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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55348161 No.55348161 [Reply] [Original]

It only took 6 years huh marines? What have I told you since the very beginning? You can't fucking win. They will not let you in their club. You were not destined to make tens of millions because of some breadcrumbs or a tripfag named assblaster. This is your demise. You lost. LINK is almost back to where it belongs. Nothing you say or type can take that pain away from your souls, knowing that LINK never got close to $1000, or even $100. Knowing that ETH was not a repeatable playbook. Knowing you didn't make as much as shiba buyers. Knowing I shorted you from $52 and made my hedge fund tens of millions. Read em and weep

>> No.55348182
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>> No.55348181

we're not selling u big meanie
now get lost

>> No.55348268

You will. You will continue to get worn down with bad news and short selling. I am about to borrow more LINK, with very little liquidity out there, to take on some more risk for my clients. LINK is destined to hit $2-3 within the next month-month and a half. Writing is on the wall, the team just admitted CCIP is vaporware by using the "more audits" excuse

>> No.55348272

Dr ns


>> No.55348281
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>t. sold at $1.40, seething ever since
Maybe if it drops another 70% you'll break even

>> No.55348293
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Oh wait no, you first warned us at $0.60. Before it went to $50. Nice warning lmao

>> No.55348302
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>shorting since $3.86

>> No.55348310
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>fudding under $0.50 before it 100x

>> No.55348315
File: 2 KB, 125x125, kichael.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey Kiddo, buy NASH and NEO, ANS is going to the moon! Don't buy LINK under $0.50!
>t. bipolar autistic chink living in Vancouver and shitposting about Chainlink 9 hours a day after getting wrecked on chink scams in 2018

>> No.55348321

It only took 6 years huh marines? What have I told you since the very beginning? You can't fucking win. They will not let you in their club. You were not destined to make tens of millions because of some breadcrumbs or a tripfag named assblaster. This is your demise. You lost. LINK is almost back to where it belongs. Nothing you say or type can take that pain away from your souls, knowing that LINK never got close to $1000, or even $100. Knowing that ETH was not a repeatable playbook. Knowing you didn't make as much as shiba buyers. Knowing I shorted you from $52 and made my hedge fund tens of millions. Read em and weep

>> No.55348326

Accidentally change devices there, Mike?

>> No.55348328

Look at the cope on this motherfucker. Are you aware QNT went from these prices to hundreds of $? What about BNB? $50 to $5 is your current reality, pull up those posts where I said to short at $50. Oh that's right, you won't and you'll now leave this thread and head to etherscan to cry

>> No.55348347

How much QNT did you own, Michael? Have you been runnning the QNTtothemoon reddit account as well?

>> No.55348348

Lmao was a matter of time the canadian chink doxxed himself.

rooking gud mister uncr sai

>> No.55348357

I bought some with my ETH profits from years ago, did very well for myself on that one. Funny, LINK bagholders used to make fun of QNT holders and who had the last laugh?

>> No.55348364

Strange you didn't mention QNT or BNB even once before thy had both already mooned, dude. Really strange.
NASH, on the other hand, and NEO. Well you were pretty out in the open about them going to the moon.
Where is NASH ranked these days, by the way? I don't usually check coingecko outside of the top 1000

>> No.55348376

>Mi berry expert tradar mi buy row and serr hai

>> No.55348382

Time for your gay little larp to come to an end. Find one archived /biz/ post about NASH, I'll be waiting. Until then, you're attempting one of the oldest tricks in the book, distract and deflect the fact that you are a loser who holds LINK and got his shit rekt. How does $5 feel? Does it sting a little? A lot?

>> No.55348394

>June 15, 2020
>LINK: $4.04
>QNT: $6.79
>ETH: $234
>BTC: $9419
>BNB: $16.83
>ADA: $0.07
>DOGE: $0.002
>SOL: $0.58

>June 15, 2023
>LINK: $5.27
>QNT: $98
>ETH: $1661
>BTC: $25475
>BNB: $236
>ADA: $0.26
>DOGE: $0.06
>SOL: $14.75

>> No.55348406

Jurai? Big big numba in jurai desu ANS big profit very good buy row serr hai

>> No.55348420
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You weren't talking about it on /biz/, you were talking about it on reddit.
Which is, incidentally, exactly why you said "find one archived /biz/ post" as some retarded workaround as if it would stop me from posting your reddit comment lmao

>> No.55348424
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>fuds LINK at $0.50
>buys NASH that had a ONE YEAR token lockup for ICO buyers
>decides to rotate his NASH losses BACK INTO NEO

>> No.55348429

This isn't me but you knew that already. Only place I post is here

>> No.55348435

>this isn't me except when i first got doxxed and the guy pointing out the complete similarities in language, writing style and post times was convincing enough that he literally scared me off the board for a year

>> No.55348449

>I'm trying so hard to cover for the fact that LINK is literally imploding like my life so I'm going to instead feverishly defend it on a Yugoslavian fishing board

You know you can't win this, so continue posting about whatever bullshit you can try to deflect while I gloat some more about LINK. LINK is $5 in June 2023. It was $4 in June 2020. Fucking kek, what a loser! You got outperformed by Vanguard little brother

>> No.55348451

Great thread, Kiddo, see you in the net one.

