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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55329095 No.55329095 [Reply] [Original]

are there really oldfags here? or are they all newfags from 2020-22? and why are they called old-new fags? are you really gay?
>show me what you are

>> No.55329111

I remember bizonacci

>> No.55329119
File: 12 KB, 256x256, 1654378253615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been browsing this board since 2015 and never once purchased a cryptocurrency

>> No.55329123

why are you here

>> No.55329196

I've from 2017. I never made it.

>> No.55329213

I came in when m00t made the place. Didn't buy crypto till Feb 2021. Made a year's pay and got out when Elon did snl.

>> No.55329247

Same here. I'm late 2017/early 2018 bubble time. Instead of buying LINK I went all-in on BAT. I'm still bagholding like a big dumb retard

this is somehow more pathetic than me

>> No.55329255
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to see you all at the bottom

>> No.55329256

I am an oldfag

>> No.55329279


>> No.55329284

I was gonna buy LINK soon (it was like 50 cents) but I was swing trading Electra coin and got fucked over in the cryptopia hack. Dumb. Lost all my crypto.

>> No.55329406

they cashed out and left

>> No.55329456

2012 made aware of crypto

2015 started buying bitcoin

I made it

I lost it all

Working my way back up day by day

I’ve made every single mistake you can imagine making, but I am autistic and an addictive personality and obsess on 1 thing, which is crypto

The obsession was also why I lost it all after having made it.

If you’re wondering I am one of the people who got liquidated for hundreds of bitcoin and thousands of ethereum

How this happened is basically I had a goal of getting 1,000 BTC and 10,000 ETH via leverage trading and I wanted to do it quickly and thus practiced 0 risk management

Now I understand every BTC I make I am to cold store and proceed onto the next BTC via a small amount of initial capital using extremely high leverage

Now it wasn’t the extremely high leverage that got me, it was me, not practising risk management. I should have cold stored 180 bitcoin, and leverage traded with 20 bitcoin, instead of leverage trading with 200 bitcoin, and used the 20 bitcoin to make 40 bitcoin, and then cold store the 20, and repeat the process over and over.

I understand my fault here and i am working my way back up. It’s not easy but nothing worth it is easy.

And no I don’t stress about it, life can be short, it’s not worth stressing about your mistakes, just move on and try again.

>> No.55330424

Good attitude and perspective. Wagmi

>> No.55330445
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Same. My most successful trade was buying a lot of WTC on 9/11/2018 and selling it for a 3x; if I was more patient that would have been a 50x.

>> No.55330483
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Do you think you become a normie when you get rich?

It's all there: lurkers, scammers, nerds, and millionaires in one place.

>> No.55330933

Me but from 2017. I was a NEET and never had money until 2022. Now it feels too late.
>inb4 le bullrun xD
There will never be another 10x. The best I can do is 2x several times but good fucking luck with that.
Notch is not a normie.

>> No.55331015

Jan 2017 here
PIVX on Bittrex was my first moon mission

>> No.55331078

Does 2014 count as oldfag yet?

>> No.55331123

this is me
found out about bitcoin from pre election /pol/ threads but never bought in or mined any when it was prime time
dont really regret it
found bitcoin and subsequent blockchain stuff interesting

i just come here when i want to watch the world burn

>> No.55331229
File: 1.26 MB, 2943x2448, 1680571842538110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember French bro, bald fag, and shower pisser.

>> No.55331528

dont forget the Digibyte sharpie up pooper poster

>> No.55331559

that's not what proper risk management means
you can still lose it all the same doing what you're describing as "proper risk management"

>> No.55331752

i've been here on and off since late 2017.
don't think i'll make it.
my most "successful" trade was selling UNI at the bottom. so i got like... 4 ETH for free. everything else i lose because i keep my shitcoins for too long.

>> No.55331762

i was underaged in 2016 and my parents wouldn't let me invest. so now i'm chasing dog shit. Thank you.

>> No.55331767

You weren't here long enough to realize crypto is fake and gay hype. The only money to be made is from dumping on people who actually believe in the tech.

Buy a retarded scam token with "strong fundamentals" when it's posted at the bottom of an unrelated thread. Sell when it gets its own general. Holders are exit liquidity.

>> No.55331827

>are you really gay?
this whole board is gay, only sodomites make it.

>> No.55331835

i wonder what this place even was before crypto existed
did it start with some weirdo troll posting about bitcoin here and there and then exploded and took over the entire board?

was it about review blogging and google adsense and such?

>> No.55331840

"*fag" is old 4chan-lingo for "guy", from 2003.

>> No.55331859

m00t made this place to clear the btc/doge spam off /g/. It was always a tard token containment board.

>> No.55331905

oh, interesting. i did not know that. ty for the little tidbit of history. and for your advice.

i admit i did "believe in the tech" at first, but it's pretty obvious money is only being made through hype. the difficult part is finding "gems" before they blow up and recognizing when to sell.

dbi would be a recent example for me. i'm not that upset about it, because i only got a little, but i definitely should have sold when the hype was at a top, before that event / con or whatever they had.

>> No.55332159

Checked the board once I'm a while years ago, when I started wage cucking, i started being in the market many many years ago, but didn't really give a shit to learn anything I knew of btc at launch, i knew of ethereum at launch, i knew of chainlink at launch,i knew of monero at launch, and i never bought any thinking it was late already, I didn't understand the technology neither, always just thought it was funny Internet money.
in 2019 i started investing more aggressively, and by the end of 2020 i started dipping my toes into crypto, but I didn't understand anything yet at the time and sold miserable profits.

I'm 2021, march i started seeing the light of hope out of wage slavery and invested more aggressively, bought Shiba and made a 100x... Out of 100 dollars, i had more stuff do a 10x but by the end of 2021 I didn't sell anything other than Shiba which was an obvious garbage coin, I lost all my gains reinvesting through the best market and getting rugged a couple of times.

Now I wait with a stack of still alive shitcoins and in a couple of days I'll start my new shitty job.

I had a lot of chances to make it, I didn't buy oil etf at 3$ i didn't buy crypto, i didn't buy anything, just traded like a retard instead of learning how to spot opportunity.

Now I think I'm much more prepared, I did nothing but focus on markets and study them, study economics and market related data, since 2021, non stop, day and night at times.

BTW the bottom was in november, with the new understanding I got I recognised it, I pray that this time I will get my way out of this hell

>> No.55333152

besides btc and ethereum/litecoin threads, there would be someone trying to shill drop-shipping, the kind of conventional shit you'd see in a personal finance sub-reddit, and a poster that would attempt to gatekeep between "investors" who would never make it and "entrepreneurs" who supposedly would be the only ones to make it

>> No.55333163

>This thread still up
>jan jans warn and ban for all kind of normal posts though
This place is shit man