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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55358995 No.55358995 [Reply] [Original]

>UK CPI inflation stays at 8.7% in May.
Economists had expected it to fall to 8.4%

>Core inflation (stripping out volatile stuff) RISES to 7.1% - expectations were 6.8%


>> No.55359008

Cool country, at least its out of eu.

>> No.55359020

What redeeming factors are there for the UK? It’s a complete shithole, will it ever recovering?

>> No.55359039

its the worlds biggest paki safari park

>> No.55359086

>Our priority is halving inflstion this year!
>borrows £20b in may

>> No.55359105

It’s also an interactive safari park. You take one look at them and they be like “what you staring at, rude boy”. Sometimes you might have the opportunity to get shanked by a machete or zombie knife. Truly amazing.

>> No.55359224

Take it easy ruski. Inflation wont stop Storm Shadows from tearing up russian ass.

>> No.55359330

Don't knock the hustle and bustle of the big city before you can experience it. We beat Nazi Germany for this life! God save the Kang!

>> No.55359350

0.5% rate hike incoming

>> No.55359427
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Why can't the UK emulate the US?

>> No.55359439

It’s over

>> No.55359483

The US is energy secure. The UK imports fossil fuels.

>> No.55359504

At least they're not speaking German

>> No.55359718

The countryside is nice. The cities were always shit whether they were full of brits or pakis so Jews trying to ruin London is pissing in an ocean of piss, it has always had a ganges running through it. Immigrants love de big citi so they congregate in those centres and that is also where immigration services place them. Outside main city centres you can find a vista so different its difficult to believe its the same country. Old archetcture, working farms, beautiful rivers and lakes, common decency, strong communities of britons etc. England is magical but nobody talks about because we don’t want to advertise it.

>> No.55359733
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>Salaries pathetic compared to US
>Pensions and public infrastructure pathetic compared to most of the EU
>Cities are ugly, unpleasant, and/or economically dead with only a few exceptions (Edinburgh, Cambridge, York)
>Houses are mostly overpriced identikit shitholes (pic related was >£600k)

It's some place.

>> No.55359738

Bullish for chainlink

>> No.55359751

its easy to post this sort of stuff when you're nice and safe in tel aviv

>> No.55359755

They aren't even speaking english for the most part now!

>> No.55359757

not enough niggers so not strong. uk needs to import more for more diversity strength

>> No.55359758



>> No.55359769

The main difference is with UK you have to x2 the government's numbers to have something close to reality. With the US you have to x3 the official figures.

>> No.55359780

We decided to give up on producing or extracting Commodities and go all in on Finance, just shoot anyone in the US suggesting you do the same.

>> No.55359781

>our liars lie better than your liars

>> No.55359958

>Underlying or core inflation rose in May, by 7.1%, up from 6.8% in April, and the highest rate since March 1992; the services annual rate of inflation rose from 6.9% to 7.4%. Very bad news for anyone with a mortgage or any other debt. Interest rates will be higher for longer because these are the measures the Bank of England looks at when judging whether inflation risks becoming endemic. There is a serious risk that interest rates will be lifted tomorrow by 0.5%, double recent rises. This is at a time when the US Fed is pausing rate rises. There has been a massive policy failure in the UK. The reputation of the Bank of England is in serious jeopardy. And as I said last month, Sunak’s pledge to halve inflation this year is also looking in jeopardy - and he cannot blame “international factors” if he misses it. The troublesome part of UK inflation is home grown.
no way im getting a mortgage anytime soon

>> No.55359964

How, it has oil reserves in the north sea?

>> No.55360059

The UK hasn't granted permits for new sites due to climate change commitments to leave fossil fuels in the ground and not fund new extraction. It has moved away from Coal fired power stations decommissioning them, and towards Gas fired stations. But has failed to fund further gas extraction leading to it being horrendously vulnerable to the price of imported gas.

The Labour Party are actually still in favour of no new fossil fuel extraction.

>> No.55360220

The UK is horrifically fucked. The average pretax wage is £30k but average house prices are £260k. A bong has to save every pretax for about a decade to afford a home. But then it also has one of the highest effective tax rates on the planet. British women are also the worst women on earth.

If i was a bong I'd kill myself before you could say "bangers and ma-ACK!"

>> No.55360246

pretty much. although that average house for that price is going to nowhere near any place where the average salary is as high as 30k let alone let you save any of it

>> No.55360248

The countryside is becoming more and more build up, so we don't even have that any more.

>> No.55360362

Loving it. I hope food gets so expensive all boomers are forced to beg.

>> No.55360372

CGT has also been reduced from 11.5k to 4k this year to 2k next year, governement is doing everything possible for the average person to work for the rest of their life and not retire early

>> No.55360387

Reminder that labour or tory doesn't matter.
Tories sold all home energy producers to foreigners to greenwash and be able to say bongland produces >70% green energy.
Both sides are fake and gay clowns in the same rigged circus.

