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File: 627 KB, 1549x698, cosmosunited.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55318187 No.55318187 [Reply] [Original]


>Cosmos united litepaper published
>Its time to get rid of the cosmos cartel, they rule by using validators as middlemans, representative governance is the biggest flaw in cosmos design, in no case representative governance is better then direct governance. The mistakes made by cosmos founders can only be corrected by forking, fixing incentives is the only way the hub will survive.

>> No.55318239


seems like the work on the fork started after core devs tried to inflate 20% of the supply through the ATOM2.0 proposal.

>> No.55318271

OP i never open any PDFs please post screenshots here

>> No.55318283
File: 193 KB, 649x889, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are pretty lazy anon, but sure i have nothing better to do, ill post screenshots as a reply

>> No.55318284

dead coin
polkadot fucks the shit out of it 24/7

>> No.55318331
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Is polkadot still a thing?
cosmos makes polkadot useless cause developers are not forced to buy DOTs to launch chains or bridge token, IBC and interchain security give out for free the goods that polkadot used to sell, move on your tech is inferior, thats why dydx zcash etc... are building on cosmos and not DOT

>> No.55318345
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lmao, you're in for a unpleasant awakening

>> No.55318358

imagine thinking interchain security is somehow comparable to shared security, lmao
you will NEVER have any of this plus you're and unregistered security: https://forum.polkadot.network/t/what-are-some-differences-between-substrate-and-cosmos-sdk/1354/8

>> No.55318365

lol how many lawsuit they have ongoing by now?
cosmos founders are extremely retarded, the ecosystem might loose out just cause of the toxicity of few.

>> No.55318386

Bullish times ahead. No vc money, all community based.

>> No.55318390
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lol you got your chart ive got mine, pick your poison.
look this thread is about a fork of the cosmos hub, and i dont really care about your shitcoin, developers are poor and they will never pay to get their chain secured no amount of cope from you will change that, polkadot got the incentives upside down, you launch chain then become profitable not the opposite

>> No.55318404
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im not sure i lost count, now gadikian the obese wants to use funds from the cosmos community pool to hire a lawyer, the future of the hub is paper terrorism through lawyers.

>> No.55318429

Is it an airdrop?
How do I farm it?

>> No.55318438

then don't talk nonsense, cosmos can't sell high blockspace with top security like dot
do you think dydx and zcash are comparable to toyota, sony, deloitte, beatport or even cities like shibuya city building on parachains?

>> No.55318448

dao funding lawyers is definitely what satoshi wanted when he created bitcoin, 15 validators voting with delegators tokens to fund a jew, muh blockchain mah decentralization we are CYphErPuNKs

>> No.55318450

btw you're also ignorant on how game theory works

>> No.55318497
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15? lmao

>> No.55318503
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interchain security literally uses the entire security of the provider chain stake to validate the consumer chain wtf are you talking about?
the security of both polkadot and cosmos is relative to the amount at stake, with the difference in cosmos chains dont have to pay in polkadot yes.

dydx and zcash binance matic plus 60 other chains building on the cosmos sdk is more tangible then PR stunts about with sony or toyota, come back to me when your namedropping has any impact on your ecosystem other then headlines.

>> No.55318532

So buy both DOT and new ATOM fork ok got it closing the thread now.

>> No.55318542
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The whole point of cosmos united is literally fixing the fact that validators control the hub, so yeah i guess you agree with me.
The cosmos hub is controlled by a bunch of dysgenic asians jews and jeets, they have been pillaging the community pool and trying to dilute holders by inflating the supply by 20%, cosmos is superior tech but in the hands of retards.
Get rid of the poo in the loo like zaki and the ecosystem will rival ethereum, the cosmos sdk is the most developer friendly toolset and the ability to easily launch chains with minimum consensus changes is why DYDX the biggest application and dex on ethereum decided to use cosmos, or why binance built on cosmos.

>> No.55318544

you're falling for a scam thanks to your dunning-kruger and will fall twice with these stupid forks that never end well
take your time the link i've just posted and stop being so stubborn, even eigenlayer (restaking) which just launched on ethereum mainnet trying to replicate shared security can't compete with polkadot getting it all right from the very beginning, you just fucking CAN'T add these kind of things on the go, jesus

>> No.55318590

go and refute this: forum.polkadot.network/t/what-are-some-differences-between-substrate-and-cosmos-sdk/1354/8
i'll be waiting
>muh superior tech in hands of idiots
newsflash: you're actually the greater fool

>> No.55318593
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dude i literally bought polkadot ico and dumped it, in 2021, i literally dont care, will not buy it back, gavin was literally a pedo he wrote fan fiction about fucking a 13 yrs old aids ridden girl.
Not touching pedo coin not even if you pay me.

