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55309476 No.55309476 [Reply] [Original]

Meanwhile in reality:
The Bank of International Settlements will allow central banks to allocate up to 1% of their total assets in Bitcoin starting 2025 and Blackrock (the most powerful institution on the fucking planet) just filed a request to the SEC to create a spot Bitcoin ETF in the US

I've never been this optimistic about the future of Bitcoin and with this latest news one thing became certain, Bitcoin is fully attached to the traditional financial system now, there is no going back, bobos may cope and seethe below.

>> No.55309540

it's just shitcoiners crying

>> No.55309565

>jews tangling up your coin in their financial system is good
Ok (((bitcoiner))). Enjoy lightning censorship and M2 bitcoin printing. Thank god there are alternatives.

>> No.55309578

Told all the shitcoiners
>SEC preparing to destroy all shit coins
>remove scams and distractions from market
>return to the original, one true king, the real crypto

All the "2017 old fags" come in here and never learned the true meaning of bitcoin. They grew up on shitcoins and knew nothing else. Sad

>> No.55309580

Funny that Bitcoinmaxis and shitcoiners really thought they would “defeat” the globohomo banks. As soon as Bitcoin become more than a pipe dream it was obvious they would hop in for the free money. Bankers aren’t tied to a system, they are tied to greed

>> No.55309637

obviously they like it as it can be fully tracked
i hope you filed your taxes in the past cause they might pump your bag but will also rape you if you try to cash out

>> No.55309645

i pay more in income tax than you make income

>> No.55309649

BTC doesn't care about anything but
>do NOT sell your BTC to BlackRock
>kikes controlling a large amount of BTC is not bullish

>> No.55309687

well any number is greater than zero as i dont have income and as such dont pay income tax
you are on biz wagie, we strive to not be in the cage here

and income tax was not referred to here are you this low iq or just trolling

>> No.55309733

Greed is Bitcoin's trap for them. Us. Everything.

Bitcoin standard , locked in.

>> No.55309747

>the etf is to long btc
>the etf is going to be approved
>Buy btc go..uys

>> No.55309751

I haven't been this bullish on BTC in years, I don't even care if Bitcoin's price comes down in the next few months

>> No.55309998

Wdy would you buy this instead of BTC?

>> No.55310020

Heads, chopped off from private sector jews, politicians and social society jews, when western leaders try to draft for the war; making chalices, selling them as memorability

>> No.55310027

Like what? Theyre all tied to tetyer and us based stable coins pegged on the dollar which in turn are tied to big coin and the NYSE. Youre retarded that you dont even know this zoomerfag.

>> No.55310076

institutions, corporations, fucking nations, you name it. everything that is not individuals, buy etfs. think the sovereign fund of norway is going to go on cuckbase and purchase 10 bitcoin?

>> No.55310119

If they want bitcoin, yeah, they should.

>> No.55310375
File: 168 KB, 580x435, drive-by.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meanwhile in reality
Exactly right OP. These dumb fucks can't figure out that all Gensler is doing is committing a drive by to clear street corner niggas out for Blackrock and Fidelity to sell they drugs. At more volume...at at much higher prices.

>> No.55310461

they're not allowed to dumbass. pension funds, index funds etc etc.. everything has to go through regulated etfs.

>> No.55310561

If they actually do this they will just short bitcoin into the ground. Unironically bearish

>> No.55310642

>The Bank of International Settlements will allow central banks to allocate up to 1% of their total assets in Bitcoin
Why are you making shit up you fucking nigger? They didn’t say bitcoin, they said digital assets. The IMF especially hates bitcoin.

>> No.55310759

>blackcock creates a fund to let dumbasses be their exit liquidity before the US government dumps millions of btc confiscated from hacks and scams

>> No.55310805

>blackrock jews vs. sec jews

>> No.55310833

The Marshalls don't dump, they auction

>> No.55310844

Blackrock gets to unilaterally decide which Bitcoin fork to honor, in case of a hard fork.
So what do you think is going to happen to Bitcoin after they get set up? Take a wild guess.

>> No.55310849

They are unintentionally lifting millions out of poverty.

>> No.55310858

Are you bots all trained on retarded twitter data?

>> No.55310866

Enjoy your BRBTC, BlackRock's compliant BTC fork. Better not be holding the illegal old deprecated fork.

>> No.55310895

Oh a jew. Tell Larry I want his head for my collection

>> No.55310905

You think I'm in favor of the death of Bitcoin? I'm not pointing it out because I'm celebrating it.

>> No.55310938

Iran is going to glass Israel in the next years, neither the Sauds nor the American have a reason to keep their hands over your kind; gonna have fun collecting more heads

>> No.55310947

who gives a fuck about muh geopolitics stupid faggot crypto is literally bigger than all of that

>> No.55310956

watch this just be the final rug for bitcuck

>> No.55310962

N, it isn't you money addicted jew. It's geopolitics that give the entire units of account any value, but a micro dick wouldn't understand that.

>> No.55310977

The entire middle east and israel could get nuked into the core of the earth and the rest of the world would still need smart contracts running on trust minimised software platforms to power the next 1000 years of finance. Fucking stupid poltard think bigger.

