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File: 14 KB, 320x426, images - 2023-06-16T231614.132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55356905 No.55356905 [Reply] [Original]

The SEC has ruled that DOT is not a security but rather classified as software.
>This means no regulatory barriers for Polkadot's expansion. As adoption increases, the value of the coin is expected to rise. A positive outlook emerges for the community, fostering innovation and bolstering confidence. This is a significant win and its loyal fans, propelling them towards even greater success!

>> No.55357084

There's nobody uses this shit network

>> No.55357091

The pedo chain?
No thx

>> No.55357113

The pedo chain?
Yes please!

>> No.55357200

>old news not pumping your bags

>> No.55357256

>It will never be as the SEC is on a roll, classifying a whopping 68 coins as securities! They're putting their stamp of regulation on these tokens. Can't blame you for being dumb though.

>> No.55357821

What makes you think?

>> No.55358336

DOT is road to $1 and you think it's bullish?

>> No.55358726

Then I'll buy more.

>> No.55358958
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Fucked anon, DOT remained on a bearish trend throughout the summer months,

>> No.55358973

Damn, despite all the hype, this shit has been tanking. I'd rather scoop up a token that can hook me up with some sick rewards

>> No.55359988

Hmm, what's your plans?

>> No.55360053

You know what, I'd rather put my investment in KREST token and score that sweet PEAQ airdrop than waste my cash on weak-ass projects with no balls.

>> No.55360068

You're noob, Anon. Normies are buying DOT to help peaq wins parachain auction and support the DOT ecosystem.

>> No.55360187

that's fucked anon, the public sale Fundrs on allianceblock and their revolutionizing the Web3 space with multichain self-sovereign machine identities is my concern

>> No.55360388

allianceblock is a shambles, newfag. An oldfag like myself just uses it to buy KREST and earn another DePIN airdrop. Like Freebies in US liquid stores, Jeet.

>> No.55360630

AllianceBlock, they're the go-to for hosting projects with real products. Can't believe there are still Jeets out there who didn't know this

>> No.55360651

DePINs may be just a concept for now, and that's why related projects like IoTEX haven't seen a surge. Until then we'll have to wait forever.

>> No.55360669

the state of these bots jfc

>> No.55360712

like avax!

>> No.55360882


Another conceptual aspect that most pleb believe will emerge We have so many data management solutions that have direct and indirect utility to IoT, but still, many prefer dealing with the conventional model to sticking their asses into blockchain tech. This is another definition of big shit that will never emerge and probably end up as vaporware.

>> No.55360891


Another conceptual aspect that most pleb believe will emerge We have so many data management solutions that have direct and indirect utility to IoT, but still, many prefer dealing with the conventional model to sticking their asses into blockchain tech. This is another definition of big shit that will never emerge and probably end up as vaporware.

>> No.55360903
File: 19 KB, 588x522, images - 2023-06-21T201540.576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DePIN ain't no magic memecoin, right? Your ignorance kinda makes me feel sorry for ya. No need to stick with that mindset. Change it up, open your eyes, and you'll see the real deal in real projects. Don't hold onto that ignorance kek.

>> No.55360932

Hold up, anon! The deal is decentralized network to developed IoT bringing about innovative solutions that align with the evolving needs of the tech. Don't take my word for it, dive in and read up

>> No.55360971

There's a whole world of real projects out there waiting to blow your mind. Ditch that ignorance, embrace innovation. Research on IoT infrastructure.

>> No.55360985

is there any real blockchain? i cant find any

>> No.55360993

I too prefer to buy high, my fellow redditor.

>> No.55361011

Based anon. I casted my votes on the parachain earlier and I'm anticipating juicy airdrop rewards.

>> No.55361335

You know what, parachain projects ain't really getting me hyped anymore. All these use cases they promise? Just feels like a bunch of empty promises. I hope I'm not throwing my hard-earned funds down the drain, but gotta give it a shot there.

>> No.55361459

I doubt that anon. I did some research on what would emerge like DEPINs is bringing something unique to Defi and data management solutions.

>> No.55361479

I only consider the L1 project that has become the hub for DePIN and EoT within the Polkadot ecosystem

>> No.55361607

It's not a news anymore that, the badass Krest is now producing blocks as a Kusamanetwork parachain.

>> No.55361664
File: 6 KB, 250x250, 1686944576478782s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm all in on a project that will deliver a chain built to power decentralized physical infrastructure networks, Anon.

>> No.55361711

The nicest feeling for an oldfag like me is to have something that will allow me to exercise governance while also generating income as connected devices offer goods and services within the ecosystem.

>> No.55361723

Let's keep it simple. DYOR is freaking important. It's all about avoiding major losses and not acting like a clueless noob. Wake up

>> No.55361861

Kek, I'm riding this crazy wave straight into the mind-bending Age of Automation, and it'll be an adrenaline rush like no other.

