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File: 91 KB, 446x277, 1661936321927498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55361875 No.55361875 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.55361961

Why you did not?
I sold my alts 1 month ago and all in bitcoin, feels good to be brainchad.

>> No.55361993

I sold my BTC for alts literally an hour before the god candle fml

>> No.55362026

pepe just outdid BTC doing 18% on a day. The fuck are you going on about?

>> No.55362047

Retard haha
You deserve it for being such a retard.
>Still haven't convert his shitcoins to Bitcoin

>> No.55362054

>Do 18% in a day and then die next week
Retard fucking brainlet nigger coom swallower

>> No.55362081

You sell before that. Are you niggers actually retarded or something?

>> No.55362091

Average maxi IQ. You don't marry your bags faggot.

>> No.55362109

>Just have a crystal ball and know exactly when it will pump or dump and sell
>Lose it all


That's why we buy bitcoin, you retard fuck, because it's safer, secure and the profits are guaranteed, also bitcoin is the place we put our shitcoins profit on..
Jesus.. I hate newcomers.

>> No.55362115

I'm sure it's working out well for you

>> No.55362126 [DELETED] 

Dude btc/eth is for those with 5-6 figures
People like myself with 2k can't make shit off btc pumping 10% even if it did 10% a day for a week you're better off with microcaps.
that being said pepe is retarded try to pick things that need to recover.

>> No.55362182

I literally made $40k out of my 2k btc investment back in 2018
The problem with newfags like you is that you guys are extremely retard and barely search up about the market and bitcoin itself.

Let me make it simple for you:
Bitcoin is a long term thing
You make money in bitcoin in the long term
Bitcoin is where you put all your life profit on
Bitcoin is the safe heaven
Bitcoin is where you transfer your shitcoin profits to.
Got it?
You can make money in bitcoin dont necessary have to buy shitcoins
You can easily make nice money in a few years if you just wait, also we are so fucking close from the bitcoin halving and golden bullrun
Why would you risk all your life savings into shitcoins if the chances of losing it all is 97%?
Just buy bitcoin already and research about it, you wont make money fast bu also you wont be crying over the months that you lost it all on shitcoins..

>> No.55362190 [DELETED] 

That's 2018 a 500 dollar investment in 2011 makes you a millionaire apples and oranges.
I don't need previous hindsight advice, I need gains and I need them rapidly and I need them now.

I don't have years unlike some anons here.

>> No.55362200

You are retarded don't reply to me again

>> No.55362203 [DELETED] 

And I apologize just annoyed as fuck with this whole month being, I had nearly 80k in 2021.

>> No.55362234

2018 was life yesterday
Time passes extremely fast
And yes you can still get good profits from bitcoin
If it were to have the marketcap of gold it would be valued in the millions of dollar..

Also don't to put all your life savings into shitcoins desu, the chances of losing is quiet high.

What happened to your 80k?

>> No.55362254 [DELETED] 

Being new to trading, I had a shitty life and got my shit together in 2020 and had a small nest egg I saved up, went into Link/HBAR after selling my 20 eth at 1200 per.
Then those fucking went up getting me to nearly 100k then wiped out within a day.
I panic sold when BTC hit 28k from 64 and tried to swing, worked well for a bit but ultimately the market tanked again and fucked me enough times I never recovered, then I got hit and ran by some gorilla woman who fucked my head up pretty bad and was never able to recover.

>> No.55362298

Jesus maria and christ
You've done fucked up for sure
Well if you still have any money, just put 70% into bitcoin and try to buy shitcoins with the other 30%, if you can't build anything from there, at least you have secured bitcoin profits in the year 12month..
That's the only advice I can give ya
I'm sorry you had to go tro all of this anon

Also if you were to do what I advice since the begin of your profits in 2021, you would still have your money by now.

>> No.55362317 [DELETED] 

If I had sold my shit in May when I had a mental breakdown (four days before the crash which was weird I always have mental breakdowns when bad shits about to happen and I didn't listen to my gut)
I'd be at 600k easily by now, I'm smart as fuck but life has damaged my brain and body to the point it's hard to separate life from emotions and they got the best of me.
I'm currently 3k net work in a fucking altcoin that literally isn't moving, my best bet is this fucking thing corrects 20% so I can get off and make a better judgement call.
If I sell now which has like 0 volume I'd be down to 2700 from 3087

>> No.55362334

How come you never put anything into bitcoin? I'd have at least $50k in bitcoin as safe heaven in case everything goes bad

>> No.55362335 [DELETED] 
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(net work) god damnit this shit happens to me now which never happened before I got hit and ran, little misfiring in my ability to talk/text.
It's annoying as shit.
That's the bitch who hit me.

