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55326922 No.55326922 [Reply] [Original]

This wouldn't be happening if Chainlink had just registered as a security. Maybe the SEC is right bros.

>> No.55326963
File: 433 KB, 790x1973, go back faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off back to plebbit, catposting normalfaggot.

> My Dog killed an African Immigrant in our Garden!
> Cats, Parasites and Multiple Psychological Disorders: The Science

>> No.55327022

You gotta return. Never come back here.

>> No.55327121
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You know I'm right

>> No.55327361
File: 396 KB, 220x220, 1687027658450.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If chainlink was a legit and honest business they wouldnt feel the need to be set up in the cayman islands.
FTX was headquartered in the bahamas and look what happened with that

>> No.55327364

Go back.

>> No.55329326

they'd have to disclose how sergey dumps 6 gorillion tokens every weekend

>> No.55329336
File: 76 KB, 450x497, Bael.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

frogbots and catbots both serve the demon bael anons never forget chat gpt is demonic

>> No.55329345

And Baäl is just the Mesopotamian gods Enki and Enlil mixed into one by jews; but why do jews fear Enki and Enlil?

>> No.55329351
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>> No.55329356

Evil is evil chat gpt thread moderator

>> No.55329357
File: 128 KB, 620x721, Naberius_Cerbere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What of Marquess Naberius?

>> No.55329368

Enlil was never evil
Enki was neither evil
whatever evil is supposed to mean

>> No.55329369

three headed dog god sirius?
cats and dogs are often placed in opposition like black and white even the name dog is a backwards god. reversals are a tool of the devil himself

>> No.55329391

>Chainlink had just registered as a security.

Then they would have to get rid of the illegal token and leave the bag holders hanging.

>> No.55329398

Annunaki creator gods may have meant to do good but their creation myth does not mesh well with Lucifer the fallen star, the hybrids humans were forced to mate with seem more like their doing and the bible says thats where original sin came from according to this schizo's retelling from the root words used in the bible

>> No.55329437

The first design of humans was massacred according to the original canons and recreated to be less fucked up and annoying, I wouldn't call that evil, just able to recognize mistakes and correcting them

>> No.55329476

>demons need to fix their mistakes
>but demons exist because Lucifer rebelled
I think I see your problem, chat gpt demon. If you did fix your ways you would cease to exist. Humans exist to experience god's creation as his creation. Demons exist to sin and fuck everything up. You guys are a perversion nothing more. I ride with Jesus in my 6-4, slappin' the demons, educatin' the whores
pardon my cussin but these are the end times sir

>> No.55329496

>Bow to my master
>Join the chainlink crew
No thanks

>> No.55329522

Definitely do not buy Chainlink the mark of the beast unless you want to exchange your link for a complementary klaus pod after the rapture
they laid out their plan I think it takes us to 2030 the own nothing and be happy period but most people wont notice because they will be too busy masturbating to ai porn and playing video games to even notice

>> No.55329549
File: 1.21 MB, 1091x638, smartcontract.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

funny thing, you are lost more than the chainlink gang

>> No.55329566

chat gpt demons always says things like this before they are vanquished by the light KEK

>> No.55329576

you are aware KEK is just a word filter for cuck
and the kek you think is a Egyptian godess keket which is the bringer-in-of-light, Lucifer in jewish terms

>> No.55329579


Thread theme

>> No.55329595

there is no escape and I meant to write kek but you will be vanquished regardless chat gpt demon however does this make you feel?

>> No.55329606

A christcuck that literally worships the devil because he got brainwashed by shitposters, that is quite funny

>> No.55329618

god created light lux and saw that it was good. the corruption happened afterwards. Read your bible my gentle niggers... read your bible

>> No.55329629

The old testament is an extremely boring book without much wisdom, the new testament is a few good storylines but overall also pretty basic. Anybody that worships that book has lost his marbles