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55318171 No.55318171 [Reply] [Original]

All that bullshit about freedom money and self sovereignty. You don't believe that crap. You want number go up. You want to buy a token and then you want other people to keep buying it after you at higher and higher prices. Doesn't matter if it's a "blue chip" or a frog coin.

>> No.55318244

It's because I'm old enough to remember when people didnt trust 'putting their credit card on the internet' people dislike and fear things that they do not yet understand. especially the knuckledraggers that believe everything they see on TV. but perceptions change with time. Normans will FOMO in but it has to be dumbed down and simple for them to do it.

just connecting to the internet back in the 90s was an ordeal that is long since forgotten because of how easy it is now. I expect something similar for crypto and blockchain tech, it will be idiot-proofed (on the front end, think iPhones) for the average Norman to trust it.

>> No.55318291
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>Everyone hates crypto
A fantasy. Mass adoption is coming because large corporations and Wall Street banks will make a fortune off crypto.

>> No.55318551

I didn't start buying crypto until early 2022. When you aren't actively looking into it, you'll find that most of the media coverage about crypto is negative. It's scams, collapsing companies, Silk Road, etc. That's all I really knew about crypto until recently, and I'm a fairly open guy in my early-30s.

>> No.55318788

People outside of this sub are majority apathetic to Crypto, then there is a fringe group that actually hates crypto. My experience isn’t that most people hate it though, at least the people I know.

>> No.55318883

Most people don't hate crypto they just think you are an idiot for buying it.

>> No.55318911

Nah, those are the loud minority, and they skew the reality. The people we’re talking about you never notice because they don’t speak up about crypto because they barely know about it and don’t have strong enough feelings to weigh in.

>> No.55318923

I canvassed my work colleagues on if they'd buy BTC or ETH:
"Hell, naw man"
"Crypto is a scam"
"No way, that's a ponzi"
"I don't know anywhere that accepts BTC"
"My bank warned me to avoid it"
"It's racist"
"What is ETH, it sounds like a weight loss drug"

>> No.55318945
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Crypto has a long way to go before mass adoption. It is difficult to use, it is risky, but I do believe in the underlying purpose. I don't recommend crypto to my family, because frankly, I do not trust my parents to use it safely. We need to fix that

>> No.55318965

The only reason I know Bitcoin is a good investment is because people are shitty.
People are greedy little pieces of shit. Crypto's existence is proof enough. It does nothing, helps no one, causes environmental decay and still people don't care and buy it for the pricetag alone.
It will never die, because people will always be pieces of fucking garbage.

>> No.55319013
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Im here unironically for the tech
check rebate (rbe) using uniswap v3 if you don't believe me
the people who've never touched an economy book won't understand ofc but cryptographic tech + liquidity bands are the future of the global economy, and we are all here early. Some call dibs some don't

>> No.55319037
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Blockchain is being adopted like any other useful technology in computing.

It's just that adopting it doesn't mean anyone has to buy your bags. Outside of BTC and ETH there is no native currency for blockchain that inherits value from its adoption.

There are countless languages, protocols, formats, etc. that have been developed to make the internet and computation what they are today. It is just technology that has certain useful applications.

Blockchain was developed in conjunction with Bitcoin, which is supposed to be internet money. This led to the idea that blockchain and money are tied together. They aren't.

People don't need to buy your bags to use HTTPS, and they don't need to buy your bags to use blockchains. It's just a kind of technology that opportunists and scammers used to leech money off of people in a speculative bubble built around hype for something they don't understand.

>> No.55319293

You are their exit liquidity

>> No.55319328
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Everyone hates crypto when it’s down, and everybody wants it when it’s going up.

