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File: 155 KB, 1000x750, 9m4vj6sr9qf81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55357223 No.55357223 [Reply] [Original]

I recently lost my sister to suicide and it's been terrible trying to help my family out while they pay for her funeral and also are going through the worst turmoil, I'm trying to help them as I can but I'm really the only one working they both took off work to take care of everything and I'm afraid this might have done my father in emotionally, he's been checked out completely I was wondering if anyone had been through something like this, I'm trying to get enough saved to pay for absolutely everything after it's done so they don't have to worry about going into debt to lay her to rest,
I know it's terribly morbid but it's unfortunately how lifeworks but they shouldn't be punished for it.
If anyone could help I would be more grateful than anyone alive it would mean the world to my father I know it he's so torn up.

>> No.55357274

this is a well known grift that heroin addicts use, just btw to anyone reading this that doesn't know. don't send her any money

>> No.55357287

Sent, good luck op

>> No.55357300

Call your cousin
Then try your uncle
good luck

>> No.55357301

Just sent 100k

Sorry for your loss op

>> No.55357323
File: 12 KB, 480x308, 1679230416432247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear to God if you send money to OP I'm gonna post gore.
Sauce and how do you know it's a she?!?

>> No.55357329

sent ;)

>> No.55357345

My condolences op. Sent you a nice 50k ;)

>> No.55357353

Just sent 2 eth. Sell 1. Hold 1

>> No.55357354

If you guys are seriously giving out money can I have some? I need like 8k to get my life together.

>> No.55357368

I hope your sister sucks dicks in hell faggot.

>> No.55357382

How horrible OP!
These threads are much better than those scamming jeet ones. I really feel for your loss.

Just sent you 15k. I was going to invest it into that one genius anon's trading bot but I think you need it more

>> No.55357394

What bot?!? Why are you guys giving her money?!? Also I want to see her tits.

>> No.55357420

Are you THAT retarded anon? OP's sister just died and she needs some serious help. and you are here begging for money??? Shame on you.

I just found 3k and sent you 3k more OP. Good luck. Don't let this keep you down

>> No.55357428

Fuck you paki cocksucking retard.
OP, I just sent you 3500. I hope it helps.

>> No.55357449

It’s a faggot scamming and changing their IP a bunch of times
Anyone that’s reading this don’t send any money.

You can view the address on a blockchain explorer of course and see that there has been no money sent and 0.00 in the address

Kys jeet

>> No.55357487

Fuck you I'm.wnite you guys are the pajeets

>> No.55357494

you two are newfags ruining the fun. you can literally see the address on blockexplorer with 0 btc

>> No.55357505

What fun I'm so fucking confused the guys a heroin addict trannt?

>> No.55357513

What if I sent him 5 btc to make you all freak the fuck out.

>> No.55357515

You're still begging, which is against the board's rules.

>> No.55357526

I'm. Not begging benchod basterd