional bitch I'm only here to make money

>> No.55378470
File: 163 KB, 1200x675, soracard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what's not delayed and also being bullish on this bear market?
Sora, yeah that weeb coin made by a weeb, the one with the red japanese logo, yeah the one who has their own wallet and debit card, yeah that one

>> No.55378909

I'm no more a linktard, sold all my LINK for RAIL.

>> No.55378949

Here's what I don't understand about CCIP:
So, it liberates liquidity from siloed blockchains and allows it to freely move between them, right?
But expensive blockchains are expensive for a reason. ETH has the most liquidity because it's much more battle hardened and secure than BSC. The premium you pay for transacting on ETH is a conscious cost that you adopt to specifically avoid using the cheaper and less secure chains.
So what is the point of liberating liquidity from those silos? If I put $100k into CCIP and it routes it shitty low security chains because they're "cheaper", then that's not what i want at all.
Blockspace is already extremely abundant, there are more low cost, high throughput shitchains than you can poke a stick at, but they aren't used for a reason. Nobody trusts them.
I can understand it in the context of connecting two highly trusted chains. Arbitrum and ETH, say. But in the current environment I feel like 95% of L1s are pretty much scams and I don't see the value in "opening them up" through a secure messaging/bridging protocol.

>> No.55378968

you trust the dapps
snx will be eth and op for example
of course that's the small fry defi stuff
the much bigger thing will be if we get swift confirmation in 2024

>> No.55378976

It's really to connect tradfi to each other's "blockchain initiatives" and eventually to effortless normie consoomer defi

>> No.55379010
File: 267 KB, 916x1171, CCIPvsETH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55379012

>expensive blockchains are expensive for a reason
>The premium you pay for transacting on ETH is a conscious cost that you adopt to specifically avoid using the cheaper and less secure chains.
This is pure, unfiltered delusion.
A chain's cost has nothing to do with that chain's security, but with its scaling.

>> No.55379215

Sergey still has 100s of millions to dump, not to mention the 4 of 9 multisig. Trust is minimized
What is Chainlink? It’s not a blockchain. It’s certainly not trustless. It’s web3 software company issuing unregistered securities and paper promises

>> No.55379404

This. What an absolute fucking retard kek.

>> No.55379455
File: 46 KB, 828x1056, 1686759451631412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had an epiphany today that CCIP's mainnet release is really the endgame. All other oracles will be turned into dust when CCIP is released. Why? Because ALL blockchains, and all dApps will start clamoring for CCIP. They will want to get integrated with Chainlink because that's how they'll get more liquidity aka $$. And once they've integrated with Chainlink for CCIP, it is a very very small step to use literally any other Chainlink service. Why? Because Chainlink's entire product suite is powered by the same oracle system, so there's literally no additional trust assumptions to use those other services. A rational actor would want to minimize the number of trust assumptions in their protocol. THey don't want to use one oracle for one service, and then another oracle for another service, and then another oracle for another service, each time adding trust assumptions. So what's the incentive to use any other oracle? Chainlink is far and away the most secure oracle.
>Other oracles are faster
Some might be faster now but when Chainlink's low-latency oracles (pull-based) come out there will be literally NO reason to use it. At that point, Chainlink will be the fastest AND the most secure. On top of that, as mentioned they'll use CCIP and then they'll use other Chainlink services. GG.

>OCR 2.0
>Low-latency oracles

>> No.55379560

checked and wagmi bro

>> No.55379563
File: 194 KB, 1156x244, 1684110054434487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so there's literally no additional trust assumptions
I've been trying to explain this for years but no one cares or understands why it's gonna be a major deal post ccip, maket is retarded kek

>> No.55379613

Yes I realized it today while researching OCR 2.0, reading Kemal's recent Q2 product update, and also reading up on Redstone Oracles.
Redstone was made in 2020 because they saw some issues with Chainlink's oracle model, they said its "monolithic and obsolete" architecture meant it's too slow to scale (aka deploy on new chains), and that Chainlink's push-based data feeds are too expensive compared to Redstone's pull-based oracles.
But all of the supposed shortcomings that Redstone talked about, Chainlink has pretty much now addressed them all.
>Too slow and cumbersome to deploy on new chains
Solved by OCR 2.0
>Push-based data feeds too inefficient
Solved by Low-latency oracles
Long-term Redstone and Pyth will NOT thrive. Chainlink will only absorb more marketshare once CCIP is released, even in price-feed domain which has nothing to do with CCIP. The only avenue of attack that these alternative oracles can use is to beat Chainlink's pricing and be cheaper. But the only way to do that is to subsidize everything, which is what Chainlink's already doing and will continue to do for the next half-decade+.

