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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55332412 No.55332412 [Reply] [Original]

Deflation is only bad if you're in debt with no savings and every complaint about deflation and in support of inflation throughout history has been from irresponsible debtors that wasted the money they borrowed on stupid shit that didn't generate any value for anyone.

>> No.55332424
File: 18 KB, 480x360, downloadfile(34).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

money decreases in value. people buy crypto. Crypto goes up.
Money increases in value, people buy crypto...

>> No.55332884

why would anyone invest in anything?

>> No.55332902

Stagflation. The economy doesn't grow in real terms
While there is still massive inflation in certain markets.
The funny part money supply is going down together with a credit contraction
Worse then the 70s could end in a 29

>> No.55333143

>irresponsible debtors that wasted the money they borrowed
Well, the people who print the money basically fall into this category now, so take it up with them. What did you think, you were going to change monetary policy with a post on a dead retard token board?

>> No.55333166

Because it's on sale

I expected business on the business board guess this place is retarded now

>> No.55333180

The trick is to insist that inflation is only specific goods prices going up and not money supply going up while at the same time conflating prices going down with the money supply going down.

No one believes deflating the money supply is a good idea and somehow econo schizos tricked themselves into holding those definitions. Therefore prices going down is bad

>> No.55333196

> now
Fuck dude. m00t created this place to contain literal actual tranny amDoge tripfag dogecoin spam off /g/. This place is built from the very essence of what the OldGods considered retarded.

>> No.55333234

You see everwhere on r*ddit people making the claim that "PRICES WILL NEVER GO DOWN" and it is somewhat true. Okay well explain to me how 50 inch televisions used to be 3 grand and now they are like 475 CAD. It's entirely possible to drive your prices low during monetary expansions and still operate a successful business.

>> No.55333289

How do you know what people on redddit say?

>> No.55333313

Deflation only happens when businesses are shutting down and people are losing their jobs

>> No.55333332

Based. I'm sick of "line go up" economics. Forcing people to spend and invest instead of save makes us more reliant on the government to keep things running. Americans have less savings and more debt than ever, so now they have no choice but to beg the government to help them out. For example, student loans.

>> No.55333340

Also not sure if anyone has the image I might just remake it with some sarcastic comments. It was a line graph showing 2% inflation jumping to 10% inflation then back down to 5% inflation year over year. You'll also see people claiming that the Fed has now done a good job and the soft landing is here. But it's a 2% rolling average target.

Take some tiny plot of land and it's selling for $100. At 2% average you're expecting this plot of land (ignoring demand in the area just use it as a static measure) to get to $122 just simply through monetary inflation.

So like

>$100 init

>$102 @ 2%

>$104.04 @ 2%

>$106.1208 @ 2%


But over this 10 year period you've now had a big spike in inflation

>$100 init

>$102 @ 2%

>$108.12 @ 6%

>$118.932 @ 10%

>$124.8786 @ 5%


You're now past your 10 year average inflation target and you have people SCREAMING that deflation is bad...

>> No.55333342

but then how can you grow the npc's to crave the pavlovian money if it becomes harder to obtain?

>> No.55333348

It's good to use for macro events and news and to see how people respond to them

>> No.55333366

because whatever the deflation rate is some investments will still pay better - but you're right we might not ever get the next starbucks or netflix

>> No.55333384

Just for fun I clicked on an aggregator for plebbit regarding btc and the amount of bullshit obvious astroturf is just baffling

>> No.55333403

I really enjoy the economics subreddit even though all the mods are Chicago boys. But I LOVE when posts on their reach all and just the amount of insane takes roll in. You can mke the go back joke all you want I've been using both of these sites for over a decade.

>> No.55333440

Please make everyone a favor and go back to this advertisers posing as organic posters bullshit site. There are reasons why I personally ignore twitter, reddit and all the rest of the private sector ad platforms

>> No.55333501

No. I'm permad anyways

>> No.55333511

yeah, it always seemed to me intuitive that increased value of money is how society progresses towards better economic state. The inflation, interest based economy is pure judaism.
The whole cope that people don’t invest or spend is retarded. When your money is worth more you spend more, again it’s predicated upon the axiom of eternal growth, entirely jewish concept.