You will be left behind eigen layer will be integrated with cosmos sdk and people will be able to launch chain secured by eth with the cosmos toolset, IBC will soon be compatible with eth l1 allowing for trustless bridging between cosmos >< ethereum, liquidity in the cosmos ecosystem will x10 once that happens, and IBC will become the standard of bridging.

>> No.55318612

you're beyond salvation kiddo, i talk about tech you talk about pedo fiction
enjoy holding your unregistered security to $0 while chasing these juicy airdrops lmao

>> No.55318618

argue with your own words retard, im not gonna click your link if you cannot stand your ground it just shows you are just low iq

>> No.55318631

Dont care the fork will not be a security, ATOM can die for all i care, cosmos is broken that united will fully flip its market cap

>> No.55318633

btw eigenlayer is just smart contracts you midwit not some kind of sophisticated protocol or achitecture design, just a stupid narrative ethmaxis will push and sell to uneducated people like you
all this crap will fall as a house of cards sooner than later and you'll still be shilling some stupid new fork

>> No.55318659

polkadot has too many bagholders will never pump back to ath.
This fork is interesting cause its new, fresh coins with new narratives are the only ones that will pump next bullrun, the same happened last cycle all old coins died and never came back

>> No.55318680

Cosmos and your Cosmos fork are both token not needed.
Osmosis (liquidity), kujira (order book and decent stablecoin), and, stargaze (NFTs) are needed, but cosmos doesn't do shit.

>> No.55318689
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sure thats why you mentioned it first, cause you literally tried to use it as a selling point for polkadot.
it doesnt matter to me which protocol for security wins cause i know the application layer will be built on the cosmos sdk, eigen layer will use the cosmos sdk celestia will be using the cosmos sdk, cardano uses the cosmos sdk, binance uses the cosmos sdk.

>> No.55318721

all irrelevant chains lmao, only uneducated people pay attention to binance or cardano
i used eigenlayer as example of how even ethereum can't have something like shared security because it wasn't build from the ground up
2025 will be a rough year for you fren i can tell you that

>> No.55318730
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The point of the fork is to fix that, there is literally not enough info, for you to say that, interchain security can be extremely valuable if the incentives and tokeconomics are fixed, united will have a two tokens system so they probably thought of a way to capture value.
Devs will be releasing the wp next, so at least wait for that before deciding.

>> No.55318758
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I literally dumped polkadot on you in 2021 and now you are coping by shilling at atl, grow up and move on, polkadot is old tech and will never pump.
There is only 3 ecosystems that matter:
Either own a piece of the new and dejeeted hub or cry later poorfag
Here have a fat obese Gadikian maybe this will ease your sadness.

>> No.55318802

okie, xoxo pajeet

>> No.55318851

That sounds like a "cosmos is needed for interchain security because it's valuable" and "it's valuable because it's needed for interchain security" situation. A fork would start with zero value associated with it, wiping out Cosmos' only reason for being. And any chain can be used to secure the larger network. Might as well be Osmo or something that actually is used.

>> No.55318864



>> No.55318905
File: 110 KB, 300x250, 4chan-72154605a842d96c9fb36327954dd7afc89f8db6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no layer one that isn't majority owned by venture capital. You must be a bay area Sequoia capital type of gal.

$bits will be the first true defi layer one. Community airdropped.

>> No.55318930

even vitalik talks about how stupid could be to try to add shared security to something that wasn't designed for that in his last blog: https://vitalik.ca/general/2023/05/21/dont_overload.html

>> No.55318934
File: 96 KB, 714x495, bad-governance-is-capital-destruction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forks usually open with at least 30% of the original chain market cap, so that would put it above osmosis current market cap, thus it will be a better interchain security provider, plus it will have additional usecases im sure, devs will probably launch with at least few consumer chains, united devs might even airdrop to osmosis who knows you might end up owning a piece of this too.
In the end dejeeting the cosmos ecosystem will also benefit osmosis so you should support this regardless, validators voting for delegators is a problem in osmosis too.

>> No.55318958
File: 713 KB, 1428x1142, cosmosmonogatari-senjougahara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

luv you bro (if you are white)
sure cosmos was built with interchain security on the roadmap since the beginning, so who cares about vitalik or ethereum.

