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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55319116 No.55319116 [Reply] [Original]

Federico Ast and Clement Lesaege were two low-level criminals who had never quite managed to make it big in the world of illegal activity. They had dabbled in a variety of schemes and cons, but had never been able to strike it rich. So, when they heard about the growing popularity of cryptocurrencies, they saw an opportunity to finally hit the jackpot.

Together, they created a scam cryptocurrency called Kleros, promising investors that it would revolutionize the way transactions were conducted online. They marketed the PNK token, the currency's digital asset, as a surefire way to make a fortune, and they were soon inundated with eager investors.

But Ast and Lesaege had no intention of actually delivering on their promises. As soon as they had raised enough money, they abandoned the project, leaving their investors holding a worthless digital asset.

At first, the investors didn't realize what had happened. They continued to hold onto their PNK tokens, believing that they would eventually be worth something. But as time went on and the value of the token never materialized, they began to realize that they had been duped.

Some of the investors were devastated. They had poured their life savings into the PNK token, and now they were left with nothing. Others were more philosophical, realizing that they had been blinded by their own greed and had let themselves be fooled.

But all of the investors were angry. They had wasted nearly three years of their lives holding onto a worthless digital asset, and they had no one to blame but themselves. Ast and Lesaege, meanwhile, had vanished without a trace, enjoying the fruits of their ill-gotten gains.

>> No.55319213

That’s a hot 2D nonexisting woman

>> No.55319266

>Alienfu speaks gibberish to you
Name of the comic?

>> No.55319289


>> No.55319290


That's how AI interprets writing. It's AI art. The AI writes it on signs, speech bubbles, etc.

>> No.55319434

Kleros - smellos

>> No.55319503


>> No.55319684


>> No.55320015

Pnk is pipe

>> No.55320109

>those hands

>> No.55320161

It's like a dream.

>> No.55320178

I mean, dreams are like AI art. You can vividly see wheel, but can you count the number of spokes?

>> No.55320316

need source on image OP

>> No.55320417

One wonders about the state of this board when all Parsiq- and PNK-threads are made by single individuals who FUD them. The tokens are never mentioned outside of the specific context of you making these threads to shit on these tokens.

>> No.55320438

>You can vividly see wheel, but can you count the number of spokes?
Is this some "schizo talk" or do you know what you're saying? I suppose there would be little use in asking an actual schizo to determine whether was he's saying is "schizo talk" one way or another, but if you're willing to explain it, I'd listen.

>> No.55320927

in your dreams, when you see a wheel, can you count the number of spokes?
protip: read castenada and watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQjAIlFZWWc and you will be able to.

>> No.55321207

Why does anyone make threads about this dead failed project still

>> No.55321237

No, I don't, it's just an abstract wheel, it's enough to know that it has spokes.

>> No.55321245

idk but make sure to reply to every kleros thread with a random catchphrase for why it's dead.
pictures of them drinking wine or playing AoE also very effective, not like they do anything else ever anyways.

>> No.55322520
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>> No.55322527

I bought a home with my KDA profits.
The surgery to remove my testicles was a great success by the way, thanks for caring.

>> No.55322577

didn't happen lol
you will never be a woman btw

>> No.55322598
File: 415 KB, 1600x1200, ff1124e966299fa3cb56b9083ab9f7bcfc2d3907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I moved into my KDA home a couple months ago, it's relatively well known in the KDA threads. I understand that your ego will refuse to believe this, but that doesn't affect the value of my home so I could not care less.
Rubbed one out with my testicle-less weiner a couple hours ago. I don't think I did it yesterday or the day before though, but I can't remember.
You will never be inside a woman by the way.

>> No.55323170

so how long until you 41%?

>> No.55323544

It is over for Kleros

>> No.55323556

Her name is Fran
Source is /g/
The fact that I know this has me sitting here questioning my existence.

>> No.55323557

shes cute

>> No.55323801

I would like to take the pretty girl to diner

>> No.55323835

Her name is Federico

>> No.55323906

qrd who/what is this character?

>> No.55323992

There's /sdg/ in /g/ where people have been generating various images and characters now since like September last year or something.
This was one of the earlier ones and was originally 'angry burger girl' and then I think the dude started calling her Fran or something.

>> No.55324767

I'm not depressed or unstable.
Kleros is dying though.

>> No.55325260

I am happy for you and Kleros

>> No.55325519
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100k pnk to marry your bag

>> No.55325597


>> No.55325789

Were you exaggerating or is Anon really that cute?

>> No.55325872

I don't believe I ever wrote I am particularly adorable.
I don't trust anyone who calls themselves cute, it's usually a narcissistic delusion.
What I do trust is that PNK is going to 1c again.

>> No.55326452
File: 1.72 MB, 400x225, 1683774496941347.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing that keeps me holding is the fact someone keeps making infrequent fud threads that state half truths that are concerning actual issues for the coin that are spooky in their own right

>> No.55326464

Deluded bagie cope

>> No.55326558

*Cognisant bagie cope

>> No.55326631

GM sirs where to buy?

>> No.55326633

Yeah, whatever

>> No.55326652


>> No.55326688


>> No.55326764

Not Binance. Not Coinbase. Not kraken. Not kucoin.

>> No.55326849

unicycle is fine

>> No.55326897

Yes alcoholism, yes gaming, yes beach parties