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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55311834 No.55311834 [Reply] [Original]

Honest question, I have a hard time understanding how one can cope with life making $10-20 an hour doing backbreaking work or humiliating retail work always on your feet and at the mercy of shitty customers/bosses while making some slave tier income that allows you to save next to nothing. I make 300k/yr as a software dev and I work 5-6 hours a day tops, I get to sit alone in my home office or at company offices and chill. I save like 10-12k a month and still have plenty left over to spend on new toys and takeout food. I imagine the life of someone making $15/hr in some absolutely brutal work environment like a warehouse and I think I would rope in a week in that life circumstance. Thankfully I’m closing in on 1.5 mil NW so I’ll never have to wage like that ever, but HOLY SHIT how do you guys cope? I’m honestly impressed.

>> No.55311849

I am honestly surprised workplace shootings/freakouts are not more common.

>> No.55311854

They cope with drugs. Smoking, alcohol, weed, and food Also consumeristic shit

>> No.55311885

They say that success is all luck.

>> No.55311893

Idont cope i really just suffer. Waging is hell. I get laid at work alot and that ease the pain. I dont save shit but invest like 60% of my income. In a few years life should be better.

>> No.55311951

Ok that’s one thing I’m jealous about w/ wagies. You guys have lots of slutty zoomer girls that you work with. Every time I hear about a guy working at a restaurant or store they always say they fucked X coworker. Doesn’t happen as much in an office

>> No.55311960
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I use my break and watch which car rude customers go into, and my state has pretty based results when you look up license plates. Just kidding lol, that's silly
buy monero

>> No.55311973

sadly theyre genetic deadends and live a cattle life living paycheck to paycheck exploited by their jewish boss

>> No.55311984

So true haha. Hey boss I'm gonna go on break

>> No.55311994

After making and losing so much in crypto money is a bit of a what ever to me. I make enough for all my bills and rent and food to be paid comfy. Invest a bit and can buy what ever I want. Beyond that sure it'd be nice to own a home but I'm not going to cry every day about it. The flip side is my job is cushy, I have lots of time to enjoy my life or shitpost here (like now) and can work from home most the time. I'll make it eventually but I want to be sure that I am happy and healthy when I do.

>> No.55312018

Most poor people reproduce tho

>> No.55312097

M8 I make 1.50 an hour in my job despite being in healthcare sector.

Why? Because i was born in Mexico AND live in tamaulipas.

So... yeah.

>> No.55312105

What part of Texas is tamaulipas?

>> No.55312118

Its in Mexico. Dude... did you actually read my post?

>> No.55312124

We’ll at least you have sex so there is that

>> No.55312129

You honestly sound soft weak and pathetic. Know that if shit ever hits the fan, you're someone elses meal.

>> No.55312135

It was a joke fren, because it's just south of Texas. man please walk to your car

>> No.55312140

Actually, im a virgin...

On the good side though i have a car, altough i got it with a 10.7% year rate and will finish paying it in 3 years... i guess there is that

>> No.55312141

I used to make 15/hour 4 years ago. It was brutal. Cant save money even living with parents rent free. I picked up tobacco smoking to cope

>> No.55312147

Damn Sorry mexi bro could have been me if my grandparents didn’t cross the border

>> No.55312148

I call bs on that.
How come i can save (even if fucking little) making less than 2 usd an hour and you making 15 could not?

Easy: you dont knoe how to handle money and you DO NOT make a budget.

>> No.55312156 [DELETED] 

I live in california not rajamashatabad india

>> No.55312157
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the poor living paycheck to welfare is the one having kids

>> No.55312159

Bro it’s called cost of living cmon mexi bro be smarter

>> No.55312169

The cost of goods in US is way cheaper and he literally said he DOES NOT pay rent.

Dude, come the fuck on.

>> No.55312172
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>I make 300k/yr as a software dev
sure, you and everyone else on /biz/

>> No.55312180

Mexico is dirt cheap. You can buy enough tacos fill you up for a quarter. The same meal here is 20 dollars, which is 2 hours of minimum waging after tax. Im chicano i know you mexican niggas don't suffer

>> No.55312189

>a quarter
>enough tacos
Retard, a fucking taco nowadays is basically a dollar IN MEXICO you dumb fuck.

I have lived in USA and in MEXICO and im dead fuckint sure cost of GOODs is cheaper in USA.

The fact you dudes GO AND SPEND IT on fucking restaurants and not cook your shit is a different topic.

Again, no disrespect or denying he has his troubles and expensed but come the fuck on!

I will admit however that cost of rent and housing in USA is a fucking nightmare.

>> No.55312190

Should I finish my cs degree I only have two terms left. I’m currently self employed making about $80k/yr doing what I love possibly $160k next year, the business has tons of room to scale and I can’t keep up with it (no outside investors just me). But it’d be cool to have a $300k/year job too

>> No.55312212

or should I finish it to do grad school for fun

>> No.55312224
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>I will admit however that cost of rent and housing in USA is a fucking nightmare.
This is the only thing that matters really. Who cares that we can afford goystations and bing bing wahoo when we can't afford to put a roof over our heads.