>> No.55319003

I don't hold osmos so don't really care about it, but at least it's more useful than a fork of a useless chain that has zero chance of summoning a 770 million market cap out of thin air, at least not without being incredibly illiquid.

>> No.55319009


>> No.55319028

Also I don't trust the masses to govern any chain well. Have you met the masses? They're retarded shitskins for the most part.

>> No.55319033

so, are you blatantly lying now?
interchain security isn't nothing like shared security, it's just both "coping" and "copying" security
but you know what? you can't copy it because they didn't build it from the very beginning, so you're only left with "coping" ;-)

>> No.55319053

and with another kind of "security" ;-)
lmao even ;-)

>> No.55319072

ifywim like in the sec terms lmao ;-)
did you get it? ;-)

>> No.55319224
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token holders are not the masses , capitalist and wealthier stakeholders are perfect governors of systems look at apple microsoft blackrock etc... all governed by shareholders and the biggest and powerful entities on the planet, stakeholder capitalism works, anyway anything is better then validators which are literal commie poorfag govern the chain, validators in cosmos have no skin in the game they just chase yield and dont care about the chain they validate, with united they will be included in the set only if they own more stake then the last validator in the set thus requiring sunk capital similiar to how bitcoin mining requires investment to earn block rewards and mine the network, its a model thats has been proven to work already the fork just replicates it in cosmos
sure tell that to bitcoin cash or any other fork, there is people like you who thought it was useless and they missed out on free money, with the difference that bitcoin was completely broken beyond redemption while cosmos is and the fork will overtake it.
they both rent security for side chains, your word games arent smart or funny, move on i dont really care about arguing with a polkadot bagholder, IBC already won you cant do anything about it, ibc is the standard for secure and trustless bridging of assets even polkadot will adopt it.
the fork will not be a security cause it will not have any token sale

>> No.55319491


Things are heating up in the cosmos forum too, people are fed up with the cartel

>> No.55319940

When is the airdrop?

>> No.55320028
File: 94 KB, 248x384, Screenshot_20230610-122134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why so bearish? Powell make you poor? Even nuetron was a good airdrop during hard times. Most forks easily get 1/3 of s native coins market cap.
The masses? You need stake ( property ) to vote. How is this any different than a corp?
Stay poor. Doge destroys all your arguments about "tech".

>> No.55320052

they haven't announced date yet

>> No.55320084

>itt virgin geeks arguing about tech
Tell me, a real G, where I can buy coin op mentioned

>> No.55320111

I have about 1000 atom. Should i just dump them. I bought them for like $2/3 years back.

>> No.55320372
File: 556 KB, 775x1456, atom not cosmos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like the cartel is getting anxious they wanna rug pull ATOM asap, (Zaki is the guy who larps as cosmos founder and main face being the attempted 20% dilution and marko polo is one of the main devs and repo owners of cosmos github) ATOM is already dead united is the only way the community doesnt get fully rekt.

The cartel is real and they are scared of getting identified and named.

Look at this comment from the forum post you shared:
"My tldr on this topic is that validators choose nothing; stakers choose validators."

Gadikian doesnt even attempt to find an argument, he knows that validators fully control the chain but he benefits from such arrangement, he got a fat grant from the validator mafia and a big delegation from ICF he is literally funded by the cartel and one of the most obnoxious faces of it.
representative governance is the same reason why western democracies are dead, back in the days only white male property owners could vote aka people with skin in the game.

>> No.55320650
File: 80 KB, 556x443, 1212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao way behind in every single aspect
cope harder ashmed

>> No.55320864

what does this mean for my dvpn?

>> No.55321302

I have a few thousand javmos

>> No.55321577

They will have their own IBC compatible dex
Buy the fork with it when it comes out, if you are staking you will get the airdrop
Dvpn can become a consumer chain of united

>> No.55322268

That's going to zero. Sorry fren.

>> No.55322370

Cosmos chains are riddle with jeets due to all the airdrops. It's one of the most jeet-heavy ecosystems next to BSC.

And please tell me where a 770 million market cap and enough trading liquidity to support that price are coming from, if you're airdropping the entire supply, and don't have VCs, organizations, or a big cabal behind it. Even Bitcoin Cash had a ton of the community, developers, and miners backing it. Whereas the Cosmos United twitter has all of 24 followers. It's obvious this retarded project is going nowhere.

>> No.55322382

>Why so bearish? Powell make you poor
>forks easily get 1/3 of s native coins market cap
>how is this any different than a corp
Your piss-poor insults, false equivalencies, and shit spelling scream of jeetery.

