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55342654 No.55342654 [Reply] [Original]

i make $200k at a big 4 but i'm tired of simping for crumbs from guys richer than me

i'm going to quit in a month to try and start a SaaS company, i've tried to build something while working here but i can never focus because i'm always getting distracted by my day job

is it fucking stupid? am i fucking up big time? are the people who tell you to just dive in headfirst just memeing me?

>> No.55342677

you're fucking up, don't quit your well paid job, you make more money that most people on Earth. If I was making that kind of money I'd be very happy, if I hated it I just would do the bare minimum. Starting a company is hard work, do you want to work hard?

>> No.55342690

customers aren't going to buy your shitty niggerlicious SaaS scam. endless rounds of funding gibs have dried up due to rates. stay at your wagie job.

>> No.55342721

Don't do it, just work on it at night.
>t. I quit my job for a year and it fucked up my career trajectory hard.

>> No.55342758

Don’t quit, find a nice meeting room and work on your side project all day long… I also just plain read books, pdf on the screen and noone can tell the difference…

>> No.55342880

>all these souless drones with no fire in their hearts
I can’t believe this is /biz/. You disgust me. Quit the shitty job you hate and go pursue your dream. It’s going to take hard work, dedication and consistency but thats what it takes to accomplish something great in your life or do you want to end up like this faggot here >>55342677 who fears hard work and will never be remembered for anything?

>> No.55342902

Not really. I quit a $160k banking job after year 1 but I didn’t start a business.

>> No.55342928

spoken like a true retard. Life is not a game and this is not the time to be playing around with your career because you want to be "remembered" whatever the fuck that means.

>> No.55342943

I'm in a similar spot. $200k salary at a fang company. I don't think I have the skills to start my own company though, I'm just a code monkey. I dream about quitting every day but I don't know what to do instead.
what did you do?

>> No.55342961

As long as you have a fallback plan, it's not stupid to take calculated risks.

>> No.55342978

Oh but it is. You either play to become the best you can be or you refuse to participate and die with regrets and no accomplishments.
You think all great human achievements were done by doing the bare minimum?

>> No.55342992

kek, okay then I hope you're also aware of all the failures, you only hear the stories of the winners, not the people that fucked up their lives thinking like you are. Nobody will care or help you when you've ruined your life chasing some meme.

>> No.55343012

I enrolled in a graduate program and then got a job at the university I was studying at. I eventually dropped out of the program after COVID forced it online, but I kept the job.

>> No.55343024

>Life is not a game
Spoken like a true NPC lmao

>> No.55343044

At least I made an attempt.

>> No.55343051

Woman dressed like a 1920s speakeasy flapper
People look
Omg so surprising everyone’s looking

>> No.55343491

SaaS is gay now. The whole space is filled with indians screaming about AI. $200k is what, like 129k post tax? If you're living in a 'tech city' your cost of living is probably eating the rest so really you're pulling in maybe 50k a year that you can actively invest?

The thing with these big wages is that a lot of it is smoke and mirrors. Until you're pocketing 500k post tax every year, you're just competing with serfs for the scraps and crumbs. The more they pay you, the worse they can treat you since they know you're likely over leveraged. That's the exact strategy our CRO pulls on our SDRs and AEs. He'd be constantly flexing and getting dudes addicted to spending all their cash on bullshit so they'd be scared shitless with the prospect of missing quota and getting fired.

For reference, as a bartender my post-tax salary is $28,000 in Ontario. On top of that I average about ~$400 a night in tips when adjusted for variance. I work 4 nights a week (scheduled 2-3 but sure as shit 1 bartender always calls in so I take every shift that opens up). So about $80,000 in tips. $50k of which is cash. My girlfriend's father pays the rent so I have no expenses aside from my phone bill.

Quitting my SaaS sales job was the best thing I ever did. I have ZERO stress. No zoom meetings, no 1-on-1s, no quota. I go in, make drinks, cut some limes, flirt, clean, and go home with cash every night.