>> No.55312225

Cs degree now will get you to that same 160 maybe after 5 or 10 years now that all the fang fags got laid off. Your business must not be sustainable or you wouldn't be considering it

>> No.55312238

I mean, its not like housing in Mexico is accesible either.

It just so happens that USA has more demand due to migration and a history of corruption and speculation (see 2008 subprime fiasco for instance)

>> No.55312250

People are masochistic but unconsciously. Wasn't there a study that most people don't have an inside voice?

>> No.55312255

Maybe in the past but not anymore. Most people 45 and under will not reproduce.

>> No.55312257

2 more weeks

>> No.55312265

In mexico you can just stack bricks on a hillside and you have a home. In america that's illegal unless you 'ave a loicense

>> No.55312269

I think you are confusing masochism with lack of introspection.

While its true that both will cause pain in the end; one gives pleasure and the other just the fruits of being ignorant

>> No.55312274

>you can just stack bricks on a hillside
Uhhh pretty sure you cannot, unless perhaps if its "terreno ejidal" a.k.a not civilized zones/rural zones.

But even then you DO have to own the land.

>> No.55312303

best thing in the world is when neetcucks get forced to wagie. It breaks the poor cucks body and spirit KEK

>> No.55312311

>making $10-20 an hour doing backbreaking work or humiliating retail work always on your feet and at the mercy of shitty customers/bosses while making some slave tier income that allows you to save next to nothing.
I'm a night shift security guard and get paid to sleep in my car. If I had a real job, THAT would be rope worthy

>> No.55312422

It’s plenty sustainable, it’s just that if I don’t finish it I’ll never have gotten to have a ‘career’ or be a ‘professional’. It seems like it’d be good for personal development to experience that ?

>> No.55312522
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>landcucks hate him
>one weird trick to invest 4 figures every 2 weeks with slacker job
>learn the truth now

>> No.55312644

I used to be a wagie and you should help them if you have extra money, but basically:

1. They got children early like GOD intended and the boomer didn't help or told them to abandon their studies
2. They are bad at human interaction (me) and you can escape that by working in labs or assembly lines as a worker or as an overseer
I tolerated the clients but the worst of it are the psychologists, people thought i was retarded because i'm unable to understand marketing, to me that concept is retarded but i have seen that it works....i even scammed people on behalf of the company...terrible
I also met a great guy with every degree who got filtered by P.R. because he was a bit autistic
3. Then poor people, damaged brains, people who don't want to take risks or people who were neglected or had shit parents

I invested in shit and got out of the race, thank God

>> No.55312652

No one makes below $25 anymore

>> No.55312691

depressing, soul draining. I was depressed on Friday night because I knew Monday was not far away. I was a low end wagie just for 1 year and I couldn’t cope. Obviously wagies have a part of their brain that is shut off or numbed. I’d rather be a van dwelling bum than to ever be a wagie again.

>> No.55312774

You faggots keep ignoring me but I'm telling you if you don't have to worry about rent/car expenses low income waging isn't that bad
>nooooo how will I consume if I live innawoods nooooo I need 6 figures to survive nooooooo
Skill. Issue.

>> No.55312870

wagies are given the illusion of free to leave

>> No.55313181

You keep telling yourself I just need to get through this week, day, shift, etc. and the threat of homelessness is ever-present by design, so the next meal / beer / day off and the threat of being sodomized behind the starbucks you're sleeping at is generally enough to keep wagies showing up to the next shift and on the cycle goes unto death.

After a shift you're too tired and sullen to brainstorm the next app or coin that will make you a billionaire and you want to sleep or cum or otherwise experience some form of death as a brief release bfrom the dread of your upcoming shift. This doesn't really apply to higher-paying careers and money all but makes itself after you've got 50k or more saved.

I worked food service, construction, retail, app gigging bullshit. It's all the same. Now, I have a comfy wfh job and investments and can just sort of autopilot through life without really being put upon ever or having to check my bank account. Somehow all those vices and addictions solved themselves and I have time to make my money make more money fud-free, given my already high income. I also have the free time and mental energy to focus on physical fitness, hobbies and intellectual pursuits while having the money to effortlessly make good nutritional choices.

If anyone made it this far and still isn't tracking, wagies aren't poor because they cope. They're coping because they're poor.

>> No.55313213

I'll be honest I probably had higher life satisfaction as a perpetually overdrafted 22 year old line cook in a major city than I did as a financially stable 28 year old with over 100k invested, living in a suburb.

>> No.55313423

So, having savings was your escape?

>> No.55313663

>humiliating retail work always on your feet and at the mercy of shitty customers/bosses while making some slave tier income that allows you to save next to nothing.

They're basically numb to it. I've seen cute girls end up being single moms and become fully tatted after years of retail work

>> No.55313716

I was thinking about this the other day. I don't understand how you can be 40 stocking shelves at Walmart and not have the regret of a wasted life drive you to suicide

>> No.55313966

Some people get sifted. I knew this exact person at my last job who went to college for a Japanese major while Japan's economy was booming, then worked for a company that went under, ended up on the night shift stocking shelves.

