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55348565 No.55348565 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck does the average person survive in this economy

>> No.55348571

Elf Sex

>> No.55348615

I second this

>> No.55348641

Literally just by subsisting off the crumbs of boomer wealth. Look at how many live with their parents, if it weren't for that a ton of young people would die from homelessness or suicide.

>> No.55348643

just gotta get through this week

>> No.55348667
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NPCs. Most people aren't real so they automatically have a home/money.

>> No.55348673

By dumping $250 per week into crypto and hoping for the best

>> No.55348678

>new luxury SUVs and $90k loaded pickup trucks everywhere I drive
>hotel and airline prices going up, national parks full, every one I know constantly traveling
>everyone on here posts about their 4 hour/day wfh 200k/year job
>Fixed rate mortgages so everyone is comfy in their low rate mortgage or renting because rent is now dropping in most major metros
I see no struggling

>> No.55348682

60% of the country lives paycheck to paycheck

>> No.55348694

Fake statistic. Makes people more comfortable with spending money if they think everyone else is too.

>> No.55348699

Maybe those kids should get jobs

>> No.55348708
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>> No.55348712

Are you retarded? It’s almost impossible for most retail/restaurant wagies to even get by. Nevermind the fact that bankers and techfags in NYC have to live with roommates because of the cost of living lmao. Do you think some manhattan barista has any leftover savings at the end of the month?

>> No.55348727

If you choose to live in one of the most expensive cities in the world and get by with a minimum wage job, you are retarded and deserve to be poor.

>> No.55348734

I don’t live there I just have friends that do. I’m just trying to point out to you retards how most of the country lives paycheck to paycheck, even if they do have a high income

>> No.55348735
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Yes because that barista can escort or do onlyfans and make 100x what a barista makes. She can also get a sugar daddy or man to pay her bills. If you are broke as a woman in America you seriously have negative iq

>> No.55348737
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thanks for playing goyim

>> No.55348769

Credit cards and payday loans

>> No.55348772


>> No.55349332


>> No.55349340


>> No.55349355

>people would die without boomer crumbs
Yes, but not the people you imply and not suicides.

>> No.55349360
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I feast on the remains of the cursed and sacrificed.

>> No.55349376


>> No.55349378
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heres the thing is im just not going to work 40 hours a week or even 20 for that matter

>> No.55349393
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We should start dumping directly to prisons after high school based on family wealth and testing score.

>> No.55349425

this. people are just buying more shit. my grandmother used to save her bacon fat and make soup out of rotten vegetables. that was struggling

>> No.55350280
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I don't, I just pay rent and then starve until I get paid again, at most sometimes I can put a little on OBAYC so that next month I can eat some fucking fried chicken

>> No.55350394

>How the fuck does the average person survive in this economy
They are not. Why do you think every company is forcing people back to office? No one is consuming in the cities and this is a problem

>> No.55350412

Average person is ignorant to the fact they will never retire. By the time they realize they need to save, it's too late.

>> No.55350425

They aren't. They are racking up debt in hopes it gets canceled. Consoomer debt crisis is the next thing. They'll print money and give away gibs or something to bail debtslaves out.

>> No.55350433
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last summer my friend vacationed for a few days in ocean city maryland, on a hotel right on the beach. he paid $250 a night in the month of june or july. i looked up the same hotel, they're now charging $500 a night through the month of october. the cost of everything is out of fucking control.

>> No.55350456

I have parents I can live with rent free till I decide to leave.
Without that, I would absolutely be sleeping rough on the streets. I wouldn't qualify for any sort of gibs and would be dumpster diving for food.

>> No.55350461
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I know know nonwhites lack the foresight to save for retirement but I think even whites are opting out of company retirement plans just to have extra cash to get by. This is going to come to a head at some point and our 401ks will be the target of nationalization. You can't have 100 million mexicans all trying to draw out of SS when they spent their entire lives as a tax burden getting "income security". They are a net negative tax drain and are going to bomb the system. Something has got to give and it will be your private retirement money.

>> No.55350468

I just won’t go, fuck the fees

>> No.55350479

Idk, I make 90k and live paycheck to paycheck. It's rough.

>> No.55350623

Oof this

>> No.55350633

Elves are a proud and noble race.

>> No.55350634

By not being a chink.

you lose

>> No.55350759


>> No.55350768
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Be slightly above average.
(I hope it hurt)

>> No.55350771
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hhmm...go on

>> No.55350776

How exactly does one reach this level of delusion?

>> No.55350780

That's because they splurged on debt

>> No.55350830

>that will never h-ACK

>> No.55350863
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My housemate's parents came to visit him a year ago (London). The hotel was £300. Now they are coming again next month, same length of time, same hotel, they are charging £900.

>> No.55350876
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>standard rate $516
>member rate $507

>> No.55350994

elf sex.

