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File: 229 KB, 1200x675, crypto_scams_1642170723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55344047 No.55344047 [Reply] [Original]

When did you first realize crypto was a scam?

>> No.55344056

more creativity for the spam bots insect mods

>> No.55344076
File: 481 KB, 1224x1440, gold4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow im so demoralized now...

>> No.55344093

in the last (2021) bull run when dog and food shitcoins were outperforming 'tech' projects

>> No.55344106

For me, it had to be when I first heard of Bitcoin, read the Wikipedia, and found out it just happened to be created by some "anonymous" person.


>"Nooo! She's saying mean things about my crypto!"

>> No.55344113
File: 291 KB, 1910x623, I'mjewishlol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55344147


>> No.55344153

As soon as a schizo retail store clerk, randomly sperged about it as I was checking out, back in 2013.

>> No.55344154

When it appealed to me.

>> No.55344182

BTW, crypto isn't going to make you rich. The only people making money in this racket, and I call it a racket because that's what it is, is the people who got in early and got out early.

If you're holding crypto right now, you're just a bag holder who thinks there's going to be a bullrun and you're going to hit it big. It's not going to happen.

Better to put your money in stocks, bonds, and treasuries.

>> No.55344206

All tripfaggots here are jews.
Heads up same with any namefaggot.
All jews, jews have narcissism and schizophrenia, why the above jew immediately thought of that.

They can't help themselves, luckily they aren't creative and give you the tools to notice them.
Never engage with tripfaggots/namefaggots report their threads/posts and never allow them to engage in 1pbitd botspam.
You keep this up they will find a new haven.

>> No.55344229

Another trip to filter? Don't mind if I do!

>> No.55344237
File: 99 KB, 1024x1104, 1683165817256427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard money is highly desirable systemically as it forces positive sum activity, hard money however WAS impractical to use, being replaced by soft money hundreds of years ago. History has proven that 'backed' soft money will always be abused, the difficultly inherent in past hard money makes verification etc unwieldy, leading backed soft money to become unbacked over time. But the systemic economic value of hard money remains, BTC (all PoW Crypto really) is hard money that's easy to use, that is it's value. It is not in competition with the financial system, it is in competition with fiat. BTC will continue to grow as long as statists debase, which they will never stop doing as debasement is the lever which they use to manipulate the economy. While Economy is naturally positive sum, fiat allows the manipulation of Economy to favor zero and even negative sum economic transactions! Blasphemy! Economy will not abide. You see powerful parasites and say "they are too powerful, we can't fight them" Economy sees powerful parasites and says "so much free value!". BTC is the sword Economy wields to slay the Adversary, BTC's Becoming is guaranteed by the systemic economic value gained by fiat's demise.

>> No.55344271

>The Nikulinsky (Russian) court seized 1032 bitcoins from the head of the department for the Tverskoy district of Moscow of the ICR Tambiev

>> No.55344405
File: 348 KB, 1400x1297, 0GtIZ6H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based biden, stomping cryptoniggers into the ground.

>> No.55345357

the moment you told me, thanks op