Also that video is exactly what happens when you decide to actively decide what you wear. Spend an hour on pinterest looking at what aesthetic girls like, pay attention to the shapes and proportions, and just wear that.

>> No.55343566

I worked in restaurants and bars all different positions and no one will every convince me it’s not miserable. You are deluded. I’m a corporate Wagie now and never going back

>> No.55343596

I quit my job today to take one thats less stressful,
I might make a few thousand less a year but not substantial difference

>> No.55343680

I quit my job 150k banking job 1.5 years ago to create my own computer game. I don't think I would have had the guts if it wasn't for the vaccine mandate bullshit they tried to pull on me. In my case I need that extra incentive of being threatened with unpaid leave over covid shots for me to finally pull the trigger and I tell the corpo rats to shove it up their ass. I have a stem PhD and 10+ years of programming experience in Python and C++ so I wasn't too afraid of not finding something if I had to.

I do some data science consulting on the side most days I do C++ development for my game, at the same time I started last month looking for wfh jobs that might be a good fit.

Planning a baby next year so I wanna drum up some cash quick if possible.

>> No.55343698

stop working for them,
keep the job,
and let them fire you
free money

>> No.55343733

That girl poops out of her ass

>> No.55343761

>dude just quit your corporate job and get a $110k/year bar tending job, lie on your taxes and claim $60k/year income, and leech off your girlfriend's dad lmao

>> No.55343764

Hear hear. Life is not an anime. As much as we would love it to be. It's not "give it all you've got!!&$?" It's being cold and calculating and striking when you see the oppertunity.

>> No.55343766

Is there a national security injunction against me getting a driver's license now too?

>> No.55343772


>> No.55343780

not right now she doesn't

>> No.55343790

Please sir. Just a crumb. I won't disturb you at all sir.


Yes it is impossible to build something great without your full attention.

First, take a long vacation. Use all your days to reflect on this.

Are you close to financial independence? Could you get close?

Are there steps you can take now to achieve your goals? Can you rearrange your schedule, work for yourself in the morning and the job later?

I support you, I'll just caution against starting a SAAS without technical skills or a long term friend who has them and is equally committed.

>> No.55343960

>Are you close to financial independence? Could you get close?
not without income, of which 100% comes from my job, i have over 100k saved
>Are there steps you can take now to achieve your goals? Can you rearrange your schedule, work for yourself in the morning and the job later?
i have tried this, but the nature of my work (consulting) makes it impossible to relax when a big client might fuck up your whole day on a whim
>I support you, I'll just caution against starting a SAAS without technical skills or a long term friend who has them and is equally committed.
i have technical skills but no friends

>> No.55344011

works on my machine.

>> No.55344016

Unfortunately, I have family members that seem to be counting on me so I can’t just quit my job.

>> No.55344082

Maybe you could change jobs and have something where you work maybe 3 or 4 days a week, so you have two days of full focus for your project while still making enough to survive

>> No.55344104

How much runway you got and how much $$$ you need to get this thing going? It’ll likely cost twice as much and take twice as much time as you think so be prepared

Contrary to what retards here think. If you leave for your own pursuit, your wage cage job will always be waiting for you when you get back. When you leave the cage you’ll also realize how big a joke the rat race and corporate hierarchy is, and hate yourself for ever seriously participating

Any chance you can get a wfh with your current job, move to low CoL if you haven’t, and then work like mad on your SaaS project instead of “working” at big 4? Your performance will suffer but who cares you just need to not get fired and stay afloat. That’s what I’d do IMO lower your fixed expenses as much as possible

>> No.55344261

>The whole space is filled with indians screaming about AI.
Lmao you have no idea. We are forced into the office and I'm forced to smell curry everyday, except now they won't shut the fuck up about chatgpt and ai

>> No.55344275

>Spend an hour on pinterest looking at what aesthetic girls like, pay attention to the shapes and proportions, and just wear that.
Please explain. How do I find what women like on pinterest?

