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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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55344211 No.55344211 [Reply] [Original]

Bitcoin dominance touched 50%

>> No.55344219

Bearish for btc, it can only go down from here cucks.

>> No.55344220

You want to buy when dominance is high, you stupid fuck. Your brain is wired the same as people that want to fomo at the top

>> No.55344224

Bullish for chainlink

>> No.55344235

Its never coming back down. This time it’s different. Your securities you bought forgot to register with the SEC. Dilate.

>> No.55344245

I converted all but 1 of my altcoins, memecoins, and shitcoins back to BTC. I'll gamble on one shit coin but i'm done chasing 'the next big thing'. If BTC can't make it nothing will at this point. The rest of my money is back into traditional markets.

>> No.55344256

Nigger. I can tel you're new and this is your first year. I'm from 2018. Unlike you I actually know what I'm talking about

>> No.55344266

Not only that, nigger but
1. Us =\= the world
2. Sec doesn't actually want to ban alts. He wants to destroy exchanges so people use prometheus aka jewish securities exchange

>> No.55344276

>told to dilate, immediately starts coping
Kek, seethe nigger.

>> No.55344283

Your argument is childish. The brain of the average maxi LMAO

>> No.55344284

all the whales are set to dump at 27000, you've been warned.

>> No.55344306


Angry shitcoin maxi is full of impotent anger.

>> No.55344320
File: 753 KB, 1242x1221, 3A7E612E-FDB2-4636-9171-0042641B1AA6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another non-argument

>> No.55344337

>this time is different

altcoins will always come back, just not the bags that baggies are currently losing all of their money on right now

>> No.55344340

More like 27.2-6, but it might not dump the way you probably think

>> No.55344342

enjoy losing your money
shitcoins are for gambling sats, not bagholding

>> No.55344352

Yet another non-argument. The brain of a btc maxi, everyone

>> No.55344353

>altcoins will always come back, just not the bags that baggies are currently losing all of their money on right now
So long as altcoins have a way to put actual paper money into the account somehow, they will exist. There's no real way to stop the encryption being used by the platforms or the users so long as they keep their shit together.
But the second one of the main coins you use that you have to use to get money to and from and actual bank goes to shit, it's sweaty time.

>> No.55344358

smartly. if everyone would just stop trynig to make it on absolute trash coin nr xxxx bitcoin would 50x.

>> No.55344366

That's not how it works, you bumbling idiot. Btc might 10x at best. You want the shitcoin gains on the biggest market cap coin. Just lol.

>> No.55344369

For all the hate and all the slowness of Bitcoin, it is the best alternative. The world needs a FOSS currency, owned by the users, by the holders and the sharers and not by private entities. No one owns Bitcoin. It just... is.
Don't let Blackrock ruin that, but more than likely Blackrock's alternative will just be seen as another Bitcoin Cash or Wrapped Bitcoin or Litecoin or any of the other derivatives we've had over the years.

>> No.55344376

>he thinks 2018 makes him an oldfag

>> No.55344384

Because it is. This is my second bear market and I've learned a lot in that time. You on the other hand are new as shit and are still caught up on the maxi shit. You'll learn

>> No.55344408

altcoins trade bitcoins, anon.
hand in hand

>> No.55344409

blackrock's alternative? what are you talking about?

>> No.55344417
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poo-lish for shanelank!

>> No.55344430
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>> No.55345320
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>> No.55345418


>> No.55346500

Yeah bro cause kikes own more chain shart then BTC

>> No.55346523

Nigger what part of unregistered securities you missed? Gary gonna fuck all your altcoins

>> No.55346533


>> No.55346551

Tel Aviv hours.

>> No.55346560

>btc going up in dominance is "jewish"
>the 100's of altcoins made in israel are dumping
>tel aviv hours

>> No.55346587
File: 207 KB, 790x692, 0370641B-E408-4B60-887C-553C6A4DD774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger. Gensler said 75% of alts weren't securities and then 2 years later said everything was besides btc. Dumb nigger. His agenda isn't to ban it. It's pic rel. He wants to kill exchanges and have alts be traded in his jew exchange.
The u.s. =\= world. Alts will always be alive in offshore exchanges and defi. Why do I have to repeat this basic shit to you dumbass zoomers? End of the day no, this time isn't "different". Alts will rally during rhe bull and you'll be bitching they they are 10-1000xing while btc does a 2x in the same time

>> No.55346671


>> No.55346686

Maxis are mentally ill. Have fun seething when you see shit like BNB 12x while btc does a 2-3x

>> No.55346699

>10 posts by ID
>"oldfag" at 2018
TOP fucking KEK

>> No.55346728

How are the greentexts related? Imagine being this retarded. And yes, this is oldfag status :)

>> No.55346744
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anyone who's been around here long enough knows when btc pumps, link dumps. the inverse is also true

>> No.55347155
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It depends on what alt-coin you investing in anon. Imagine investing in decentralized technology that can't be shut off by a centralized body. Check MNI, HiYield, and BlockSquare.

>> No.55347175

It's Israel-o-clock, not yet though, too early

>> No.55347176

>everyone here thinking this post is serious
Newfags, the lot of you

>> No.55347190
File: 194 KB, 3212x1140, Screenshot 2023-06-19 at 8.53.06 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zoom out faggot

>> No.55347193
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Gary and the SEC are straight-up ignoring RWA, because they don't get it. See, in the RWA game, it's all about individuals hustling hard to generate those epic profits. They're missing the whole point and. Can't blame 'em for being clueless.