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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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55339923 No.55339923 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.55339932

Imagine if Chainlink didn't sell tokens to cover expenses and one day we just woke up and they'd spend all their money and the project just stopped right there and closed down lmao.
Seethers pretend that would actually be better business sense.

>> No.55339951

proof market cap doesn't mean shit

>> No.55339955

maybe chainlink should turn a revenue so they don't have to sell? what an idea for a company.

>> No.55339958

>Quad dubs
Absolutely checked

>> No.55339960

Imagine unironically defending the team dumping.

>> No.55339964

bagholders are desperate

>> No.55339981

>goy ID
fast expansion startups generally aren't profitable for a while.

>> No.55339983

>market cap doesn't mean shit
If Link was at its rightful CMC ranking, rank 5 at least, that's a 10x.

That's not how decentralized protocols are supposed to work

Protip: I'm not even defending the dumping itself.
Merely pointing out the double standard.

>> No.55340093

>rightful CMC ranking
>I'm not even defending the shitcoin
see ya at $3

>> No.55340103


>> No.55340111

>That's not how decentralized protocols are supposed to work

So they're actually supposed to be scamcoins? That's news to me! Maybe if your coin has no real utility besides speculation you should not invest in it.

>> No.55340150

Checked. You need to stop obsessing over my economic wellbeing, bro. Let me make my own mistakes and learn from them. It's not good for you to be so high empathy.

>> No.55340219

I said I'm not defending the dumping itself.
Learn to read.
And even non-Link holders clearly realize Link's ranking is completely out of whack.

>I-I'm in it for the tech!

>> No.55340227

Look other people do it too, please ser hold the coin my basterd

>> No.55340247

first of all, every single one of these chains dumped against BTC and ETH and are in trash territory as an investment. secondly, most of them had an UNLOCK, so while the available supply increased, it is not given that these coins were actually sold. with chainlink they explicitly announced that they're gonna dump it on the baggies.

>> No.55340260

>every single one of these chains dumped against BTC and ETH
If you cherrypick timeframes.
Every single one is up massively against BTC and ETH over their lifetimes.

>most of them had an UNLOCK, so while the available supply increased, it is not given that these coins were actually sold
Same with Link.

>with chainlink they explicitly announced that they're gonna dump it on the baggies
They consistently talk about "token release" and how they're meant for the nodes.

>> No.55340348
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>I'm not defending this absolute shitcoin bros!
>look bro, every shitcoin is up x2 from it's ICO bro!

>> No.55340410

no all the chainlink funds are already unlocked and they just sit on it. they could decide at any time to dump any portion of it.

>> No.55340502

There go the goalposts.

>> No.55340510

Why doesn't sir gay the contract creator simply charge users for services rendered???

>> No.55340520

He does, and always has.

>> No.55340530

HEY guess fucking what
Chainlink is the worst performing coin of all of those coins

>> No.55340535

Pretty sure Chainlink has outperformed Substratum. And Signatum. And maybe 1 or 2 others.

>> No.55340546
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>Chainlink is the worst performing coin of all of those coins
Yes, despite inflating less.

Are you insane?
Even the staunchest anti-Chainlinkers like Maker are actually using Chainlink now.

>> No.55340555

why then he need to do a covid style stimy inflation if he is receiving payment for services

>> No.55340557

Why does Bitcoin need "covid style stimmy inflation"?

>> No.55340570

btc needs to inflate to pay miners rewards

after seven years chainlink will not be able to do this. i think the vcs will own majority link tokens at this time

>> No.55340573

>btc needs to inflate to pay miners rewards
Link needs to inflate to pay node rewards

>> No.55340576

and after inflation ends who will pay?

why this not mention chainlink at all

>> No.55340580

>and after inflation ends who will pay?
Same as when inflation ends for bitcoin: the users.

>> No.55340586

why user not pay now?

why this not mention chainlink at all

>> No.55340590

Fuck off back to your discord paypig
And prepare yourself to miss out on the next bullrun aswell

>> No.55340592

>why user not pay now?
why users not pay now for Bitcoin?

>> No.55340596
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It's over bros, LINK is not new tech, a hidden gem, or a coming 10-100x. LINK is mainstream and is in Twitter roasties bios. It’s a corporate entity now, so Sergey has to dump another 750k LINK to hire talent managers and diversity officers. LINK hasn’t been the biz token for over 2 years now. Just sell anons... i-i-iit’s over. It was a good ride marines.

>> No.55340604
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dont buy radiant vc scam ser, coin baad!

>> No.55340608

no one use btc... only buy on exchange

why this not mention chainlink at all

>> No.55340615

>no one use btc...
haha ok tiger

>> No.55340678

btc market is 90% exchange use whale btc to wash trade and rob. whale get paid money from renting out there coin and get some from big number or just earn rent when number go down. every four year number go big but they get paid anyway. no one use blockchain network. to expense tiger

>> No.55340680

why this not mention chainlink at all???


