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55358836 No.55358836 [Reply] [Original]

What are some alternative careers that are rewarding? Looking for something adventurous or something that involves camaraderie. Broadly speaking I’m in software services now and it’s eating at my soul. I don’t really care how much it pays as long as I don’t live in poverty. I have quite a lot of money saved by now(early 30s). I make a lot of money but I’m over having an e-mail job(if that makes sense) but I also don’t want to be a welder or oilman or something so repetitive. I could just be pissing in the wind here but I’m curious what else is out there.

>> No.55358858

Unironically: The french foreign legion.


You'll have to learn french though. Also you are nota llowed to just "quit your job".

>> No.55358870


>> No.55358896

Yeah, that’s why I included them in the image. The structure and commitment of it is appealing but serving as a front line African security force for French geopolitical interests isn’t exactly motivating. I hear conflicting things about the current state of the legion.

>> No.55358913

you asked for adventurous and with camaraderie. you did not ask for something that will fit in your moral compas.

If you want that, unironically the red cross as a volunteer.

>> No.55358928
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>> No.55358929

They have enough niggers, they don't need some skinny fat American 33 year old.

>> No.55358943

>something adventurous or something that involves camaraderie

Go work on a boat. No women. The high sea is always an adventure. Usually a new crew has growing pains then comes together a week or two in.

No need to go carry a gun and do the bidding of evil old jews to have an adventurous life.

>> No.55358947

I’ve heard about that issue. I wrestled d1 college and never stopped training. I’m not concerned about physical requirements. Also 31 so not that old

>> No.55358957

Leaning towards something like this but what’s out there other than fishing and shipping? Alaskan crab fishing seems like a meme and filled with meth heads. Commercial shipping seems monotonous. What else is there?

>> No.55359073
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I guess it’s an option

>> No.55359205

>it seems
nigger how the fuck could you possibly actually know? You have worked behind a desk your entire life, apparently. Just go and do something weird totally different for awhile before you're too old and busted to make the best of it.

>> No.55359289

where can i buy that?
I need to know.

>> No.55359498

It's an AI generated image.

>> No.55359545

Fair, straightforward, and honest. Appreciate it

>> No.55359593

you're welcome, but let me tell you something else straight up: if you haven't done actual physical labor before in your life, the first month of doing it is going to be hellish beyond the ability you think you have to cope with it

you will also adapt quickly after that

I have done an incredible variety of weird shit to the point where I have the adaption phase down to a ritual.

No matter what, the first time you arrive somewhere and start in on something new and seemingly shitty, it's going to feel awful for almost exactly for 1 month. 1month. Just put up with it for ONE month, and then your brain plays a magic trick on itself that helps you cope, and suddenly its not so bad anymore. You forget about the comfort you were living in before to some extent, the new discomfort is normalized, and you can deal with it.

Whatever you end up doing, stick it out for a month (or two). If you quit only a week or two in you are doing yourself a disservice, since you are not giving your brain enough time to perform the trick all human brains do to help retard monkeys cope with trauma.

>> No.55359610

Whatever you do, don't go to the Legion. Idk why burgers fantasize about it when it was created just so murderers and rapists with no other options left could be used as meatshields given outdated material, in the worst shitholes of the world. In case they are made prisoners, the french authorities wont lift a finger to free you. Even 10€ would be above their budget.
Unless you are facing a death penalty/jail for life and find a way to somehow escape to France, don't even fucking bother.
Your "camarades" are nothing but literal psycho murderers with fake names from ex-USSR shitholes who will rape your ass at the first opportunity they get, and your hierarchy wont give a shit to what happen to you, legally you don't even exist anymore.

>> No.55359634

it's called a puffer jacket, but i don't know which specific one it is

>> No.55359640

Also the pay is absolute shit, get ready for 900€/mo. Only job allowed to pay below minimum wage.

>> No.55359836

you both don't know shit anout FFL so shut your fucking mouth

I was an infantry sergeant in the french army for 5 years and FFL members have the same pay as normal (french) recruits

Also french soliders don't get "kidnapped" what the fuck are you talking about?

Paratroops it's 1800€ net per month minimum

Normal troops it's 1350€ net per month minimum

if you go out of your camp it's +100% of your salary

if you go to Africa it's +200%

Now it's true that FFL is full of guys a bit strange but they check your criminal records before you join and everything that is murder / rape make you out of the FFL immediately

dumbass mutts don't know shit and open their mouths

there are a lot of niggers but not that much, I would say 10% at best

lt's mostly slavs

>> No.55359871

what makes an incel larp like this

>> No.55360011

you can go to army without any degree
why would i larp about having a minimum salary job?

>> No.55360165

Tree service work is like that if you can find a skilled, laid back crew. Same with landscaping or any other 'outdoor services' company

>> No.55360249

enlist with wagner and steal the kids that were bred for the US elite in Ukraine.

>> No.55360263

>volunteering to be cannon fodder for the gayest country on earth, surrounded by foreign criminals and retards whose lives were so shitty that they gave it all up to put their life on the line for a foreign country
great idea

>> No.55360270

become a drug dealer or moonshiner

seriously, avoid the tax man and keep what is yours. the weed game is played out and shrooms demand is not high enough to turn a huge profit.

>> No.55360776

>Idk why burgers fantasize about it
hollywood is very good at what it does and it ingrained this as a cultural phenomenon
hell even laurel and hardy joined the legion at one point

>but they check your criminal records before you join
thats what they say to the plebes to make it palpable, but its very hard to believe when its a know fact in decades past it was to go to for serious criminals wishing to escape justice

>> No.55362358


>> No.55362515


the us has an extremely sophisticated propaganda arm for the military and veterans including ingrained financial incentives for military service (va loans, veteran discounts, etc.) that places the military in a reserved social class that in lower and middle class circles is fairly highly respected. upper class society has no respect for anyone whos not an officer (as is tradition) but i'd say in those circles military service is still relatively highly regarded given in the past military officers were typically fairly well off and they went on to high paying private sector careers after ww2. this indoctrination starts very early and there are military recruiters literally in schools. if you didnt grow up in the US you wouldn't understand. this is also part of our gun culture

>> No.55362608

>it was created just so murderers and rapists
It's a myth. They actually filter out criminals during recruitment. They have extensive background checks. They only allow small stuff such as robbery as a teen or shit like that, if you're honest about it during the process.

>> No.55364154

kek i went to the legion after being in the infantry in a western country, it was full of fags, brownoids and esatern block retards who think they are special forces and in reality they are there to get free food and send money back to their shitholes, i was actually so disillusioned by all the "COOL" vids.....

but i did meet some good fellow anglos and Scandinavian frens but i would not tell people to go unless you are absolutely fucked in life/wanted and you dont mind living with and being trained by low IQ niggers and eastern block niggers who have no experience, it literally made me more right wing because i learnt we cannot live with shitskins/retards. but that's my take, i do know lads who have made a career and get good perks but it was not for me, just get fit and fight for your own

>> No.55364367

Become a cook, work your way up the kitchen

>> No.55364601
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>this is also part of our gun culture
Yep never trust someone who willingly signed up who if ordered would kill your family and their own, we learned that from Australians

>> No.55365110

There aren’t any. Public life and communities and fraternity are all dead in the West.

>> No.55366289

What a crazy greentext. God I fucking hate kikes.