>> No.55344510

that's another benefit about bartending. No pajeets. We stopped letting them into the bar because they never tip and always make every single girl uncomfortable. Our yelp, tripadvisor, and google reviews are just filled with them seething how we're racist against them and my manager's response is always something along the lines of "we place the safety and comfort of our patrons at the top of our priority." Followed by some made up comedic story about why they're permanently banned from the establishment. There's a club called EFS in Toronto that was super discriminating against who they let in, probably one of the only places that actually offered free cover for dudes because you basically had to be friends with the owner or industry. After covid they started easing up in order to make up for lost revenue and immediately started having shootings and stabbings.

All you do is go on pinterest, type in "men's summer 2023" and go through the comments and saved pins to find boards girls have made of what gets an immediate emotional reaction out of them.

>> No.55344595

We are all forgotten you retard

>> No.55344630

Quit my $400k+ software eng job mid 21 after my crypto hit $5 mil. Thank fucking god I took profits I'm about $3.5 mil now ready for the next bull.

>> No.55344638

You're going to die if you quit your 200,000 a year job. You don't even know how to make your own coffee. You're too fucking lazy to drive through a god damn drive through. Let alone actually cook for yourself, and even if you cook for yourself i doubt you could do it thrifty. Not to mention your rent is probably $4,000 a month. You god damn idiot you're not capable of just quitting your high leverage job. You know nothing about scrapping by every day. Your best bet is to stash away $30,000 a year in savings and use your savings for something productive

>> No.55344676

>Make 200k a year
>Can afford 34 kids
>Your retard bosses won't have any
Kill them genetically after you take their money.

>> No.55344678
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Dont just quit your job, dont be stupid.
Diversify all of your invesment and see what sticks while having a safe position

>> No.55344711

> $200k
> crumbs

what an entitled cunt you are.

SaaS is fucking shit. i don't care what your faggot idea is, its not worth paying for on a monthly basis from now till eternity.

fuck you

>> No.55344734

What SaaS? I'm a web and mobile developer, if you wanna link up I'm totarash on Discord.

>> No.55344780
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I really wouldn't advise quitting in this economy, you should save your money and when things get better then you quit your job and start your company. Read the room anon this is a really shitty time to open a business

>> No.55344801

why SaaS? overplayed field.
do you have any interest in quant trading?

>> No.55344984
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Hell yeah brother. Do it.

>> No.55345028
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>> No.55345098
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>> No.55345118
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Are you a software engineer? Personally I'd get a MVP and at least get some cash flowing before I left the job.
>i can never focus because i'm always getting distracted by my day job
Just stop giving your job so much attention, set fixed times beyond which you just refuse to think about it. It's very unlikely that will get you fired unless you're already in danger. If it doesn't work out, you can just start working again as normal. Even better if you're WFH or hybrid. There are also weekends.
I'm not looking for jobs myself but I hear the market is rough at the moment. You might regret the loss of earnings and the pain of getting a new job if you have to go back.
Do you have an idea for a product? What's your value proposition, do you depend on few high-paying clients, or many low-paying ones?

>> No.55345135

>All you do is go on pinterest, type in "men's summer 2023" and go through the comments and saved pins to find boards girls have made of what gets an immediate emotional reaction out of them.
Okay I see comments by girls. How do I view "boards"?

>> No.55345201

>i'm going to quit in a month to try and start a SaaS company
Why not just focus 90% of your effort in your new company and cruise by on reputation for a year until you eventually get fired instead? Seems like an easy way to collect a fat redundancy package.

>> No.55345211

i don't rent an apartment kek, i live out of airbnb's. and i do cook for myself. i never use drive-thru's because i don't consume bugmeat that came off an assembly line.