>> No.55333527

You do one mistake every ecojew does. He thinks like a stupid communist or a fascist in his models and assumes as a base rational choice and gives it universalistic characteristics trying to build models that are supposed to predict probable futures and the most incompetent of them all even have the guts to give policy advice in commie like 10 year plans

>> No.55333636
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fuck off back to your midwit zone

>> No.55333663

oy vey
oh no no more jew consoomerism
>stupid communist or a fascist
what does this verbal salad has to do with what I wrote retard

>> No.55333683

Only collectivistic pieces of shit are arrogant enough to use universalistic assumptions as base for their models and your post worthless. It was just mocking you

>> No.55333724

>collectivistic pieces of shit
>you cannot make universal assumptions, nor spot patterns or general rules
>2+2 equals whatever I want ok?!!
look at this triggered npc from r*ddit that thinks patterns don’t exist

>> No.55333741

Correct take. They keep throwing fuel on the fire to put it out. System designed on massive population rise, breaks when population does anything but increase geometrically.

>> No.55333751

also whining about collectivism in a thread about economy which by definition is applied to a collective is pure retardation

>> No.55333761

Sounds like a skill issue

>> No.55333766

deflation would close 80% of businesses easily

if you adjust for inflation most companies make 0 ergo most companies would be bankrupt in an evironment where everyone hoards cash

>> No.55333772

correct. its almost like big corpes are sabotaging us at every turn, replacing us with chinks as they kill us off with their poison

>> No.55333781

In economics no. Not in humans. Using a universalistic base assumption for the subject of your analysis especially if it's humans shows the pseudo scientific character of ecojews and that they need to be thrown out of any form of policy councling. If one should ever asked why the 21th went to shit one needs to point at ecojew academics and their collectivistic retardation

>> No.55333787

Gov wants to be relied on, going back centuries this has always been true, debt increases with socialization creating more until economy crashes and everyone is debt slaves under gov control. Read cantillion from 1700s, he wrote about exactly whats happening now.

>> No.55333794

No different from withdrawal symptoms after heroin addiction, it means the body is recovering. To soothe pain people can organize extremely brutal public executions of those who created the sick system aka psychopaths

>> No.55333810

Why would you click that of plebbit? Stablecoins aggregator like SpoolFi would have yielded a better result.
You're probably over based..

>> No.55333819

Could you just stop posting!
>Heroine addiction
>Just withdrawal bruh
Seriously go back and never spread your brain rot anywhere again

>> No.55333828

People should not have jobs just for the sake of having a job.

>> No.55333838


i don't know about that just that most people will probably view mass unemployment as a negative

>> No.55333844

Ugly reality is the real economy supports less people than there are. Bringing in slave labor stretches the timeline out and increases the problem in the end. Theres too many people, only solutions are sterilization (thanks phizer for your efforts) and war.

>> No.55333850

>Bobo missed the bottom: cope post #3000

>> No.55333853

>verbal salad
>no argument
>economy is not based on human behavior
get a load of this midwit

>> No.55333863

This website is done, the amount of pseuds and their bot spam here breaks all limits...

>> No.55333874

>All humans act accordingly to my models
>It just is
>And if they dare to not follow my deductive brain rot we force them comrades
Kill yourself and I mean it

>> No.55333881

This is an econ thread fuck off to one of your 1000s of pathetic scam threads retard

>> No.55333886
File: 41 KB, 619x500, A6DC1A70-5E19-4FA2-9BD8-68122953A523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no argument
>t. I’m only pretending to be an idiot
better than decline into utter collapse
>real economy
You mean jew economy, if you need to genocide your population your system sucks

>> No.55333904

>still can’t provide an argument why my claim is incorrect
>there is no truth, everything is relativistic because
clinically narcissistic npc

>> No.55333905

You pseud don't even get own retarded metaphor. A heroine withdrawal can kill a body. By chance your idiotic reddit frog rotten brain pointed out the issue without you realizing it. Now jump off a building

>> No.55333909

>he thinks the board is dead because macro is finally being discussed

>> No.55333922

yes it can kill some people, just like withdrawal from the jewish system, which is better than an utter societal collapse. Which part is so difficult for you to understand low IQ r*dditard?