>> No.55348493

reminder that michael the chink is absolutely obsessed with link because he lost a lot of money on ans / neo instead of being in link
he has been caught out multiple times samefagging as schiff, and also shilled link with his trip on in the $30+ range (so he probably bought above this price, compounding his current butthurt)
should have just bought under a dollar, micropeen chink! then maybe you'd feel okay with buying at $5 now instead of complaining about link every week
all fields and hidden

>> No.55348515

Nope. This is a LINK thread faggot, everyone can see what you're trying. I wouldn't be surprised if some of those 70M went to your wallet to work overtime. Pathetic, $5 after all the shilling you've done the past few years. CCIP though, amirite?

>> No.55348521

my basterd u are losing a lot of money now

>> No.55348523

its had some good price action for such a shitcoin

>> No.55348535

You guys are so gay. Just fuck already.

>> No.55348539

You’re just going to ignore these that you were literally shorting or sold at 1.6, .60 and 3.80? You keep going short short sell sell yea eventually you’re gonna be right but you sure don’t know what you’re doing. At least don’t ignore the posts pointing out how you were wrong

>> No.55348555

I wasn't wrong anon that's the beauty of it. Did you see >>55348394

I told you to buy literally anything else and perfectly nailed the shorts at $50 and below. I said a few weeks ago when it was $8 to short the every loving fuck out of it. Sergey is a fat lazy slob and just wants to cash out and fuck off to the Caymans. Nothing he's done since ico means anything, and you will learn to love ico prices again

>> No.55348679

I sold my link a while back.NGMI,
tired of wagging and Dca on my bag, would now look for IDOs on healthcare projects like Immunify life

>> No.55348781
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>I wasn't wrong
top kek

>> No.55349047

I dont understand how I lost. I am just glad I get to keep talking to you like this. As long as link is around, so will you.

>> No.55349083

I'm sorry, but did Chainlink already lose? Oh, that's right. The 4th industrial revolution isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only just begun. Does not pumping at beginning count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the 4th industrial revolution is still on? Chainlink is still building right now and it has been the best crypto on /biz/ for how many years now? Chainlink is one of the best fucking cryptos on the market, it went to $50 last bullrun and would have went to $1000 if the market didn't choke. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Chainlink wins and someone screencaps this topic. Oh look, what the fuck was that, it's literally recovering right now, just bought 100k. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Chainlink topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like the token because it's good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these fucking linkies on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.

>> No.55349086

Based tripfag is going to help ME, a NEWFAG, accumulate a 10k makeit stack! Shalom fren. Let the dumpening commence.

>> No.55349096

Nice NEO bags LOL lmao
Mikey Mikey Ching Chong

>> No.55349173

seething baggie lmao

>> No.55349178

based saved.

You were 100% wrong. It went up from 3.86, 60c, and 1.80. And then >>55348781 as well. Just gonna ignore the fact that link blew past those numbers?

>> No.55349204

Lol lmao wtf is his problem?
And you just know this schizo is also posting FUD en masse without the tripcode

>> No.55349418

Uncle old fag getting a train run on his has in this thread.

>> No.55349447

>getting a train run on his has in this thread.
this bagholder is having a stroke in real time

>> No.55349460


>> No.55349479

oh look at this giant faggot guess? i'm never selling, as a matter of fact i'm buying more you tranny

>> No.55349610
File: 19 KB, 306x306, cunt please.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny you say 6 years like it's a long time when it's been 6 years since you were btfo by NEO and you still haven't purged your misery and regret, instead like the insecure gimp you are you spit out all that accumulated self-loathing within yourself by larping in LINK threads. You're the definition of a loser. It's comically pathetic and really quite unbecoming behaviour for a full grown man. PA has been shit but gimps like you don't get to dunk on anyone.

>> No.55349627
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>4th industrial resolution

>> No.55349656

kys astroturfer

>> No.55349688

how am i an astroturfer you giant mongoloid?
i have been here since before that faggot ass uncle

>> No.55349728

>marketing persona with tripcode
go fuck yourself gaslighting shill, every link tripfag is an astroturfer, muh uncle oldfag, muh detective, muh assblaster, muh whalekiller, muh astro, muh walletautist
fucking jew nigger

>> No.55349764

Well to be honest you used to shill chainlink. You changed your tune somewhere around near the top. Flipped the switch at the right time actually.

>> No.55349804

>at the right time
>the broken clock is finally right
See >>55348781

>> No.55349823
File: 80 KB, 896x1000, chud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 years of crab market is literally nothing. I will literally hold this token until I drop dead. No fud will work on me. I am simply going to hold this token until I make it or until I die.

>> No.55349825


>> No.55349944

right back at you there bucko
t. 2pbti

>> No.55349951


>> No.55349975

good job on keeping the astroturfing thread bumped, autismo

>> No.55349982

Maybe if you seethe a bit more it will solve all your problems.

>> No.55350644

fucking kek

>He's bragging about when I said LINK was shit at $3.80 and $1
>It's gone up $1 in 3 years
>Every other crypto has done a 2x-100x in that timeframe

>> No.55350658

8 hours later and you're still thinking about how you got owned in this thread and just had to return kek

>> No.55350778

>LINK has fallen $0.25 while you slept

Not having fun are you? I'm just... I'm just gonna keep shorting! Oh no!

>> No.55351350

You should try leaving your house from time to time kek. Oh sorry I forgot you're mr bigshot rich whale dude lmao. Only rich whale I ever saw that spends his days seething about some shitcoin he apparently doesn't hold. Sad cunt.