>SaaS is fucking shit. i don't care what your faggot idea is, its not worth paying for on a monthly basis from now till eternity.
businesses will pay

no i already built most of it but thanks

>why saas
because i want income and all my business experience comes from saas
>do you have any interest in quant trading?
only if it makes me money, why? i've never tried.

i'm back anon. quitting after the bonus($10-15k) hits next month

>software engineer
i used to be
i tried this, its taken me 12 months to get it going when i could have done it in a month or two easily at full attention. the details are what kills me because i can't focus on it, and i don't have the autism to wageslave during the day and then focus on my code all night
i have a product idea, if nobody likes it i don't really care, i can think of other ideas, i just need to make one sale to get the taste of blood in my mouth and then i'll make it

>> No.55345229

its the attention, see >>55343960

i can easily get by on 10 hours of work per week as it is, and i WFH. however in my line of business (consulting) if you come across as inattentive, its a major red flag and your life will become hell. its a break work-life balance but that's the catch, its unspoken that you can take it easy most of the time, but you have to respond quickly and be on

if i go AWOL and someone's looking for me for 4 hours, its game over.

>> No.55345451

>i live out of airbnb's.
How much do you pay per month?
Do you move aeound?
What state do you pay income tax in?

>> No.55345502

don't quit. use some of your money to delegate tasks you don't want to do or don't have time to do. stuff that doesn't leak info about your core SaaS product assuming it's unique. then use that basis as foundation. look into 4 hour work week. it's an old book but he was basically a pioneer in the digital nomad / hiring temp helper system.

>> No.55345574

Which bar do you work at? I'm no pajeet, promise. Just want a place to get away from them.

>> No.55345656

Imagine making that much money and not buying at least 100 thousand dollars worth of bitcoin a year in 2023 and 2024.

>> No.55345922
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>How much do you pay per month?
it depends where i stay, in a major US city i probably pay $2k-3k/mo, in a minor city less than $2k, in other countries (Italy, Spain, Mexico) probably $1200 max
>move around
>income tax
my home state

>> No.55345929
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Listen to this, OP.

>> No.55345962

I quit my 160k because I hated the codebase and my lead was a fucking narcisist. I'm a week out and man, it feels so good knowing that that shit code is no longer my problem. No Slack notifications, no testers harassing me, no scrum fuckery, just freedom.
I'll finish the last class for my masters and get back on that interview circuit later this year. For now, I'm just enjoying life and not giving a fuck.
Also working on an idea. I haven't coded for fun in a long time.

>> No.55345966

sad larping incel

>> No.55346021
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They're starting because she's not a tattooed roastoid in vulgar yoga pants.

>> No.55346275
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I would suggest to at least answer these two questions before you leave your job, if you're not going to wait for cashflow.
1) What's your value proposition? Assuming you have competitors, why is your product better, or as good but cheaper?
2) How will you actually get customers? If it's a few high-paying customers (like companies) you'll likely need pre-existing contacts.

>> No.55346300

My advice: monk mode for 3 more years. Save up to 500k, then quit.

>> No.55346618

>1) What's your value proposition? Assuming you have competitors, why is your product better, or as good but cheaper?
easy to use, better, cheaper (1% fee)
>how will you get customers
SEO, referrals, social media

>> No.55347131

Disgusting NGMI serf post.


>> No.55347159


the cold hard reality is people are born and marry into - every day - better situations than you could ever dream of. someone can go pursue their dream but thinking youre going to hit it big is a fools game. be realistic. most people never become rich. you can try, but frankly, the 200k job is \the more likely way to get there. plenty of bankrupt business owners esp. if you're putting your own money in (which i never would recommend). always use someone elses money... a bank, investors, whatever

>> No.55347177

You haven't saved enough yet. You should keep working at your job for at least another two years minimum. Frankly, I'm surprised you don't have more money saved

>> No.55347205


i make 250k in consulting (not big 4, lol) and wfh. i cook every day. i do repairs on my car literally on the street. i bike (and fix that), hike, kayak, and i travel weekly with my car (and also take flights elsewhere). i work out 3-5 times a week (cardio+strength training). i have a good relationship. i live in an expensive city. i don't know where this idea of every person with a high salary living in a major metro is a bug person. i find the opposite. i am from a rural area in the south. everyone i lived around was a fucking mouth breather. the difference between an average city person (not in the ghetto) and a rural person is extremely noticeable. the city people that are actually retarded have so much money it doesn't matter. there's people living around me with like 5 range rovers outside of their 7 million dollar houses. they likely don't know how to do shit other than work but they never needed to anyways

>> No.55347240

the ultimate realization is that Russell Brand types can be broke heroin addicts and still pull higher quality women than the richest men on earth can ever buy.

