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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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55334875 No.55334875 [Reply] [Original]

What's their endgame with Bitcoin??

>> No.55334885

total domination, just like with everything else they do

>> No.55334889

>Be jews
>get scammed by jew
>want to get more than 10 cents on the dollar
>tell other jew to create "hype"
>jew fills paper work to be rejected
>goy doesnt buy
>jew sad

>> No.55334892

to increase shareholder wealth

>> No.55334901

To keep you from exiting the system

>> No.55334929

Stop total conversion to xmr out of hate for gibs.

>> No.55335035

Bitcoin is 98% tamed, they need to tame that last 2%. Bitcoin will start trading like gold and silver.

>> No.55336736

wont be approved

>> No.55336784

Too many retail retards they wont be able to control it

>> No.55336799
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>> No.55336805

buy at 4k and sell at 80k

>> No.55336824

They will fork it into something they control. POS?

When they do that the money will follow BlackRock.

>> No.55336854

You are stupider than a bag of rocks bot.

>> No.55336864

U mad

>> No.55336875

No, just baffled by the retardation of new fags; be it memeing or serious, but no pity you fags deserve what is coming for you

>> No.55336906


>> No.55336911

Charging 1% management fee per year.

>> No.55336970

accumulate bitcoin with investor ious

>> No.55336985

It would make no sense to fork btc from Larrys pov. And there is no chance in hell that a spot etf on btc is ever going to be approved by the sec

>> No.55337041
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the same as every other company, Pinky
>Try to take over the world!

>> No.55337194

I don't know I hope Satoshi comes back to life and market sells everything in the middle of the night in North America

>> No.55337207

Craig lost his keys on purpose after the Wikileaks incident

>> No.55337256
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i had $5k invested in a blackrock russia etf then when the war broke out they cancelled it and froze everyone's trading then said
> "oops guys it's worth zero dollars!"
all while the russian market recovered onto new highs

>> No.55337271

Never use an etf. It's just at first a fee scam and in situations like that a vehicle to rob retail, while lary of course still controls the shares that were bought with your 5k

>> No.55337294

it's simple, they want to own everything

>> No.55337335

this really
its about controlling everything and anything.

>> No.55337817
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Chris Blec, quoting their own filing, tells you:

>> No.55337848

So this application is dead in the water
Should just fork it now and then apply for an etf of that fork. jews are really not creative or clever

>> No.55337921

There's a common understanding that social consensus is actually what underpins a protocol, even more than the technology.
The famous Antonopolous quote about "what if the government took over the hashpower" where he says "we'd just fork them out and they'd lose all their money for nothing" is rousing, but it misses a key point.
BTC purists, true BTC ideologues, are a negligibly small part of the population. Social consensus, the commonly shared belief and attribution of value, is much more controllable than they would like to think.

Think about this scenario:
>BlackRock launches ESGBTC "Bitcoin for banks!"
>This new form of BTC gets worldwide media adulation as "Bitcoin finally come good, Bitcoin for grownups, Bitcoin that actually complies with laws, Bitcoin you can put in your 401k with the click of a button".
>to claim ESGBTC you send BlackRock legacy BTC, it's not an airdrop that lets you double dip, more like a mint and burn mechanism

The BTC maxi response to this is to scoff and say "Nobody would send their true, legacy BTC for some BlackRock knock off". And i think that's completely, wildly wrong. BlackRock have the resources to send their version (especially if it's not even a blockchain based coin but just their own private ledger entry) to any price they want.
Imagine now that ESGBTC, with all this media hype, with every anti-crypto normie saying "finally now the adults are in charge" sends ESGBTC to $150k. Meanwhile, with all the normie BTC holders chasing the hype and sending Blackrock their legacy BTC, legacy dumps to $15k.

In a world where legacy BTC is $15k, and ESGBTC is $150k, with all of the hype and headlines, then what will the social consensus be? It will be that ESGBTC is the real Bitcoin, and that legacy BTC is a fork full of seethers, of niche purists. Another fringe Bitcoin experiment like BCH or BSV.

>> No.55337924
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>> No.55337945

Larys scam won't even be approved and if, it's going to be an American boomer bcash shitshow. After the 2022 robbery of the Russians, no sane nation would touch any American-jew coin. And looking at the introduced bill about legalizing the stealing of BoR assets for jewkraine no sane nation will ever again park any asset with anything the Americans have control over in any way

>> No.55338050

>ESGBTC moons
>Half the BTC supply is burned to create ESGBTC
>Blackrock creates ESGBTC out of nowhere to fight climate change and rugs ESGBTC holders
>Now there's half the supply of BTC so it's doubly valuable and people have learned a valuable lesson

>> No.55338057

no the application probably goes through because of blackrock's record in approvals, however...