>> No.55361864

easy to say

>> No.55361918
File: 7 KB, 250x206, 1683011483615388s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons have no idea that the machine IDs built on peaq could now be connected to addresses in the Cosmos IBC ecosystem.

>> No.55361975

Its a major step forward anon. The partnership with fetchai would take multichain services to new heights.

>> No.55361997

If you keep believing in something but don't do anything about it, you're gonna stay broke, man. It's time to get off your ass and make things happen for yourself.
interoperability works here.

>> No.55362284

Those are a few perks of the Eot and what its bringing to crypto anon. Web3 governance and decent gains are in line for chads who take action.

>> No.55362514

Web3 has incredible potential, but it's still a bit complex for many people to wrap their heads around. To truly take off, it needs a killer marketing strategy that makes it appealing and accessible to the masses.

>> No.55362904

Will it really successful?

>> No.55362918
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Based loli appreciator

>> No.55363044

I think that relies on a combination of technical excellence, community engagement, real-world applications, and adherence to legal and security standards. But who knows?? There are still improvements to expect.

>> No.55363174

A user friendly interface and awareness would take the sector to new heights. That's why I see what Cosmos and Polkadot bringing to the ecosystem standing the test of time with multi-chain IDs.

>> No.55363504
File: 6 KB, 227x223, download (25).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I think when we bring together the powers of AI and blockchain, we can create something truly awesome. It's all about building stronger, more secure, and transparent AI systems that foster collaboration, safeguard data privacy, and boost trust in AI tech.

>> No.55363714

what is pedo chain?

>> No.55363743

Good point chad, and AI takes things further when it gives anons ownerships and rights to machines through NFTs.

>> No.55363956

Y'all retards are worse than the reaper

>> No.55363973

Yup, as tech keeps evolving and getting better, the combo of AI and blockchain is gonna be freaking awesome. It's gonna level up stuff like the features I mentioned above. It's gonna bring some serious game-changing features anon.

>> No.55364155

Yes anon, 1$ is feasible in the next bull run. I'm also bagging more Krest seeing as it could earn me future airdrops and rewards.

>> No.55364278

>very human shilling

>> No.55364351

Fuck it all and buy link

>> No.55364475

kek up the least amongst all coins nobody wants kiddie trannie

>> No.55364640

Not just that anon, I'm also fascinated with Eot and the seamless interaction between ecosystems and dApps it brings into the space.

>> No.55365024

No one cares or gives a fuck to tech that may likely end up as vaporware.

>> No.55365392

Is that what your brainless cell told you? MF. You must be living under a rock.

>> No.55365803

Anon fails to understand that blockchain offers a better approach, model, scalability, transparency, and efficiency than most conventional systems. This is part of the edge I feel DePIN will have over existing centralized physical infrastructure.

>> No.55365998


>> No.55366045

>No source

it's literally a security.

>> No.55366046

We have many customized hubs for this area, but I still believe this will eventually end as vaporware. Most are practically copycats; that's the annoying aspect of the crypto ecosystem that makes me believe this aspect may never witness adoption.

>> No.55366090

It is not. It was made known that they were actually more of a software than a security. Always learn to read and search for information, plebs. The likes of Matic and a few others are flagged by the sec. There is no way they can forget the PolkaDot ecosystem. If it is, it should be flagged by the schizo, Gary Gensler.

>> No.55366311

Then sell low.

>> No.55366346

Low IQ spotted. Very low.

>> No.55366355


>> No.55366399
File: 151 KB, 1032x1032, 20230428_183120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a true call for enhanced data automation and optimization. I think Cosmos ecosystem has one of the best AI-based projects built on it, with many agents.

>> No.55366786

Dont be a retard. It morphed into software.

>> No.55367562

Decentralized IDs like ORE are all about reducing blockchain's complexity by ensuring smooth self-custody.

>> No.55368074


>> No.55368105

Exactly. They made this clear earlier for everyone.

>> No.55368256

In the aspect of payment crypto is fucking skyrocketing. CryptMi, BItPay, and others are making waves. No wonder TRadFi wants to adopt it.

>> No.55368520

I thought this was an entire new concept. Is this also an SSI issuance as well?

>> No.55368784


>> No.55369071

You okay ?

>> No.55369565

>The pedo chain?
this. pedochain not needed

>> No.55369977

Then explain

>> No.55370287

F**k Garry, he's retarded fag. Such kind of project enables users to leverage physical infrastructure resources more efficiently and transparently

>> No.55371441

He will be replaced soon

>> No.55372109

Last week I've seen a guy wearing a Polkadot T-shirt in Budapest, was it one of you anons?

>> No.55372568
File: 394 KB, 769x723, PedoWood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cause he is a pedo

>> No.55373551

have you read the article? this constant pedo fud is so tiring

>> No.55375260

sitting comfy earning 1 DOT per day, now imagine how much moeny in fiat I'll be earning when DOT goes to $100 in the bullrun

>> No.55375291

is this true? link to story. is this why he didnt want to be the ceo anymore?