>> No.55323736

Jealous of Sandeep
And zaki

>> No.55323758
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Are you scared anon? Lugano nodes is on their test net.

>> No.55323991

>He thinks VCs pump tokens
>he thinks Cryptos cannot succeed without cabals backing them
You are never gonna make it sorry dude

>> No.55324474

The sec is cracking down all of those, so fair launch without cabals and VCs is the way to go if united doesn't want to get labelled a security like ATOM

>> No.55324505
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this is Pulsechain 2.0
you can't fork a chain that has thousands of projects underneath it. it's just not possible.
cosmos is an infrastructure, not some simpleton coin you can just fork

>> No.55324870
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This is a fork of the cosmos hub and ATOM, cosmos is not infrastructure but a coin, the cosmos hub has no project under it, thats the point, they failed to capture any value or network effect, if the fork has a value capture mechanism it will automatically win.
Also didn't pulsechain open at an absurdly high valuation?

>> No.55325406

By the time the Cosmos sdk 0.50 comes out, possibly q3/q4 this year, they will try to rewrite the staking module including liquid staking as part of the main part of the sdk instead of a separate branch, this will turn governance into a totally centralized process where all the governance power is delegated to staking derivatives, cosmos is one upgrade away from total centralization through staking derivatives, they planned this for years now they are so close to succeeding, delegators will not have any governance power anymore after this upgrade, hopefully this fork balances things out so that the community can port over to a new chain.

>> No.55326093
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But its happening now. I been waiting for this airdrop for months. Sneed

>> No.55326159

Sure. It is time to think of the composite of people.

Israel state crafted Apartheid.
India state crafted poverty
Korea state crafted the total emasculation of man.

States, including the state of a chain are a by product of its peoples and their historic relation to functional state crafting.

Cosmos united will be swiss, by swiss, for anyone who enjoys swiss envelopes.

All of your delegated proof of stake block space are venture capital scams being run by state crafter who create subpar systems. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

>> No.55326267
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Only one question needs to be said.
Does the holder of Atoms, enjoy being an untouchable lower caste human in Zakis caste system?

Are you low caste or not? Zaki knows you are his low caste slave.

>> No.55326318

Zaki and Ethan made soft threats with atom 2.0. 20% dilution was seen as an aggressive and hostile attack by the largest stake holders.


Fuck with coinbases money. Fuck around and find out.

>> No.55326440

Those developers? EVM. aka Solidity. Meaning they can develop on any evm chain they want.

>> No.55326642

staking derivatives are one of the most dangerous tech in cosmos, when anyone mints a staking derivative they are pretty much giving control of their voting power to the cartel.
Staking derivatives compete with the base token and make staked supply more liquid which in absence of liquidity sink and defi primitives only causes more dump.
Staking derivatives also for everyone to participate as it pushes down yield across the board, staking is a perfect machniams to lock supply, derivatives reverse this mechanism.

>> No.55326775

damn so much staking derivatives fud in this thread l, why are cosmos staking derivatives so bad?

>> No.55326971
File: 697 KB, 480x530, Zaki-on-drugs-and-greedy-no-audio.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Staking derivatives providers decide where the voting power is allocated.
This means they will allocate voting power to validators they support, shifting the voting power of the hub towards the cartel goals.

Zaki vision is that it won't be enough to stake Atom, you will have to liquid stake and add it to LPs or loan it out to be profitable, this is a way to defacto take control of the hub by making normal staking not profitable and forcing people to loan their ATOMs or lp them while using staking derivative which allocate voting power with their internal policy which can be easily controlled by teams or insiders.
ATOM should never become dead mass which is profitable only if employed in DEFI through staking derivatives.

ATOM2.0 plan removes the democratizing aspect of staking rewards, when you remove the organic source of yield it requires protocols to source their own yield which is a more attritional game that favors actors with more capital, better talent and more time to dedicate to squeezing yield (aka rich get richer).

liquid staking decreases the sovereignty and decentralization of the hub by defacto surrendering your voting power to an external entity, substituting 175 validators with 1 LS provider.

The higher the yield the higher the amount of ATOM that is liquid and available to be used in DEFI protocols at any moment, reducing rate of availability of liquid supply means DEFI on cosmos will prioritize staking derivatives, a naturally high yield means staking derivatives are less competitive as collateral, cause of the high availability of spot ATOMs.

Staking derivatives are not a profitable yield opportunity in real terms, stkETH/ETH is yelding less then US treasuries if you account for inflation and ETH drawdown versus the $ its a net negative yielding opportunity and that's a mature market with DEFI integration, clearly the goal of staking derivatives is not profitability, they know its not profitable, they care about control not yield.