>> No.55319378
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Hard money is highly desirable systemically as it forces positive sum activity, hard money however WAS impractical to use, being replaced by soft money hundreds of years ago. History has proven that 'backed' soft money will always be abused, the difficultly inherent in past hard money makes verification etc unwieldy, leading backed soft money to become unbacked over time. But the systemic economic value of hard money remains, BTC (all PoW Crypto really) is hard money that's easy to use, that is it's value. It is not in competition with the financial system, it is in competition with fiat. BTC will continue to grow as long as statists debase, which they will never stop doing as debasement is the lever which they use to manipulate the economy. You see powerful parasites and say "they are too powerful, we can't fight them" Economy sees powerful parasites and says "so much free value!". BTC is the sword Economy wields to slay the parasites, BTC's Becoming is guaranteed by the systemic economic value gained by fiat's demise.

>> No.55319393


You have to go back FAGGOT

>> No.55319438

It's being fixed already. Immunify for example is working on improving the data management system most especially for hospitals in Africa, privacy and security are also being tackled by Monero, Oasis, Azero amongst others.

>> No.55319484

>Doesn't matter if it's a "blue chip" or a frog coin.
Blue chips matter especially if you want to make it. There are a lot of blue chips on Zealy that you can get for free.

>> No.55319517

One critical difference: blockchain is not standing between me and unlimited free porn. What motivation would any normal person have to want to figure out how to use crypto? The internet sold itself

>> No.55319607
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You're a psychopath.

>> No.55319777
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See: >>55319378

Forcing positive sum activity is immensely valuable, but was transactionally disfavoured, think of an chemical reaction with HUGE delta-g but very high activation energy. BTC (PoW Crypto) gets us over the hump.

>> No.55319841

People hate crypto because
>They got burned with their shitty alt bags
They will forget this in 4-5 years. They always forget. Normies have no memory. Trust me I know many normies
>They read headlines that say not to buy it
Once the headlines shift the cattle will shift their opinions. I know plenty of normies that recite headlines word for word like it's their own opinions

>> No.55319869

Absolutely, mate! You hit the nail on the head with that analogy. BTC and its Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus mechanism are like the catalyst in that chemical reaction you mentioned. Sure, the activation energy might be high, but once it's overcome, the positive-sum activity kicks in.

>> No.55319879
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>$dad will free you
send funds to dad.eth and thank me on monday when you make a bag for fathers day

>> No.55319966

The more we have real-life utilities, the more we introduce normies in the space. Real-life utilities equal more adoption.

>> No.55320010


>> No.55320062

There are negative aspects associated with crypto, zoom out and see the potential impact and broader benefits in the society.

>> No.55320086

You use your crypto to incentivize AI then you use the AI to market your crypto and then you use your AI to write businesses for you.

>> No.55320125

It doesnt solve any real world probs besides dodging some laws. Otherwise its just a shitty unregistered penny stock.

>> No.55320139

>Dodging laws
>Not valuable

>> No.55320164

It’s called gold

>> No.55320173

I think this redditor forgot his /s.

>> No.55320220

Based, but solutions like OREID make it as simple as possible and also secure. Even for grannies.

>> No.55320299

>People outside of this sub

>> No.55320558

Resistance to government censorship is an inherent property of money. Prior to this century, money didn't exist.

>> No.55320600

first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win

>> No.55321027

No one gives a damn if it's a frog coin or a Chad token. just fucking HODL your crypto with OREID like a boss.

>> No.55321034

>heh you don't actually want to be free of governments totalitarian control over your money you just want to be rich
I want both ideally

>> No.55321042

>I canvassed
Look a liberal retard

>> No.55321048

Anon transactions are the only way to make that fantasy a reality. Stay ahead of the curve and keep your privacy.

>> No.55321113

Newfag, wait for decentralized IDs. DigiID heading that way.

>> No.55321120

>be cash
>leaves no trail
> doesnt disappear off the face of the earth if you forget where you put it
>is real in your hand

>be bitcoin
>shady to use
>easy to trace
>can be identified by using it
>is public and permanent
>lose key instantly vaporized
>imaginary money exists somewhere but you can never touch it

>be xmr
>tries to be cash
>plz wait 45min to sync everytime you open your wallet
>can easily fuck up addresses
>can still be vaporized
>sketchy af to use
>gay homo community

Yeah crypto is shit

>> No.55321130

>Everyone hates crypto
try going outside maybe kek

>> No.55321140

> doesnt disappear off the face of the earth if you forget where you put it
it pretty much does lol

>> No.55321179

That's why we got privacy systems like Monero and Railgun, to prevent (((them))) from watching our crypto move and censoring anon.