>> No.55310992

The next step in btc involves geo politics, not just some jew fund filled to the brink with turbo inflated assets and toxic shit like larrys scam. Smart contracts are a scam

>> No.55311005

>Bitcoin is fully attached to the traditional financial system now, there is no going back, bobos may cope and seethe below.
So what's the point of buying it instead of the SP500 which is actually backed by businesses?

>> No.55311015

>Smart contracts are a scam
the average IQ of the bitcoin maxi is the lowest it has been since BTC was launched.

>> No.55311033

Smartcons haven't brought anything of value. Narrow banking exists more effectively outside of public unscalable ledgers, dexes are a paradise for scammers and bots worse than any cex and for the rest there isn't much.

>> No.55311041

I appreciate the nuance and technicality but it doesn't make a damn spit of difference.

>> No.55311146


>> No.55311173

Although this is probably good in the long term wasn't the etf a top signal two bullruns ago?

>> No.55311227

Nigger read the SEC filing in the first few paragraphs you can see that the ETF will only create shares as a "basket" each basket has to be 40,000 shares, 1 share = 1 BTC. a la, at current prices each time a new basket is created, 1 billion of buy pressure is put on BTC. These baskets are going to be created super fast, anyone have an idea of the basket volume for other ishares ETFs are?

>> No.55311268

for an understanding of what this means... the US currently holds 205k BTC. So after 5 brokers decide to create 1 basket each of the btc etf, it already counters the US dumping 100% of its BTC. I have no clue how many brokers there are, but each broker will have to buy a minimum of 1 basket to offer this, which means, we can expect at minimum 40,000 BTC to be purchased on behalf of each of these brokers. Go find out how many there are. Also, check into how many other IShares ETFs get issued out each year (theyll be structured similarly with the baskets). The number of baskets each year for other assets should give you a ballpark estimation on how much to expect from each broker

>> No.55311283

That implies that the sec approves them. Van eck has tried for how many years now?
>ib4 its blackrock they have too
The entire shit smells like jewery with a motive that isn't succeeding to get a spot etf approved

>> No.55311423

>the US currently holds 205k BTC.
unfortunately you're retarded.
maybe you should re-research this.
or not, I don't give a shit.

>> No.55311466

youre a fucking nigger, retard whos trying to spread fud. spotted the blackrock FUD jew.

>> No.55311483

Come and take it, faggot.

>> No.55311525

I don't see what the big deal is. My BTC is safe on a waller with keys i control
How is Blackrock going to take it?

>> No.55311576

>think bigger

>> No.55311670

"alright, now you get me"

>> No.55311779

>Bitcoin is fully attached to the traditional financial system now


>> No.55311814

>Ill be able to dump my bitcoin on pension funds
I think I might be allocating more to btc then I previously thought.
Is there a world where next cycle btc goes stratospheric leaving alts behind?
Reaching half the marketcap of gold is like a 10x

>> No.55311817

I would rather use dollars than Bitcoin. Bitcoin has been hoarded by weird freaks like David Bailey and Michael saylor. I will do anything to resist this from becoming a standard. Pick better leadership

>> No.55311975

>I don't have bitcoin, I accidentally invested in securities
Yeah we can tell

>> No.55311980

We? Jew. You should know better by now

>> No.55311993
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Yes, it is safe enough to reveal our plan now as it is too late to be reversed.

It was going to be Bitcoin all along. BR's ETF has been in the works for a while, silently going through all the right stages.

There is no reason to crowd the market with thousands of choices anymore. There was never a question.

>> No.55311999
File: 275 KB, 998x834, 20230616_002236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good luck with your ETF sweetie

Blackcock is not your friend

>> No.55312003

The opportunists and sell outs are rife, I don’t know who I despise more the current leech elite or the assholes who wanna take over the hell system next

I might argue bitcoin itself was a giant play on everyone to control the dialogue and steer everyone further into the technohell of smart cities and brain chips

>> No.55312004

Jew... Timing...

>> No.55312013

Who cares? No matter what the hard fork will do, it will not do something retarded like discarding the on chain funds.

I'll gladly hold BlackRockBitcoin and Bitcoin on chain.

>> No.55312836

Kek, bitfucks now sucking the biggest globohomo jew cock ever...... I am sure blackcock will make all of us rich now..... You guys just killed rhe fed, congratulations!

>> No.55312843

>Glowie Id
Kek moron

>> No.55312949

Sounds like a (((self inflicted))) problem.

>> No.55312999

You're a retard. Btc pumping would make alts pump 10x harder

>> No.55313004

They are only trying to drive the price down for institutions to buy cheaper, but since I know their game I'm also stacking BTC alongside NXRA, RIO and AZERO which are alts for long term hold

>> No.55313068

This is not something to brag about. If you're paying that much tax to jews you are doing something seriously wrong.

>> No.55313100


it's respectable that you are going directly to the source for information but in no world is 1 share going to be 1 BTC

>> No.55313342

You have a good list, especially seeing NXRA in it

>> No.55313434

Retard here. Are they gonna buy with their gigamillions then gigadump btc to destroy the price?

>> No.55313488

GME brain

>> No.55313787

It's 1% into coins used for international settlement, up to 7.5% in later years FOR COINS USED IN INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENT

OP is a double nigger.