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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 172 KB, 1252x1252, fartcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5531327 No.5531327 [Reply] [Original]

Folks, i'm done with crypto.

Right now, to my eyes, the liquidity in the cryptocoin market is driven by the speculators. There's a small number of enthusiasts who have sophisticated theories about rather complex technical uses....and a lot of folks who think it will make them zillionaires.

Which means that right now, yes, bitcoin is an excellent way to get money out of your mismanaged regime. But as anyone who lived through 2000 or 2007 knows, markets driven by speculative fervor can become illiquid astonishingly fast.

Of course, we still have houses, and internet companies. That's because people actually LIKE houses. They get real goods and services from firms.

What value does bitcoin offer people in stable, rich world regimes beyond speculation (or a hedge against practically nonexistent inflation?) If you can't answer that question, then you should be bearish on crypto.

Remember: there are no assets that are stores of value with literally no real-world uses. Even currency has the real-world use of "the government accepts this (and generally only this) for settlement of taxes".

So, I'm putting my USD elsewhere. No thanks.

>> No.5531391

Nice blog post.

>> No.5531473

Nigga I turned $4000 into $180,000 this year with crypto.

I now hold coins with like $4000 of my portfolio hoping for more 10x moon missions to add 40k on, again and again.

If my $4,000 goes to 0, fuck it I already made $176,000 off this market.

Do you fucking understand, you retarded fuck?

>> No.5531590

>post that bitcoin is speculation and literally nothing else
>someone refutes that by giving an example of their successful speculation

way to miss the point

>> No.5531637

This is all not to mention the fact that generating this *literally worthless* stuff is bad for the environment.

i couldn't think of a more civilization destroying mechanism if i tried.

>> No.5531743

>practically non-existent
USD is down -9% this year wat r u talking about

>> No.5531768


>> No.5531796

printing money and physical coins is actually way worse, do your own fucking research before making these posts.

Regarding the speculation, I can assure you that even though the current levels are decently high right now compared to a year ago, we haven't scratched the surface yet. If you compare the market cap of cyptocurrencies to other physical assets, you can see why people are so heavily interested in the space. The potential of real life use cases is limitless and I think that is why so many people are coming in every day.

>> No.5531888


>> No.5531932

Crypto is currently the only way to buy and sell drugs online. Because of that it has inherent value above what speculators give it.

>> No.5531957

because printed money helps trees grow and cleans contaminated water, amirite? you are a fucking morong, you obviously are mad you lost the 2k you saved up from working at mcdonalds and now you came to shitpost

besides literally no one cares if YOU get out of crypto lmao, what motivated you to post this? I bet you will even go comment on fb ads about crypto warning other people about how fake cryptocurrency is

what a fucking clown

>> No.5531958


I've read the scientific literature. You've read propaganda.

>> No.5531988

2008 crash wasnt driven by speculation. It was made by dumb greedy muricans selling unpaid house loans while bribing rating agencies. This is a whole other monster and is unpredictable. Goodluck with your money.

>> No.5531995


Because someone needs to tell you lemmings before you march us all over a fucking cliff.

>> No.5532039


this is a lie. the math doesn't even add up.

any other shit propaganda you want to throw my way, guys?

>> No.5532149


>aw gee guyz there’s too much speculative money in crypto, I am a little pussy who’s afraid of risk so I’m going to be putting my money into funko-pop dolls until bitcoin becomes a niche enthusiast thing for me to autistically fawn over

I spent my whole teenage years wishing I’d been 20 during the dot com bubble for that e-z money and god has answered my prayers with a new dot com bubble. I’m up 200k this year (cashed out) without having done any real work and contributed anything to society, the idea that someone goes to work every day to make a fraction of what I do makes me erect.

>> No.5532152
File: 61 KB, 640x480, 1415507604199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I've read the scientific literature"
>"I'm correct for no particular reason and you are obviously misinformed"

I see what type of FUD you're currently dealing with right now. There is no way to show you what you currently cannot see. What is past the USD and the future of transactions.

Nothing of what I wrote has been fueled by "propoganda", I simply make my own observations from the tech that is currently available and how people choose to implement it. What money is currently invested and comparatively how it stacks up against other assets. You failed to point out anything particular in my argument while I provided real reasons people are entering the scene besides making money.