>> No.55321202

>blockchain is not standing between me and unlimited free porn

not yet

>> No.55321225

Most people are not interested in purchasing drugs or child porn, so crypto has no real use to them.

>> No.55321248

now do precious metals

>> No.55321255

I want to avoid taxes.

>> No.55321277

That's me and I honestly think most people, i honestly can't imagine having strong feelings about it. Either buy it or don't, who cares.
If its a scam worst case I lost a bit of money. If it's not I might make some money.

>> No.55321579

Do not focus on cryptobros but on nations welcoming crypto. Kek, UK, UAE, China, and many other countries are positioning for it. UAR endorsed CryptMi and is also built a crypto centre.

>> No.55321658

Holy shit this is the bottiest bot reply I’ve ever read. If you’re reading this and you’re not a bot, wh3re d03s a n1gg3rs t0ngue g0?

>> No.55322079

Gold is difficult to transact with, why we haven't used it in hundreds of years, "backed" money WILL be corrupted.
False. You fail to realize the inefficiencies generated by fiat

>> No.55322406
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Bitcoin solves money.

The entire fiat grift rests on debasement outpacing wage growth, such that real wages fall while assets inflate (parasitic transfer of resources from income earners to oligarchs), wages have been rising around 5%/yr, hence Fed will keep real inflation above 5% to fuck over workers [written before Jay the Faggot bitched out]. PoW crypto allows workers to opt out of the fiat grift, Bitcoin will pump because statist fucking shits won't stop debasing.

>> No.55322416

I came here to call you an idiot specifically

>> No.55322562

It’s retarded to compare it to the internet. Sorry you overinvested nigger

>> No.55322619

Agree, and also if banks use crypto majority of people won't even realize they are using it, until one day they notice they don't have pending payments on the weekends.

>> No.55322627

>t. Never owned a fax machine

>> No.55323200

>Decentralized identities
>Full Control

Just some of the benefits.

>> No.55323223

Welcome to Abuja, Nigeria. Some villages are only using crypto now #Person2Person

>> No.55323225

It lets me pay anonymously

>> No.55323240

Normies never do any research

>> No.55323294

Guns have negative parts as well as positive. Ban it in the US kek.
Finally, an OG that can relate. There is also opportunities of earning
like staking, farmign though protocols like SpoolFi or Y2kFi. LM and many othre advantage

>> No.55323340

Who cares about environmental shit? Teslas fuck their world and people buy them cus they are stupid cucks that think lithium grows on trees. Im in it to make money and i have

>> No.55323364

Paper beats rock

>> No.55323690

I hate you for this Anon. DePIN offers one of the most real-world implementations of blockchain technology. Argue with your keyboard, pajeet.

>> No.55323708

ITT shills trying to sell their bags.

>> No.55323755

Crypto has been the future of finance every year for the past 14 years and will stay that way for another 14, and another, and

>> No.55323774

>Everyone hates crypto
Its going to be forced on them when the current system collapses. They won't have a say in the matter.

>> No.55323788

This here is the truth.
Clowns like Changpeng Zhao and Sam Bankman-Fried are not modern day Robin Hoods either. They don't want to protect little people against the corrupt, jewish bankers. They want to replace them and become the new global elite. All the cryptocunts just want to become rich. They don't want justice, that's why they turn a blind eye on obvious frauds. At the end of the day, this bunch is no better than the federal reserve. The only difference is, crypto people are incompetent losers, with no style. I mean, Binance, Bittirex, Nexo, Bitfiniex, FTX, Terra, Luna? Really? How can you trust shit that have such ridiculous, childish names? Only an idiot takes this seriously.

