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5530137 No.5530137 [Reply] [Original]

How much do you spend on pussy? Dates, wives. Hookers, girl friends...

>> No.5530197

gas money only, and food/drinks for myself. I don't buy hoes shit. I will give her anything she wants though if shes my real soulmate, but I doubt ill find that (atleast for a while).

>> No.5530244

Nothing. Don't care.

>> No.5530247

I fuck my ex wife. Costs nothing. Is sweet.

>> No.5530255


>> No.5530258

>Spending money on women
Sorry anon, I have bad news

>> No.5530270
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Exactly zero USD

>> No.5530301


Too much, I sold around 340k XVG to buy her gifts in the beginning of December.

Now I spend every day looking at my pistol.

>> No.5530332
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top kek

>> No.5530382

yeah too much probably but not enough that it affects me.

>> No.5530419

Maybe $40-50 a month on food or the cine, we take turns buying each other dates but I make more than her so I embellish a bit

>> No.5530467
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im not retarded lmao

>> No.5530537

I hope you're joking. And if not, I hope she's worth it

>> No.5530549
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>my qt gf and I split costs of everything
>my saved money has gone into crypto
>crypto has brought me 700% return over past year
>mfw I'm making money because of a loving, stable LTR

>> No.5530635

I'd say about $4k a month
I pay her rent and car, as well as take her shopping

Pussy game hella good, planning to propose next year

>> No.5530683

Pretty much nothing, my girl is quite cool, we didn't exchange birthday or christmas gifts and she honestly didn't give a fuck.

>> No.5530728
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Sounds legit

>> No.5530732
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Nothing anymore, and I'll tell you why. Getting laid is awesome, but is it worth the effort?

I've fucked plenty of 6s and 7s, and I've even had some short term relationships with some 9s and 10s, and dated a literal model for a year. I put so much money and work into it just to get shit on by the beautiful women. Beautiful women know they are beautiful, and they will play shit games with you. If you don't stand for it, they'll find someone who will until they eventually get bored of them too.

Think about it, those of you that aren't virgins, once you finish and get release, do you really want to keep laying to the person, or do you want to go to bed or go do other shit? For me it was the second 99% of the time. In my case, they really didn't add much to my life, they just sucked up my money and made me feel insecure since the whole world was trying to fuck them too.

Right now I want to focus my efforts and finances on getting rich so I don't need to work nearly as hard to get pussy. Eventually, they start chasing you.

>> No.5530791

About 5k a month but she is my hearts flower and meaning of life.
We got together at my old class Meerut, it was wonderful to hear her tell me black cocks suck

>> No.5530794

zero on top of what I would spend for myself anyway

>> No.5530813


I live with my GF.

I spend like $100 a month on her.

She is very thrifty, and would rather the money go towards a happier life together.


Also, OP it's possible that that key does work with that car. Audi, Porsche, and VW are all under the same umbrella. The VW key might have been cut and programmed for that porsche.

>> No.5530821

You caught me, we don't bang anymore

I do actually pay her rent and car though

>> No.5530856

You can get an used 996 for <20k

>> No.5530871

Get a lambo, get in

>> No.5530911

0$ I have healthy hands

>> No.5530914

-$1500 a month

I run a local backpage pimpery. I offer them protection and slezebags, they keep 80, I take 20%. Easiest hussle of my life. I literally sit in the next room with my gloc and keep time on the client.

>> No.5530923
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God damn, some of you poor saps need to read the first chapter of The Rational Male.

>> No.5530991

I'm going to be so rich that pussy will be pennies

>> No.5531026

my gf offers to pay 50% of the time so I spend nothing I guess. Didn't even get her christmas presents

>> No.5531062
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how can someone be this retarded

>> No.5531089

In 2017 I was spending about $440 a month on hookers, though lately I've been going less often. Just not in the mood

>> No.5531112

zero dollars

porn is free

>> No.5531217

Fuck Rollo. The Chateau.

>> No.5531246

>Actual Sex
A wet hole gripping on your throbbing cock
Each push she pulsates a satisfying moan creating a feedback loop causing you to push into her deeper

You decide to cum in side the hole, her pussy grips tighter. There's nothing else in this world for you. Your biological purpose is served.

You see another man's cock enter a woman. Highly stylized shots emulate reality. HD 4k and DOlby digital sound portrays what would happen in reality. You grip your cock, dry as the dessert. You stroke it and grip, the deathgrip is nothing to you now. You can't come anymore but you insert a picture of the last girl you saw in public and for a brief moment you delude yourself that you fucked her.

>> No.5531397

nice mang. doin it right.

>> No.5531420


>> No.5531432

Probably negative money, desu. Wife spends very little and has a decent income. Feelsgoodmang.

Marry Chinese, my friends.

>> No.5531488

t. Elliot Rodgers father

>> No.5531999

women are disgusting

>> No.5532005

I dunno man, I have a pretty good salary and she's my gf
Being in love with her makes it pretry easy especially since she only makes $10 an hour

>> No.5532078

lol at you

>> No.5532157

wife costs like 60k a year prob

>> No.5532264

>the beta she uses for money
>he cheats on him with that guy from the gym but he doesn't know, haha, sucker

>> No.5532361

fucking cuck

>> No.5532420

oh yes anon, every time i get a new car i make sure that the key fob has a different logo than the car.