>> No.55362350 [DELETED] 

I've just been chasing my own tail since 2021 to be honest, and in 2021 the market was good enough alts could make you money and I just never looked into BTC for massive gains because I hadn't had enough to justify, 2-3k here or there since then never large enough amounts to possibly buy, I knew 15k was the bottom thou people irl still argue with me that it's going down but they don't have any idea how this shit works.
I saved a few peoples net worths here calling the 18k from from 48k after december 2021.

>> No.55362356

lmfao, youre still posting? i think you were talking about getting hit two years ago?

No way you had 600k. I remember your stories. In your position you would have cashed out way sooner. Delusional.

>> No.55362363 [DELETED] 

And before anyone asks yes she got away 100% not even a ticket because she's a lying gorilla and those faggot firemen with their hands in their pockets purposefully protected her and his ilk.

>> No.55362375 [DELETED] 

You can't read clearly, yes I'm still here and never going to leave.
How's the weather in mumbai?

>> No.55362413
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If you think im Indian then you are even more delusional.

Live in a country where we dont even have the type of people that hit you.

Delusional as you were 2 years ago. You were weeping youre going to die soon.

If you had even remotely close to 100k you would have cashed as per the weeping sob stories you put out.

>> No.55362425 [DELETED] 

Indian or not you're some foreign faggot who infests this board clearly, and have very tenuous grasp of the english language.
Go make some telegram rugpull or whatever you do full time here.

>> No.55362435 [DELETED] 

>weeping going to die soon
I had a severe concussion that caused cranial fluid which lead into a mental breakdown that lasted 4 months, the man in the backseat of that charger snapped his neck like a twig and died in the hospital.
Both my legs were black and blue and I was hallucinating for days.

>> No.55362457

At this point i dont believe you. I did actually two years ago, i remember even trying to console you.

But i see you are just seething, pure rage and hatred and nothing else.

Enjoy your life, sir.

>> No.55362508 [DELETED] 

>Console you
Dude you are just another bad actor dime a dozen foreign fucker that I encounter here on a daily basis, you didn't do anything but likely shit on me when I was literally at one of my lowest points of my life fighting suicide because a man died because this cunt lied and nothing was done.
I had to watch his fucking funeral go down my street.
I don't need you to believe me, nothing is gained or lost from the thoughts of some random foreign nobody.

>> No.55362549 [DELETED] 

>reddit spacing
>can't read
>nothing but hate and vitriol spewing from this jeet

>> No.55362579
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I did not. You seemed to have made a legit story about it back then. I even remember you talking about how that nigress tried to sneak her way out of a lawsuit and pin the blame on you.

If only you werent so hateful. You might regain some of your mental health. Its not too late. Its the only way youll stop degen searching and cash out when its proper.

You might need to take a hard long look into a mirror, fren.

And ive been lurking for years. Almost never post, dont care. Just shocked youre still around

>> No.55362598 [DELETED] 

I don't a shit about what you say faggot again if you didn't care you wouldn't have came in here swinging like an absolute retard who can't even read a fucking paragraph.
Now again go back to whatever it is you do here, you've successfully killed any conversation that might have taken place here.

>> No.55362625
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Meant i dont care about my reddit spacing or my less then stellar grammar. Perks of being multilingual. I'll manage.

Hope you let go of the hate, fren.

>> No.55362663 [DELETED] 

You aren't even good at hiding who you are.
You do change your filenames every post which tells me everything I needed to know.

>> No.55362687

LMAO, shit's hilarious, but I ain't selling, bro, I'm swimming in fucking profit. Did my research using tokenmetrics and went short on LINA, and damn, I'm feasting like a king. And now BTC's hitting 30k? LFG!!

>> No.55362690 [DELETED] 

Motherfucker you called me a liar 5x before we even talked, you are some butthurt fucking faggot ITT the other guy wrecked and you have to shit on others to feel good about yourself, never in a million years would I tell someone who nearly died and got into a major life changing accident they are liars and spend an hour trying to gaslight them into some weird psychological operation you're running here.
You're foreign which means you come here to scam people period, there's no other reason foreigners post here.
And you're all the same.

>> No.55362795
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Absolutely amazing how schizo one can become in a few minutes. My filenames have been the same since ive downloaded them.