>> No.55340693



>> No.55340709

>Chainlink has similar inflation as gas tokens so its okay
My God youre retarded

>> No.55340711
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imagine arguing in good faith with literal paid advocates doing damage control

>> No.55340719

>Chainlink's inflation is not okay

>> No.55340725

no one use btc so no users
no one use chainlink so no user
i think i understand you ok

>> No.55340730

inflation ok when buyer buy
who buy link token? you buy?

>> No.55340731

You're comparing a premine to gas tokens you mouth breathing smooth brain retard

You've singlehandedly lowered the collective IQ of this board by 2 points. Congrats on this

>> No.55340738

Chainlink’s “customers” are not customers. They are being paid by Sergey, also by YOU, to use chainlink

>> No.55340740

I've read this comparison somewhere and I thought it was very accurate: Chainlink is basically like a company that runs sewers. Those companies are never big, they don't accrue value. They just do a very necessary service but they just lay the pipes for the actual industry and creative economies to work. Without sewers, nothing works, but sewer companies are not profitable and also tiny compared to others, they're public utilities (like Chainlink is literally trying to be). They just work and they can work at a valuation of basically 0 compared to actual financial institutions like banks, or tech companies like Google and Apple. Those companies make billions and are worth trillions and they all need sewers. But the sewers just run and cover their costs, nobody gets rich from doing the dirty work though.

>> No.55340742

I'm comparing their inflation rate, yes.
If inflation rate causes price to go down like you fudders keep claiming, then the pic in OP shouldn't be real.

>Chainlink’s “customers” are not customers. They are being paid by Sergey
Just like Bitcoin miners are being paid by Satoshi.

>> No.55340752

Lmao cope faggot
Bitcoin doesn’t need 14% inflation just be sustainable
The bitcoin price actually goes up

>> No.55340753

It's a fucking gas token you idiot

>> No.55340758

>Bitcoin doesn’t need 14% inflation just be sustainable
Bitcoin's inflation was a lot higher than 14% back when it made its biggest gains.

People are saying inflation rate hurts Link's price.
So I'm comparing inflation rates.

The fact that they're gas tokens has nothing to do with anything.

>> No.55340761

The difference is, Bitcoin holders got rich and went 100,000x and they get richer and richer, meanwhile LINK is reaching new lows in sats basically every week with no slowing down in sight, over 80% of holders are at a loss

>> No.55340779

>Bitcoin holders got rich and went 100,000x
Especially when Bitcoin's inflation rate was at its highest back in 2010-2011-2012.

>> No.55340785

You're retarded seriously

Gas tokens inflate because of use. People literally need tokens to use it

Chain link on the other hand inflates because the network isn't profitable and Sergey is subsidizing at your expense

You're a fucking moron

>> No.55340787

Like at this point I can't believe that your post isn't just bait fud. No one can be the stupid

>> No.55340790

>when it made its biggest gains
Exactly, when it made gains
Chainlink is at a 5 billion dollar market cap and needs 14% inflation just to break even
They are literally paying 5% for staking
You’re a giant cuck and sergey is a fat lazy faggot

>> No.55340796

>Gas tokens inflate because of use
Exact same with Link.

>Chain link on the other hand inflates because the network isn't profitable and Sergey is subsidizing at your expense
Exact same with BTC and ETH (when it was PoW)

>Exactly, when it made gains
Yes. Bitcoin made staggering gains despite an absolutely monstrous inflation rate.

That's the point of this thread.

>> No.55340831

I can tell you are making him mad

>> No.55340944

>staggering gains
Yes that’s the whole point
No one would care about Sergey dumping if the price were going up
Chainlink’s price performance has not been anything close to bitcoin’s.

>> No.55340956

>No one would care about Sergey dumping if the price were going up
And that's the thing.

Obviously coins can go up massively purely on positive sentiment, completely disregarding token inflation.
So why have so many of you been trying to poison Link's sentiment with all this "Sergey dumps" spam, even back when Link was outperforming the entire market?

>> No.55340966

Bitcoin is needed, chainlink isn’t

>> No.55340968

Is now a good time to buy?

>> No.55340975


>> No.55340983

Wait for $4

>> No.55340987

I would say we're not at "euphoria"

>> No.55341004

>so many of you been trying to poison Link's sentiment
Go and fuck yourself.
CL made approximately a billion last run, and now they announce via a retarded blog post about sustainability that they are increasing the amount they will be dumping, right as price goes under resistance.

>> No.55341016
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>> No.55341024

Because Sergey has no right to increase the inflation rate after 6 years as we continue to dump in price.
You’re a giant cuck if you don’t think the team needs to be held accountable at this point.

>> No.55341028

>Sergey has no right
Haahahahhaahhaah. Apparently he does.

>> No.55341031
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Why do you honestly think ChainlinkLabs cares about Link bagholders?

