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55346525 No.55346525 [Reply] [Original]





>> No.55346571

Are you retarded?

>> No.55346576

Good buying price right now.

>> No.55346590

Ayyy lmao

>> No.55346594


>> No.55346607

Why is the market so hostile towards LINK?

>> No.55346663

We gatekept redditors from buying so they pumped dogecoin and cumrocket instead.

>> No.55346788

>whales paid retards like slumdoge millionaire to round trip and act out the experience
>cant do this with the tightknit link community
really makes you think wow this hole market is a scam my basterds AVOID

>> No.55346854

basically there are tens of thousands of plebbitors and VCs who bought at $30 and now they're trying to bully the minority of people who bought at $0.30 into selling and it hasn't worked yet but maybe if they keep posting it will

>> No.55346954

>paying gas fees good
>paying your friendly chainlink node bad
how did things get this bad bros

>> No.55346966

Link marines round tripped for free!

>> No.55346993

Should I buy?

>> No.55347003

so did slumdoge no one wins with crypto bro its a scam what is your deal? why focus on one obscure dark horse top fifty crypto?

>> No.55347015

Bunch of angry dweebs who held round trip and now fud their own tokens while refusing to sell

>t. Angry dweeb from $2MM to $200k

>> No.55347027

>dark horse top fifty
It used to be number 5. "Dark Horse" is a weird way of saying fading has-been.

>> No.55347068

dark horse crypto is a perfect way to single out one crypto from an ocean of scams as per the crypto msm you know the same media that told you to get vaccinated of else you can't participant in web3
the same monsters that told you to sacrifice your health and trust the experts also call chainlink a dark horse crypto the same weird obscure top one hundred crypto

>> No.55347079
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it's activist VCs psyoping everyone into buying their bags. /biz/ used to do this as well but because /biz/ is a bunch of dissasociated autists with middling capital and VCs are very well capitalized and organized normies they managed to break chainlink's narrative.

>> No.55347151

lmao are they still around.
the VCs are basically acting like a de facto government. Devs are supposed to be about freedom, decentralization, fairness, a better future for our children but then again most devs are raging homosexuals with multiple mental disorders and in to furdom weird shit never ever meet your heroes anons do not do it except the elohim i wanna meet those folks fuck yahweh

VCs are basically government for crypto and those G men are not your frens, frens. Devs selling out for a quick vc pay day makes me sick
look at arbitrum, the best scaling solution for eth comes to a grinding halt because they tried to jew out on their gas bill you cannot make this up
never tire anons chainlink have years advantage and the best minds working on this. vcs are holding back the space

>> No.55347158

how I hate this cabal of twitter faggots

>> No.55347277

chainlink's marketing in general fell off a cliff when it transitioned from The Cube to the new polished tech company flat design aesthetic, and frankly this mostly happened because we let them. /biz/ basically was chainlink's marketing team up until 2020/2021 when it became corporatized and coincidentally the price also fell off there. gee how'd that happen. and then you have all these spergs on twitter aping /biz/ memes and trying to debate everyone like a bunch of redditors. they have no rizz.
/biz/ has a lot of very bright and creative people and it's very demoralizing that all of that energy is now focused on fudding link as a cope like ants trapped in a pheromone death spiral.

>> No.55347385

checked. yep what's the point of sharing (((anon))) posts on twitter. self contain marketing posts on twitter by twitter accounts. this daisy chain email thing they have going does not work and it attracts the wrong sort i.e. dedicated no life fudders.

lets tally the situation. we have
>rich vcs with early access to projects and basically unlimited money provided for by the governments of the world to regulate crypto and control and or slow down development and impact of web3 and crypto in general
>this is evident by the hazy regulatory lens the sec is peering through e.g. stall for time until X happens
>chainlink connects projects to data of all types as middleware
>essentially vcs are funding projects that eventually use chainlink services
so the relationship structure is ultimately vcs fund project who use and pay for chainlink. although chainlink is said to be the middleware here it more a nexus for funding from a small group of vcs that all get early access to projects and become informed through these channels
so occam's razor vcs fund or pay for chainlink services but the fat man and the vcs probably debate muh control of supply and this leads to them having an antagonistic relationship. So the fat man says okay 7% over 7 years then you guys can stfu about muh control of tokens