>> No.55333923

No, that has nothing to do with the market, just the discord, reddit and other rot to took hold of this website and killed it. Good, shut it down it's for the better. Sometimes it's better if you kill a body

>> No.55333927
File: 24 KB, 474x511, OIP (31).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you need to genocide your population your system sucks
Yes yes it does. But thats how it all works now, globally. Understand it was all created to deal with picrel. There are only systems that can handle sideways and up, no one has a solution for down.

>> No.55333943

>accuses you of not getting your metaphor
>immediately uses the same metaphor in exactly same way
clinically narcissistic npc #3472

>> No.55333951

You are an idiot and whoever gave you your degrees should be thrown in a volcano

>> No.55333958

nah, the same jew psychopaths who pushed the economic system pushed overpopulation. Their plan is to collapse everything while they’re preparing to survive. Therefore their plan has to be accelerated and/or stopped so they’re still not ready for whatever comes.

>> No.55333959

The Haber process and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

>> No.55333967

>still no argument
>more ad hominem
mental illness

>> No.55333972

>what is moral hazard
They're only in that position because the government promised unlimited money through central bank lending in the first place. The thing that keeps the USD valuable isn't America's economic strength but that you can use it to pay for the US military to be your hired guns. If the world decided the USD's value on its fundamental merits alone independent of its geopolitical qualities, its market price would be at Zimbabwe, Argentina, or Venezuela tier.

>> No.55333990

the move atm is to get some mild debt so you have more fiat to buy this dip. shit will recover after biden gets kicked out of power. just be responsible and dont get engulfed by debt.

>> No.55334073
File: 41 KB, 634x639, 1622002699994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw in debt
>no savings
what do i do bros

>> No.55334094

>stop giving bots/shills (you)s
>they disappear immediately
jews fear deflation confirmed

>> No.55334162

Money supply shouldn't be tampered with. We'd run much more healthier societies if inflation and deflation cycles ran "naturally".

>> No.55334233

What does that even mean. No loans? Permanent fed rate?

>> No.55334254

>permanent fed rate
No fed at all.

>> No.55334445

You'd also have to break up the big banks since it was Morgan, Rockefeller, and Carnegie calling Rothschild over during the Panic of 1907 to bail them out in the first place which inspired them to set up a central bank that could do the same on the public's credit.

>> No.55334493

>posts the most jewish uninformed midwittery ITT
congrats owning yourself

>> No.55334658
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Hard money is highly desirable systemically as it forces positive sum activity, hard money however WAS impractical to use, being replaced by soft money hundreds of years ago. History has proven that 'backed' soft money will always be abused, the difficultly inherent in past hard money makes verification etc unwieldy, leading backed soft money to become unbacked over time. But the systemic economic value of hard money remains, BTC (all PoW Crypto really) is hard money that's easy to use, that is it's value. It is not in competition with the financial system, it is not in competition with other crypto, it is in competition with fiat. BTC will continue to grow as long as statists debase, which they will never stop doing as debasement is the lever which they use to manipulate the economy. While Economy is naturally positive sum, fiat allows the manipulation of Economy to favor zero and even negative sum economic transactions! Blasphemy! Economy will not abide. You see powerful parasites and say "they are too powerful, we can't fight them" Economy sees powerful parasites and says "so much free value!". BTC is the sword Economy wields to slay the Adversary, BTC's Becoming is guaranteed by the systemic economic value gained by fiat's demise.

>> No.55336277
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>80% of businesses are net drains
>it would be bad if they went bankrupt

>> No.55336386
File: 844 KB, 1352x1438, walmart hyper inflation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