>> No.55347649
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A lot of cope ITT from faggots who don't have the balls to manifest the opportunities they want in their lives.

>> No.55347788

nice advice anon

>> No.55347984

Retard. Big 4 is soulcrushing and bald inducing.

A lot of idiots think "Oh if I had this kinda job making this much money" but then realize it's a job depressing and stress inducing enough you would want to kill yourself within 3 weeks.

Accounting isn't finance big balls risk money. It's steady, suck cock and get yelled at while managing deadlines kinda money.

A garbage truck driver could earn the same amount and be less stressed simply because they can go home after work. A big 4 slave can't. They stay at work for 14 hours straight. Then when they can afford a vacation, they do a corporate trip with their coworkers.

Do the bare minimum and they'd fire you quickly. Anyone can fill your role straight out of College.

>> No.55348323

i have to say the bugman city dweller meme is well earned. most bugmen congregate in the city, living on goyslop and basically becoming women

however the city is also where you'll find the highest concentration of highly intelligent chads

that being said even though the rate of bugmen in the suburbs and further out is lower, that's also where you'll find the average guy to be fat, living on goyslop constantly, and having avg 95iq

>> No.55348489
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If what you say is true, it would be best not to make such a bold move. To start a company you need a really big and solid preparation. Crypto can get you juicy rewards by simply staking your money. If you still want to take a risk on the other side by creating a company, then go for it.

>> No.55348492

Just chiming in here to say I fucked around in college and got a fun meme degree in something that I liked (History) and now I work in my family business pulling 70k a year and living at home at 24 years old

I am currently trying to expand the business and can see myself pulling six figures in a couple years. Then if fantom (ticker: ftm) does a x4 or so I can build a new house in cash lol

I failed upwards in life like sam hyde
Now I just want a cute redhead wife

>> No.55348534

Who cares if some faggy poof said apples make gravity and then lost all his money in a pump and dump. Do it or don't, either way you're fine.

>> No.55348648

What kinda game anon?ax0xwx

>> No.55348828

I quit my job in cyber security that paid $195k just over a year ago. The only difference is that I have over 2 million liquid so I have plenty of money to support myself.

I'm not doing anything nearly as ambitious as a SaaS company, but I'm self funding my own game. I hope to make a profit from it, but if I don't it won't be the end of the world. I'm doing all the coding and art myself so there's no real expenses. My only expenses will be hiring a composer and paying for advertising. My girlfriend still works and helps pay the bills, and she's supportive of my development. You need to have discipline and to work consistently every single day, just like at your job. If you're capable of making 200k, you're capable of shaping your own destiny.

I say go for it anon, but you need to have a fallback plan in case you fail. Cover all of your bases and work as hard as you possibly can

>> No.55348843

I should also note, anyone who says this will fuck up your career trajectory is retarded. If you're actually good at what you do and have connections it's always easy to go back. I constantly have people trying to hire me to the point that it's kind of obnoxious.

>> No.55348946

if you want more money you start daytrading. put down 10k on a cheap futures broker and trade emini ES. 50 usd/ point. try to earn 100 dollars per day over 6 months and then you can x10 volume and you will get rich in a few weeks.

>> No.55349485

lol saw that tiktok like 4 weeks ago

>> No.55349507

Severely based

>> No.55349961

What a fucking faggot, this post gave me HIV it is so fucking gay

>> No.55349973

Del, stop posting on /biz/ you fucking retard

>> No.55350028

100 dollars a day average profit is fucking hard. 10x-ing the volume is high risk as fuck.

