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File: 28 KB, 954x210, convertfee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55305951 No.55305951 [Reply] [Original]

Where will this LINK come from? It seems unlikely to me that non-LINK tokens used as payment for CCIP messages will be converted to LINK on the open market, so does that mean it will have to come from the project treasury? What are the implications of this

>> No.55305980

it will come from, where else? sergey's big fat ass wallet
enjoy the token inflation, link marines

>> No.55306007

who cares? it's priced in USD, nodes will sell it off to pay their USD bills and liabilities

>> No.55306009

It gets auto-generated out of thin air. It's kind of a scam I think

>> No.55306093

read the screenshot, it literally says it creates more than the existing supply with that conversion based on a price

>> No.55306110

holy shit, he's right
this contract is going to generate tokens out of thin air xD
link marines unequivocally BTFOed FOREVER

>> No.55306151

open market. driving price up
Next question

>> No.55306179


>> No.55306246

why would stakers not sell LINK for USD? that's what they need

>> No.55306275

Non link ccip payments will be converted directly from the treasury. This will result in no new buy pressure on the market.
In addition to this, nop gas costs will be subsidized by another 70m market dump.

>> No.55306283

It will come from me. Don’t worry bankers I will sell you my Link. It’s just that you’re not getting them for a penny less than $81,000 a Link.

>> No.55306425

That's not what it says you illiterate brown mongoloid

>> No.55307582

how? on DEXs? that would introduce a whole lot of variabilities I doubt CLL would be comfortable with

>> No.55308229

This is the achilles heel of the entire chainlink narrative. Ive been speaking about this for months. All the smart anons left though.
This is what makes or breaks the entirety of the tokenomics.
If link is bought on the open market then it will drive the price up.
But sergey has a 35% stack which is set aside to pay incentives to nodes.
Im fairly certain that the payments which get converted into link, are not gonna be bought from binance when theres a perfectly viable stack set aside just for this very purpose.
If this is true is 0 positive price impact for as long as this stack remains, it will actually inflate the supply and lower the price until 20+ years down the line when it runs out and more link can only be bought on the market

>> No.55308348

hope you guys enjoy crabbing, at best, for 20 years :-/

>> No.55308399

based i'm gonna make so much money in 20 years

>> No.55308406

20 loooooong years
arent most of u stinkies like 35? loool

>> No.55308426

All of that is irrelevant. You buy in the open market give to a node operator who...dumps it. You see? There's no cycle.
What matters is making nops having to stake link, that's the ONLY thing that matters. Where link comes from is, almost, irrelevant.

>> No.55308488

Buying on open market at least keeps the circulating supply the same.
Whereas converting to treasury link results in new link tokens entering circulation

>> No.55308539

>posts code fragment saying that assumes there won't ever be more than 1 billion LINK
>looks at an else statement that normalizes units so math can be done in LINK
>dilator falls out of wound while frantically FUDDing.

>> No.55308557

You're not wrong but if that inflation is captured by staking demand...
Those tokens will not get burned, will not disappear, they will eventually be on the open market. You offset this by create intra-demand of the token. Usage for payment is good, usage for security is much better. Link token eventually becomes a piece of infrastructure. This creates a parabolic demand that will led to many other things in defis (liquidity incentives, new derivatives, etc.).

What chainlink needs to do to HOLDERS is actually quite simple:
a) open a shit more space for staking
b) require a shit load of tokens for nops to stake
c) allow anyone to participate in certain jobs (for instance validating cross-chain transactions), also requiring staking.
This was always the gameplan. Link collateralizes the entire network usage. This way you create a naturally virtuous cycle of the network.

>> No.55308612

Anal sex

>> No.55308691

This low effort fud is equally funny and irritating

>> No.55308756

I don't know, but I'm sure it's not an insurmountable problem for CL
why would stakers not sell for USD
They will. That's what we all intend to do, but only rewards. This is why we're invested now.
Is everyone new itt?

>> No.55308783

i don't like your tone

>> No.55308904

Pay up

>> No.55309572
File: 175 KB, 951x644, 1686861444933409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7% per year
Thats fractionally getting smaller. 7% of an ever dwindling supply. Im a lazy nigger, any math anons that can calculate the emissions and usd value each year?

>> No.55309582

But yes, i accept this is an extremely long hold. I don't know when or if value capture will take root. I feel bad for the golden year anons holding. They pay pig memes are all true.

>> No.55309742

why bother when sir gay is inflating the supply beyond the limits of human imagination this is just like ETH!!!

>> No.55309800

of total supply so thats 7% of 1 bil so 70 million per year
thats actually quite a substantial inflation for this bear year and an increase
last year was only 50 mil