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55360875 No.55360875 [Reply] [Original]

They attack Binance and Coinbase, then the guys in suit; Fidelity, Citadel, Schwab and Deutsche Bank swoop in like we won’t notice.
Their game is obvious, they want to shake us out and take total control of the market, but are you standing strong to defend your financial freedom, or you are being a paper hand?

>> No.55360987

SEC, Fidelity, Citadel, and the gang can try all they want, but they can't break the spirit of true crypto enthusiasts. They want control? Well, they can kiss our decentralized behinds.

>> No.55361066

Welcome to XSG circa Jan 2021.
We all told you, you didn't listen.

>> No.55361079


We told all of you doomers that SEC fud is just the new China fud essentially which is bullish asf. Thanks for playing.

>> No.55361094

>They want control? Well, they can kiss our decentralized behinds.

You lads keep forgetting there will never be true adoption if big players like Fidelity and Blackrock don't get onboard.

>> No.55361118

That’s fine. They can purchase my Link for a price of $83,000 per stinky and not a single cent less. Tongue my anus I don’t care.

>> No.55361132

Kek you guys are worse than the XRP moonboys.

>> No.55361173
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>essentially which is bullish asf.

Can't believe some clowns sold their assets cause they listened to influencers like Capo who called 12K BTC

>> No.55362408

>Can't believe some clowns sold their assets cause they listened to influencers like Capo who called 12K BTC

They are about to watch us run all the way to 35k while their stinking bids don't get picked.

>> No.55362589

BTC is above $30k, so they failed and diamond hands are winning

>> No.55362950

It's frustrating to see these big players trying to manipulate the market, but let's not lose sight of the bigger picture. We got into crypto to break free from traditional financial institutions.

>> No.55363426

Fuck anyone who is not in support of Cryptocurrency. Fuck the SEC.

>> No.55363487

US is also trying to create its own exchange. I think it's now obvious to them that CBDC will be a failure

>> No.55363819

Diamond hands always win from immemorial. I'm holding projects that are working on aligning with the coming regulation and compliance.

>> No.55363832
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Nah, we are past that time, the bull cycle is here now and if you don't get in you will lose out

>> No.55363842

I don't listen to dumbass fool like capo. I'm happy I participated in the current liquidity campaign ongoing on DeFi terminal.

>> No.55363861

Crypto is the future and if we can find ways where both the DeFi and TradFi can work together, it will be a bigger win.

>> No.55363882

What the fuck is Defi Terminal?

>> No.55363926

Y'all pajeets should not sleep on


The bull run will be massive.

>> No.55363977

Retard newfag you should learn to do some research. DeFi terminal is a product of Allianceblock that offers liquidity mining and staking campaign for different projects.

>> No.55364009

Fuck the SEC harder with dirty mop stick. Crypto will always win. The best they can do is regulation and we have got the NexeraID to bypass it.

>> No.55364059

Yes. At a point over 16 projects were taking advantage of the DeFi terminal. Passive income is bliss.

>> No.55364088

Woah, calm down there big guy! This isn't reddit you know, we have a code of conduct here.

>> No.55364093

How will it help bypass?

>> No.55364145

It will offer compliance in a private, secured and self-custody manner.

>> No.55364444

Inverse Capo, Inverse Cramer and you should be good to go
I have all the tokens here except TRIAS

>> No.55364498

Possibly. The other 80% of my portfolio will be joining you either way.

>> No.55364506

Since it can work for Defi also I do not have a problem with it. Regulation can come for Defi at any time.

>> No.55364538

What if they close the on/off ramps? You can't convert to fiat and no online purchases unless you have a KYC'd account. It's for everyone's safety, you want to be supporting terrorists or money laundering.

>> No.55364575

This works like every other decentralized ID management system, right?

>> No.55364595

It's too late to get in. Should have gotten in January 2020.

>> No.55364630

They fuckin have a game plan so if you have an understanding you'll know it's time to do the needful to your bag. That's why I'm adding to my BTC, Matic, Sylo and Dash bags. They can't manipulate and we are left out.

>> No.55364639






>> No.55364678

The MiCA regulation also includes DeFi, so it's better to only consider regulatory compliant projects because i think they will lead the next bull cycle

>> No.55364728
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>break free from traditional financial institutions

Hard money is highly desirable systemically as it forces positive sum activity, hard money however WAS impractical to use, being replaced by soft money hundreds of years ago. History has proven that 'backed' soft money will always be abused, the difficultly inherent in past hard money makes verification etc unwieldy, leading backed soft money to become unbacked over time. But the systemic economic value of hard money remains, BTC is hard money that's easy to use, that is it's value. It is not in competition with the financial system, it is in competition with fiat. BTC will continue to grow as long as statists debase, which they will never stop doing as debasement is the lever which they use to manipulate the economy. You see powerful parasites and say "they are too powerful, we can't fight them" Economy sees powerful parasites and says "so much free value!". BTC is the sword Economy wields to slay the parasites, BTC's Becoming is guaranteed by the systemic economic value gained by fiat's demise.