>> No.55323799

Dream on, poor boy.
Oh, sorry, you have millions on paper. Well, I'm sure you can cash out, once your fraud exchange of choice, unfreezes withdrawals, after they finish the "temporary maintenance".

>> No.55323803

only if you expect XMR to be mass-adopted (LOL)

>> No.55323809

Good God you Americans are stupid. In Europe you can pay for anything at any point, 24/7, without crypto. It's been like this for at least a decade. Your archaic banking system is not the norm.

>> No.55323890

America lives rent fucking free in Yuropoverty minds

>> No.55324057

>"I don't know anywhere that accepts BTC
This dude is a total noob
>>Full Control
Some crypto gems like Zcash, sylo, monero, pivx excels in this
another way to protect your privacy is to use a reputable DEX

>> No.55324482

You fucking name some weird tokens and zoomed off. Nah! Compliance structures are going to boom next. As regulations keep coming so will their importance show. NexeraID, Polygon, and Everest are products you should be looking out for.

>> No.55324666

only idiots who bought the top, were impatient and then sold at a loss hate crypto. oh and retards who got scammed.

>> No.55324677

cursed digits...stupid message

>> No.55324720

You're dumb right?

I can't even get paid without crypto because of the central bank of my country won't allow .

But neverminded, you are probably a paid shill or too low IQ to understand how crypto solves payments worldwide.

>> No.55324752

They specifically despise the crypto/nft bro amateur douchebaggery because to them that's all crypto appears to be. When regulators, institutions and asset managers begin getting seriously involved and the sheen of professionalism arrives they will be quick to change their tune

>> No.55324761

>When regulators, institutions and asset managers begin getting seriously involved
that happened in 2021 and normies lost their shit you fucking newfag

>> No.55324774

>Mass adoption is coming because large corporations
kek, It's already happening as large organization like Audi and Porsche already partnered with holoride to revolutionize in-car entertainment to make long car rides more engaging.

>> No.55324825

No it didn't. As a general rule they won't touch this shit until there are clear regulations and at the moment gensler is being a huge cuck. Other countries are making progress with regulations though

>> No.55324900

and it's tech has been used in variety of applications, including gaming, entertainment, and especially education.

>> No.55324951
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Hahaha, don't be a cringe and drop some solid redpills that make this a dank hold. When you're talking about real-world implementations, you gotta mention the sick Crypto payment game with the use of xMoney or the mad blockchain skills pulled off by the devs, just like Aptos did. But I'm not sure if you're ready to step up to this epic conversation

>> No.55324992

Haha, bruh, you hit the nail on the head! Crypto has been the absolute chad of finance for like, forever, man. It's been the future every single year for the past freaking 14 years, and I don't see this stopping anytime soon, especially with top brands like GUESS, alternative AirLines, and Tesla now using crypto for payment.

>> No.55326791

>Everyone hates
didn't read, but thanks for posting

>> No.55326908

BlockRock, an 13 Trillion dollar company, is trying to do a Bitcoin ETF. Mass adoption will happen because the big Wall Street banks expect to make a fortune off crypto.

>> No.55327127

Normies don't rule society

>> No.55327154

the fundamental problem is that the things genuine bitcoin proponents like are the things normies and central banks don't like
they WANT to surveil transactions, chargeback, insure, etc.
most people don't and have never valued freedom, it was just freemasons projecting their own feelings on the masses

>> No.55327220

Fuckin normies glowies and jews getting in the way of me making an honest living pushing coke meth and heroin

>> No.55327253

Fucking dumbass skunk retard who doesn't know massive adoption is already happening. CryptMI has gotten a license to operate as a crypto solution to drive adoption in UAE.

>> No.55327264

The natural greed of humans is what pushes them to alts in the bull run. The $1k they put into Bitcoin becomes $2k and suddenly they think “Hey maybe I can put this $2k into $200k with something else!”