You were creating sob stories about being dead in a few months. Foreign actor is the only thing thats upsetting you about me? Scary af, fren. Hope you let go of the hate.

>> No.55362812 [DELETED] 
File: 646 KB, 882x866, 1679168201523644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't read a single foreign thing that left your little brown hands since your first reply but go ahead and keep trying whatever it is your trying other people need to see how foreigners here act.

>> No.55362816
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42% now

>> No.55362823

put everything on Earn half a year ago.
not gonna look at it until november.

>> No.55362833

I steer clear of those meme coins too and focus on solid projects with real-world use cases. If you're on the lookout for a privacy token, I highly recommend checking out Sylo.
It's a crucial part of the tech stack for futureverse, especially now that one of its partners, the root network, has recently gone live; a promising combo, no doubt.

>> No.55362835

BTC was the play the last 3 months. But imagine holding now while alts are absolute sat-bottoms, and are about to pull giga 20x comebacks in the following months. While BTC will pull a 3x

>> No.55362844

Copper hair, green eyes, white.
Maybe ill read your sob story again in another two years and youll miss a whole cycle again. Too emotional.

Also seems we attracted bots to this thread. Gonna stop posting for now.

>> No.55362858 [DELETED] 

Whats your intention ranjesh, are you the beggar from last night demanding everyone give you money?
You act exactly like him and speak the exact same wa.

>> No.55362961 [DELETED] 

We tried to be nice to you but you can't help those who are full of hate and only intention is to delude others.
if you believe you can enrich yourself by deluding others, you can end only by deluding yourself.

Now fuck off this board and find somewhere new to go, we tried.

>> No.55363047

The BTC dominance is insane on alts right now which is why we're seeing most alts lagging behind even with bitcoin doing good numbers
currently around almost 50% on tokenmetrics

>> No.55363070

Personally, I take a long-term approach with some tokens, but I'm always on the lookout for cool profits. Lately, I've added Metis, Qnt, and Ride to my portfolio. I'll definitely make multiples on these alphas.

>> No.55363081

>not being 50% btc 50% eth

>> No.55363090

the wealth flowing into BTC will flow into alts. $ -> BTC -> Alts is the flow of wealth

>> No.55363091

Alts will move on BTC here soon just like the last bullrun, have some fucking patience.

>> No.55363156

you're falling into the same trap a lot of us did by buying alts. you realize you're going to lose it. it's not the time to buy alts yet. anyone shilling you alts wants to leave you holding the bags.

>> No.55363166

Haha great coping strategy right there
Holding big positions in some alts as well, Arb Sui Ride vela
Not looking until december

>> No.55363172 [DELETED] 

Nobody shilled me anything was my fault, I wasn't expecting btc to run like this right now anyway.

>> No.55363232

Then just to Vegas and throw some dice, you'll have more fun

>> No.55363238

but you had to be paying attention, no?

everything is noise. you're seeing this immense difficulty in reaching the previous 16k bottom. all the constant FUD isn't able to collapse the price. the USDC crash was the ultimate last chance signal to buy. shit just glance at the rainbow chart. it lays out perfectly how the price preemptively pumps before the halvening. i think 19k was the double bottom.

>> No.55363264 [DELETED] 

Of course I was paying attention I never stop, every single day is another day to learn and make advancements.
Unfortunatly during the bottom I was working full time and ended up getting heat stroke doing pest control during 110 degree weather and took me out of work till december 2022.
Timing never seems to be right, oh well like I said nothings over.

>> No.55363289

sub-30k is still great. i believe we will see a minimum 10x from cycle bottom. so 140-160k top price. so like a 4-5x? from here. that's better ROI than most. the least you can do is ride that, then buy alts as we wait and see.

>> No.55363335 [DELETED] 

I might end up rolling over to eth just to see if it follows the pump then flow into alts, alts can make you great money but with this dominance it's fucking scary to say the least.
But positive thoughts not gonna get interrupted by these faggots permabobos coming in here shitting up the place, I saw them posting yesterday.

We got money to make and dreams to accomplish here.

>> No.55363347

between you and me. i might skip ETH and alts this cycle. i might just look into ordinals. and brc20 shit.

>> No.55363411 [DELETED] 

I don't really go out of the field of trading, no leveraging no NFT's etc.
Although I'm notorious for missing shit so take that with a grain of sand.

>> No.55363479

Did the same Anon. Bought Ocean and BNB after getting a strong buy signal on the tokenmetrics free version.

>> No.55363547

2k in btc now will probably buy you a house in a decade you fool

>> No.55363637

Not until you discover Fluf NFTs that are appreciating in value to 29.6 ETH.

