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55306724 No.55306724 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.55306739

Total central banker victory

>> No.55306742

Bearish for btc

>> No.55306745

You mean total politician dead?
Central banks have nothing to do with this

>> No.55306752

I don’t feel so good bros

>> No.55306810

That’s linear…the log chart shows mild and sustained gradual tolerances

>> No.55307088

reddit is down the hall and to the left

>> No.55307111

buhu demorat; don't expect Powell to give you a present, same as the repubcucks cant expect a present. That autist is going to grind your both parties until you learn it

>> No.55307115

>exponents, how do they work
kys mongoloid

>> No.55307137

>muh red elephant or blue donkey
good goy

>> No.55307233

if you believe the bullshit of the uniparty, you are stupider than you make yourself look like
>They have all the same interests
kys, seriously

>> No.55307252
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928.929.000.000.000 / 331900000 = only $2798 for each person living in the US. That doesn't seem much for the wealthiest country in the world. You can easily crack that up to $6k.

>> No.55307258

>Central banks have nothing to do with this
Central banks set the interest rates, dumbshit.

>> No.55307262

>>They have all the same interests
>kys, seriously
Imagine being this much of a goy NPC holy shit

>> No.55307329

yep. so? They are independent for a reason; and currently every monkey from each aisle from each level tries to throw shit at Powell and tries to make him do what the political faggots from the respective aisle wants him to do, and Powell just says, nope; and makes each monkey furious, for his individual reasons

Repcucks because they dont get le epic crash to blame on the demrats, demrats because they don't get 0% to pump their donors bags and get reelected

Get fucked political monkeys

>> No.55307330

when it all collapses, remember: they deserved it

>> No.55307343

>central banks are independent
I will

>> No.55307362

>4 posts
>by a 12 year old
shut the fuck up kid

>> No.55307372


>> No.55307373

You just refuted your position, congrats.

>> No.55307382

We get the updated number June 31 should be interesting

>> No.55307404

Just print money to pay for it? How is this even an issue?

>> No.55307418

Not even in the slightest way
That line in OP is the result of political decisions by politicians, not the central bank, mostly the respective head of the treasury department is responsible and congress and senate too for for giving its approvals.
Central bank tries to clean that shit up without political influence, and it makes the political parties furious, each side for its own reasons, that are not the same

>> No.55307449

Lol funny, I know you sarcastic but imagine the upward potential with that amount of money added in circulation

>> No.55307959

at this point nothing makes sense it could go to 100 trillion dollars and we will still be in a bull market

>> No.55308085
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No you can’t redditor

>> No.55308180

Debt has nothing to do with the market besides defense and healthcare. Why are there so many low iq redditors on here seething about this

>> No.55308210

imagine thinking money is real
>gov needs something done, lets say building a bridge
>gov creates money for free
>gov gives money to person/company to build a bridge
>bridge gets built
>the money that was created doesn't create inflation, because it's balanced by the value of the bridge

the only time this doesn't work is when money is created for things that provide literally no value

>> No.55308219

10/10 the central bank is our friend guys they just want to clean up and drain the swamp

>> No.55308235
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>exponents, how do they work

>> No.55308242

>gov creates money for free
are you retarded or just a communist
that "money" was created using modelled productivity and reproduction rate of future generations; and those that run that scam deserve nothing less then dead in the most complete sense, biological and memetic annihilation

>> No.55308244


>> No.55308266

The "only time this doesn't work" is always, since bankers create the money supply not the government. What you describe would be an ideal system for the citizenry, but it would deprive parasitic bankers of trillions per year in interest.

>> No.55308272

hold on let me do my best retard impression.

>uh no the debt isnt even you real low iq loser!

>> No.55308280

At least Powell plays the game in accordance to the rules of the closed system he is acting in taking his independence as autistically as it gets; and that its a good thing, because it makes every political aisle seeth

>> No.55308292

so a communist pretending to be a capitalist; your kind is truly the cancer of the post modern age

>> No.55308317

no man I’m a hard working waggie and you need to get to work these neets are really the problem. literally who cares about the debt maaaannnnnn, like how does this even effect you personally???

>> No.55308337

>Our models predict with 90% certainty that the reproduction rate of brown and their productivity and demand for our debt and the production rate and reproduction rate of 173 other nations will make it profitable to take this debt
>its free
Get nuked

>> No.55308356

Thats only interest not debt

>> No.55308398
File: 34 KB, 917x325, math.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope whatever country you're from is nuked

>> No.55308551

His answer is correct, but that's $1k in interest per month per person to maintain the national debt, all else equal.

>> No.55308932

You added a few extra zeros dumbass