>> No.55327229

so it's a shitcoin with no use case.
good luck with that.
governance doesn't matter one bit.

>> No.55327347

yeah till the cartel tries to dilute the supply of your coin by 20% through a governance proposal.
ATOM has a 3 bil mcap and DOGE 9 bil, maybe you should re-evaluate your understanding of crypto, tech and usecases matter less then memes and network effect

>> No.55327381

2023 bear market capitulation signal

>> No.55327388

cosmos grift united, go fuck yourselves this is not 2015 anymore faggots get a job

>> No.55327525

Its a double edge sword
They can also be used as leverage and collateral to pump the underlying. Thus pumping atom.

You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.55327526

Nice grift.

>> No.55327550

shut up you're the newfag here, get a job, nobody is falling for your shit

>> No.55327620

Everyone who thinks they are smarter then they actually are, always mentions lacks of usecases or DOGE, and how its just a memecoin.
Well maybe there is something going on there you don't know.
Maybe Doge having such a high monetary premium tells us something about how money works, how reality works, guess midwits think they are smarter then the market.
Ever thought that Doge does better than your shit defi protocol, because you are missing the largest concept of what money is?
The best meme has the least resistance and thus constant current in the social network.
Currency runs to the cheapest numerator and monetary premium doesn't require fancy utility and ponzinomics.
Bad currency replaces good money.

Memes propagate.

"its just a meme"

99% coins will never come close to being a meme, they will be an unknown grave stone, in a scary grave yard called coinmarketcap.
One could argue BTC is a memecoin too or the $ or the Peso, and every currency in a failing state based on a civic identity meme.
DOGE will still be here in 10 years, BTC too.
99% DEFI projects with utility and revenue streams won't.

Memetics are constant, the most fit survives, and lives in the market, tech changes and obsoletes you very fast.
Does that mean tech is worthless? no
It just means memetics should not be understimated, and uttering words like:

"Atom is a meme coin that extracts value from users" - Zaki manian (the ATOM bear)

This is the most counterproductive and false statement one can make, which just shows no understanding of how crypto or money works.Zaki & friends are ashamed of what ATOM is, they don't understand it, they don't see its powerful memetics thus they will destroy what was valuable in ATOM from the beginning, thats why a fork is needed.
Monetary premium lasts decades maybe more, DEFI/Tech/investing hedge last few years if lucky.

>> No.55328022

>>55327550. All american ceos are from India. You do not just eat the shit, you let it penetrate you. Your time is over John Smith. The rise of Rankesh is here.

>> No.55328598

Interesting, if that's the push of Zaki with his multiple tentacles as an advisor on almost every cosmos chain, it'd naturally force ppl to adopt say Stride according to his vision, if his team wins.

Might look in more depth LDS platforms in cosmos now.

>> No.55329246

They are pushing for the liquid staking upgrade this year, then all cosmos chains will get fully centralized

>> No.55329570

there is pretty much only one dominant staking provider, so they will control all cosmos chains

>> No.55329785

Isn't that the point?

>> No.55331988


>> No.55332554

LSD arent fungible between eachothers thus obviously by design they have a centralizing effect, liquidity will trend towards a single LSD

>> No.55332937

Latter day saints?

>> No.55333448

liquid staking derivatives

>> No.55334433

Well its an obvious play, liquid staking derivatives could be done in way better ways but they choose the gayest design of all, it will fully subvert cosmos, I don't get why they are doing this tho, cause after cosmos becomes super centralized gov will come in and take full control of it, the same exploits abused by them can be abused by more powerful entities

>> No.55335232

Zaki & friends are sent in by the same democrats behind Sam and gensler, look into Rebecca liao

>> No.55336095

what a shitty website, with vapourware content, you are supposed to compete with cosmos? gtfo here

>> No.55337200

The website doesn't look half bad you are being overly dramatic

>> No.55337958

Pedo apologists deserve the same fate as pedos

>> No.55339178
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Cosmos is definitely one ecosystem I'm familiar with. Now, the peaqnetwork's integration with Fetch_ai is like a whole new level of innovation in the Economy of Things, especially in the cosmos and Polkadot ecosystems. It's like unleashing a storm of possibilities!