>> No.5532586

My salary.
My life.
My soul.

But she blows very well, so its worth it

>> No.5532716

>I put so much money and work into it just to get shit on by the beautiful women
>I put money into it
>literally put myself in the beta provider zone

I've definitely been shit on by hot girls, though. you have to be the fun alpha who just wants to fuck them, otherwise you will be the "good guy" she lies to endlessly & puts on the backburner until she's 33. do NOT show emotional investment in any woman. women ONLY want top 1% alphas who have so many other girls he doesn't care. and then if you do end up in a relationship you slowly become more "needy" because all of your other options with women slowly disappear and then one day you wake up and find out she's been cheating on you for the past 3 months and is now breaking up with you- because when women are in a relationship they're still being texted and approached by guys daily- they don't lose options when in a relationship the way guys do.

>> No.5532811

>once you finish and get release, do you really want to keep laying to the person, or do you want to go to bed or go do other shit? For me it was the second 99% of the time. In my case, they really didn't add much to my life

exactly. when you're the "player alpha" you get the best of women, the best of what they have to offer-sex. betas have to deal with the other 99% of women which is all headaches and investment into a girl who will cheat or ditch you in a heartbeat for a "higher status" guy.

>> No.5532851
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about 500 a month on whores

>> No.5532869


>> No.5532891

Zero. I let them pay. Also, if I want to fuck I order sluts of tinder straight to my apartment and fuck them for free. I destroyed so many whores on my couch, many of them started blowing my cock 5 secs after they entered. So why spend money on them?

>> No.5532910


>> No.5532911

You're not wrong anon

>> No.5533001

>and made me feel insecure since the whole world was trying to fuck them too.
fucking exactly. if you aren't dating 7 other girls equally hot to her, or could have 7 other hot girls at any time, don't even attempt it.

focus on becoming famous & rich & jacked because those are the only guys who are actually in a position of power with women.

>> No.5533041

>in love with her
>in her head she's just using you for the money

>> No.5533088

>Right now I want to focus my efforts and finances on getting rich so I don't need to work nearly as hard to get pussy. Eventually, they start chasing you.
I'm at exactly this point in life. My future is a hell of a lot more important than some pussy at this point.

>> No.5533132

Nothing. All the money in the world can't cure autism.

>> No.5533159

too much. i cant control myself

>> No.5533165

Me too. Send her my regards.

>> No.5533176

no GF = no costs

>> No.5533186


Zilch. I'm getting old and not particularly interested in the song and dance anymore. I have more fun chasing money than girls.

>> No.5533231

nothing since i just spend on myself and if they are there / like it then fine. never EVER stay with a woman that REQUIRES to be kept.

>> No.5533240

The only acceptable answers.

>> No.5533295

I spent a lot on myself which in return gives me pussy. My outfit is always worth a minimum of 5k (without a watch) and I got myself a new BMW 4 coupe.

Was it worth it? no
Do I regret it? no

>> No.5533342

I have never expected the car thing to actually work. but I guess women really are prostitutes who will fuck a guy they don't even like just for money.

>> No.5533391


>> No.5533396

>things I learned in high school

>> No.5533443

Maybe 10% of monthly liquidity.

Holidays have been stressful as always, so recently, more like 15%

>> No.5533450

A fuck ton. I’m married.

>> No.5533459

I wasn't a rich spoiled brat like you, but I am terribly handsome.

>> No.5533472
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>Made roughly £600 on ETH when it was worth around £38 from an initial £300 investment
>Cash out on kikebase
>spent that on a week long holiday in Greece with my gf.
>Pretty good holiday, tried anal and fucked 3/4 times a day
>Come home
>Check the price of eth months later

>> No.5533501


>> No.5533532

Maybe around $400 combined for wife and daughter. They've got to eat. Other than that, we keep separate bank accounts and stuff

>> No.5533543
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Fucked over 30 sluts. Barely spent anything on them. There's no point. They're literal brainlets as men on average have 10% larger brains.

After I figured out what vapid morons 99.9% of western women I no longer even want to play their shitty puss game.

>> No.5533623

>5K a month
it all makes sense

>> No.5533633

damn bro, i'm sorry for you. i hope she's the one

>> No.5533775

This is bait, r-right?

>> No.5533901

You are literally me, do you think we'll ever find the one?

>> No.5533931

Probs about 300/month on various dominatrixes

Why do you ask?

>> No.5534026
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>Muh soulmate

Treat them like walking, disposable fleshlights and your life will be a lot better.

>> No.5534283
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Girlfriend actually buys me stuff and we're 50-50 on an income property which we plan to rent out for long term assets. She spends more on me I'm certain, but I do the usual small gifts for her birthday and holidays. And she rides it like a champ. She's Black.

>> No.5534578

I learned by observing fat boy