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55329069 No.55329069 [Reply] [Original]

Do any other enlightened schizos have a good feeling about this coin?

>> No.55329238

No. Buy Kaspa or dynex instead.

>> No.55329307

I own Kaspa but it has 30x higher market cap so needs to reach 30x higher market cap to offer the same returns. Dynex is interesting and I have my eye on it

>> No.55329313
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It's got a great and dedicated community. RXD is going places.

>> No.55329379
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I would like to hear from other schizos

>> No.55329420

Staying away from it until it gets listed on non-sketchy exchanges. Interesting project that really missed out by not being on Kucoin. Probably would’ve had a pump closer to Kaspa

>> No.55329442

It’s a long term play no matter what. It’s not going to take off until bsv and bch devs start developing on it and some NFTs get hot, most likely

>> No.55329455

Exactly, which is why I’m willing to wait until it gets onto bitget or kucoin. Then I’ll probably throw $1k into it.

>> No.55329588
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Where are my Saturday night schizos?

>> No.55329648

Dynex is 100% a scam, the white paper is just too outlandish. What's next? Blockchain alchemy?

>> No.55329753


>> No.55329810

There's also some video on their website that they stole from deep q or some ai algorithm and slapped dnx on it

>> No.55329945
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I recently realized I have a lot of thoughts about crypto that I've been storing up for the past 6 years. I decided to get it all out and wrote a very long journal entry recalling past events along with my thoughts process at the time, explaining lessons learned, and a path for the future.
I made some good money in 2017, but didn't buy back in during the. Next year market. Not making that mistake again. I bought a lot of kas recently and it's 85% of my total holdings. rxd is only 1%. I'm taking what the market gives us. I admit I am not a genius, especially when it comes to the tech side of crypto. I read market sentiment and am just here to make $. kas seems special. I will make it if kas goes $0.5+
rxd wants to be kas, but there's only one

>> No.55329950
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>> No.55329981

Now that we’re on the POW topic, what ever happened to Nexa? Is everybody just giving up on it?

>> No.55329988

I’m here for the same reasons. I only care about market sentiment. I don’t doubt that kas will at least 15x from current price in the next bull run despite its massive mining emissions. I follow my intuition and my intuition likes radiant. If radiant can hit a few basic milestones to be considered a legitimate L1 it can do 50-100x from current price in the bull run

>> No.55329990

You sound completely clueless about both coins, they are very different not even comparable.
What you say goes with RXD and NEXA, not with KAS.

Are you really in crypto since 2017 and you don't DYOR?

>> No.55330115

I understand the gist of the protocols Yonathan wrote. I believe dyor applies best to techies. I'm not going to figure out which coin wins based on my research, so I look to the community for clues. kas is in a bull market and is not closely coupled to btc like most alts. I filter most alts because of lack decentralization.

>> No.55330119


I'm not an active member of NEXA so no idea how the vibe of it's community is or whats the pace of development. But from what other nerds explained to me, Radiant has the "Back to Genesis" problem (google it) completely solved, in a way that doesn't limit or cripple RXD in any way. You can build smart contracts, tokens, non fungible tokens, and having back to genesis solved for all of them makes Radiant a unicorn. NEXA is almost identical but only the tokens have back to genesis solved and baked in into the blockchain. No back to genesis for transactions so no back to genesis for smart contracts

Also having Bitcoin Unlimited as the clear leader of NEXA, may seem better but really makes it weaker (in the long run) vs a community lead RXD. BU doesn't have infinite VC money, they dropped BCH, they would drop NEXA the moment RXD decided to gain more traction and attention. If the rest of devs from BCH and BSV went to RXD...

Why invest in NEXA instead of RXD? I dont see a world were NEXA pumps and RXD doesn't, they are extremely similar but Radiant is way more flexible. If NEXA gains attention Radiant also gains it, and even KAS that focuses only in value transfer. They were born "together" and they get attention together.

I do see a world in which Radiant, at a very slow but steady pace, is harnessed to its peak performance and goes boom...