>> No.55338060

Why would Blackrock rug? They could just keep ESGBTC in the $150k-$250k range so it retains top spot in the narrative.
We've been shown, over and over again, that normie social consensus will rally around the thing that has the most price go up. They don't care about the tech at all.
If you think of how you feel about hardcore big blocker BCH fans now, that's how 99% of the world will feel about hardcore legacy BTC fans.

>> No.55338153

old jews trying still don't understand that shutting down the internet was the only way to stop crypto, but let's be real, the whole system is limping in zombie mode as is, the hand of god will strike it down eventually, so thank god digital currency is at least above water enough to hold the global economy together.

>> No.55338200

So if burning BTC remained the only way to create more ESGBTC, wouldn't it drive BTC's value up?

>> No.55338208

Who would by buying legacy BTC while ESG is mooning to fuck and every single news outlet is talking about "the new proper BTC for banks"?

>> No.55338259
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That will never hold up to any sort of stringent regulation. Essentially if everything is "in-house" then for all intents and purposes, Blackrock would just be printing their own currency.
and the USA don't like that mumbo jumbo.

>> No.55338267

1. BlackRock has had 576 ETF applications.
2. 575 of them were approved.

>> No.55338269

>stringent regulation
>of Blackrock

>> No.55338276

if it pops up on fidelity, I'll split my BTC balance between it.

>> No.55338283

The mc for gold grew to $10T when Blackrock entered the market. But how would blackrock be able to control the price, if bitcoin is a bearer asset that can be easily transferred unlike gold?

>> No.55338291

>But how would blackrock be able to control the price
by artificially inflating it by saying they have more than they do, and manipulating sales records.
>they wouldn't do that

>> No.55338403

People that want to mint ESGBTC

>> No.55338417

New world order.

>> No.55338433

What does that have to do with satoshi though?

>> No.55338463

They would do a snapshot before launch so that only self-custodied BTC prior to ESG launch could be traded in, otherwise people would arbitrage it.

>> No.55338514

If you come up with clear and definite tokenomics and minting mechanics I'll tell you why it would fail.

>> No.55339320

Blackrock is going to burn bitcoins?

>> No.55339495

They have zero exposure, their ETF is just like any other ETF product. It's all customer money.

>> No.55340181


whats stopping them from them saying BSV is actually the true BTC.

Nothing as well.

but when you phrase it that way youre considered crazy.

point is. chill the fuck out

>> No.55340208

Someone make these faggots kikes rope please God

>> No.55340397

Craig is Satoshi. After Assange used his invention to get donations to have a bunch of glow asset killed by proxy, Craig shit his pants, destroyed every evidence that he was Satoshi, including the keys, and got lost, thinking the glow niggers are going to kill him. Nothing happened and Craig is pissed that he essentially burned the keys to the biggest treasury on the planet

>> No.55340430
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Inside trade it
Turn it into gold
Bitcoin will become the epitome of a meme coin. "People's money" my ass. This is why bitcoin maxis are stupid. Bitcoin can be tamed.

>> No.55340487

>The people
You idiots need to shut the fuck up, and musk needs to have his reputation ruined as a ponzi peddler and hopefully the court finds him guilty. Crypto has its place, not as currency of some normal people so your bags get """""pumped""""". Really, there needs to be a knife pulled across this "industries" throat, so crypto can be again what it was, mean of transaction for goods and services outside of the nice society.

>> No.55340534

Wont happen. Real btc narrative is way stronger than blackrock. It would be all over the news that a big financial corp is trying to control btc. An esg btc makes no sense since we already have PoS protocols that are way better than btc

>> No.55340550

It feels that way from inside the scene. I get it. But there are a lot of people out there. Stupid, ignorant idiots who "hate crypto" because they've read a couple of newspaper articles telling them to hate crypto.
If you don't think people would rally around a
"BTC but proper", that the banks own, you underestimate the wealth of boomers and their credulousness towards the media.

>> No.55340564

Please hang yourself twittretard >>55340550
How about you too

>> No.55340591

Key legislation to get rid of the scum is in essence make crypto advertising the same as advertising for cigarettes, prohibit it under criminal law and every bottom feeding hype nigger and ad whore, put them behind bars, shut down the crypto "journalists" and sue platforms for crypto advertising