The natural greed of humans during the pumps ensures that crypto bull runs will continue forever

>> No.55327414

>Who cares if they think you're an idiot for buying crypto? As long as it's stacking those sweet gains in your wallet, that's all that matters, right? Now, let's talk about the next big thing I'm keeping an eye on: DePIN. It's gonna revolutionize the blockchain game with some real-world usage. Solana, Peaq, Iotx, Helium—they're the ones making waves in this space. Let's keep becoming idiot even more froglet.
Harder anon

>> No.55327463

That's not true, banks do not settle accounts 24 7 just because you're in Europe. Too bad you don't know anything about banking.

>> No.55327464
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>gay homo community
seethe harder, glowie
XMR is the straight man's currency

>> No.55327623
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>still fantasizing about mass adoption
Dude you realize just yesterday #36 Quant was announced as a key partner of the Bank of England and BIS right? For their CBDC? If this isn't a sign of mass adoption I don't know what is.

Its staring niggas in the face but niggas choose to ignore. Good luck.


>> No.55329099

I interact mostly with projects that help my daily activities to get better. For starters, I don't utilize banks anymore. Defi to the rescue.

>> No.55329337

I completely agree with you. We definitely require more platforms like QanPlatform. Not only does it offer real-life utility by providing a quantum-resistant blockchain, but it also focuses on enabling developers to earn royalties when their codes are reused on the platform. This particular feature has contributed to the growing number of developers in the space

>> No.55329346
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>> No.55329363


>> No.55329672

How did you replace banks with Defi?

>> No.55329705

it is a shame that crypto with all the benefits of anonymity and self ownership/sovereignty never become a real alternative to the current banking system
who is to blame for this?

>> No.55329725

Somehow the western world managed to stay relatively stable and not lose enough trust in the banking system for crypt to ever be seen as an alternative, on top the entire scam circus that arrived in 2015 made it look scammier than the scammiest bank

>> No.55329780

I get paid, after sorting my bills, I move what's left into stables and get them into smart vaults on SpoolFi to earn yields with APRs much better than what banks would offer in an HYSA.


>> No.55329827

I am their entrance liquidity

>> No.55329887

its weird tho; after all those incredibly unpopular bank bail-outs and the whole occupy wall street stuff that crypto is considered (on thw ehole) more scammier
the lack of real world utility for btc still baffles me
early adopters and pioneers rested on their laurels maybe
hope I am wrong my positive and optimistic fren

>> No.55329912

You feel safe doing that? Lol

>> No.55330005

Yeah! Risks are diversified but with banks, it would be a single exposure that can come crashing down in a minute. SVB isn't too far long ago.

>> No.55331099

you come from a nation with stable currency, places like venezuela need bitcoin because their money is only good for wiping your ass

>> No.55331167
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Adoption's on the rise, anon! Only losers hate on crypto while the rest of us invest in quality. Personally, I've stacked up on KREST for that juicy PEAQ reward. So, why would I ever hate on crypto

>> No.55331301

This is possible with IoT projects that emphasised on decentralized applications for a range of machines, including vehicles, robots, and other devices. Through this technology, users can govern and earn as these connected machines provide goods and services to both people and other machines.

>> No.55333383 [DELETED] 


>> No.55334856

god beeple is such a hack
what a waste of an artist.
the last 5 years he has put out nothing but the lowest effort dogshit imaginable.

>> No.55334873

I had an old coworker who sweared crypto was going to solve everything. He said crypto would be used as a way for voting, that it would allow for true democracy to be a thing. I never knew crypto bros could be so delusional

>> No.55335320

It is becoming more of a reality, crypto projects like AstraDAO that provides a zero-fee participation model, and RippleX with its decentralized identity features are one of the driving forces for mass adoption

>> No.55335362

You get the point, they are staying on the sidelines and trying to stop the train, retards. I'm big on AstraDAO and can't get enough of the marketplace units and staking using the DAO-managed treasury

