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55327808 No.55327808 [Reply] [Original]

>company creates a drug
>drug has dangerous side effects
>company funded studies say that it's not dangerous
>doctors push the drug
>the negative consequences of taking this drug starts happening to people
>public becomes aware that the drug is dangerous
>eventually institutions, lawmakers, and regulators catch on
>drag their feet but eventually crack down
>pharma moves on to the next thing

So right now for men in the US they're pushing adderall etc, and for women they're pushing SSRIs. We're midway into the cycle with the consequences of these things slowly becoming evident to the public. Those particular money trains are still pumping, but what's the next one? The one that I can buy stock in before they've even started pushing the drugs.

>> No.55327940

dude just sell weed

>> No.55327995

I hope its nootropics, I wish some NZT-48 shenanigans happened.

Truthfully I wouldt know, you would have to know people in the research sector and ask ehat projects have been getting funding, once you got multiple sources see which ones are most consistently funded.

>> No.55328379

I was part of the opiate craze until I found heroin. Good times. The next big thing has been those weight loss shots, like ozempic. Good luck with your investing, OP.

>> No.55328679

>the negative consequences of taking this drug starts happening to people
>public becomes aware that the drug is dangerous

Literally every drug has a list of all the possible side effects attached to it, retard.

>> No.55328802

There are almost certainly some nootropics that will ruin people down the line that no one understands appropriately yet. You have entry level shit like piracetam that is well studied, but that isn't enough for people. So they jump off that and start pumping all sorts of crap into themselves to try to squeeze out a few extra IQ points and they go to echochambers like reddit where everyone is like "no broooo it's all good, have you tried to stack it with xyz?!?" No way that's going to end well.

>> No.55328845
File: 141 KB, 780x732, joel brandon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Troon drugs, troon surgeries etc.

The troon industry is a fucking goldmine for healthcare companies, insurance, drug manufacturers, big pharma etc. It's not even some kind of far-fetched conspiracy theory. Troons literally need drugs and "gender-affirming care" (euphemism for chemical castration etc.) in order to LARP as their gender of choice. They will tell you this to your face, that if you deny them extremely expensive surgeries/drugs, you are "genociding" them.

The government is pushing this stuff too now at the behest of big pharma and the healthcare industry lobby. It's a fucking massive racket and we're just getting started.

>> No.55328874

>So right now for men in the US they're pushing adderall etc
there is a lot of risk/reward with adderal. an increase in income is worth the risk for me

>> No.55328894

It literally doesn’t, but even when it does list side effects the prevalence and severity are not listed

This isn’t even getting into the issue of clinicians themselves not explaining the possible side effects, either in bad faith or because they’re brainwashed by pharma. This is especially the case when psych meds are invoked, or really anything wellness related

But keep taking your zoloft and vraylar like a good goy. Force your kids to take them too. I’m sure it will work out in the end for you.

>> No.55329112

you realize the university workload is being adapted to people abusing pharmaceuticals?

>> No.55330134

Be me. 17 year old have severe accident and almost die. Dr prescribe hydrocodone and OxyContin. I start lowering my medication, get to only 2 pills of the weakest meds a day. Pain management gets mad and send me to regular doctor for the last part of my taper. Doctor prescribes me patches I’ve never heard of before, called fentanyl. Spend the next 2 years trying to get fentanyl. I’ve been clean from doctor meds for over a decade now and will never trust those fucks.

>> No.55330157

There are no downsides to stimulants you fucking cowards.

>> No.55330166

University is worthless in about 5 years lol. Who the fuck needs a college degree when you have AI? Your degrees are dogshit and I will happy to see many bachelor's degree holders realize this. Tik tok on that racket.

>> No.55330273

>The next big thing has been those weight loss shots, like ozempic
It will be this and things having to do with diabetes in general, both because obese people will be 90% of society in the coming years (if they aren't already), and because the remaining 10% are starting to abuse insulin so that they can keep eating goyslop while remaining skinny. It's really fucked up, and the worst part is that both groups can solve their problems by just weaning themselves off of burgers and replacing them with healthier options (don't even have to go full green nut, just start with frozen veggies and work up from there), but I guess we're in an addiction-centric society now so good luck encouraging people to do that.

This one's also good, but I feel like it's an already going money train instead of an up and coming thing like what OP wants. Also the trans community is still a fairly small portion of the population, as opposed to the aforementioned insulin abusers which will soon be 100% of the population.

>> No.55330315

I disagree. I quit dextroamphetamine after using it for 2 years straight. I stopped using it in march and I am still so tired every day, I just want to sleep 12 hours every night. I have no drive to do anything, everything I do is a forced struggle, even making food or getting up to piss.

>> No.55330413

Lions mane, psilocybin mushrooms and niacin helped me a lot with brain fog. Also buy a $125 essential elements and heavy metal hair test from Amazon and make sure you’re not deficient or have too much of any metals or minerals. If you haven’t tried a heavy metal or parasite detox with iodine and activated charcoal you might want to try that. It worked a lot for me before I tried the Stamets triple stack

>> No.55330430

>t. high school dropout fag