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File: 214 KB, 281x498, 1680973506845758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55335783 No.55335783 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you not buying the safe haven assets like gold, in preparation for the eventual financial armageddon in the West?

No Bitcoin is not an inflation hedge or a store of value, retard.

>> No.55335828

you can't eat gold
its worthless

>> No.55335858
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nothing safer

>> No.55335891

neither can you eat bitcoin
its worthless

>> No.55335895

I keep my money in the bank in the currency of the best country in the world
(it's actually in SPAXX but it's the same thing)

>> No.55335933

>you can't eat your own brain
>therefore it's worthless
Hmm. The logic actually checks out.

>> No.55335961

Recession already happened and gold already pumped.

>> No.55335992

Why not both? Personally, I hold gold, silver, and btc. As well as a certain micro cap miner.

>> No.55336051

>Recession already happened and gold already pumped.
Fuck off Comex, shill

>> No.55336293

You've convinced me. I'm going to buy a ton of shares of GLD.

>> No.55336301

Because I’m poor and buy silber instead

>> No.55336395
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Because the jews want me to buy Gold. So I don't.

>> No.55338081
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>Why are you not buying the safe haven assets like gold
But I am.

>> No.55338100
File: 280 KB, 750x1334, AF46C963-BCEC-4A19-9628-904560D22A51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but you can eat a gun
>buy guns and ammo

checkem capcha
>a 4 kys now

>> No.55338138

It’s illegal

>> No.55338154

you can eat gold. you can't eat a digital bitcoin. worse case you make jewelry or something shiny and trade it.

>> No.55338184


Because I don't think gold would actually hold its value in a true apocalyptic financial collapse.

Now canned beans, that is an asset that will hold its value if not appreciate no matter the current financial outlook.

>> No.55338233
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>here's your espresso sir, that will be $5.49 please
>sure no problem! i'll just pay for it with this big gold bar, thanks!
>um sir, we don't accept payment in big gold bars
>huh, why not? can't you just mint it down into smaller denominations and give me the change?
>unfortunately we don't have a gold minting press in this coffee shop, sir. i'm going to need payment in cash or unfortunately you will be asked to leave the premises
>what?! this is outrageous! don't you know gold is real money, you fucking idiot? fuck you and your stupid coffee shop *throws big gold bar on the floor and storms off*
>uh, but sir can you take your big gold bar with you? we don't want it here
>nah fuck it, this is the third time this has happened today, i can't buy shit with that big dumb shiny boomer rock
>well, ok then, bye ... uh, what a freak. hey stacey, help me lift this big gold bar up so we can dump it in the skip outside?

>> No.55338250

I unironically tried to tip my beautician with a 1oz silver bar and she did not want it

>> No.55338322

literal candy bars work better as money

>> No.55338365
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>is it real? Doesn’t seem real
She was talking about the fucking chocolate…..

>> No.55338394

Kek. You might be a sperg anon.

>> No.55338797

>buy guns and ammo
Nice investment for a post-apocalyptic society and you can even steal their gold.

>> No.55338960
File: 42 KB, 960x720, Fake gold bar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this kills the goldlet

>> No.55339167

Gold is for based chads. Crypto has set millions of people free unlike those bars. I'm buying more ETH and NXRA today, buy gold, in 5 years checkmate.

>> No.55339180

JIDF post.

>> No.55339193

God how do you even know it's fake when you buy it? weight is an issue since they use that metal that weighs as much as gold to easily fake it.

>> No.55339203

They sell high end precious metal verifiers. But to seriously answer your question, only buy from trusted sources.

>> No.55339224

In a proper collapse gold will be sufficiently worthless. Whatever shitcoin you're pumping will be a be just as worthwhile if you believe that civilization will continue to exist somewhere else. inb4 muh antibiotics/ammunition/etc

>> No.55339293

I would if:
1. Were younger and had more time to invest, i`m on the limit of selling everything to have a nice life
2. If i worked there and syphoned money outside of the US to help it fall into a non-fake economy

>> No.55339298

That means it will pump anon but it won`t go up if you keep buying G7 money

>> No.55339326

Gold is literally the only asset that's up since the broad market dump of 2021 and if you'd have literally put your entire portfolio in gold you'd be outperforming every other asset class.

