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55372351 No.55372351 [Reply] [Original]

>crypto dead and to be centralized
>america, europe, china to collapse within the decade
>japan's economy growing
Serious discussion only.
How can I make it in japan as an immigrant?

>> No.55372359

Not at all weeb - Japan is the most ethno centric society on the planet. You are always going to be a gaijin

>> No.55372376

>You are always going to be a gaijin
people say this like it's a bad thing. I imagine it's like being black in america, but if you're a successful and smart black guy in america you get extra points

>> No.55372388

Japanese don't want you there so stay out.

>> No.55372391

>I imagine it's like being black in america
Imagine it rather being a jew in Germany 1934, but without temporary induced scapegoating but rather centuries of grown culture, you will never get

>> No.55372394

what if i am japanese?

>> No.55372398

It's not even close plus you don't speak Japanese. God the real estate is so cheap though and the country is so nice, I need it.

>> No.55372404

>Japan is only for Japanese
>open your white country's borders or you're racist

>> No.55372407

then reproduce with a Japanese woman immediately

>> No.55372416

Explain the scythian people that were in japan since the 4th century then.

>> No.55372420

Uh, yeah. The Japanese tried to stay isolated as long as they could, for 200+ years they'd cut your head off just for going there uninvited, that is until whitey came around and interfered with them like whitey interfered with everyone else. If anyone DOESN'T deserve a homeland it's whites.

>> No.55372430

You're confusing whites and jews, honest mistake if you're new but lurk moar redditor.

>> No.55372432

Are you a central asian? Do you speak Japanese? Has your family been in Japan for 1400 years?
No, you are a jew in Germany 1934

>> No.55372437
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no one in japan will ever see you as more as a foreigner that they can be nice to to make some money.
No matter how perfect your japanese is, no matter how much you integrate, you will never be seen as a fellow citizen
Why would anyone want to make an effort to integrate into a country that will never accept you. You can call most of the west cucked all you want, but at least if you make an effort to integrate, speak the language, you will be accepted as a citizen.
And what I hate even more is that japanese take that attitude online, like in international communities they pull their japanese only attitude. The whole UI is english, everyone around them speaks english, but they try to gatekeep.

I still like anime though, I just would never go to japan.

>> No.55372448

>You're confusing whites and jews
no, I'm pretty sure it wasn't Jews that went around the planet colonizing and interfering with native peoples. Pretty sure Commodore Perry or whatever wasn't Jewish and regardless Jews are white, so whatever.

>> No.55372457

>jews with capital J
go back to the oven yid

>> No.55372474

Commodore Perry was a mason, jew.

>> No.55372476
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You 100% need to learn the language >>>/jp/43807140

>> No.55372482

i'm learning japanese I've spent like 200-300 hours so far and it doesn't seem that difficult. Working for a jap company in america hoping to leverage that into international work. I don't care if they see me as a white retard

>Why would anyone want to make an effort to integrate into a country that will never accept you

Don't see how that's a bad thing. The west has the opposite problem. We have 40 year full blooded aztecs walking over here just to mow people's lawns and can't be bothered to learn english then Americans treat them better than someone who voted for the wrong political party

>> No.55372493

>You can call most of the west cucked all you want, but at least if you make an effort to integrate, speak the language, you will be accepted as a citizen.

Whites locked up Japanese in concentration camps and had many laws dividing people on the basis of race into 2nd class citizens so no.

>> No.55372500

the west has too open borders and wont ship people back to their country if they dont integrate. That said, if you are some law mowing foreigner who cant even speak your language you will not be accepted by most of the population. Thats the difference between japan and the west, the west respects your effort.

>> No.55372502

Ah I see seems America was always a Jewish country then, so just be quiet and stop complaining.

>> No.55372509

>Whites locked up Japanese in concentration camps
yeah like 80 years ago. Tell me where japanese are treated worse in the west than non-japanese in japan today

>> No.55372525

no no no, what you want to do is work for an american company IN japan(i.e. Google or IBM), that way you don't get trapped in a black company or have to put up with as many retarded workplace customs

>> No.55372556

The only reason Western countries changed is because of a hard fought battle for civil rights which many whites still complain about today. It had to take the force of and overbearing Federal government to make the different races in the US equal under the law, remove the Feds and it would go right back to how it was. Whites don't accept other people as one of them, we have centuries of history to show that.

>> No.55372586


Fuck off, no pint size asian could ever hope to make me feel as much an outcast as my own fucking country. If I can get a better deal of cost of living and lifestyle in another country I'm gone.

>> No.55372608

>Whites don't accept other people as one of them, we have centuries of history to show that.
learn the language and they do, especially in europe. Even if that were not the case, why bother going to japan when you are second class for life, not worth it.

>> No.55372632

Minorities/foreigners in America, especially blacks, have heaps of institutional privileges. American institutions desperately *want* them to be successful and try very hard to prop them up to be that way. If you try to project this perception of minority status onto a country like Japan you're in for a rude awakening. Their culture and their institutions simply do not have anything analogous to the deep, institutionalized desire to see outsiders and minorities and foreigners get ahead that exists here. There is no "Japanese Dream" story about the Foreigner as an underdog to be rooted for and there is no guilt complex buried in their mainstream culture about how some outsider minority deserves something from them. It's just a non-starter.

>> No.55372656

Definitely it's not worth it if your goal is to be one of them, just not gonna happen. Doesn't happen anywhere a minority wants to fit in with the majority. As long as you look different then you will be considered different. Being accepted as one of them shouldn't be a reason to move to another country anyway, the only acceptable reasons to move to another country is for a better standard of living, more opportunity and a better quality of life.

>> No.55372657

Go wherever you're treated best OP. There is literally no argument except the coomer argument which if you think about it doesn't make sense because they should want coomers to leave.