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55316975 No.55316975 [Reply] [Original]

Wait, Americans are actually going to close their stock market for a day because of a random black dude who got killed by a fentanyl overdose while being arrested by a cop for using counterfeit money?

>> No.55317016
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>> No.55317304

I think the holiday is about word the Emancipation Proclamation got to Texas. I bes free day, if you will.

>> No.55317316
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>> No.55317369
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That one guy is lovin it, Aahaha this is peak boomer humor

>> No.55317937
File: 729 KB, 1044x636, Christians.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well yes, but it's not really the "power of America" but rather the power of the jewish mind-poison Christianity. American society is heavily based on jewish values, despite being founded by Deists.

>> No.55318193

why are yanks so completely obsessed with them?

>> No.55318260

>given freedom to go back to their homeland
>decides to stay put and complain

>> No.55318285

Wait. America is going to start a war over oil?
Then again to pump weapons stocks?
Wait. America is going to defund healthcare during a pandemic?
Wait. America is going to defund the USPS and put harsh regulations against mail in ballots during an election year?
Wait. You're going to let Puerto Rico go without power because you don't consider them a state?

Republicans have way more style with their crimes against humanity, imo.

>> No.55318287

Imagine if that chink at the shop just kept his mouth shut. We wouldn't have BLM or any other of this horse shit.

>> No.55318338
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America is a decaying empire, not only in economic terms but also in cultural and social terms and anyone denying this is simply coping.

It's ridden with the woke cultural marxist psyops on a daily basis straight out of the Tavistock Institute and the majority of the population (especially zoomers) fall for them. It's entire market is dominated by Blackrock and the Federal Reserve that prints trillions out of thin air while worsening the living conditions for 99% of the population. It's population is docile, fat and addicted to narcotics (opiates, benzos, SSRIs, ADHD medications). The masses are hypnotized by their daily Netflix, Hollywood and favourite sports so at the end of the day things keep getting worse.

>> No.55318355


Based pepe

>> No.55318855

That’s why chinks are now the primary targets of the knockout game. Their fault for immigrating to the birthplace of basketball.

>> No.55320124


>> No.55320565

Diversity is our strength. America is only strong because we are diverse

>> No.55320636

NYC subway is pure entertainment

>> No.55320672

he had a heart attack from his fake panicking act

>> No.55320681

and nothing is more degenerate than the whorish white woman