>> No.55351011

They're working longer hours

>> No.55351272

It is not a problem, the current cities are the problem and they should be destroyed so that better functioning cities can replace them. The destruction of bad things is justice not tragedy. They suffer because they are the inferior specimens of civilization

>> No.55351309

checked. I took a second job.

>> No.55351316

They dont. That is why (but not limited to) people dont have children anymore, future prospects are everything but bleak and people are demorilize.

>> No.55351376
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Elf rape

>> No.55352016

Based on what ive seen:
>trying to scam the system with under the table untaxable incomes (selling drugs, landscaping, repairing etc)
>living off the wealth of their mom and dad
>not having kids

>> No.55352051
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23 yr old cryptoanon here. Got lucky on SHIB a few years ago. I'm NEETing it up but my savings won't last forever. I'll never be able to afford a home because I simply do not care with engaging in our capitalistic world. I often regret my birth. It makes you question the meaning of our existence. Maybe it is a simulation? I don't know. I genuinely hope death is the end though. Life is pain.

>> No.55352122


>> No.55352133

Think like a psychopath
Long food
Soi, Wheat, Corn, Sugar futures

>> No.55352546

You cant save money because you live a lifestyle not meant for you

>> No.55352560

>bail debt with debt

>> No.55352571
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what are you testing, boy?

>> No.55353251
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>> No.55354198

the answer is credit card debt, anon.

it's coming. it's bad.

>> No.55354603
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Buy AI trading coins like Blackswan. CA in picture

>> No.55354628

The ones I know are either losers who spend all their money on drugs and video games, or are in a relationship with a house + family working hard to keep going. There's no in between

>> No.55355186

They're not paying off their credit cards.

>> No.55356159

They don't. That's the point.

>> No.55356202
File: 260 KB, 1200x675, dmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bottom third 20 year prison labor contract with ability to go to military Penal Army for 4 year contract
>Middle third 20 year enlisted contract with the ability to go as officer to military Penal Army for 4 year contract
>Top third 20 year commission with the ability to go in as a higher ranking officer to the Penal Army for a 4 year contract
>Only veterans get to vote, own land or have a voting ownership stake in F500 companies
Comfy Starship vibe
Captcha: VXXXX

>> No.55356205

>How the fuck does the average person survive in this economy
Whatever you think a "good standard of living is", lower that. There's your answer.

>> No.55356206


people don't care about longevity. they just live day to day. great example - i have only had one car in my entire life. got it at 16 and have it now when i'm 33. it's paid off, no payments. i make 250k/yr. i live in a large city and i park on the street. honestly sometimes i consider getting rid of it. there are people living in my building that not only have brand new cars, probably $800+/mo, but they're paying probably $300+/mo in insurance, then gas, then property tax, then tickets (which are handed out liberally for everything). then don't forget maintenance. i just paid $2k for 100k+ mile routine maintenance items (brakes/rotors, fluids/coolants, belts, etc.). then don't forget parking. you have a nice new car? my building is $200/mo to park in the garage instead of the street. this shit is expensive to have in a city. and then add on 2-3k+/mo in rent minimum. don't get me started on houses 4k+/mo. then everything else you've got to pay for. i think people are maxed out. they spend all the money they make. i'm stressed about saving and investing, but i feel most people don't care. that's probably the difference.

>> No.55356353
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A lot of my friends had to move back in with their parents to be able to save any money. Others have 4 roommates in a 2 bedroom apartment. Even my friends with money that work for twitch and other tech stuff have to have both parents working while a nanny takes care of their kids most of the day. It’s brutal out there.

When it comes to those poor bastards working shit jobs like fast food and retail, I honestly have no idea how they keep going. Then again take a look at LA. Many people clearly gave up and went the homeless druggy route and sleep in a tent by an overpass.

>> No.55356390

>actually your factual data is wrong because of my bullshit observations that I pulled out of my ass.

Go back

>> No.55356411

I sometimes visit normies to learn answers to questions such as these. They’re currently being psyop’d into thinking there is deflation happening. The lemmings follow along and go “ya know what, eggs sure have come down in price lately! I think you’re right!”
Until they starve to death they won’t change. Then they’ll be dead. There’s no waking up.

>> No.55356465

Not sure if most people here are stupid poorfags or have loser families. If youve been here for more than 2 generations you should have a house and rental property at the minimum. Most people are fine and airbnb are getting record profits

>> No.55356504

>retail/restaurant wagie
Aren't these jobs only done by teenagers and recent immigrants?

>> No.55356531

Haha no it’s not the 90’s anymore. The general population is stuck working these jobs until they die with no hope other than becoming a manager at Carl’s Jr or Total Wine.