>> No.55336790


>it's difficult to use

I can use centralized legacy payment systems and:
>enter credit card / debit card info to website
>hope they practice good cyber security / hygiene LOL
>hope they themselves won't steal my money with the provided payment info
>not care that the medium of exchange loses purchasing power every nanosecond of every day and is a built-in "feature" (Fed annual inflation goal is 2%)
>worry about using it at gas pumps / fast food / getting card skimmed
>have to enter pin number every time
>pay multiple percent fees on top of tax for every purchase for the "convenience" of using what god's chosen graciously provide the goyim for their convenience
>have my purchase data sold to third parties / used by surveillance state
>wait hours or days for payment to finally settle / appear in history
>can have account frozen for having wrongthink


>vendor provides QR code on receipt in restaurant or on payment webpage to receive payment in Monero (XMR)
>copy paste an address or use QR reader on phone for instant fill-in of address and amount
>hit send
>private transaction completed
>no outrageous fees
>you don't have to hand over the equivalent of your spend key like with a credit card
>WAY faster than legacy payment systems by an order of magnitude - accept payment when it hits the mempool, or wait a whopping 2 minutes average for a block

My luddite mom and boomer neighbor has no problem using it precisely because it's so EASY
What part of this is hard, exactly? Shalom btw

>> No.55337376

You're retarded. People WANTED to put their credit cards online, especially as online shopping like Amazon started getting big, they just didn't trust it. People don't want crypto, so whether they trust it or not is irrelevant.

>> No.55337539

>can easily fuck up addresses

Monero specifically uses base58 for addresses so that even retards like you who don't know how to use copy paste or a QR code will have trouble fucking it up.

>> No.55337555


Anon got it in one.

>> No.55337591

Fukken saved

>> No.55337652

The only people who are still motivated by cryptocurrency as an ideal are a small minority of deluded btc maxipads and the XMR community.
That's it.

>> No.55338606

With banks going to shit, that's about to change.
Holding large sums on a flash drive in a safety deposit box will be better than any bank.

>> No.55339728

>the lack of real world utility for btc still baffles me

Wake up from your slumber anon! Brands like LV and Tesla receive payments in BTC, and we also have protocols creating solutions to provide better investment opportunities.

>> No.55339852

Until you wake up from slumber, & accept reality, you won't know how important BTC is, that small minority will change the world with time
Privacy and decentralization is what crypto offers and your shitty banks can't offer you that

>> No.55339881

And you can do that without any fucking retard shitting on your net worth by just shielding your transactions, which the fuckin' banks can't.

>> No.55339894

LMAO. Anon must be high on crack. Chads are trading indices on AstraDAO and making good profits. Jeets will learn soon enough.

>> No.55339972
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>Everyone hates crypto
The public are fickle. They'll be back to loving it again when a couple tiktok influencers talk about their recent big wins.

Betting against this is betting against the human desire to gamble and win big. There will be another bullrun on memes, and altcoins will follow.

>> No.55340069
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Correct. At first you're in denial, but after a few years you just want your bags to moon and nothing else matters
Pump by bags, sers
Yes, sers. Go all in at the top

>> No.55340199

>People WANTED to put their credit cards online

Complete bullshit, most people were scared at first

>> No.55340216

Banks? More like centralize fucksticks. They're all up in our business with their public surveillance crap. But crypto is the real deal, all decentralized and shit. And the best part? Anonymity is guaranteed with zk-SNARKs. No more prying eyes, man

>> No.55340218

There's a significant increase in traditional institutions coming onboard the Crypto space lately.

>> No.55340297

>enter credit card / debit card info to website
>hope they practice good cyber security / hygiene LOL
>hope they themselves won't steal my money with the provided payment info
>worry about using it at gas pumps / fast food / getting card skimmed
>have to enter pin number every time

Plenty of stores and websites now support Apple Pay / Google Pay which keeps your payment information private from merchants. You also have to securely confirm the amount being charged with the payment platform for the transaction to succeed, not with a PIN but something far more secure like on-device biometric authentication.