>> No.55363661

Does that figure really mean shit?
Things could switch up real quick and we'll see alts pull easy 2x while btc maxis at 35k
I use TM but just saying don't base your judgement on alts on that

>> No.55363778

But who cares? Alts are pumping as well. At least mine are.

>> No.55363833

It's easier said bobo
If these projects aren't doing anything solid behind the scenes, nothing's gonna change
Better switch to btc now that it still early

>> No.55363999

No it won't haha
Price of houses goes like 2x every year

>> No.55364012

Most of them are still down bad
12percent pump doesn't make much difference

>> No.55364042

Either you're a noob or simply not smart, so you have the tools to get the right info for better trades but simply not leveraging on it

>> No.55364060

My port is 100% alts and im up 15% right now. Maybe buy something other than bad alts. .

>> No.55364087

>Why you did not?
first reply is total ESL
this market is so dead

>> No.55364091

You tryna say arbitrum isn't doing anything? same for holoride which has a top level product that's underated asf

Maybe Sui isn't getting that much recognition because the team is greedy

>> No.55364309

Mind sharing which alts you're holding?
Genuinely curious

>> No.55364326

Not everyone will become rich or make it remember

>> No.55364344
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Based strategy
gotta wait to see how it plays

>> No.55364362

Feels good to see the market Green. I'm happier I got more CYMI, COTI and VRA.

>> No.55364527 [DELETED] 

And by the way mister "tried to console you"
I remember you specifically and you were trying to derail my conversation then like you tried to today.

That day an anon here gave me a job and he tried to actually help me out, so you can take your fake ass empathy and shove it up your shitstained asshole ranjesh.

>> No.55364738

Poverty stricken retards like this losing everything in shitcoins brightens my day more than Bitcoin gains ever could

>> No.55364745
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Knew the whole shit was a manipulation so I stored my assets in my decentralized smart wallet with military-grade encryption. Don't want to fall victim to a repeated FTX saga.

>> No.55365017

pepebros we're eating good

>> No.55365047
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Me neither, but I did 50x long the bottom so I feel good anyways
I really wish I used 1k at least though

>> No.55365191
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GOOD because your rebate just pumeped op

>> No.55365721
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Do not touch them faggot

>> No.55365774

you wouldnt be able to cover the fees to keep your position open anyways

>> No.55365852

You're retarded for many reasons, but the main one is because if you take small profits, that in itself would cover the fees

>> No.55365861

Here's an example. 1k in profit, but 7 dollar in fees currently. I could literally take some baby shit off and that in itself would cover the baby shit fees

>> No.55365868 [DELETED] 

Your baby shit fetish is showing.

>> No.55366191
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Just hodl fagget

>> No.55366293
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Listen to this, OP

>> No.55366816
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>op seething over BTC
>didn't bought in time
>me (a connoisseur)
>holding both XOR and BTC
>both starts pumping

>> No.55367243

Why would you? You should have waited to buy alts until now and you should be willing to wait a year before selling. BTC isn't going to change anyone's life, it's just good for the government to generate tax revenue on short term trades.

>> No.55367400

Made the right fuggin' choice, anon. Still rockin' alts like ORE, PEPE, KAS, makin' me some sick profits. Gotta love that sweet crypto hustle, amirite?

>> No.55368184
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wtf r u talking about, it's time to hold retard

>> No.55368193

you will have another chance to convert post-halvening

>> No.55368282

You never bought the right alts actually. Sorry Dude, INJ is up, CYMI taking a parabolic turn kek! Pick right next time.

>> No.55368450
File: 217 KB, 1200x868, EBB11088-27DC-4D4F-B438-24FA9AB2DBDB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you trade your alts for BTC at this point you are a massive cuck and you’re going to be buttfucked at EOY. 2023 is the year of alts.

>> No.55368976
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I can sense the bull market on the horizon. HODLing my MANA, SHIB, ZIL, and KDA like a boss. Just snagged a ticket on Fundrs to score some KREST tokens and secure my piece of the PEAQ action. This project means a ton to me

>> No.55369089

It's never too late to level up your crypto game. If you've been missing out on the big things so far, don't let that get you down. The next game-changer on the horizon is DePINs, and you better not sleep on it

>> No.55369627
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catgirls gon do shib 100x, elon tweeted

>> No.55370461

I can't skip ETH and KREST, Jeet. Will bag more on allianceblock fundr to earn some airdrop.