>> No.55314112

I guess it's because they treat me well? normally I work until we close but we all try to make a healthy environment so the hours are not so heavy, sometimes I have fun ngl, this serves me a little to concentrate on other things on my days off, like my hobbies (golf lmao), watch the REBATE chart, or try to see if I get a fucking pc

>> No.55314260

im impressed you cope with giving 6 hours a day of mental back breaking labor to your employer as you get unhealthier by the second in sitting position. I retired years ago and working retail is actually just a nice way to get out of my place.

>> No.55314297
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> 300k/yr

I spent that much on my dog’s food last year. Why don’t you learn to crypto?

>> No.55314322

my k-1 shows that i made $3.23 million last year. you're basically that person to me. so, how do low paid wagies cope?

>> No.55314354

Who is this I want to know this trick

>> No.55314365

Families where both parents are on welfare have the most children, followed by families where one parent is working. Neets are the only people having more then 2 kids on average which means neets not wages shall inherent the earth.

>> No.55314380

Mom I'm larping again!

>> No.55314390
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I make $31 an hour and I’m not gonna lie it’s hard. I save 1k a paycheck which is over half my take home pay after insurance and 401k. I cope by watching a number go up in a bank account slowly and hoping one day it will be large enough where I can drop to any pay doing something 1-2 days a week.

>> No.55314434

a lot of those people have loads of money but can't quite retire and need health insurance so they do low visibility low responsibility jobs like that

>> No.55314452

maybe you'll find out, life is long, your career field is about to be dead and your savings are in a currency which will collapse.

>> No.55314461

Having worked jobs like that from 16-20, no they don’t. They actually have zero money and work those jobs because they were horrible at life. The 55-65 year old rejoining the workforce is always sad to see. They suck because they are old and they should be retired but they can’t because they never saved

>> No.55314676

I make $18 in a blue collar job in CA. The most expensive county in the country as well. I dont know how I cope, but Im going to quit. How do I get out of the bottom of society? Ive applied and lied and tried many different ways to get a job that pays slightly higher than bottom of the barrel wages, but nothing works. What is the secret to getting the jobs the next step up that pay $60k -$70k and require some experience.

>> No.55314697

Post office starts at around $20 and after 7 years or so you make around 35

>> No.55314793

I have a remote job that pays a $50k salary with a 40 hr per week expectation, but I only put in about an hour of work per week. Do I make $25/hr or $1,000/hr?

>> No.55315070

I employ low wage people. Here's how:
>They are young and have low expenses
>They live at home
>They live with 5+ roommates (brown people)
I work in a restaurant and I've never fucked a co-worker. Working with zoomer girls sounds fun until you realize that it's basically like having a 2 year old who you have to do everything for. .
I think the only thing worse than being a wagie is being a wagie manager because not only have you not escaped wage slavery but you've actually gone deeper into it.
t. manager

>> No.55315088

Go get a sales job nigger

>> No.55315138

He's you anon. Congratulations. Now read mein kampf

>> No.55315384

Median wage in america is still like $18/hour

>> No.55315752

I live at home so 17/hr is actually pretty dope when you have 0 expenses. I do backbreaking work because im not a pussy like you are, im a big boy with big muscles so i use them to help other people. So I just take my paycheck and put a bunch of it into savings and live like im broke. I smoke weed so that helps me cope. I'm going to start a trade next month after I pass a retard test

>> No.55315768

Wow. This is crazy. What's stopping you from getting like 10 of these?

>> No.55316150
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Well, I've made some good dough in crypto, so I ain't complaining even with this damn bear market. I'm fuckin' seizing the opportunity to scoop up some DOT and ATOM while they're on a dip. DOT parachains have really grabbed my interest, and Peaq is one of the gems I'm keepin' an eye on anon.

>> No.55316348

You've never had to work during highschool or university?

It's because for most people it's always been like this. They don't know what it's like on the other side making actual money.

I'm still a wagie but I do contract work so when I do work it's 75 hour weeks on average but when off work I'm on employee assistance (government money) so I'm not working every month of the year.

Most people don't think outside the box and have the balls to try something new and take risks. They watch the tele and accept whatever it says as fact and work their drone 9-5 job and spend their money on shit products and not try to invest it in crypto/stock markets. They're NPCs. They also don't have the impulse control to save money and not indulge in vices that are expensive and holds them back.

And if they do have some sort of windfall of money (inheritance or winnings from gambling for example) they spend it all of frivolous shit and don't put it in savings and let it grow.

>> No.55316418

Teach Spanish on italki charging $8 to $12 an hour. You can choose students who are already higher level. My friends in Mexico do this. They all have degrees in something else.

>> No.55316440

This is accurate. I have roommates and a paid off used car. Make $20 an hour waging. The people suffering are the dumbasses with a fancy apartment and a brand new car payment.

>> No.55316464

>I make 300k/yr as a software dev

Sure you do Nathan, sure you do.