>> No.55339335

where do u even go to cash out your gold

>> No.55339437

by selling it to a dealer for 10 percent under spot price

>> No.55339592

So it's like Crypto? Buy high sell low. The house always wins. Fuck if that's the case I'd just mine for gold myself. Seems that the Australian Outback still has a ton of gold veins that's untapped and nobody owns those lands you just have to pay some sort of tax if you find a vein or something.

>> No.55339645

This is a relative and conditional statement, gold is only ever going to be a boomer rock that goes up when Grug gets scared of harsh economic conditions. Sorry sweetie, there is mostly certainly better things to invest in with a higher return than gold. Surely you are not trying to suggest that anyone buy the top of any chart, that would just be plain retarded

>> No.55339649

Need more volatility or else I get bored

>> No.55339877

We can only hope that its abilities can be anticipated, or yes, the ship could sink. But I'm thinking that we're probably mostly safe as this is an issue that's been worked on for a while now, save for maybe bad luck for some few.

>> No.55339927
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Can't be me. Why buy bricks when I can create and sell indices on AstraDAO, then buy BTC with the profits? Kek

>> No.55340650

Get on Bitcoin, the digital gold and the future of money

>> No.55340679
File: 218 KB, 800x374, paul-harrells-top-deer-hunting-guns-912154434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are different things you prep for, gold is for weimar-style inflation, canned food MREs etc. for short term shortages, ammo for long term shortages.
Hyperinflation and carrington-events are different scenarios.

>> No.55340763
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Cheapest option is buying coins with a good distinctive sound and using a mobile-phone app to see if the frequency is correct, tungsten doesn't sound like gold and gold sounds different depending on coin..
For stuff like on the left of the pic, you'd need a reputable seller or own testing equipment as there is no reference data available, but these are collecting, not investing coins anyway.
You'd usually stay with the stuff on the right for buying gold, not for buying a bit of history for fun.
Some newer coins like the current gen Britannia have a structure hard to fake as added safety feature.

Large bars are harder to test, equipment getting through the material is 1.5k +. Testing is possible through the plastic blister-pack.

>> No.55340825

if it gets really bad you need guns and food. not gold. if it doesn't get so bad then other things are always better

>> No.55340875

Bitcoin's alright, but ORE is the real deal. The mCap is still chilling at around $2 M. And if he wants to take it up a notch in the web3 world, he better grab himself a kick-ass decentralized identity solution. None of that centralized crap, man. Get on that web3 wave with ORE and unlock the full potential

>> No.55340934

Nope. Stop talking like you’ve lived through it son.

Not real

>> No.55342295

Only retards sell for less than spot. You're a retard. Most any online dealer buys back for spot or even just slightly above.

>> No.55342311

Stack ammo.
It’s very deflationary when things go bad.

>> No.55342340

>only buy from trusted sources
like jews. lol.

>> No.55342361

It's not an asset
and it's not safe

>> No.55343270

You seem not to know about DiD, ask ENS and DYOR about Oreprotocol, you get some shitty head's up

>> No.55343804
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>how can you tell?!
losers get ripped off

caveat emptor caveat venditor

>> No.55345308

Based plan for long term gains anon. I also aped in on campaigns like the one on Quest for Peaq, where winners would share a pool of $2k

>> No.55346524
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Gold is cringe, boomers will just be offloading their bags and dumping constantly is worthless. But I think projects with products like RWA is where the $$$ is. Check RIO, MNI, and even EKTA

>> No.55346573


Gold will be fine but the upside is limited to something like $2.5k or $3k and only a minority of lucky market timers will exit at the top.

It will surely do better than government bonds over the next decade but likely won't blow the doors off with mega performance.

>> No.55346581

You can eat gold. You can't eat guns. You can kill someone with a gun and take their food sure, but you can also kill someone with a brick of gold. This makes gold more valuable than guns and food.

>> No.55346582
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Anons, I'm about to pull the trigger... Stop me!

>> No.55346924
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I ain't settling for peanuts. I'm all about those projects that straight-up push the boundaries of web3 tech, decentralization and you better believe I'm gonna ride that wave and cash in on the opportunities

>> No.55346957

Let's be real here. While gold may have some trade and investment value, it straight-up can't compete with the tangible benefits of real-world assets that are crucial for our personal security and overall well-being. We're talking about stuff that keeps us safe and nourished, anon

>> No.55347074
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>Surely you are not trying to suggest that anyone buy the top of any chart

See, this right here is the most mid-IQ, low energy, poor-mindset, hobo-destined, poverty-loving, pessimistic and completely backwards statement I hear that is completely wrong, and I hear it SO MUCH.