>> No.55339201
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Polkadot is seriously the future, breaking barriers in the blockchain realm. The collaboration between Polkadot and Cosmos is about to blow our minds with Multi-Chain Machine IDs, making interactions between dApps and DePIN on DOT and ATOM ecosystems a breeze. Shoutout to peaqnetwork and Fetch_ai for embarking on this epic journey

>> No.55339225

Nice grift

>> No.55339239
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Love it seeing Poosmos retards fight each other and dissolve into ghostchains.
another one bites the dust.

>> No.55339405

Cosmos is the dpos chain that dumped less this bear market cope more

>> No.55340788

LINK is a way better long term play than cosmos

>> No.55341404

Link so fucking gay

>> No.55341809
File: 88 KB, 751x1024, 1687026378082880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zaki is a simp
"More woman in block chain needed"

Tails Rebecca since 2014.

I hope he reads this. He is a nice guy, but he should learn this about woman.
1.woman hate SIMPs
2. Woman are repulsed by India but not yoga. ( important distinction )

Atom is currently a beta orbiter simp farm. Not much different than an only fans business model.

>> No.55342948

cosmos is the ecosystem with the most amount of womans, thats why the huge toxicity and internal drama

>> No.55343643

Polkadot? Polygon is better. No one uses polkadot. Sandeep is king.

>> No.55344465

Polygon is a bunch of jeets, neck yourself

>> No.55345763

United is not mentioned on any airdrop sites seems like the cartel is bribing people

>> No.55346403

Atom to 1000 USD
Cosmos united to 200 USD

Its mutually beneficial

>> No.55346800

When airdrop

>> No.55346855

United needs to flip atom or no point

>> No.55347485

the fact that they try to justify this self-interested, chain-destroying fork by literally citing self-interest ("Anglo-Saxon Jurisprudence" aka control over enterprise by aristocracy and financial interests) is very rich to me

the reason is, crypto (and especially projects like cosmos which are centered around L0 innovative use of blockchain tech as opposed to the tokens) is supposed to be this transformative thing that changes the very structure of society through tech

and here these clowns are (i can tell the people who wrote this are total douchebags) proclaiming that what is needed is actually a return to the very heart of the problem. "anglo saxon jurisprudence" which means that every business transaction and decision must be conducted according to the one single golden calf criteria of "best fiduciary behavior" aka fiduciary responsibility aka the thing that generates the most profit for shareholders

not quality of life, not impact on problems, but self-interest, aka greed,

i don't have a horse in this race because i'm not building on cosmos but the project i'm working on is partnered with projects who are, and i think they're really cool and for that reason i want to see cosmos thrive

the people who wrote this are assholes, who are either allied with banks and corporations or actually banks and corporations themselves acting through proxy. even the name, United Cosmos, reeks of DC think tank political firm, i have worked in that sphere for years, i know exactly the type of person who wrote this, they suck, they are negatively oriented, they are in it for self-interest and material gain and their supposed concern for the ecosystem is nothing but a facade

i didn't care about this before (or even was mildly sympathetic to a cosmos fork) but after this i am dead set: fuck United Cosmos, and fuck the people who wrote this.

>> No.55347500

also by deliberately using language like "bribe" and "mafia" they are not only using inflammatory and divisive language to manipulate the crowd (a common tactic by the banking/political class for centuries, probably millennia) they are trying to bait the main cosmos people into a lawsuit for libel or slander or whatever that would draw out for years and cost bazillions of dollars

Godspeed, Cosmos people. whatever you're doing, it's pissed some people off and threatened some powerful people (probably because they don't have total control). i hope you succeed

>> No.55347518

that's rich, you dissimulating bitch, because this document's entire existence is "paper terrorism" or more accurately harassment and slander intended to bait cosmos hub into another lawsuit so you can accuse them of paper terrorism etc

$20 says that at least one of the people who wrote this has a CV that includes the words "JP Morgan" or "Goldman Sachs"

this is snake behavior.

>> No.55347565

>The whole point of cosmos united is literally fixing the fact that validators control the hub, so yeah i guess you agree with me.
>The cosmos hub is controlled by a bunch of dysgenic asians jews and jeets,
by the way i wrote this i can tell that you would prefer it is controlled by ivy league grads who worked for wall street and then got into blockchain because they saw it as a way to make money
>pillaging the common pool
you talk like a political communications professional who is catering to what they think 4chan sounds like, you're hitting all the buzzwords and stereotypes to twist and manipulate meaning and inflame emotions

the line about "opaque charities" was also a bridge too far, i don't even know what you're referring to bc like i said i don't keep up with cosmos and for all i know the charity in question really was a scam, but the way you attempted to instill a knee jerk reaction in the reader means two things
a) you assume that everyone thinks charities are a scam and waste of money (ie any money spent which is not for profit or self-interest)
b) you assume that other people also agrees with you that doing things to help people is automatically bad

i assume the "pillaging the community pool" and some other decisions you refer to were also intended for infrastructure health aka common good, the fact that you not only see these things as kneejerk bad but assume others see the world the same way as you means that you are an asshole

you and the rest of the people involved with this document are sad, small men. the parties you go to are shitty, the people you date think you're an asshole, your parents are either assholes like you or disappointed in the way you turned out, and when strangers interact with you they probably make a face like they smelled a fart because you are rude and self-centered.

