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55348077 No.55348077 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.55348095 [DELETED] 

i tear up sometimes thinking about hitler and what could have been. no joke.

>> No.55348102


>> No.55348109

Link holders

>> No.55348119 [DELETED] 

That's entirely normal. Don't let any piece of shit tell you otherwise.

>> No.55348129


>> No.55348149

Didn't they lose? We should forget the losers and praise the winners.

>> No.55348168

They already lost retard.

>> No.55348176
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>> No.55348180 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 180x280, might.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nazis were errand boys for reptillian factions, your tears are pre mature, that will come later, fret not summer child

>> No.55348191

Curiosity... for what is truth and what is fiction, definitively. It's obviously not realistic, but I yearn for it

>> No.55348209 [DELETED] 

Apparently (((NEO-FASCISTS))) still remain so we must remind them constantly of the fact that they lost.

>> No.55348278

Neofascists only exist under your bed and between your ears. There is nothing worth saving anymore.

>> No.55348284

I don't have a bedframe. Checkmate, nerd.

>> No.55348295 [DELETED] 

Nostalgia for a time I never got to see. Anger from what the Jews took from me and my people. And a small amount of happiness that at least some other people understand what we missed out on, and happiness that I am not the only National Socialist in the world.

>> No.55348313


>> No.55348803 [DELETED] 

Uncontrollable burning rage from red jews and blue jews alike.

>> No.55348836

reddit moment

>> No.55348837 [DELETED] 
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>> No.55348838
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>> No.55348851 [DELETED] 
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>> No.55348877

Paradise lost

>> No.55348881
File: 1.78 MB, 300x242, IMG_0052.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happiness. I hope someday we finally defeat (((them))).

>> No.55348884

Damn so close.

>> No.55348890

Strong urge to tell you to go back to >>>/pol/