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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55370839 No.55370839 [Reply] [Original]

Today is quite possibly the day the ruling is released on student loans.

>> No.55370890

total bullshit
the cost of those student loans is being passed on down to consumers
doctor finishes med school with 300k loan
demands 200k/yr salary
cost is passed on to patients

all adds to inflation

>> No.55370894

>Communication degree holders and cs failures become doctors

>> No.55370979
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>> No.55370981

Lmao even

>> No.55371339

It's one of those situations where everyone is being fucking retarded.
>taking out a loan and then expecting you won't have to pay it back
>Majoring in some frivolous bullshit expecting this will lead to gainful employment
>Believing simply "forgiving" the loans won't ridiculously exacerbate the problem and devalue college degrees to absolute cesspool levels
Retarded. But then...
>Loaning $250k to an 18 year-old high school senior with no work experience and only a high school education
>Advertising as a University that students who major in Vaginal Poetry Studies go on to experience boundless professional success
>training your students to be hyper-sensitive and unlikable political radicals
Mega retarded. And yet even still...
>Destroying the economy with absurd financial policies right as a new generation graduates from college
>importing millions of illiterate third worlders to even further depression wages
Giga retarded

>> No.55371440


>> No.55371499
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>Looks at clock
o fuck

>> No.55371500

>keep enslaving yourselves while we collapse the currency anyway goy! open the borders to drive up the cost of everything else and give every illegal free shit but you gotta pay goy! repeat after me: you took da loan you pay it back. good goy!!

>> No.55371526

reminder that whenever there's a problem, its burden will always be dropped upon the shoulders of the common taxpayer.

>> No.55371531
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>You took out the loan
Not my problem.
>You have to pay it back

>> No.55371673
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>> No.55371751

4 unrelated rulings. Carry on lads, nothing to see yet.

>> No.55372594

How's it going Mossad agent

>> No.55372619

On the one hand I hope the loans are forgiven because its free value for me and my kin
On the other hand I hope that they're reactivated with maximum repayment pain because it will inflict damage on the common man and I surely can avoid it.

First post since I got banned by a tranny janny for telling xerself to KYS. This board truly is pozzed.

>> No.55372625

almost 50% of the country pays $0 in federal income tax. poorfags who don't pay tax won't be paying this.

>> No.55372628

your parasitic clan is going to be made responsible. enjoy germany 1942, on a global level