my only advice is to try and have yourself a spiritual experience.

>> No.55347584

>these stupid forks that never end well
the silent partner behind United Cosmos, whoever it/they are, knows this will kill Cosmos and is doing it on purpose

whoever is funding the assholes who wrote this seems to be threatened by something Cosmos is doing, but has no legal recourse, so they are launching this bullshit corporate 5th generation warfare campaign.

someone who knows more about it than i can probably tell exactly who those silent partners are (competitors? my instinct tells me it's JPM trying to push Onyx but i don't know why, beyond this is the same tactic bankers have used to break up communities and movements for centuries or probably millennia)

>> No.55347614

>Either own a piece of the new and dejeeted hub or cry later poorfag
the fact that you typed this sentence means that in your heart you know it will fail and that the community will come together and triumph over the challenge by outsiders working through bitter losers acting in bad faith (you)

>> No.55347630

i.e. the same unscrupulous psychopaths who pay me are paying other losers to shill on other forums and twitter too

>> No.55347643

ohhh it's about interblockchain protocol isn't it. interesting.
cosmos getting used for institutional tech so ATOM will pale in comparison to other coins moving through it?
this is about Circle isn't it...why do i feel like Noble and USDC have a big role in whatever is going on here.

>> No.55347666

weird how you didn't mention the role of zionist central banks in any of your 3 examples

>> No.55347671

aha! i knew it. it's coinbase aka circle aka blackrock behind this. clearly whoever it is can afford to hire a relatively sophisticated political communications/campaign crafting firm

>> No.55348969

i think you go things backwards. dot is a ghostchain. its too hard to develop on substrate

>> No.55349215

DOT has institutional adoption, you are so wrong it's not even funny

>> No.55350475

Lol newfagg.
Like who? Vatican, teachers pension ? >>55347666
Zaki, Ethan and Jack regularly call cosmos "academic coin".

They are such fragile men they think they are unique for going to college.lolz

>> No.55350515

You must be poor or schizo. Its no ones fault in 2023 that a Russian or Chinese can't trust their own private property laws, and custodian laws.

If you have a bone to pick with cultures who can't guarantee ownership, go to pol and discriminate.

Let the adults have a discussion.

You never asked yourself why a gopnik from Ukraine has to bank in London? Is it the anglos fault or the gopnik?

>> No.55350564

Lol take your meds jae kwon. If you own 3m atoms, you will get equivalence in $bits. Forks always increase net capital.

As if bitcoiners didn't get a free hedge with bch. Hedges are symbiotic. >>55347643

Jalenea is a whore, and uses jeets, and asian SIMPs as betamax shields, then when they aren't looking she sleeps with a tall dark and handsome Portuguese man.

>> No.55350616
File: 1.10 MB, 850x1735, 1768980768ea85e0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can I get a rent free for 1.2m Atoms?

>rent free

>rent free

Its a meme because it lives rent free.
You turned the fork into a a meme.

Its a meme because it lives rent free.

>> No.55350797

But the average airdrop if my calculations are correct should be the largest to happen in ibc.

If I get 1000 $bits and it even goes to 10 USD. I made money. That's the point.

>> No.55351196

here's the anti private property shill,

crypto was born with a single philosophy in mind which is:
giving individual inalienable private property rights, thats the whole point of bitcoin and censorship resistance.
crypto is a tech that by nature strengthens individual rights over collective rights, nobody can seize your assets if you follow correct opsec.

Since ancient times property holders/stake holders/ people with skin in the game were the ones who governed systems, everybody looks back at ancient greece and how awesome of a society it was, there only male property holders could vote, thats how real democracy (they literally invented the word) worked, on the contrary modern society is so dysfunctional cause representative democracy was chosen as best governance method, people without skin in the game which are good at campaigning get elected to represent the will of the people but in the process they realize they can put their own interests first, middlemans always end up redirecting the system so that it satisfies their own aims, thats the same problem with cosmos 15 VALIDATORS OWN THE MAJORITY OF THE VOTING POWER, its the most centralized blockchain in all of crypto, united seeks to change that allowing all token holders to vote directly without being represented by middlemans aka validators.