Let me tell you something that every investor who makes money NEEDS to figure out eventually: an asset that performs well is likely to continue to perform well. An asset that is sinking is likely to continue to sink. The big gains, the really substantial gains, come from ADDING to positions that are at ATH and grinding up, not from taking profit. Smart investors buy ATHs all the time, in fact it's probably the best strategy there is if you want to do zero research and due diligence and still have some kind of edge over the average (retarded) market participant.

The idea that you can time a reversal is a seductive lie that proud losers tell themselves, and then they miss out on parabolic moves past ATH. Explosive moves are for selling, slow grinds up to ATH is for BUYING MOAR.

I hope you read this and think carefully about your entire approach to life.

>> No.55347418

Can you eat real estate? What about stocks? Oil?

>> No.55347458
File: 128 KB, 1200x800, nyc_homeless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 2008 gold was worth a quarter of what it is now. Stocks, cryptos or precious metals won't save you during a recession. Learn to be homeless on youtube is your best bet

>> No.55347693

Do it.

>> No.55347722
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Silver/gold ratio is 1:75 or 1:80
Will wait for 1:50 or 1:40 then swap

>> No.55347738

where's the best place to buy?

>> No.55348633

food is inconsequential. you can fill your basement with canned food for less than 5000 dollars. real wealth has to be held in land, gold, companies, etc.

>> No.55348655
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rent free

>> No.55348728

Gold has already pumped and it will be dumped soon after the recession gets over, I have kept my money on BTC, WGMI and some stbales to invest in IDO's such as Immunify life

>> No.55348756

Id rather buy silver or platinum

>> No.55348888
File: 1.84 MB, 2500x1664, 171111-orlando-international-airport-ew-756p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you faggots really think you're going to be able to take gold bars through an airport after the currency collapses you deserve to have all your wealth stolen.

>> No.55349055

Nice digits. Are you implying that anybody thinks the currency is going to collapse and they're just going to hop on an airliner to uncollapsed land? Currency collapse is going to coincide with societal collapse, if you're not already in Thailand or whatever you're not going to make it there when the airfare costs 300 trillion shartmarks.

>> No.55349125

Checked retardation
A gold bar worth hundreds of thousands of dollars is so small it can be fit into almost anything, you could create mock phone batteries out of it, you could embed it into your shoes, you could wear it as a jewelry (obviously coated in something less valuable like plastic), you could even embed it into plastic toys or nic-nacks. Refer to picrel.

>> No.55349130
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I forgot the picrel :/

>> No.55349201

I don't invest in something that isn't digital, because I don't want to be left behind like a retard

>> No.55349441

Gold bros
Crypto bros
No more brother wars, don't you see? We need a distributed ledger where the token is pegged and redeemable for gold. One which is non-sandboxed so it can interact with realtime gold prices, and scales infinitely so it remains extremely fast and extremely cheap while also being extremely lightweight such that a low end PC could engage in consensus... AND non-retentive ledgers that store only the last two UTXO per address; to reduce bloat. We have the technology, it's just a question of when.

>> No.55350010

Based anon, Crypto is taking things further with new innovations and passive income streams. Reminds me of the 10% I get for NFE staking on Mni while awaiting the bull market.

>> No.55350015

This nigga right here is talking sense.
Distributed ledger for digital payments
PM for storing value physically
Backed by atoms and energy

>> No.55350025

Open those up.
You got jewed.

>> No.55350170

>sell gold for bitcoin
>tattoo sneed phrase inside my foreskin
>exchange btc for gold in destination country
problem officer?

>> No.55351277

Is the wand something you'd consider necessary of simply convenient?
The bars should also be possible to test using the station right?

>> No.55352310

Its a based crypto anon. So far I've been doing my DCA and waiting for the zealy rewards on Peaq to add to my stash.

>> No.55352342

>t. living in hyperinflation
stack crypto/metals
learn to live minimally
hoard food/meds/ammo
(((keynesians))) deserve the rope