>> No.55379629

Admittedly I didn't realise how important that was gonna be until just today. Well done on being ahead of the curve. The only thing giving me pause now is a quote I read from Balaji:
>Being too early is the same as being wrong.
Hopefully we're not TOO early. Even as Chainlink gains marketshare (beyond its already overwhelming majority) that doesn't mean it'll make speculative price gains because, as you said, the market is retarded. We may have to wait for them to expand the staking pool before we see actual price rise meteorically.

>> No.55379644
File: 46 KB, 768x307, chainlinkGOD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recognize that name

>> No.55379655

>also reading up on Redstone Oracles
Thanks for the info. I remember Streamr and some other projects started to use them instead but didn't have the energy to check on them

>> No.55379666

The sec argument is retarded. If it was that big a deal they should stop using binance who them selfs are under investigation for letting russians and terroists use the exchange

>> No.55379691
File: 40 KB, 500x500, chainlinkgod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55379702

Checked and kekfuddies sweating lol
>b..b.. but price right now is low so that means it will stay low forever!

>> No.55379709

CLG is a wonderful ambassador. You're just a horrible loser who lives with his fat mother and eats junk food all day

>> No.55379737

He's just a faggot who literally regurgitates EXACTLY what was written in official blog-posts or spoken by the team.

>> No.55379774

weak bitchboy

>> No.55379775

Would you expect an ambassador to take a contrary view from the entity he represents?
Fuck me, but you're thick..

>> No.55379813

How about at least aum up the information in your own words. Hes a literal brainlet cooy pasting shit, trying tk sound like the high iq devs hes sucks on>>55379774

>> No.55379830

No I don't expect an ambassador to do that. I just can't fathom why he's so revered by twittards as some hero of Chainlink when he's not writing anything original. As this anon >>55379813 said, he's just copy-pasting shit while acting like he's some authority on web3/crypto.

>> No.55379913

>And once they've integrated with Chainlink for CCIP, it is a very very small step to use literally any other Chainlink service.

This was always my reasoning for why I never pay attention to other oracles. Chainlink is a swiss army knife swath of services. It's a lot less effort to integrate several services from one company versus several services from different companies.

But you succinctly described the more important factor regarding security and reliability.

>> No.55379935

>.eth handle
>to the trash it goes

>> No.55379968

ah fck, I meant
>there will be literally NO reason to use the other oracles.

>> No.55380080

Lol you kekfuddies are so spineless. That guy completely wipes the floor with the lot of you retards. You're insanely jealous of his eloquence and what he has achieved.
You are nobodies; Losers who will never amount to anything, and what's more, deep down you know it.
Enjoy watching us become rich despite your best efforts. No one cares about you, and your mothers never loved you.

>> No.55380264

You are a massive zealot faggot. You are equating talking shit about CLG to talking shit about the Chainlink project lmao. Get his dick out your mouth, pussy.
I hold more LINK than you.

>> No.55380272

Keep your twitter drama where it belongs, faggot
The thread is about the info, not the twitter faggotry

>> No.55380307

Interesting that you replied only to the two posts calling CLG out, and not to the posts sucking his dick. You literally scrolled past all the dicksucking posts just to reach the post calling CLG out LMAO. Looks like we've got another faggot over here [talking about (you)]

>> No.55380385

Maybe look up what drama means.

>> No.55380660

In it for the tech

>> No.55380911

ETH is expensive because it doesn't scale and MEV faggotry

>> No.55380980

> All other oracles will be turned into dust when CCIP is released.
So the market dominance will go from 99% to 100%, big whoop.
Actually no, there is one reason to use a non-CL oracle and it's to rug your own community of retards who bought into your defi scam. So market dominance will go from 99% to 99%.

>> No.55381006

It's not at 99% dominance. Even Sergey always just says that it's something like "60-70%, up to 90% in some verticals".

>> No.55381034
File: 25 KB, 550x452, Screenshot 2023-06-23 232212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Note: Chainlink's TVS on this website is a lot less than the TVS Chainlink claims on their website ($18b).

>> No.55381235
File: 230 KB, 1074x709, 1660522861095638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They keep changing the metrics, see pic.

Also, Chronicle (the number 2 in your graph) is actually Maker, which heavily relies on Chainlink now (outside of their own Maker dev-run "dark" oracles).
Also also, projects like TWAP and many others rely on Chainlink as well.

>> No.55382102

>Also, Chronicle (the number 2 in your graph) is actually Maker, which heavily relies on Chainlink now (outside of their own Maker dev-run "dark" oracles).
Interesting, thanks for that info.

>> No.55382171

>t. Based zach
I heard chainlinkgod has some big plans for smartcon...

>> No.55383698

Thanks for the quality hopium bro

>> No.55384546
File: 1.10 MB, 1125x1905, 7F08FFB1-6BBD-4980-9FAF-FADD8FCF159B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold the average Link ambassador

>limp wrist
>soft onions body
>biting his own lip, wtf
>cringe inspirational quotes like a chick
>patchy low T beard

I cant even imagine what clg looks like

>> No.55386149

cant wait for chainlink to do a -6% when it comes out!