However the VCs have stalled Chainlink growth at many turns unrelated to this direct relationship and have tried to take advantage on multiple occasions examples
>goading marines through fud to get views
>funding other oracles when all eth killers died unironically
although the eth foundation does have a team of spamming ready to clog any blockchain at any time thats important chainlink may lack that technologically but they do have that informationally which is why vcs like to goad marines
>creating anti chainlink no oracle narratives
from the vc pov they only have to sell on the tokens and if the project dies it dies they already made money from early access

>> No.55347428

so they do not really have a interest in the long term growth and survival of any individual project and even the entire crypto ecosystem as they can easily pivot to another new tech area i.e. AI, quantum computing or whatever science fiction mumblerap niggers are selling these days.
But chainlink seem to have an invested interest in survivability and growth of crypto and web3 however they got burned with counter parties like celsius already so they are putting tokens out there to hopefully institutional players who ideally need web3 to survive as well and ultimately if they cannot just pivot away into a new untapped market like the VCs this is better for web3 given the current geopolitical climate and a possible repeat of 100 years ago. look I think USD hyperinflation is likely and jumping on crypto will be a lifeboat like investing in US bonds was for wealthy families in Germany during the collapse of the weimar republic.

battle plan
>obvs. an asymmetrical war is best
>linkies can counter any alt narrative the vcs fund
>but it is important to keep these battles quiet. no point dragging out these narratives so they can create a stable line from which to launch new offensives
>the no oracle line has been drawn but it is really just choose your own oracle and there is only one choice chainlink
so education and clarity seem to be important. whalekiller type strategies are pointless as these vcs have unlimited capital provided for by the government for the purposes of controlling and/or slowing down the growth of web3 onchain beyond pay to play mev

>> No.55347483

imagine buying at $.30 and still holding, either that person had to be in a coma or is an ultra subhuman with a negative YD4HG

>> No.55347496

fud4fun was hilarious and ironic but its tired and everything feels old. even fst sergey jokes have lost their appeal for me. and discussing nuances and endless comparisons and even charts are pointless. the space wants chainlink crushed because no one is supposed to make it into the club and link marines keep proving they are the wrong sort
although I do believe that if the link marines were to stay silent during the next pump it would pump harder because they have said many times everytime we pump a whole bunch of link marines come out to celebrate. they do not like this. just take the money quietly and pretend nothing happened. there will be no yacht party and no celebrating on /biz/ because /biz/ are supposed to be cattle
okay? two things you guys haven't tried. being quiet, shutting the fuck up, and directly educating people about the benefits of chainlink and any problems or limitations that might exist. give a balanced view is easy because you are fundamentally describing a bowl of shit (crypto) with a diamond in it.
thats it thats my whole strategy. the link marines could win but no through their current aggressive ways. only by taking this quiet victory, forgetting /biz/ celebrations, everyone will know about anyway, and taking a break from twitter will we win.

who the fuck cares what sort of alt narratives they try and fund. they funded all sorts of eth killer narratives back in '17 and no one took them seriously. remember that

>> No.55347498

very true, they are in a parasitic relationship with chainlink. i think this is somewhat unavoidable for now but it absolutely should not be the case that all of these retards on twitter and /biz/ are gobbling up activist VC fud so that they can feel like victims and whine about their rights as "investors". people need to stop crying themselves to death and remember that we are not investors and we never stopped being at war with these shyster VCs.

>> No.55347507

>get some new material dawggy dawg ok
>Plenty of fish in the sea for you and me ok
>Time is true

>> No.55347580

>okay? two things you guys haven't tried. being quiet, shutting the fuck up, and directly educating people about the benefits of chainlink and any problems or limitations that might exist. give a balanced view is easy because you are fundamentally describing a bowl of shit (crypto) with a diamond in it.
1000% agree that twitter fags need to shut up but i think the most important thing is that people begin to feel like complete retards for not filling up on link and they need to feel like they arrived at that conclusion on their own rather than having heard it from some ESL 87 follower twitter meme account. if you're not screaming in someone's face chainlink is actually an easy sell, and it's incredibly embarrassing that twitter fags fuck it up as badly as they do, and it's embarrassing that /biz/ is this buck broken and apathetic.