>pay multiple percent fees on top of tax for every purchase for the "convenience" of using what god's chosen graciously provide the goyim for their convenience

In the developed world (i.e. not the USA) card companies have a 0.2-0.3% cap on fees. Individual EU countries can opt to set their caps even lower.

>wait hours or days for payment to finally settle / appear in history

Again, not in the developed world (i.e. not the USA).

>not care that the medium of exchange loses purchasing power every nanosecond of every day and is a built-in "feature" (Fed annual inflation goal is 2%)
>have my purchase data sold to third parties / used by surveillance state
>can have account frozen for having wrongthink

Libertarian goldbug shit. The point of money is for it to find its way into productive uses (aka investments), not to sit in a vault indefinitely and magically grow in value. And unless you either live in places like Venezuela or Iran or deal in the black market, there's no rational justification for schizo-level paranoia.

>> No.55340323

We have seen Mastercard and Binance, CryptMi and Visa and also Polygon and Nike. The future is quite promising, I must say.

>> No.55340345

Hell yeah anon, the gaming industry is totally spearheading this sh*t! Web2 games are straight up migrating to the glorious realm of web3. And let me tell you, Oreprotocol is making that transition smoother than a greased-up rollercoaster. Web2 to web3 is gonna be an absolute game-changer, my dude

>> No.55340469

Hey retarded noob. Cryptobros are now focusing on the enhanced data automation and optimization capabilities provided by DePIN projects like peaq, iotex, etc, Faggot.

>> No.55340498
File: 6 KB, 250x250, 1686944576478782s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not just on Zealy Anon. I took part in the KREST public sale on allianceblock Fundr . This makes me eligible for the PEAQ airdrop.

>> No.55340504

Pretty much.

Basically all of crypto is a ponzi (including BTC), where the only purpose is to make money by selling to the next sucker at an higher price.

Nobody uses it for productive purposes and nobody even has any incentive to do so. Why? Because crypto is by design limited in number, which again means that as more people acquire it its price goes up....which means nobody uses it as a currency - since you would lose money by making transactions with it i.e by selling it - but as a speculative asset to "hodl" and make money (again by selling to the next sucker for real currency).

The same features that people worship about BTC or other cryptos, are the features that ensure its failure as a currency.
And that's why after 15 years people are still here saying "muh mass adoption is imminent!".
Mark my words the situation will be the same when we reach the 20 years anniversary.

On the other hand fiat is literally the opposite, it incentivizes people to spend on real consumption and investment goods, instead of hoarding useless bits or papers.

>> No.55340599

How's this possible, jeet?
How will web2 be connected to web3, when they are separate web

>> No.55340614
File: 117 KB, 1058x1301, despair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice oldfag picrel, this is now an ancient bitcoin meme thread.

>> No.55340640

Having an L1 project powering EOT and IoT will bridge the gap between DeFi and conventional finance, and might potentially improve adoption, anon.

>> No.55340950

With Oreprotocol, you can connect web2 to web3 by using your web2 logins to register for their decentralized solution, this will store your ID on their platform without third-party access.

>> No.55340996

The real adoption is that privacy is coming to DeFi game now. And guess what? Beef finance just dropped a bombshell by integrating privacy into their system. Now you can earn that sweet yield without sacrificing your anonymity, baby! It's like having the best of both worlds. Get in on the action and enjoy the gains while keeping your identity down low

>> No.55341107

btc will work because of its ability to harness human greed and laziness, which are infinite

>> No.55341308

Crypto was created to arrive to cbdcs.
The ultimate control of money, our tool of control.
Everything useful for that will be worth money.
And XMR, who knows.

>> No.55341345

>jeet maxipad thinks btc offers privacy and lacks reading comprehension

>> No.55341354

i'm some rando, not usually a /biz/ type but i know what crypto is good for, illicit things. I wanted to buy some drugs recently and they stopped taking credit cards. crypto is for crime.

>> No.55342466

BTC, bros, it's all about that open ledger shit, right? But lemme tell ya, if you wanna keep your biz on the down-low, there's some sick privacy protocols out there. We got zcash, we got Railgun, and who knows what else? Keep it hush-hush and make that crypto game strong.

