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5534301 No.5534301 [Reply] [Original]

How do you make money without a college degree?

I'm currently a Business Administration major, but I'm realizing college is worthless. I was planning on graduating and working for the Government, or in Marketing/Purchasing in the private sector.

>> No.5534302


>> No.5534303

The best way to build wealth is living in a big household and doing family pooling.
We are a brainlet household of skilled workers (7 out of 15, are working), that bring in a combined household income of about $317k a year (last year).
We pay no rent or mortgage on this 12 acre property with 1 large house and 3 cottages (fully paid off back in 1991).
We have been pooling for 19 years so far and will continue.

If you want to live individually, you might struggle.

>> No.5534304


Jenna Ivory

>> No.5534305

If you're white stay in, if not fuck off

>> No.5534306

>s planning on gr
i literally just bought a guitar and played music at random degenerate bars, then started DJing. the experience redpilled THE FUCK out of me tho. moving to Korea in January to teach english..had to go bck and get my degree for that but its worth.

>> No.5534307

im white

>> No.5534308

You should probably finish college, but going into a trade school is a good idea. You could make decent wages in welding and construction.

>> No.5534309

You need to get in here now, sir:

"Why have we not pursued any money-making schemes as a group?"

>> No.5534310

>planning on graduating and working for the Government

>> No.5534311

Skilled blue collar jobs pay well. They have great benefits, healthcare, and pension. Only thing that sucks is you have to join a union which cucks you.

>> No.5534312
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Here's the college/university red pill:

>The ultimate goal of college/university (for most people) is to get a job. By law, most colleges and universities have to post statistics on their job placement rates per department or per diploma/degree. This information must be publicly available, and is usually found online. Analyze this information and determine which diplomas/degrees have the highest job placement rates. You might need to phone the institution's registrar's office to obtain this information (ask them to mail it to you). You might be shocked to find that some degrees have a post-graduation job placement rate of 20% or less.

>Take a look at the average entry-level salary for jobs after graduating from each degree (also readily available online). Is this enough to pay back your student loans in a practical amount of time?

>If you are going to school locally, or otherwise want to stay and work in your local area, analyze the local job market - what's in demand? Is there an industry that your local area is known for?

>Take a look at the tuition and fees of each degree and each institution. Do a cost-benefit analysis: is it worth X amount of money to take degree Y which has a job placement rate of Z%? How do all of the degrees compare? (HINT: Most degrees, especially non-technical degrees, aren't worth it)

>If possible, choose degrees that include internships/co-ops. While it's a nice bonus if you are compensated financially for your work, consider the experience as the main form of payment. Degrees that include internships typically have much higher job placement rates post-graduation.

>Do not trust the advice of people like parents, family members, even high-school guidance counselors etc... they're almost certainly morons who have no idea what they're talking about... trust the data.

And please don't fall for the "learn a trade" meme that retards on /pol/ spout.

>> No.5534313

this is good advice

>> No.5534314

this is not your blog but a board founded for debating political issues


>> No.5534315

What the fuck? Why would you combine resources rather than divide bills?
Your shits gonna get all fucked up one day

>> No.5534316

The exact same as making money with (most) degrees.

>> No.5534317
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The union isn't "that" bad for me, however, I make a good living welding. Went to college but quit to work with my dick beaters. The right trade industry can provide security, Healthcare, and a good retirement plan.

>> No.5534318

thanks mang

>> No.5534319

If you are a generally dedicated and strong-willed person, and I bet you are if you are ditching hippyschool, you can always take the training and certification to become private security.
You can basically mix and match any small to auto arms discipline, concealed and open carry training, licenses to conceal a vest and carry open or concealed (and this is even easier now that states can't ignore each other's licenses), licenses to pursue and detain and transport suspects to custody (i.e. bounty hunting), martial and self defense courses, and tactical calculation training, these are just the tip of the iceberg. Some of these courses train better than the military.

Pays well, always jobs available and especially if you sign to a corp., and it is a diverse and fulfilling career if you are respected at it.
You can also split your career off into many different other fields like P.I. work, personal body guarding, field operations, bonded warehouse guard (this is actually pretty high salaried work, but boooring), mercenary services at higher training caps, hell - go into your local police force or national guard or even preferred wing of US military as an officer or a cushy consultant gig on the side...

You know the guys that ACTUALLY bombed the Boston Marathon? That could be you :)

>> No.5534320
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> Not dropping out of all school

Motivation, do you have it?

>> No.5534321

How is day to day life living like that.

>> No.5534322

College is the new high school. You sadly need it.

>> No.5534323

learn to code. The majority of employers don't give a fuck about degrees, just experience.