You aren't holding shares of a company, this is the difference between the stock market and crypto. The CEO of a company is obliged to keep the price of the shares up, if this doesn't happen he steps down (along with the board of directory in most cases) Meanwhile crypto devs can literally dump millions of premined coins/tokens on the market with absolutely zero legal repercussions. If Chainlink were to crash to $1 Sergey would still be there doing his powerpoint presentations at SmartCon and TV interviews. Crypto is still the wild west

>> No.55341043

>has no right to increase the inflation rate
He's not.
In fact, he just showed how the inflation rate will be reduced year after year. Kind of like how Bitcoin works.

>> No.55341094

Never implied he cared, its obvious at this point that he doesnt
Just pissed off at the gaslighting shills, that cant stop comparing a premined shitcoin to btc and implying that its somehow the fault of people that were dumped on for years that sentiment is low

>> No.55341098

Yes he does and that’s the problem

Fuck off clg Sergey is not going to have sex with you.
Oh because he said? Sounds like a paper promise to me.
It doesn’t even matter you fucking idiot. It’s obviously you’re not going to change your mind.
This type of behavior from the team is in no way okay.

>> No.55341106

you should ask to speak to sergey's manager

>> No.55341116

It's very simple: coins pump on sentiment.
If sentiment remains high, nothing can hurt it, least of all inflation.

>> No.55341152

>coins pump on sentiment
no they dont you fucking midwit, coins go up when there are more buyers then sellers
Sentiment is good when price go up

>> No.55341161

Always do the opposite of what biz says

>> No.55341160
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>when there are more buyers then sellers
Which sentiment provides.

>> No.55341180 [DELETED] 

Holy shit you’re a dumb ass

>> No.55341198

Holy shit you’re a dumb ass

>> No.55341206

Elon tweeting about Doge was EXCLUSIVELY a good sentiment injection. And look at what it did for the price.

>> No.55341307

His tweets are the equivalent of a PnD you fucking retard. Bots read and buy when he tweets, then retards get dumped on
You are either completly missing the point I'm making, or worse trying to gaslight others into propping up the price
Link just plowed through a year long resistance, because there were not enough buyers, and CL just announced that they will be increasing selling
Narratives follows price, as price continues go down, sentiment will follow it

>> No.55341320

>His tweets are the equivalent of a PnD
And boosting sentiment comprised the P part.

>> No.55341329

then go shill link to elon you impotent advocate

>> No.55341348

The difference is those coins go to holders while sergey dumps his shitcoins straight on binance. Imagine defending a fat fuck that is dumping billions of dollars worth of unregistered securities that he printed out of thin air while the average bizcel spends years waging to accumulate a pathetic 5k-10k stack. Kys faggot

>> No.55341359

Elon goes off memes. Positive memes specifically.
He probably saw his fair share of fat Sergeys, and that likely turned him off Link.

>those coins go to holders while sergey dumps his shitcoins straight on binance
Well no, a whole bunch of them go straight to nodes, partners, and employees.
They all go to Binance first so you can't trace them.

>> No.55341384

Oh right going to binance is 5d chess. Ok, stinker shill

>> No.55341498

That's quite literally how node rewards are routed, yes.

>> No.55341594
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>kekfuddies seething more than ever
Guess its a good time to buy still

>> No.55341827

i am actually surprised where the 300 mil usd of inflows over the very depths of the bear market came from
i mean sentiment was catastrophically bad and yet still there was 300 mil there
still tho right now the sentiment is so much worse and its lagging in sats so serg is playing a very dangerous game here to increase the dumps, if whoever is propping this thing up stops then his project dies with it

at the very least they could have increased their communication skills but to let rory say this in the discord is fucking amateur hour after 6 years
either that or they knew the news was so bad they intentionally hid it away

>> No.55341870

Think about it. What happen to aave recently? It’s obviously inside trading, someone knew and borrowed all the link and dumped it, clearly they have intention of buying it much cheaper

>> No.55341903

Yea the rory thing pissed me off. It's such an insane amount of money and yet they decide to quietly post this in some discord with probably like 50 incel members. Honestly the way things are going, I think Sergey and the team would need some serious security at Smartcon.

>> No.55342036

that has nothing to do with what i said, it isnt about the recent dump from 6 to 5, its about from summer last year till q1 this year there was 300 mil usd of outflows while the price crabbed in its narrow range
so that means there had to be at least an equal inflow of 300 mil in a 9 month period, where did this come from

i have been saying that here too and considering my investment is dependent on the health and wellbeing of sergey i hope they really get some good security and arent being totally naive

>> No.55342058

honestly i stop tracking so i cant say much. Whatever behind closed door, we are not involved.

>> No.55342064

$50k of it was from me

>> No.55342559
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>June 15, 2020
>LINK: $4.04
>QNT: $6.79
>ETH: $234
>BTC: $9419
>BNB: $16.83
>ADA: $0.07
>DOGE: $0.002
>SOL: $0.58

>June 15, 2023
>LINK: $5.27
>QNT: $98
>ETH: $1661
>BTC: $25475
>BNB: $236
>ADA: $0.26
>DOGE: $0.06
>SOL: $14.75

>> No.55343929

Chainlink is just an ERC20 token
Maybe you niggers shouldnt have always spoken down about other coins