>> No.55356583

Everyone has like
>5 streaming service subscriptions,
>10 other different ongoing subscriptions,
>always buys the most expensive food brands,
>throws away half the uneaten food after it went rotten,
>buys and throws away clothes every 4 months
>lives in urban centers
>works a shitty wagie job
And then wonders why they have no money. Almost.. as if its not possible to live a wasteful life and get away with it if your name isnt Bill Gates or Messi

>> No.55356593

They don't, and that's the point

>> No.55356616

I spend $1000 a month on asian prostitutes

this is down from $2000 a few years ago

my quality of life has reduced by 50%, and I am seething

>> No.55356654

Don't know but I had sex last night so I don't really care

>> No.55356718

I find it absurd that 99% of normies would throw hundreds of dollars away every year towards lotto tickets rather than DCA into crypto and wait a few years for a decent return. It's the same song and dance everytime there's some mega millions pot that comes around, lines outside the gas station even when they know they don't have a snowballs chance of winning anything.

>> No.55356760
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>> No.55356825

How do you not get herpes

>> No.55356834

They don't need to confiscate 401ks when they can just continue to print and kill your savings with inflation. What are you gonna do about it, goy?

>> No.55357156
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Imagine not shorting the DXY if you believe this

>> No.55357194
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>How the fuck does the average person survive in this economy

They dont.

>> No.55357199

damn thats an uncommon pepe...mind if i save it

>> No.55357203

When I meet some average people I'll ask them and get back to you.

>> No.55357219
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>> No.55357281
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>> No.55357284

It has an embedded virus in that activates if ever attached to a non-based post. Use at your own risk.

>> No.55357298
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Also, reminder student loans resume in September.

>> No.55357340

These are the same people that took an experimental vaccine that does nothing positive in exchange for nothing or a donut. The elite are right about the goyim.

>> No.55357377
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In Aus we don't even have the option to not contribute. Less illegal immigration though

>> No.55357445

They will delay those at least until after the 2024 election.

>> No.55357473
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They gotta cause a little pain to keep the imperative to vote for them alive. By a little I mean a lot.

>> No.55357483

Bidens handlers arent that retarded to take that massive political L right before election year. Youre just doomposting.

>> No.55357492
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see pic

>> No.55357497
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Sorry breh hope you've been making payments or at least saving.

>> No.55357517

>$75k a year entry-level programmer
>Own a house in a safe German Catholic neighborhood outside of Columbus, paid it off three years ago
>Never eat out, eat a lot of chickpea curries, pasta salads, and buy beef when it’s on sale. Maybe spend $40 a week on food.
>Buy one bottle of shitty whiskey per month to last the entire month
>No cable TV, no subscriptions, it’s purely utilities plus Internet for work
>Entertain myself with YouTube and pirated ebooks
>Currently sitting on $140,000 in savings just because I’m spending so little

>> No.55357565

Imagine thinking every other country isn't doing the same, making the DXY pointless.

>> No.55357648

>muh milkshake
Go to bed George you've got to put out a new episode in the morning. Can't let Schwab win!

>> No.55357694

You just do. Live at home with parents. Have a decent govie wagie career position. Only spend money on gas (at Costco) and shop for groceries at Costco. Only buy clothes at Costco. Don’t eat lunch. Intermittent fasting every day with only 1 big meal for dinner.

>Aren’t you miserable?


>> No.55357719


>> No.55357734
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Being a XOR holder (based) and make a 2x month by month (also based) thanks to our lord Makoto (chad)

>> No.55357752
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>> No.55357941

Kek it’s truly shameless these days.

>> No.55358065


you're going to make it

>> No.55359030

If this happens we’re past the point of no return anyway. People looting houses for food kind of thing

>> No.55359756

The overall market is fucking bad. Only by generating passive income we can stay afloat. Apart from some gold investments, stocks, I invest in crypto. Alts like UTK, EGLD, ATOM fetches me goid income. I get like 20 to 25% on all these.

>> No.55359924

I live with my widowed father and pay for all the bills and property taxes (mortgage is paid off). I grind at work and drive the same car I've had for ten years. I put what I can afford into stonks and crypto. Hopefully it will be enough for a modest retirement somewhere sometime. I make almost $60 an hour but doing the math I can't afford to retire until I am 65. I'm hoping stemcell therapy becomes more affordable because I am going to need it.

>> No.55359986

There are other options too with xExchange like Farms, and metabonding. The best part is I can stake it on the xPortal app and get cash backs too. So basically UTK has a lot of usecases.

>> No.55360351
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I eat once a day, something big that doesn't cost me too much, then I try to make the minimum mess so I don't pay for cleaning products, all so I can pay the rent and still hold REBATE, I want to buy an apartment so I don't do this anymore

>> No.55360384



>> No.55360452

Asides passive income generation, researching is the best way to make profits both in the bear and bull market anonfag. Altcoinistdao DeFiLlama are great tools desu

>> No.55360460

By being an annoying kike with inheritance and avoiding taxes

>> No.55360528

>XOR holder
i am sorry for your loss