>> No.55370496

I still have ample time to purchase a ticket and participate in the peaq airdrop, Faggot.

>> No.55372199

That's what happen when you hold quality alts, this is same for my alts as well as well which why i intend to DCA more into CYMI and TRIAS.

>> No.55373301

you're calling me a jeet as you chase for rumors of table scraps

>> No.55373856
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Nah, I ain't selling jack. I'm all about buying. Krest is my latest accumulation, and the public sale is still open. Even limited Arb wallet owners can get in on the action if they get whitelisted.

>> No.55374664
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>LMAO, shit's hilarious, but I ain't selling, bro, I'm swimming in fucking profit. Did my research using tokenmetrics and went short on LINA, and damn, I'm feasting like a king. And now BTC's hitting 30k? LFG!!
is reddit still down?

>> No.55374993
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Anon, the best is to diversify your fuckin portfolio. I've spread mine to BTC, Matic, Sylo and Firo. Assets with solid fundamentals are bound to bring you good bucks come the next bull market.

>> No.55376731

u still got time for alts buddy check t/rockgains

>> No.55378724
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If pajeets could take part in the zealy community board quest to get their hands on QANX, why can't you?

>> No.55378743

>DCA more into CYMI and TRIAS
DCAing into Altcoinistdao alpha picks TRIAS KAS ATOR

>> No.55378870
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>> No.55379190

It's always like that

>> No.55379199

This is why my money is going into PENDLE, SPOOL, and other solid alts that have the prospect of returning good ROI
Is that $40K life changing?

>> No.55379391

Buy only ETH, the others are shitcoin

>> No.55379432

I also like those two because they are working on LSDs

>> No.55380606
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More like time to accumulate anon. I've been bagging more Dot and voting for Peaq on the parachain auction seeing as it has potential for mass adoption.

>> No.55380610

Just buy link retard

>> No.55380637
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>> No.55380646

Bad move maybe not?

>> No.55380828
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>> No.55380873

Holy shit, you’re stupid. I hope you’re a troll.

>> No.55381808

Dominance is around 60% at the moment if you account for the same stablecoin dominance as previous bear markets. Now add the fact ETH is acting more like a market leader this run as oppose to regular alt (Meaning it require twice as much blood from alts in order to increase the BTC dominance) and you get possibly the most rekt altcoins reckoning we've ever seen to date.

>> No.55381884 [DELETED] 

Unfortunatly he's not I remember him when I was talking to anons right after I got hit and he kept claiming I was a liar and tried to use the news story to dox me which didn't work but he tried.
I remember the way he posted and it didn't change since then, I know from the fact he used "console"
Because I was talking to someone who I ended up becoming friends with here while he was spamming how I was lying and making everything up.
Mind you I got more than just pictures I was literally posting videos of the hit and run from my outside camera at two angles and posted the news article from the day because the woman who hit me lied and claiming someone random was driving and "ran away" so they put out a news article looking for said "driver"
although crash PD later said they knew it was the woman driving using facebook and street cameras, but didn't charge her with anything.

>> No.55382121

what are you talking you little retard? go f off and watch your 0.3 btc wallet retard, fuck off and don't insult people you autist

>> No.55382500
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Dude you need to wake up anon and don't a dumbfag, Bitcoin shouldn't affect your earnings on some other projects, as I get about 20%APR staking my ass on one of the web3payments platform.

>> No.55383231

ORE is gaining some good greens too.

>> No.55383286

Waiting for everything to unstake
At least I got some

>> No.55384171

Anon, Metaverse utility tokens, Ride and Gods are bound to make good moves in prices, especially in the bull run. Can't snooze on that.

>> No.55384218

Bitcoin is a lure

>> No.55384256
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>> No.55384888

I'm Spool bullish. Added it to my LSD wallets along with TENET, LDO, and ANKR.

>> No.55385018

Wouldn't be that dumbass when I've got solid bags and can only add the top VR tech service provider in the space. It's synchronizing the physical surrounding of moving cars into virtual reality is just one to cash in.

>> No.55386742

Very anon, dude. Privacy's the key to mass adoption

>> No.55386873

This thread has been up for 2 1/2 days

>> No.55387835

NGMI with just ETH. Folks are finally waking up to the game of turning their weak 4-digit portfolios into chad 6-digit gains through index trading on AstraDao. ETH? Pfft, that thing can only pull off a measly 5-10x max at the peak of this bull run.

>> No.55387950

ETH ain't going 100x easy yeah but it will print some good Xs. I play other stuff too. CYMI and ACOIN