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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55329706 No.55329706 [Reply] [Original]

haha stupid goyim with your rules
they don't apply to jews

>> No.55329716
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Enjoy your ban.

>> No.55329721

thats why they were banned from 109 countries

>> No.55329770


Pointing out that we live in a racist system that gives Jews get out of jail free cards for being jewish isn't racism. It's opposing racism. They should be subject to the same laws as everyone else.

>> No.55329775

Crypto is unregulated, and he didn't force anyone to donate their keys to him. Not your keys, not your coins.

>> No.55329801

financial crime has no penalty

>> No.55329825

i pay the price for the truth, i am a hero

>> No.55329863

Jannie mods are stupid fucking homo tranny fat faggot that ban selectively for whatever the fuck they want fuck the stupid jannies

>> No.55329930

Jew or not you should have expected this when news of his political donations was publicized

>> No.55329953


>> No.55329972

Chuds kvetching. They have no power here nor anywhere

>> No.55330030

White people and scape goating, name a more iconic duo. Cant wait to see this level of antiasianism when binance gets shut down

Not your keys not your crypto, you knew the risks with a cex and you chose to use them anyways. sam did nothing wrong you reap what you sow you fucking retard

>> No.55330055
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The jews are right about the goyim.

>> No.55330241

You do know that it's the job of the prosecutor to tack as many charges as possible right? Some of those charges will be dropped. It's doesn't mean that he's walking free. Conspiritards like you are brain dead.

>> No.55330257

Implying he won’t be murdered by someone. He would be safer on the inside than the outside. If he skates, he will meet his fate at the hands of someone he wronged. If he doesn’t, he may live a few more years. We live in a world of natural consequences where if the law fails and you hurt enough people, someone will bring him to justice. Not saying it’s right, just saying it’s natural and will occur. Logically speaking here

>> No.55330335
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Holy based.
>be retarded normies
>enable hellish globohomo system through decades of gibsmedats, cattle-ification and "FUCK YOU SHITLORD"-ism
>kill off all sane people, all freedom-lovers, and everyone else who could've helped because they're "racist and evil and bad"
>same retarded normies throw their money at every globohomo grifter
>lose all savings because retarded
>globohomo grifter walks free
SBF did nothing wrong and wagies deserve it.
He may be a demon, but he's a demon that normies themselves unleashed.

Reap what you fucking sow.

>> No.55330409

this was once a bastion of free speech
no longer, basically just reddit 2.0

>> No.55330425

Somebody of the jews he scammed is going to have him killed. Sammy would have been safer behind bars

>> No.55330439

Why the fuck would he go to jail? CZ is the thief here, he attacked FTX and their users. Ellison even desperately offered him a deal to protect them. CZ coldly said no, and destroyed not only their lives, but a lot of ours who got wiped out in the crash.

>> No.55330444

Will never happen, people rightly know CZ is the reason this happened, not SBF.

>> No.55330449

Yep, we got a nazi over here

>> No.55330464

>They should be subject to the same laws as everyone else.
wrong. 109 countries isn't enough.

>> No.55330472

jewish hands typed this post

>> No.55330500

Did CZ, extort money from ftx deposits (in which the user agreement ensures is safe) and give it to alemeda to gamble away? no, he did not. And that’s the crime Sam is accused of. It has nothing to do with manipulation of markets, but in the co mingling of funds- you’re a young man with a stupid mind- you’d be best to remember: you have two ears and one mouth for a reason/ and other condescending platitudes.

>> No.55330517


Yikes. Nazis really need to be punched in the fucking face. The thanks he gets for being altruistic, wow. Can we honestly stop shit talking SBF please.

>> No.55330551

>Nooooo stop noticing things

>> No.55330721

fr ong. why do we even come here anymore?

>> No.55330727

Worse. Nerdy glow niggers

>> No.55330769

Someone please hire him after his case gets dropped pls.

>> No.55330982

Absolutely based. Windmill 360 dunking on the goyim

>> No.55331013

definitely leg extension surgery
same with that cz guy

>> No.55331046
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>> No.55331050

so this is why he disappeared not to jail but to hospitals
they cut off his legs put metals to make him taller
just like the rabbi cut off his jewboi faggot dick

>> No.55331058
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>> No.55331137

look at those fake legs
looks so fake and unnatural

>> No.55331419

Jews are above the law in israel's slavestates.

>> No.55331575

bump for jew Limb lengthening surgery

>> No.55331671

no reply meaning its true
the jewboy is ashamed

>> No.55331820

Why would laws apply to jews? That’s like thinking “no dogs on the beach” ordinances apply to dogs.

>> No.55333032

the nazis lost once again, thank god

>> No.55333081

>Crypto is unregulated
The SEC has made it clear they are bringing regulations.
This is a "failure" to fulfill that mandate.

>> No.55333111

nobody here cares about sammy, we want updates on what caroline is doing
also if sam walks then every alt team can laugh in the face of sec enforcement

>> No.55333274

Those digits

>> No.55333426
File: 1.88 MB, 1381x1750, 26882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expecting justice from the jewish mafia


>> No.55333793

the legs the legs
focus on the fake legs
it looks weird funny before and after

>> No.55333818

two tiered justice system
justice for jews (shielded from law for crimes commited)
justice for gentiles (attacked using weaponized judicial system)

>> No.55333862
File: 548 KB, 1284x855, gary gensler goyim making money.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reddit cancer are spam reporting the mildest "racist" posts trying to turn the board into another cancer Reddit since they destroyed their website. Pic related got a 3 day for "racism". The only racist words in it are towards White people. This is like if blacks were told they couldnt say nigger. I refuse to comply, you made up a word to insult non jews, now its our word.

>> No.55334388

confirm biz all bots
nobody focusing on the little faggot remake legs

>> No.55334432
File: 109 KB, 1020x432, Screen Shot 2023-06-18 at 10.07.55 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit. Did he actually believe in their cause or is that protection money, like if you reach a certain amount of wealth you attract the wrong kind of attention and you have to pay them not to kill you?

>> No.55334444

Racism is prejudice + power and jews hold all the power so it is impossible to be racist towards them. Therefore not breaking the rules of Racism.

>> No.55334463

jewish mods, nice

>> No.55334520

It’s so blatant but the sad thing is normies will never wake up. Jews could literally say they want to genocide all whites on national tv and normies would just say it was a joke or something. Peak demoralization

>> No.55334525


since we are here

>> No.55334537

I’ve been banned also many times for bogus “racism” reports. Is it just Reddit freaks that come here and get triggered that do all the reporting to the mods?

>> No.55334552


>> No.55334565

The race that refers to itself as the master race that has all the privilege, riches and power calls anybody a racist for pointing out said privilege, riches and power and gaslights the public into believing it’s all baseless hate from anti-Semitic conspiracy theorists that are jealous of their success

>> No.55334597

It’s racist to point out that Jews have all the power

>> No.55334637
File: 194 KB, 231x313, C31654A3-A56E-49B5-86BB-A3F4E9B73252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you were warned