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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55329364 No.55329364 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone know of any jobs where I can just sit around and do nothing all day like look on my phone or laptop? Can't be bother to wagecuck. I'd rather spend my time at work trying to start an online business or at least try to make some money some other way while getting paid. Anyone know any job like that?

>> No.55329373

I'd I have gayface, did I get it from my mom or my dad?

>> No.55329421
File: 47 KB, 1024x702, 1681342950513708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would someone pay you to sit there and do literally nothing? (Unless your a reasonably attractive woman)

>> No.55329424

Security, government, academia

>> No.55329436

Plenty of these jobs exist but you have to sit in the office and find something to do for 6 hours after 2 hours of work.

>> No.55329441

perhaps. do you know of a job i can do where i knock out my quota of ‘widgets’ whereby i get paid for the day and can fuck off home at that point without some bullshit pretence?

>> No.55329575

I want to have this type of job.

>> No.55329581

Finished building my business with this job.

>> No.55329636


>> No.55329644

How fucking old are you guys?

>> No.55329654


>> No.55329701

The military. They wont fire you because they need manpower.

>> No.55329951

Non just no, fuck off with your bait. Security is non stop standing and looking around, plus I'm not big enough for that. Gov is a no go since you have to be skilled as shit, and academia just no, that requires a doctorate and to be liberal and gay.

>> No.55329978
File: 271 KB, 1334x665, ec68ac6c-f192-4fde-ad74-5e9b5ed0dd98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PO, Scrum master lot of bullshit job in IT. Look at all AGILE garbage

>> No.55330001
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this besides academia
>you have to be skilled as shit

>> No.55330062

>Security is non stop standing and looking around, plus I'm not big enough for that.
Lol what. Im a scrawny dude with glasses and managed tp get a job im security. There are plenty of places that just want a body there to patrol and make sure the doors are locked.
Most of my shift was just sitting down playing videogames & then once everu 2 hours I go on a patrol. Easiest job in my life.

>> No.55330078

nigger if you work "security" you job is to call the cops if something actually happens

>> No.55330123

you're supposed to earn the ability to be a lazy shithead
you start at the bottom doing all the shit nobody wants to do and as you get more experience you have less and less to worry about
you sit and watch a computer or shitpost on here all day while the new young guy goes and does all the shit you dont want to do anymore
thats the way it was and then you sissy faggots came into all of the fields and decided to be lazy pieces of shit from day 1

>> No.55330983


>> No.55330989

Software engineer

>> No.55330990

Yea my job but im not giving it to you

>> No.55330992

Uh. Enjoy homelessness

>> No.55331322

i work a remote Codecel job where I write code for a few hours then fuck off listening to youtube shit. Sometimes i straight-up just take a nap in the middle of the day. The job requires you to be fast at coding though. If you aren't fast you wont have free time.

>> No.55332558

I applied for security jobs in the past, they never answered me back.

What programming language do you use for your job and how long did it take you to get to your level of programming?

>> No.55332578


>> No.55332624
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I just want a remote job where I don't have to learn to code or talk to people on the phone. Data entry sounds like it would be a good job for me but it seems like all the listings online are scams.

>> No.55332645

Government or defense contractor job. I make 6 figures at my govt job and gives me plenty of time to focus on learning other stuff and doing side work. I've learned way more about investing now that I only work like 2 hours a day, and Ive started a web dev business with my wife. And somehow I'm considered an over achiever st my govt job.

>> No.55332659

Anon, you watch too many movies. Do you seriously believe every security guard is wrestling with bad guys and getting into fire fights every night lmao? 99% of your work would be doing a patrol, checking off a spread sheet, and escalating to real emergency services in case there's a problem. There's a difference between security and armed security. Obviously don't pick the latter if you're not willing to get down.

>> No.55332826

Security best gig if you don't have good safety net, idk how faggots can't land this job, have some spine and look fit, that's about.

>> No.55333217

True bro it’s the chillest gig ever >>55332826