>> No.55347596

>why do people come on here pretending crypto wasn't created by gubmint in the first place always trying to act like it's some underground pleb revolt dynamo

>> No.55347600
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This Anon is telling the truth.

>> No.55347619

this is war but not really. they want to pump link to revive crypto interest but on their terms. they dont want a bunch of antagonistic anons attacking them and the fall out from that could fuck up whatever afterpump narratives they have cooked up.
my advice remains the same take the W stfu and go enjoy your gains quietly. meanwhile educate people about chainlink and what they are doing. its a hard uphill struggle i know. its hard and nobody listens.
very few people who interact with crypto are going to be devs. most will just buy a token. chainlink needs them to take an extra step use the token for something. thats hard. this industry is not built on using tokens it is built on selling tokens and funneling profits back into certain assets. so theres a lot that will be hard to accomplish. but with the knowledge you guys already have and some of those twitter accounts are probably og marines who know more about the project that me and I follow fairly closely. they just need to use their knowledge for good. evil is easy good is hard. you need hard men to do good in this world.

>> No.55347641

if crypto was created by the government they lost control of it somewhat which is why the vcs were brought it to regain control and this is why nothing changes dramatically in ranks like it used to during bulls.
this is ground zero for testing new tokenized monetary capabilities there is no doubt. how they react to projects like chainlink tells me all is not going according to plan

>> No.55347672

there is no point in harassing people for being late. people can get in now at 5 bucks which is not bad considering everything chainlink are working on but again not really the point. only the lowest level participates are just token holders and chainlink want to engage them towards being token users and making dapps and more. buying a token is really up to the individual and not really the focus of utility driven middleware.
just think about all those advocates out there bringing in new blood. all these new devs are not going to be able to get vc funding because the vcs have certain government mandated projects to look out for and would never fund anything that could make an impact. they cite lack of regulatory clarity and even the sec has not given any so therefore ergo thus they are working together to use the fog of war to stall development of the space so that nothing big could happen

>> No.55347709

>how they react to projects like chainlink tells me all is not going according to plan
just go on these VC's websites and read what they're invested in, like in this pic >>55347079
they're trying to own the entire settlement layer and marginalize any competitors. because VCs couldn't get in at ICO they all went for API3 or Band or whatever and have managed to gain enough capital to stick around for now but they're otherwise irrelevent due to chainlink's monopoly, so they try to chip away at chainlink's marketcap with demoralization psyops and price manipulation (nexo). perhaps there is some government/political angle on this coming from VCs but i think if anything chainlink is the government project.

>> No.55347727

do you think given more prolonged dumping, the more annoying and loud marines will slowly sell and go away? at that point then we could pump? I agree with you about the twitter retards being annoying as shit, and it makes sense about VC's not liking that, etc... but it seems nearly impossible to have this entire group of retards stop being retarded without completely shaking them out.

>> No.55347749

>there is no point in harassing people for being late.
i'm not saying harrass them. the most delusional link bagholders were not harrassed into buying link, they read about it through long form posts written by intelligent and charismatic anons and eventually they felt like retards for not having a bunch. this should be just as achievable these days considering what ccip will accomplish and who has already commited, but nobody feels like it's real because there's been so much empty talk from twitter shills.

>> No.55347762

For every chip they might take chainlink onboard more users and devs so ultimately they are like the US fighting a losing war against the Vietnamese. And the chips seem to be temporary as most have adopted chainlink in some way shape and form. Now is the time to consolidate markets and bolster usage by adding additional products for existing users to consume according to demand. This is where these who pays debates and he owns le premine talk comes from and why chainlink are forced to distribute tokens to nodes and the market but its okay because its about usage not tokens and no market price. the tech continues to work at any price unlike btc and eth that have spikes because of congestion issues. v. good for a reliability utility service.
they can try and replace but they lose out on reliability and when their smart contract fails to execute automatically because of a second rate reliability service they will learn the hard way.
right now things are not as connected and dependent as they could be