>not quality of life, not impact on problems...
sure please make some historical examples of such system based on nice ideals being implemented and working, idealism is nice and all but realism is the only thing that works, stakeholder capitalism worked the longest across time and space, if you think you can build a better system feel free to do it, but dont bust balls of people actually choosing what works best. You sound very young and idealist, and without experience in real business or being a business owner, you sound like you are part of the bureaucrats class and despise people who have to make hard choices cause you have never made none yourself.

>> No.55351205

too bad the mafia and cartel are actually there, you seem to ignore the whole point of why this fork exist, the cartel (that you don't wanna admit exists) tried to fuck every single token holder by inflating 20% of the supply, they keep damaging ATOM the asset they are supposed to work on and they have long standing plans to further centralize it through staking derivatives and other means.
they also launch competitors to atom cause their incentives are completely misaligned.
you call it inflammatory and divisive language i call it calling out your enemy and acknowledging it exists.

>> No.55351216

nobody here is ivy league but the people you are protecting aka the various cosmos founders, they are all well backed well educated well funded individuals from the top schools, they are literally the people you despise and they behave like the greedy fucks they are, they also have no histroical and genetical understanding of working governance systems cause tehir ancestors built none, go live in india or israel for a couple of months then tell me how those people are amazing governance architects.

you dont get it, the cosmos hub is not supposed to fund charities, wasnt in the founding docs, was never talked about, private property is not supposed to dilute itself to delegate actions to unaccountable parties, the truth is blockchains in the current state will never be able to properly fund charities cause charity happens in teh real world and blockchains have no way to keep people accountable, so knowing the limits of the system you work in is necessary for good governance.
bad governance is thinking people will not try to steal from the common, cosmos has been prey to such behaviors since inception and now you are calling teh act of denouncing such injustice as greedy, people who held ATOM for years are fucking tired of the founders being fucking GREEDY and EVIL thus the need of a fork, you are misdirecting you social justice warrior energy to the people trying to fix the problem.

>> No.55351222

you say this will kill cosmos and that this will not succedd at the same time, at least be coherent, but i guess you just admitted you are a payed shill so no coherence can be expected from you

>> No.55351817


Allodial title constitutes ownership of real property that is independent of any superior landlord

allodial. / (əˈləʊdJəl) / adjective. (of land) held as an allodium. (of tenure) characterized by or relating to the system of holding land in absolute ownership: the allodial system.

Retards and your essays.

>> No.55352410
File: 3.24 MB, 3809x4000, New Project(8) (1)(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

circle and usdc are the people behind zaki and all the other cosmos founders, noble is their way of further controlling the hub and united is the reaction to that, these people are all democrats plants from the same entities behind gensler and sam, they are all having dinners together, cosmos as of now is the most dystopic chain in crypto. also you knowing noble shows you are very knowledgeable on cosmos cause nobody outside the ecosystem knows about it, you better drop your facade as external neutral party not involved in cosmos.

>> No.55353433

That pic is pure weaponized autism, good job anon.

>> No.55353666

great job anon. jews, asians and pajeets all scammers, with asians and jews constantly trying to out jew each other, even at the expense of their own. if you weren't born a glowie, you get recruited to be a glowie in uni's.

we need a monero bridge in ibc already. secret wont pony up because the jew tor is too busy stealing community funds as well. with jews you lose.

the new hub can gains oceans of value if it becomes a place where xmr can be swapped for wrapped or native xmr in a genuine and responsible way. monero is all silo'd off, ocean of liquidity untapped. we could be getting fees for swapping and transferring. get folks from xmr,thor,nomic to make this a reality. maybe a a prop from the hub, new or old to make this happen. though happening with the old hub is unlikely.

>> No.55354566

So Rebecca Liao studied under Sam scaman dad and now she's is the woman behind zaki takeover of cosmos, the world is a small place in DC, she even served under Clinton and got Alameda money into sommelier

>> No.55355096
File: 183 KB, 639x562, image.psd(11).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everybody is taking their turn fucking ATOM and the community pool

>> No.55355529 [DELETED] 

after they pass the liquid staking module it will be full gangbang

>> No.55356414

Was the snapshot for the airdrop taken already?

>> No.55356890

no details on that yet

>> No.55357127

It will be based on ATOM staking right?