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55373015 No.55373015 [Reply] [Original]

I have come to the realization that only mongoloid retards and genius's ever /makeit/
Midwits are always sidelined either holding retail bags forever or never even investing in anything noteworthy for significant gains. Unfortunately I'm a midwit but more closer to inbred retard tier so I might still have a chance.
Last cycle I noticed the biggest dumb cunts buying Shib, Hoge, Doge (I was in virtually every thread just lurking) had so much faith, and these mofos had the highest rate of return relative to literally any other crypto.
I think the dumbest retard tier coins at the moment are XRP, ADA, Doge, Shib and will most plausibly have some retard tier return again next cycle
What are your thoughts and predictions lads ?

>> No.55373033

doge, shib, dont forget now Pepe

>> No.55373070

The entirety of crypto rests in glownigger hands.
They can jump start the bullrun quite literally anytime, all it would take is to declare xrp as a non-security and watch as all the other gay niggerinu shitcoins moon in unison

>> No.55373088

Pepe is a midwit flavor of the month coin with zero influence (and not even the original pepe)
show me where cumrocket and those type of scamcoins are now lol

>> No.55373143

the fact you're trying to analyze and predict it means it won't work. The meme pumps weren't casually preplanned they were basically RNG outcomes from millions of compounding effects like social media, covid, tweets, wagies bragging about it at work

>> No.55373186
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Yea you're probably right
To see 500-1000x (within one cycle or shorter time frame) it has to be from absolute memecoins that were freshly created. I guess we'll just have to be on the lookout and see where the biggest retards frolic towards.
I think doge is the next doge - long term. Elon's hardon for this meme solidifies its existence like any CEO, and finds it hilarious toying with all the goyim with this retard shit

>> No.55373322

the most retarded niggercoin I can think of is probably $hib or doge
but realistically some ai cancer is gonna moon quite astronomically just unsure which one

>> No.55373368

95 iq people will make it by doing stupid shit like tiktok or onlyfans or whatever
145 iq people will make it by starting and managing a profitable business
110 iq people will make it by being intelligent enough to read markets but not intelligent enough to be risk adverse, they do retarded shit that actually works out in the end
120 iq people are eternally cucked. too smart to be an e shitter, too stupid to run a business, too pussy to take any sort of risk

>> No.55373404

pepe and $bitcoin are my bets for memes that approach doge/shib level mania this cycle. i'm allocated to both accordingly.

>> No.55373436

literally every billionaire is a midwit who just had luck and rich parents. you only see them as genius because you are even lower than a midwit and easily blinded by money and big words.

>> No.55373461
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>id: icp

>> No.55373468

>literally every billionaire is a midwit
idk man watch this


>his family invested in his company
yeah okay I wish I did too

>> No.55373473


Not really. I'd say Gates and Bezos are 130+ IQ, Musk is firmly 120 sounding. You can luck into the multi millions as a midwit but turning that into multi billions is another matter.

>> No.55373478

Only individuals who change their bias FAST will make it.
Midwits are the type of people who have the hardest time every even thinking about changing their bias, in fact they will regularly spend hours and hours in 300+ threads religiously defending their bias to no end. Genuises and retards are the opposite, they can switch and act fast.

>> No.55373496


>> No.55373525


Midwits trust authority, norms, and conventions. It takes a crow bar to pry them off the beaten path. Idiots and geniuses alike challenge these and put their trust in themselves first, these are the makings of a future success.

>> No.55373550

i will give you gates, evil but smart, but holy shit bezos?

>what if book store but online!

that was his literal only thought. after he saw the potential in e-commerce with his initial dumb luck success and mommy and daddy capital he went all in. seriously have you ever heard that guy talk today???

>> No.55373574


Amazon has grown into a crazily diversified, unique company. That is a gross reduction. Their B2B products, which Bezos spearheaded, are arguably more important than their ecommerce now, which is still the best in the game.

>> No.55373594

The books were just the medium for his longterm plans. He was a visionary and saw far ahead. He had the academic and work history to backup his claims.Could have raised funding from anyone at that time

>> No.55373595

you think he even knows basic aws development? he did all those other things after he hired some actual smart people to tell him what to do

>> No.55373605


No, he knew what was possible and delegated the grunt work to pajeets. The ability to organize and delegate is the most powerful trait a human can have. Speaking as a grunt SWE myself, I wish I could assemble something like that.