>> No.55342519

You say this like it's news or something. Yes, nobody is "in it for the tech" that meme died a long time ago. You could argue the crypto space still had standards in 2017 when people would still read white papers and invest in "legit" projects, but now? fuck no, two animal coins went into the top 10, crypto is a joke and will never be used for anything except gambling and scamming.

>> No.55343619

Yo, bro! You hit the nail on the head! Privacy is the real deal in the DeFi game right now, stackin up that tasty yield without having to give up your anonymity, is like havin' the sickest combo ever.

>> No.55343683

I'd rather roll with RAIL & SCRT, these bad boys are privacy protocol tokens, ya know? XMR is a legit privacy coin, but damn, those SEC dogs are sniffin' 'em out like crazy, Stay low-key and play it smart

>> No.55343742

Nothing is impossible in crypto

>> No.55343787

zksnarks is where it's happening in the blockchain space right now, no doubt

>> No.55343789

You ask a normal person if they agree with the fundamental tenets of Bitcoin they'll go "oh that makes sense, I actually agree with that!". But as soon as something scary happens like FTX (which has nothing to do with Bitcoin) they'll cry for government daddy and protection. People say they want decentralization and less goverment control over money but they actually don't.

>> No.55343829

Hell yeah, it's fucking mind-blowing to rake in those gains while keepin' your sick damn ass on the down-low, bro! Privacy is slowly but surely takin' over the DeFi space

>> No.55343887

With zksnarks, you can unleash some next-level cryptographic wizardry and keep your shenanigans hidden from prying eyes while maintaining transparency

>> No.55343936

Mass adoption and access to crypto-oriented strategies is highly possible. Anons are harvesting investment strategy profits using AstraDAO's Treasury.

>> No.55343941

That's a lot of technical stuff you said there anon
I do know that web3 based comms app like sylo prioritize data protection though

>> No.55344004

This thread just proves OP right.

Absolute delusion, moving goalposts, pure copium about blockchain technology, future money, institutional investments and other bullshit.

Sprinkle in posts from obvious as fuck retard marketers trying to shill their scams (all of them complete scams), you can see why cryptobros are subhumn trash.

>> No.55344068

Wtf this thread has been up for a week

>> No.55344236
File: 88 KB, 1624x850, gold-btc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont look at the chart faggot

>> No.55344254

>thread posted 3 days ago
dead board

>> No.55344468
File: 234 KB, 442x446, 1668749418898197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mass adoption is coming-
sure thing retard, in how long?, two more weeks?.

>> No.55344562

Still doesn't stop your data from getting sold, so what's the point? Kek

>> No.55344575

It's been coming since 2020 hahaha

>> No.55344591

except once all money becomes electronic and regulated, people are gonna really start to see the value in decentralization for their illicit activity. never forget bitcoin became popular because of the dark web in the first place.

>> No.55344848

You don't get it do you?
Your data in this case can't be sold or accessed because it's on the blockchain

so no chance of you finding ads related to what you just told your nigger friend about on call

>> No.55344864

In essence, illicit activity is also a form of use case for cryptos?

>> No.55345154

I don't think that's what he meant

>> No.55345180

That shit is real, most of your conversation is being listened to and sold for targeted ads

>> No.55345461

Bait. When the government prints cash, they're effectively nullifying whatever transaction you were going to make with your cash. Yes, I can hide cash transactions to an extent, but if the supply of cash doubles then that dramatically reduces my ability to buy anything, traceable or not. You can identify the owner of a bitcoin, but you can't make a new one for free or confiscate it. Gold fails on the second point. Cash fails both.

>> No.55345779

"Illicit" is not a technical definition, if you can ban "illicit" activity from a money then you can also ban licit activity for political reasons, peer-to-peer money is censorship resistant, that is a use case for crypto, yes.

>> No.55345908

You're right chad. I was impressed when I found out the innovation from DEPINS to convert robots to valuable service providers.