>> No.55347797

yeah too many fake predictions and larps spoiled /biz/ they lurk in their discords waiting for threads like this to rip a part for little fud points to spam and then get on twitter and reshare posts for clout so they can monetize their accounts with affiliate links or some shit
yeah if we pumped again and these retards kept their mouths shut we could have a proper moon revive crypto vcs get their chainlink killer narrative, ccip competitors, fake competition the whole shebang, and chainlink gets a usage boost hopefully some of that stays around after the bull. otherwise we will "miss the next bull" like they keep saying. take a break guys. get a hobby. have sex. go fishing. you have reached the peak. we have already won in every way except number go up and desu usage all of this could come but screaming and attacking is probably not going to make it happen

>> No.55347823

realistically i don't think CL twitter will shut up because of market conditions. only way i could see them shutting up is if a more authoritative voice for chainlink penetrated twitter and made it somehow uncool to act like twitter fags do today.
but ultimately i think crypto twitter is kind of gay and /biz/ should focus on regenerating quality discussion here and gatekeeping aggressively so that the conversation moves from twitter back to /biz/ where it can be quality controlled. nobody cared about twitter back then because the conversation was happening here, it was only later that it disseminated outward.

>> No.55347850

>the more annoying and loud marines will slowly sell and go away?
no they will just get louder and more annoying. this has been my big problem with these daisy chain email /biz/ recaps the shill accounts post on twitter. they attract the wrong sorts of people. take the W enjoy your gains however you want but they control the media they control the narratives they fund the environment that makes crypto. Winning could be that easy in my opinion. These guys want to feed off your feedback then blame you for becoming enraged by their jewry. I think you can find examples of this on twitter even in the last few days. dont fall for it anons. take a break take it easy dont worry about the future supply does not matter these guys have unlimited capital anyway

>> No.55347869

>/biz/ should focus on regenerating quality discussion here and gatekeeping aggressively so that the conversation moves from twitter back to /biz/ where it can be quality controlled. nobody cared about twitter back then because the conversation was happening here, it was only later that it disseminated outward.
truth. inb4 all the good posters left for twitter. problem is no new users are coming here. I think the internet is dying. I think being disconnected from technology is becoming a sign of affluence. Using computers and phones is a work and outside of work it is a childish activity. I would happily disconnect once the job is done

>> No.55347931

>I think being disconnected from technology is becoming a sign of affluence. Using computers and phones is a work and outside of work it is a childish activity. I would happily disconnect once the job is done
this is a great point and perhaps something that could work in our favor. posting on 4chan has always been the patrician's choice, especially before being online was the norm. twitter is a hamster-brain pellet dispenser platform but here i can post about chainlink, i can post about how much i hate minorities, or i can post my way through a schizophrenic episode revealing mad man's knowledge along the way, and it feels right because 4chan has always been where the high status and the low status came together to post.

>> No.55348713


>> No.55348955

based yeah this is the only place I post anon mostly for the reasons you outlined

>> No.55349301
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itt bagholders

>> No.55349716


>> No.55349934

It is a decent entry level for users who would like to DCA. Although my funds are currently in RWA gems like Rio, Mni and RealT for long term gains.

>> No.55350076


>> No.55352029

I don't know anon. The only assets I have eyes on are Krest on the allianceblock fundr and Matic.

>> No.55352610


>> No.55352837


>> No.55354571

Stay in your containment thread >>55354251

>> No.55355508

I'd say comma is the perfect fit bizfag. Why hold on when more innovative platforms have invaded the space like DEPIN and its Eot for users.

>> No.55355551


>> No.55355554
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>> No.55355564


>> No.55355630

No. There will never be a Chainlink General. /biz/ IS A LINK BOARD.

>> No.55356508

checked and based.
LINK holders seethe when other oracles threaten their tenuous position. BAND pumped twice as much as LINK today, and will continue to do so while LINK bleeds satoshis.

>> No.55357087

Remember, LINK only dumps in sats, when this bitcoin pump reverses, this shit is going well below $5.