>> No.55373609

>The books were just the medium for his longterm plans
see this is what I am talking about when I say sub midwits to midwits will believe anything billionaire midwits say about themselves and hence worship the ground they shit on.

>> No.55373621

>The ability to organize and delegate is the most powerful trait a human can have
any fucking retard can tell a smart person to come up with a new type of product/service and implement it.

>> No.55373627


Go ahead and try it!

>> No.55373634

>having power is the most powerful trait a human can have
whoooooaaaa sheeit man. no wonder you think bozos is einstein level

>> No.55373640
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>building power is the most powerful trait a human can have

"yes". And it's a rare one. He wasn't gifted a worldbeating organization, he built it.

>> No.55373643

i don't have parents who will give me a small investment of 250k

>> No.55373656


You can't do anything with $250k. I have that right now, it isn't even enough for a meager retirement much less starting a serious business. $250k to start your business might as well be $1, to actually get going you're going to have to put something together and raise capital.

>> No.55373658

>The ability to organize and delegate
literally not building power at all. that's having power you absolute fucking retard.

>> No.55373667


>You can't do anything with $250k


>> No.55373684


Not at all. Do I have to walk you through it? It's like a pyramid. You pick your closest, trusted associates first, who you know can do X role well. You describe the vision to them. You all work long hours together getting the fledgling organization off the ground. If you manage to make something of that, you can move on to the next level of that pyramid. You instruct your associates to expand, hire more, and pursue these new business goals. You are still at the top of this pyramid. If you have chosen wisely and could see the whole roadmap, this can be a success. If you are a small minded idiot, you will fail at step 1. They will be lazy, or unqualified, leave for another job, or your vision will be aimless shit and you will never break even.

Any entrepreneur, any business owner, will tell you that scaling is the most difficult stage and process. Scaling involves building an organization that can do it properly, and it simply does not happen unless an intelligent person is directing it.

>> No.55373702


With Bezos himself putting in the long labor hours. You aren't hiring anyone of note at that point, you're working yourself, that isn't a fucking springboard. You act like you can donate $250k to someone and have a billionaire business root up from the ground.

>> No.55373705
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Lmao I guess you're right man! Bezos just got lucky when he was top of class at whatever ivy league across the country from his flyover state he came from as top of his highschool. Quitting his wallstreet quant job to sell books out of a warehouse then running it into one of the biggest companies in the world. Yep what a midwit haha

>i don't have parents who will give me a small investment of 250k
that's because you're a midwit just like your family. I have midwit iq (only in the 130s) and still have many relatives with $50m+ net worths. If literally no one among your relatives have made it, then maybe that says something about genetics

genius and his wife have good idea

>> No.55373737

>genius and his wife have good idea
good morning pajeet. you guys are notorious for worshipping retarded westerners

>> No.55373753

if you can walk me through it must not require that much intelligence

>> No.55373771


I can read a child a picture book about how a nuclear bomb works, doesn't mean either of us are going to be able to build one. You're actually sitting there trying to flex your IQ over a guy who turned a garage business into one of the most powerful and diversified companies on the planet. Is there a name for this phenomenon? Ah right


>> No.55373845

I am white but nice digits

>> No.55373854

Quite literally every billionaire in existence (past 1900s) belongs to the ((((tribe)))).
Intellect has nothing to do with anything when you are selected and groomed your entire life.
Try to imagine unsinful ways of earning money, gl.
Very based
I first got into crypto because of XRP and my interest in the occult and freemasonry. After 2 months it hit me that these people are genuinely retarded as fuck and know nothing, worshipping zionist tokens. Then pivoted into other coins and did significantly better in the bull than I would have.
Most people cannot admit to themselves ever that they are wrong, ever.

>> No.55373877

This is FUD.
They control nothing. The cycle is out of their hands. The worst they could do last bull was stagger it a little.
This time will be no different.
Unless they're willing to take bigger risks to try assert more control?
>B'caw B'caw

>> No.55374224

>>They control nothing
>Ukraine "War"
>Every single political happening ever
>Satoshi and Hal being openly CIA
>Bitcoin unscalable even though it was originally designed to scale
(You) know nothing.