>> No.55350480

i havent read all the replies, but saas even though completely over saturated, is still just business at the end of the day, so if u are in a industy and posess domain knowledge where u can see a gap in the market or a problem that can be solved that hasnt been solved yet then it is dooable.

you have to leverage ur domain knowledge and figure out who your customers are/what job title ur customer has,

go on twitter start following people buuilding similar productrs/startups/saas,

a lot of these people talk about how to find and convert customers,

also watch how to bootstrap a software company non youtube.

>> No.55350739
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built a SAAS company, $835,000 ARR after a year and a half or so, going to grow to at least $1,000,000 by end of year, and possibly $2,000,000 by end of next year

fully bootstrapped, 1 partner, 50/50, all profits minus salary of 2 employees

>> No.55350827

either you work bare minimum, probably reduce to 80-70% and start your own company on the side
after a 1-2 years you'll quickly figure out if you're fit to kick your startup and leave your job
Leaving your job 100% to start your company is 99% risk 1% reward not worth it. Go play lottery instead

>> No.55350846

also no friends = no startup sorry
you're not some kind of forsaken genius that need to save the world
you'll very very very probably fail
you think genius succeded alone because they were genius it's absolutely wrong
startup success is defined by connections

>> No.55350875

That is a nice hat.

>> No.55350909

what was the biggest challenge? how did you get customers? b2b or b2c?

>> No.55350965

b2b, biggest challenge is that companies first look at you like a cockroach because we're a small team with no funding, however our data speaks for itself so we were able to secure some good customers after a hard time (months between first few customers)

I have good domain knowledge and I came across an opportunity to develop something fairly easy that a lot of companies would be interested in, today we have ~25 customers, many of which are household names.

I hope we could get more money out of the existing ones now that we've lured them in and they integrated our data into their products, and to be able to secure new customers with the gravitas of our existing clientele.

I wouldn't recommend something like this to anyone, this was a very good startup idea and was still very hard to get customers

>> No.55352008

Procedural generated simulation. Spent the first year working on engine development, just started to work on gameplay recently and put the prototype on itch.io.

Are you me? I except I am only at 500k liquid. But I can live at my parents rent free.

>> No.55352120

No, thinking live is a game is PEAK npc. Have fun leading a meaningless life, while people who value life for what it is find happiness
Ducking soulless autist

>> No.55352213
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>SEO, referrals, social media
referrals, sure, meaning connections you already have?
SEO and social media? lal, lel, lol, lul, tee and hee. but i might be wrong, depends on what the actual product is. Also, are you looking into getting VC $? what's the domain of the product?

>> No.55352246
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>I hope we could get more money out of the existing ones now that we've lured them in
you ARE crosselling, right anon? you do have several related product lines targeted at the customers you already have, right anon?

>> No.55352275

Just got home from getting fired lol. Broke into management on that last one. Gonna spin up a resume and try to scam my way into a consultancy now.

>> No.55352285

Could I do sales? Capital of France followed by the countries name of our (usa) neigbor to the south at proton mail

>> No.55352488


Restaurant jobs are miserable. Bar tending are great if you like the nightlife. Personally I hate being wet and have sticky hands.I enjoy it from another angle being the musician of the joint: I get to express, free food and drinks, meet people, I don't have to clean, get paid. But I wouldn't leave my job for playing music in bars.

>> No.55352920


>> No.55353133


>> No.55353996

you make good money already and your jewy consulting (((business))) will fail. kikes hire jews and greedy shabbos goys

If you want to start a business start small and see if it catches steam but expect to never make $200k again

>> No.55354341

Currently working in a Big 4

If you don't suck cock H24/7d you're not gonna make it i'm afraid.

Pursue your dreams Anon

>> No.55354649

>big 4
you have an inflated sense of your skills, their value, and your ability to sell anything without your company's market power and political access