>> No.55330150

KAS is nice and RXD is nicer in all honesty
They are both great long term investments
Read about RXD. A L1 with no need ever for L2, scalable, fast, secure, with smart contracts, tokens, non-fungible tokens, back to genesis solved, super cheap transaction fees that scale and remain cheap, and with ASICs in the future but not near future, maybe a year or two, they don't exist yet, they will when there's interest to invest millions to make them

>> No.55330248

I was looking for esoteric validation of my investment but fundamental validation is good too. Where have you learned about the back to genesis solution? I’ve tried to research it but haven’t found a good resource

>> No.55330355

I asked Chat GPT and it explained the back to genesis problem to me and states that up to 2021 there's no crypto that has truly solved it without L2 solutions or limitations

Radiant solved it, 2022. First to do it

Search "back to genesis crypto" and you will find about NChain, the solution that devs tried for BSV, but it doesn't compare to the elegant efficient Radiant way, all in a escalable efficient L1

>> No.55330371


>> No.55330433

I should have been more specific. I know the problem, I don’t understand how radiant has solved it

>> No.55330473

With elegant mathematics

Using two methods: induction proofs and transaction chain proofs. Induction proofs are zero-knowledge proofs that link a token's current state to its genesis transaction. Transaction chain proofs are cryptographic signatures that trace a token's history from its genesis transaction to its current owner.


>> No.55330490
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>> No.55330501


>> No.55330567

Thank you I will check this out tomorrow. Hopefully thread doesn’t die overnight there has been some decent discussion, although I have yet to meet any fellow schizo chads

>> No.55330836

Ive got about 5k. All in on one or 2.5k rxd and 2.5k kas?

>> No.55331516
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Dear fren, you have any Twitter, medium, Blogspot, where publish your thinks?, I see you as an informed member and I would like to know more about you :)

>> No.55331728

Yes. Its way ahead of Kaspa and NEXA.

>> No.55332019

> 0 commits
> steals other people's ideas

>> No.55332028

I'm active with other well informed anons in the RadiantBlockchain discord
Other anons are active on Medium

>> No.55332052

You are looking at a finished product from day one
Turing complete from day one

What you expected looking at the GitHub? Latest update to Radiant was Zeus upgrade, nothing else needs to be done besides development ON TOP of chain. Development OF THE chain has been finished since the beginning

>> No.55332055

See >>55332052

>> No.55332059

here, an article to help you understand that you don't know what you're talking about when you mention turing completeness :

>> No.55332092

Sounds like a bunch of excuses to conclude that "Kadena doesn't need turing completeness and that's a good thing!"

>> No.55332099

ok i'll try to do a TL;DR here ;
they made the deliberate choice not to go turing complete because the expressiveness is not used by any chain in practice because it costs you loads of money (gas)
and in return they get a much better ability to formally analyze the code and make it more secure

>> No.55332117

I really don't have the technical knowledge to debate this, only thing I can say is that Radiant isn't a EVM like Blockchain, but it can act like one through account emulation
There's no expensive gas problem and security is as great as any other BTC based Blockchain

Would love if you could join the discord and bring this conversation there, I would like to see if knowledgeable anons are able to debate with you

>> No.55332150

ok i'll join the discord, but i'm going to have to read some radiant stuff first

>> No.55332157

Sounds about right to me anon

>> No.55332162

Why a project as good and as finished development as RXD, still not been listed in Mexc, LBANK, Bitmart, Gate? the only place I see it is on Txbit Trash. Why?

>> No.55332186


It's completely community driven, that includes exchange listings

Not having a "Radiant Team" makes everything much more slower, but anons that are in since the genesis date say that actually everything is going faster than they expected

New members are very desperate for some speed in development though

Gate.io, MEXC, were very expensive to get listed on , they wanted literal hundreds of thousands of dollars. And MEXC isn't that great, they will short the fuck out of every project they list

TradeOgre and Coinex listed us for free and are the best exchanges to get Radiant

Txbit was community funded, I don't like it either
BKEX was the latest listing, the only option we could afford with the raised money. Sadly literally two days after the listing it went under investigation in China for money laundering and we don't know what will happen to it

So long story short, we are done pursuing Exchange listings. It's clear that good exchanges will list Radiant as it gains popularity

Use Coinex. If you are American and can't use it, use TradeOgre. I have bought 1.3M RXD in TradeOgre with 0 issue, I have had 1000+ USD sitting in TradeOgre for weeks with no issue

>> No.55333080



they list blatant scams

>> No.55333325
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>> No.55333552

I’m a nobody in the community (although I’m probably technically a whale) and I agree with this sentiment. No reason to pay that much money just to get listed on second rate exchanges. This coin could use that money for marketing or hackathons

>> No.55333702

The moment FT/NFT standards are set we should try to bring in BCH and BSV holders and devs... Somebody already made a swap to dump BSV for RXD

But it seems most of them are really willing to sink with the ship rather than accept Radiant superiority

>> No.55333939

People just need a little push. Activation energy. We are still very early in this coin. I’d bet 99% of holders don’t really understand induction proofs for example

>> No.55334194

You think you are early when it's just a new coin that haven't stood the test of time like kaspa, AllianceDEX, Kucoin etc.. Entirely based on hype rn.