>> No.5534324

May I ask where do you work?

>> No.5534325

i feminized myselfand became a sissy porn star

>> No.5534326

are you in a cult sir?

>> No.5534327

this guy just said everything you need to know

>> No.5534328

Good shit right here

>> No.5534329

Dress well and apply at a near by insurance brokerage you'll start at $15/ hour and be at $20 in a year. You'll have all your papers in order in a year so then you can shop around for the best brokerage/wage for you. I'm currently 5 years into my career and am making $100K managing a small city brokerage at 24. I've never stepped foot in one of those fag factories and have no education beyond highschool and my insurance accreditation.

>> No.5534330

The U.S. & Canada wherever they run Crude pipeline
Currently in North Dakota.

>> No.5534331

Straightforward and based on hard evidence. This is the way forward right here.

>> No.5534332

>Pays well, always jobs available and especially if you sign to a corp., and it is a diverse and fulfilling career if you are respected at it.
>You can also split your career off into many different other fields like P.I. work, personal body guarding, field operations, bonded warehouse guard (this is actually pretty high salaried work, but boooring), mercenary services at higher training caps, hell - go into your local police force or national guard or even preferred wing of US military as an officer or a cushy consultant gig on the side...

you left out the part that you have to have the work experience of being a special operator in the military to be considered getting hired.

>> No.5534333

Their starving for people that will walk through the door and stick with it. The jobs are there for you to talk your way into.

>> No.5534334

Finish your degree faggot. Next, start getting into real estate. House hack to lower your overhead and start wholesaling, then flipping, move to new builds and finally development. Stupid retarded faggot.

>> No.5534335

I can help you out OP. First, give me a list of your marketable skills.

>> No.5534336

Whenever your death cult decides to kill itself, will you time stamp and write /pol/ on your corpse so we can know it was you?

>> No.5534337

Just transfer to a cheap school. Your degree is nearly worthless, but it is worth more than no degree. Finish up in the cheapest and easiest way possible.

>> No.5534338

dead niggers make a long lasting and hot burning fuel source

its a huge reduction on your energy bill if you live in a cold state

>> No.5534339

“Make money” like wheeling and dealing and being a big-baller shot-caller? I have no idea. If you just mean how to earn a decent living, it’s really as simple as living within your means. Gimme a shitty single-wide trailer, a PS4, a little slut to fuck every night, some weed, some booze, I’m set. And I can pull off this lifestyle for under $30k a year.
Guess my point is, identify what it is you want out of life first. Once you identify that, figuring out how to acthieve it becomes a lot easier.

>> No.5534340

I graduated in 2009 after transferring through 3 colleges b/c I was absolutely miserable with the useless hoops and liberal bullshit.

If I could do it over, I'd drop out. My degree got me nothing, and I'd consider it outdated/expired at this point. Learn a trade, start a business, or join the Chair Force and let then pay for your 'higher ed'.

>> No.5534341


No, it's probably just Gene Simmons

>> No.5534342

trade school

>> No.5534343

>I was planning on graduating and working for the Government, or in Marketing/Purchasing in the private sector.

As is every grad in the past decade. There's a massive disconnect between possible jobs and what colleges lie about what you could do. 'Could' is key there.

Odds are you'll be unemployed and miserable for a year or so and cry for joy when you get a $15/hr job doing data entry.

>> No.5534344

Don't be stupid. A business degree will get you a shitty entry level corporate jobs, but it will pay the bills. You can upgrade with a JD/MBA or other masters. If you drop out, enjoy hard labor and long hours (nothing against blue collar). If you want that, go ahead.

>> No.5534345

No. North East Texas hunter here.
I'm a mechanic and the others that are working are involved in the transportation, logistics and retail industry (firearms and ammo). We all vacation differently. I like to go visit big cities a couple of weeks every 6 months. Each of us nuclear families (parents) live in a cottage. The town is 9 miles away and the city is 17 miles away. Many outdoor activities (particularly hunting and biking). Oh, free meat via hog eradication. Good BBQ grub. Don't be jelly, but our household has eight figure family savings... But we still live like pleb hicks.
Just a big rural family, no cult.

>> No.5534346

No you don't, but it is a viable after-discharge career if you pass the extra psych evaluations they will all give you.

>> No.5534347

This. To simplify it even more: If you are going to college for employment, Get a STEM, Business (if you can hold a conversation), Nursing, Law (From good school), or Teaching

>> No.5534348

t. Spic family

>> No.5534349

See, this is proof that communism works. Drumpffags BTFO

>> No.5534350

You’re forgetting the part where they’re all related to each other and that’s why they look out for one another. Most people couldn’t give a fuck less about sharing with some random off the street so the family element is key here.