>> No.55360414

just import more third worlders bro you need cheap labor
oops rent prices skyrocketed
oops real estate is through the roof
oops wages are not growing
oops sorry not sorry

>> No.55360436

> Won't more immigrants put more pressure on housing stock?
>> That's wacist
Canada has an even better meme answer
> We need more immigrants to build the houses
I shit you not

>> No.55360453

No. It's utter shit. It's basically you live in bumfuck nowhere and do a work from home job (until youre made redundant) or live in London hellscape, small roads, no space, weird cucked people who don't like things like guns or self preservation

Gangs roaming around, kids wearing balaclavas imitating their drill rap gang heros

Small minded NPC's everywhere. Remember when they banged pots and pans out their windows during covid? Lmao sums up how pathetic they are

>> No.55360532

its an anglosphere phenomenon really

>> No.55360554

100% agreed. Anglosphere culture is rentier centric.

>> No.55360623

>Living with parent at 32
>50k (Was 70k but went with a new car to keep for 7-10 years) savings because I've been saving for a deposit for 7 years
>plan is to live there and inherit 3 bed mid terrace house
>Wage slaving for 29k pretax as a fucking Analytical Scientist
I have no hope or plan for the future. I lost my mum this January to Pneumonia and I resent the fact that I'm waiting for my father to die being the only way onto the housing ladder. Shit's absolutely fucked.

>> No.55360663

The UK is doing fine. So many seething poltards LOL

>> No.55360717

This. Imagine actually being in the EU lol

>> No.55360728

Best country on earth in my book. I also quite like Poland but the cities are shit holes. I like Italy also but the economy doesn't exist. UK is best place to live tbqh

>> No.55360762

The people seem like massive assholes. British people seem to love the patronizing "um sweaty" meme but completely unironically, and their chief export is rabid tranny hate. Everyone just seems really bitter and shitty

>> No.55360817


>> No.55360839
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>> No.55360869

>their chief export is rabid tranny hate
You see what you want to see.

>> No.55360909

>The UK is doing fine
My company is HQ'd in the UK but has an american site. We're mostly research scientists, and the UK scientists were historically higher calibre and better paid than their US counterparts. Then, GBP fell vs the USD, but our salaries didn't change.
In fact, the American's salaries went up because they were complaining about inflation.
So now we have incompetent Burgers getting paid more than the hard carries in the UK. As a senior scientist, I get £60k. In the US, the senior scientists get $70k. There's one guy I know that gets paid less than an american with a lower position to him.

GBP fell to a low of almost -50% from it's 2008 valuation against the dollar. The relative value of british v american labour has not been maintained as a result of this.
Things are shit, they're not fine; look around - your country is dying.

>> No.55360916

trannies are some of the unhappiest, most disturbed people on the planet

>> No.55360942

ahah im so demoralised mate xoxo

>> No.55360976

>B-b-but the trannies
Sort yourself out bong

>> No.55361024

>people mad about immigration
>leaves eu
>immigration levels remain unchanged except immigrants go from 50% eu native to 100% Pakistani and Indian

>people mad about EU economic choices being made for them
>leaves EU
>economy nukes in all aspects

>people mad about EU politics

Kind of feel like Brexit was the end of life being pleasant in the UK tbqh

>> No.55361155

>some phd scientist is getting paid less than me
a no degree code monkey
something doesnt add up

>> No.55361180

wages are a bit shite but america is the wrong comparison, try comparing to the rest of europe

>> No.55361209

>posts trannies
>huh why are you replying about trannies??
Why are trannies so dishonest

>> No.55361252

This, brexit was a disaster. Everyone was supporting it because of immigration and they fucked over the public. It was literally just a power struggle between bureaucrats
>point out brits are unhealthily obsessed with trannies
>>you must be a tranny!
>point out that coping about trannies online is a sign of unhappiness
>>the trannies are unhappier than me!
>point out that being obsessed with trannies won't make you happy
>>reee dishonest tranny
Brain broken by tabloids

>> No.55361286

>bring up trannies out of the blue like its the most identifiable trait of angloids, and not their propensity for perfidity and thirst for young aryan blood
>"umm actually UR obsessed sweetheart"

>> No.55362851

rest of europe:
functional health care system
functional infrastructure
trains cheap and on time
lower inflation
cheap housing
nice weather

the opposite of those

>> No.55362876
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8.7% is luxury

>> No.55364187

>functional health care system
they're both shite but still much better than the US
>functional infrastructure
depends on the country and how far away you are from large cities but I'll give you that since the infrastructure is shit compared to other european countries given how wealthy the UK is on paper
>trains cheap and on time
>lower inflation
>cheap housing
Also true
>nice weather
that was unnecessary :(

>> No.55364216

You're projecting. Brits online can be insufferable cunts but they are nice IRL and that's even if you see past the forced politeness facade. Not everyone in the UK is like those retards at /pol/

>> No.55364485

well said lad

>> No.55364542
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>This, brexit was a disaster
You know where the door is sweety.

>> No.55364568

>functional health care system
>functional infrastructure
Is /n/ leaking again?
>trains cheap and on time
Why lie?
>lower inflation
>cheap housing
>nice weather
I hope you're getting paid for this shilling.
See >>55364542

>> No.55364955

>This, brexit was a disaster.
Brexit was an excuse.

>> No.55365003

hoping to wageslave as a maths teacher soon. have you considered teaching? 27k bursary on top of maintenance + tuition loan.