>> No.55364855

With the new tools and narratives like NexeraID, RWA and others bridging TradFi and DeFi is now possible

>> No.55365016

They need to do that to buy cheap, and we also need to position ourselves into alts with solid fundamentals before they start pumping the market

>> No.55365149

That's where ZKPs like PolygonID, NexeraID and others come in. We can do KYC while maintaining privacy

>> No.55365361

Who the fuck goes all in because of a small move in market price, it's better you DCA to prevent getting rekt.
You can also diversify which is what I'm doing on RIO, LEOX, and NXRA that are working on RWA narrative

>> No.55365400

sec are criminals and criminals need to be spanked on the booty

>> No.55365583

That will surely be a good tool for DeFi seeing the present regulations

>> No.55365993

>close on/off ramps
We move to p2p afterall this industry was built ontrust

>you want to be supporting terrorists or money laundering.
The fact you believe terrorists need crypto to fund their operations tells me you how braindead you are.

>> No.55366208

>We can do KYC while maintaining privacy

KYC while maintaining privacy?? How is this even possible, is this the government's ploy to trick us into accepting regulations?

>> No.55366237
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>Fidelity made an ETF! They're trying to take our Bitcoin from us.
Christ, we can't have that. Someone should do something.
>lemme make a Fidelity account rq.

>> No.55366444

DiDs with ZKP techs like Nexera and Polygon will make it easy for projects to comply except they are honeypots. Nuggets DiD is also another good one.

>> No.55366541

i don't care, i'm not selling my corns to blackikes

>> No.55366566 [DELETED] 
File: 297 KB, 765x433, Twitter Blackswan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of this news can be profitable. There is a bot called Blackswan that makes automatic instant trades based on news.

>> No.55366897

I have some of your tokens but RIO looks weird. What piece of shit is that? LEOX, NXRA, and INJ are good. RIO can roast in hell.

>> No.55366912
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idk about any of that shit, but I'm gainsing by the second.

>> No.55366990

When will ai learn to draw hands I know they're the hardest thing to draw but shit

>> No.55367002

midjourney 5 can already do it.

>> No.55367409

You can google this shit instead of these cheap conspiracy theories

>> No.55368155

BrillionFi adopted it. I saw MEXC tweets showing interest. It's clearly making a mark.

>> No.55368386

It was all a plan to find the base. Now they have it and big players bought it. We fucking ride to the moon.

>> No.55368417

When they come for Defi self-custody will be in shackles.

>> No.55368480

Trustless Identity Verification TIDV sill puts control in our hands. We will be just fine.

>> No.55368631

Is this also one of those new AI plays? They can do anything right now. Maybe not building a Pyramid.

>> No.55368658

DiD is another strong Narrative. Nuggets DiDs might be the perfect solution for adoption or Polygon ID maybe. I think using MetaNFT was a smart one from AllianceBlock

>> No.55368768

Ripple is a snitch. I don't know how but it is. I still have a bag full of it.

>> No.55368892

NXRA/DUA LP is still on and is a good way to get some passive income for the next two months.

>> No.55369074

Do not share again then. Else you will keep getting banned.

>> No.55369216

Are they working with the SEC now? XRP looks bullish.

>> No.55370342
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f**k SEC, They made me believe Polkadot to be more of software than a security. It's no surprise that Peaq was created to be the nexus for DePIN and EoT within its ecosystem.

>> No.55370358

Go on…

>> No.55370405

Tech advances and improves, the pair of AI and blockchain will be incredible, Anon. Machine IDs created on peaq can now be linked to addresses in the Cosmos IBC ecosystem.

>> No.55370428

This is allianceblock jargon. I only use it to obtain more Krest as it could earn me future airdrops & rewards.

>> No.55372080

That means they are offering something you like. Give them their flowers. I joined the Krest campaign on Fundrs also.

>> No.55372097

this. i will never deposit any amount of crypto into any crypto product (thats centralized) ran by any tradfi player of any kind. i want their businesses to die. no banker will ever enjoy gambling with my money ever again. all hail decentralization.

>> No.55372392

I don't give a f***k because Brillion uses the nexeraID protocol, which feature a compliance solution. To hell with SEC

>> No.55373740

>My plan is to cop some Peaq as soon as it drops on exchanges. For now, they got this canary chain, Krest, and the public sale is poppin' off. Plus, they're whitelisting ARB wallets, so you won't be able to stake Nxra, which is the usual deal on Fundrs. We got two options. SEC is nothing but a lie.

>> No.55375332


Good folio apart from TRIAS

Expecting great stuff from NXRA