In the future we won't be comparing everything to USD, we'll be comparing it in Satoshis on Amazon and eBay.

>> No.5532233

>2007/8 wasn't driven by speculation..

Banks LITERALLY bought and sold bad debt in CDO's SPECULATING that the debt would be paid.

>> No.5532312



>> No.5532341

where else are you gonna put it anon?

>> No.5532347


thank you

>> No.5532363

Yes I've fucking seen this. Do your own research and compare it to the way countries all over the world fucking print money you mong.

>> No.5532369

u r dumb lol

>> No.5532376


back into stock.

i actually made money in bitcoin, but it's obvious where this is leading.

>> No.5532381
File: 2 KB, 125x124, amusedalcoholic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw MSM trumpets 0-1% inflation
>they clap when rates rise 0.25%
>global currencies have all dropped near 10% this year
>set to crumble over the next 5
>consumer price index up 5-10% on everything
>gold up 15% set to moon
>bitcoin up 4000% still mooning
>but everything fine

I think everyone on here in shitcoins with a gold hedge is pretty good man.

>> No.5532399

To most people, using cryptocurrency to pay for goods and services (that aren't illegal) is a bit like reinventing the wheel. Normies don't care about privacy and they get paid in fiat so why even bother getting crypto coins when dollars will do?

When they do buy some BTC or LTC it's to speculate on.

>> No.5532451


>> No.5532470


it wouldn't even be reinventing the wheel, it would be replacing its spokes. but even THAT isn't going to happen.

>> No.5532522


for fuck's sake, you guys are getting this from refutations written in indie web publications by amateur bitcoin enthusiasts.

get a grip

>> No.5532528

I was on board before that, but the environnement is completly beside the point.

>> No.5532601


the environment is very much part of the point. not only is it psychotic speculation that will collapse and destroy the wealth of a lot of people, it has disastrous material effects, too.

>> No.5532616

This is exactly why pure currency cryptos will fail, but decentralized applications will succeed

>> No.5532623


>I'm out due to speculation
>speculation about speculation

>> No.5532839

as someone who often larps as a boomer, I nod with approval

>> No.5532852

But that doesn't explain why you should get out of crypto, as you are not going to make a difference. Actually wouldn't the best thing to do is to not sell, as not doing anything won't cause anything from your part, as opposed to selling?
The really good argument on your part is that it is a specultaive bubble and could collapse anytime.

>> No.5532993

I'll only start to worry about a crash in crypto when literal normies are discussing shit like this. /biz/ barely makes a dent in the crypto world and even less in the financial world. We're just a bunch of autists cranking out a pretty penny with our gains.

But, I know OP is waiting on the day when he said "I TOLD YOU SO." But I, and many others will have long exited by then. I won't even invite OP to my island either, fuck him.

>> No.5533419

>What value does bitcoin offer people in stable, rich world regimes beyond speculation (or a hedge against practically nonexistent inflation?) If you can't answer that question, then you should be bearish on crypto.
anonymity? that's why he was created

>> No.5533628

It was caused by central bankers printing money

>> No.5533763

Before crypto, there was no way to store your wealth online without keeping it in the hands of a centralized third party. Being 100% in control of your own wealth digitally is very valuable to some people. It also makes it easier to transfer money across borders.

>> No.5533914 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 736x736, Weak Hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy BTC at 17,500 thinking it was going to 20,000 EOY
>Buy LTC at 300 thinking that it was the base

There is no winning for me anymore is there?
My hands are feeling to weak right now. These bags are starting to feel heavy.

>> No.5533921

I bet you were born before 1970

>> No.5534942

Are you on crack kid?
These things dont exist simultaneously

>> No.5535017

if you say so master

>> No.5535191

>Folks, i'm done with crypto.
You won't be missed.

>Right now, to my eyes, the liquidity in the cryptocoin market is driven by the speculators.
Yeah, it surely wasn't like this 4 years ago.

>bitcoin is an excellent way to get money out of your mismanaged regime.
WTF does this even mean?

>What value does bitcoin offer people in stable, rich world regimes beyond speculation?
Bitcoin is worthless, but in case you haven't noticed there are other coins.

>So, I'm putting my USD elsewhere. No thanks.
You. Won't. Be. Missed. Nice Reddit spacing by the way.

>> No.5535640

buy fapcoin