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55342458 No.55342458 [Reply] [Original]

you are all pathetic
even /pol/ can organize and fought a meme war

if we made a coin we could dunk on normies or something but, nope

>> No.55342492

>he grew up watching Japanese cartoons, now he has an abnormal attraction to ugly Japanese women which he thinks are like his little cartoon characters

Get a life

>> No.55342501

>Made a coin

It's clown town . bet

>> No.55342595
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>> No.55342657


A lot of Asians are attractive.

>> No.55342670

SHIB and DOGE were invented on here, retarded newfag

>> No.55342740
File: 49 KB, 618x593, C53A095C-8C6D-4F8E-B74C-B8E222DC4298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of them are ugly without make up and have no butt
They appeal to closet pedophiles more than actual men find them attractive
You guys give yourselves away

>> No.55342927

>You incels will never get laid!
>Heh, ok you can get laid, but it's just with ugly Asian women!
>Ok they're not ugly, but you're a pedo for liking them
Oh just stop beating around the bush you trannies and say what you mean
>I hate straight white men and I hope none of you are ever happy

>> No.55342936

refer to the pic here >>55333088

>> No.55342942

>asians have no butt
The biggest disappointment in life for sure

>> No.55342955

>shills shilling the shilling shills
Yeah, sorry tranny, distractions threads aren't going to work

>> No.55342968
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>> No.55342969

>ignores reality
that's how they feel about you

>> No.55343007

I'd expect a tranny to know all about reality denial
Your demoralization doesn't even apply, I'm not a cryptobro I'm a /biz/ness owner. I've made maybe like $5k off crypto my whole life
I'm just here stick up for the straight white guys that you hate so much you decided to self-castrate

>> No.55343052

Good thing I'm a closeted pedophile

>> No.55343071

it happened
bizfags didn't sell the top

>> No.55343108

way too many nigger faggots here these days

>> No.55343123

nigger brains everywhere

>> No.55343135

Why would a tranny hate straight white men? Be my daddy :3

>> No.55343164

>They appeal to closet pedophiles more than actual men find them attractive

Are you saying they are not 500yo gods in a 16yo body?

>> No.55343274

I have a Japanese GF. She wears no makeup at all. Ever. Pretty in the morning fresh out of bed. Has a nice body. Not a fat pig like most Americans. Super smart and conscientious, but not a screeching, opinionated feminist. Kind, gentle, polite, feminine, thoughtful of others.

People White-Knighting for American pigs will fade into history as more Western men rediscover the wonders of femininity in its last bastion in Asia.

Men, ignore the simps and go see for yourself. I found my GF by accident, after having wasted years on American women. Don't make my mistake. If you find American women insufferable, go to Japan and see what women can be.

>> No.55343327
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The same?

>> No.55343411

Japan has some socioeconomic problems that are making it difficult to have normal family life. But at heart, the cultural values are still solid.

>> No.55343728

White women break their programming and quietly submit when led by a man they don't find physically or socially embarrassing. It'd be better for everyone involved if society kept them from thinking they're something they're not. Japan has that right, but I'll go back to enjoying my more trad by the day German wife.

>> No.55344584

So you blame men for the deplorable state of American women? Indirectly, I suppose you are right. But as of now, 25% of American girls are obese before they even graduate High School. You ain't going to fix that bro. Most of the rest are deeply programmed from childhood to be selfish, outspoken, lazy, and entitled. When they have been raised that way, you will have one hell of a time turning them around. I have not seen it done myself. But I sincerely wish you good luck.

Partnerships are challenging in the best of circumstances. Why pick a partner that needs to be reprogrammed, something that may not even be possible? I'm born and raised American but I no longer feel any duty to try and rescue my country from its self-inflicted head wound. They can all rot as far as I'm concerned. I will never go back.

>> No.55345160

I appreciate it. I blame the media for the deplorable state of American women. I blame men for not understanding something they want and trying to make it work anyway. A woman is, at their core, a woman. There's no need to romanticize them or project onto them.

You get the one life on earth and it's fine to shop around but people need to put some time into figuring out who and what it is they're buying with their time and effort.

I'm just saying the woman is still biologically in there and that almost all women are ready to surrender their cultural programming to a man who seems trustworthy and doesn't have their social group thinking they've settled.

>> No.55345219

Nice larp pedo
All Asians look like bugs and American women aren’t the answer either

You idiots are stuck between fucking boys or whores.while ignoring the rest of the world

>> No.55345397

I'm guilty of not having used my time to figure out what I wanted in a partner. When I was a young man I just jumped from one girl to the next. As long as it was fun and easy I would stick around. Then the moment the wind shifted or I had what seemed like a better opportunity, I would jump ship. I wasted years and never learned anything about women or myself. So time came to marry and settle down, I was ignorant and made a huge mistake. It was a very painful lesson. But all is well now.

>> No.55345438

I never watched anime as a young kid but I do remember finding an (adult) Asian woman on an episode of (I think it was) Full House very attractive.

>> No.55345507


>> No.55345530
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Asian women are cute

>> No.55345566

that face came straight out of a warner brothers cartoon, that girl(?) could fucking husk a coconut.

>> No.55345602
File: 25 KB, 577x604, 1685294873493165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will never believe a white fever fag for their taste in women. Knew many of these types in college and they would think asian chicks who were mid at best were attractive.

>> No.55345608


>> No.55345619

>Asian girl has a BMI over 20
>Is shaped like a sphere
Every single time

>> No.55345690

Imagine the SMELL

>> No.55345720

Bitch looks like 1940s propaganda.

>> No.55345745

Believe what you like, darling. Doesn't matter to me. I merely provide a data point from my own experience for the benefit of those who are interested. But it isn't necessary because any American man who actually goes to Japan will see the difference with his own eyes. It is a different world. Of course not all Japanese women are beautiful. Some quite the opposite. But there are more important things in a woman than covergirl beauty.

>> No.55346045

Africa awaits you.

>> No.55346137

Do you find Taylor Swift, the male-to-female transgender singer, attractive?

>> No.55346228

>Some quite the opposite
More like most. Might be the only salvation to ethnic mix, they’re awful as a whole.

>> No.55346252

Taste is subjective. But obesity can be measured on a scale.

>> No.55346328
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jannies ban solid financial investments on this board

>> No.55346447

reddit answer, what could I expect

>> No.55347388
File: 1.74 MB, 500x888, venus of willendorf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he grew up watching nigger culture, and now he has an abnormal attraction to ugly, bloated sheboons that look like what he sees on tv
to hell with amerimutts

>> No.55347446

I'd pay her $1500 to lick out her asshole for 30 min, and $5k if she bullied me constantly while I did.

>> No.55347506

look I'm just not going to date asians or sell my link hahaha