>> No.5534351

I started testing games, tried to be as good as I could at it and then leveraged that to get into project management. Don't have a degree and don't intend to get one, if you want you can go the software development route too and make more than I do, though I still make a little over 105k before bonuses

>> No.5534352

I didn’t give money to the university Jew and instead rented planes and learned to fly. No degree and captain at a regional airline at 25. Pretty good money. Once the old mainline guys are forced out I think you’ll be able to fly at the legacies without a degree too making really good money.

>> No.5534353

Get a trade if you don´t want to go for uni for STEM

>> No.5534354

>poo poster spotted

>> No.5534355

>be me
>no college degree
>started in Help Desk 8 years ago
>currently Sr Administrator
>makes 6 figures and stock options

You don’t need college for every job out there. Not all college degrees pay well either.

>> No.5534356

yea, just make sure you get a decent trade. general "construction" is for literal dropouts in every sense of the word.

>> No.5534357
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>How do you make money without a college degree?
be born into it and in a cesspit nation that worships at the altar of nihilistic greed

>> No.5534358

>And please don't fall for the "learn a trade" meme that retards on /pol/ spout.

meh. electrician, 30, Toronto here. Clearing 1500/wk for 40 or less hours is pretty damn good these days, especially when you get to work in a liberal-free white environment.

>> No.5534359


>> No.5534360

Go into building trades, landscaping or something like that. I took a liberal arts degree twenty years ago, and now wish I had just skipped university and went to work in a trade. Oh well.

>> No.5534361

"Construction" aka unskilled labor where I am will net you 14$ hr. @ 40hrs wk. average (maybe a 2.00 raise in 1yr. period) not bad for an entry level. kid/student but no means livable.

>> No.5534362

just finish your degree, you lazy fuck

>> No.5534363

yea for sure. it's just not something to make a career out of. I did general construction for a few months before I started my electrician apprenticeship.

>> No.5534364

Wtf how?????

>> No.5534365
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>wall of text
>reddit spacing
>can't into green text
KYS faggot

>> No.5534366


>> No.5534367

>buy lots of cannabis seeds online about 500-1000
>plant them outside pref in the forest
>visit them about twice a month
>harvest them in the fall
>Take the buds to dry
>With a mesh bag and dry ice you shake everything else and press the powder to hash.
>With pure alcohol you make CBD oil of whats left.
>Rent a storage room (not on your name)
>Install a camera that sends pictures to an email adress if anyone enters the storage room.
>if anyone has entered, you never return.
>sell everything in bulk to other dealers.

>> No.5534368

> flag
Post checks out

>> No.5534369
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>> No.5534370


>b-but thats for brainlets


>> No.5534371

im honestly envious of you m8.

after my welfare queening days in the military i tried like hell to get into that field, but in the us you almost always have to be involved unions to become an electrician. theres really no possible way to get your required 4000 hours or whatever of training through a technical school. and getting into these unions for paid internships is almost like the lottery these days unless you are a minority hire or strong independent woman who wants to work with the boys. i ended up going through a regular uni to get a mis degree. its worked out okay, but i definitely wasnt getting paid through my training and i was pretty depressed wasting years of my life with uni. even now, if i could just flip a switch to instantly become an electrician i probably would. there is definitely something satisfying about building stuff and working with your hands

my faggot brother in law is from bc and all of his friends from back home used to make loads of cash on the rigs then went to piss it all away in thailand or some place. rinse and repeat. i was also really jealous of them. it seems like canada has a much more friendly environment for those types of jobs for whatever reason

>> No.5534372
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I went to college twice, and ended up just starting my own business.
I think college is totally worthless unless you are dead set on a degree that has to have the qualifications like a lawyer or a doctor.

>> No.5534373

What I make now is through the union, the IBEW.

I started non-union 10 years ago. A literal "firm handshake" job while I was a construction labourer and got to know a lot of the electricians on site. Got bought by a huge unionized company last year and they just absorbed everyone. Starting non-union is many times easier than just hoping to get into the union right off the bat. It's 9000 hours here too, in Ontario.

>> No.5534374

If you drop out, you'll have a harder time getting deferments and stuff on your student loans. See if you can transfer any credits you earned into a certificate or something.

It really depends on what you're good at, OP.

>> No.5534375

If living like that is communism then California is full of commie wetbacks that fit 10 in a one bedroom apartment.

>> No.5534376

I never went to college and I make $180k/yr. You have to seek out the right professions.

>> No.5534551

Comfy as fk with bzc