>> No.55334438

What a retarded take, KAS is only months older than RXD. None of the shit you listed has "stood the test of time" yet, go back newfag

>> No.55334714

I have a fat stack of RXD, but im still skeptical because:
>got scammed $60k for BKEX listing
>NFT/FT standards in 2 more weeks!!! for months with no updates
>bold claims in whitepaper but still havent been stress tested or proven to work without any possible exploits

>> No.55335022

mostly fair points of skepticism, though bkex was just unfortunate timing and a lesson learned regarding fundraising for these dodgy CEX's, they've recently started to release more info regarding programming on radiant including nft's etc. still would be nice to get standards soon

>> No.55336522


>> No.55336641

Before this thread dies I want to thank everyone who contributed, and also mention that first the halvving date is within a few weeks of BTC’s date

>> No.55337486

I put my life savings into RAD. Don’t know what it does, but it sounds RAD

>> No.55338803

Stop faking your life benchod. Kaspa is no way near those ones although I'm no bagholder. Continues building or die prematurely.

>> No.55338847

I started some rigs on RXD because a friend who shilled me KASPA got into it.

So this can carry Ordinals and other stuff from BTC? Elaborate pls kek

>> No.55338855

fuck pissweak ordinals. this has smart contract and real nft support

>> No.55338892

It's BTC on cocaine and steroids
It can do anything that BTC/BCH/BSV can make, better
With account emulation it's even a better Etherum than ETH
Radiant is a ticking bomb. Once it's potential gets tapped there's no going back it will explode in popularity

>> No.55338999

You know what I like about RXD so much?

It's guys like y'all who discuss in a level headed manner

I can already feel the community is great. and from some of the discussions I am reading this is no fly by night project and will atleast do a 50 x next run

>> No.55339022


I want to ask you guys 1 question: If RXD is so good and can do so many things without needing L2 why doesnt it have its own DEX? something like tensor.exchange?

>> No.55340124
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Price action is dogshit but team is building
Nexscript and tokenize app coming out in the next 2 months
Imagine fading it for some schizo dogshit tg community

Guy is obsessed
Always refuses to acknowledge that gaydiant stole their biggest tech idea induction proofs from jasons blog

The rumour is they are ex cregs vision devs lmao I really hope that's not true

>> No.55340137

Also his argument is that gaydiant is better becuase it has a community to back it up

Where as nexa has bitcoin unlimited... AND a community

What an utterly retarded argument

Can't wait to spam the market caps of both in 2 years

>> No.55340165
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You guys want the redpill? Okay
Pic rel is from Jason's blog

Gaydiant team took Jason's induction proof idea and called it.. wait for it..

>> No.55340172
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"Proof by inductions"
Lololol nice team

>> No.55340179
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Oh no no no no

Nice revolutionary idea dudes!

>> No.55340202

Radiant seem like a cheap knock-off of Nexa desu

>> No.55340234

whats the difference between this and kaspa and is there a comparison chart? I want to compare the tech but not the market cap.

>> No.55340545

I do not see this picture on this blog page

>> No.55340583

Why don't you read the blog retard

>> No.55340595

My bad I shared the wrong link

>> No.55341242

RadiantSwap is going to be built by a dev named Baguette. He is waiting for other devs to release NFT/FT standards
Radiant is amazing for a dex because it supports atomic swaps

>> No.55341266

The fact that you can only insult and spread fud talks a lot about your community

Also whoever Jason is, he didn't discover the wheel you dumbass

Mathematical induction exists and doesn't belong to anyone

Keep trying

Also if it was a stolen idea why did Radiant implement it at root level while your beloved BU team just managed to bake it into fungible tokens alone?

>> No.55341379
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> stole their biggest tech idea

post discarded